True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 151 Taishan Golden Spirit

After the old gluttonous turtle finished speaking, he opened his mouth slightly and blew out a wisp of brown rock and earth spiritual energy toward the golden ball on the ground.

The spiritual patterns on the golden ball flickered, sucking in all the spiritual energy. The purple sacred mountain shadow on it gradually solidified, and with a twist, the pleasant-looking golden monkey tumbled out.

Seeing Xu Yang and the others right in front of them, the little golden monkey made a hissing sound.

"Golden Monkey, they are not enemies, they are just looking for water." The Taogui said.

After hearing this, the Golden Monkey's nervousness eased. He rolled his body backwards a few times and approached the Taogui Turtle. He curled up slightly and looked at the people opposite him warily.

"It seems that you are in big trouble." Xu Yang said after careful observation.

"Indeed, it's ridiculous to say that I'm stuck in this cave. Most of the spiritual turtles in my clan practice methods such as turtle rest and sleep, and I am no exception. After absorbing a large amount of water spiritual power in the river, I Will fall asleep for a long time.

The last time I slept for a full thirty years, after that I was lucky enough to form a demon pill, but my body also grew a lot. As you can see, I was stuck between the river and the cave and couldn't get out. "The Taogui said helplessly, with confusion in his eyes.

"What a pitiful Mr. Turtle." As an animal trainer, Bai Hibiscus understood the turtle's thoughts from his eyes and felt sympathy.

"You, who have advanced to the level of a monster, should have enough power to crush this entire cave. How could you be trapped?" Xu Yang asked.

"Because behind me is the water-gathering formation set up by Lu Qingyun. In order to prevent this formation from being destroyed, the effects of magic and spiritual power are restricted within ten feet of it. I originally thought that within the range of this formation's magic, It will be safer to take a nap, even if someone breaks in during the period, it will not hurt me. Unexpectedly, I was restrained by this formation. "

"No wonder the ghost-breathing civet I released just now was suddenly clamped down by a powerful force when it came close to you, and was instantly crushed. It turned out to be the spell of this formation. In this case, I can try to help you. You can escape from here," Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"Wait a minute! You black cat seems to have a higher level of cultivation than the others. You probably have the cultivation level of the True Alchemy Realm. As a person from the Xiaoxian world, you should know the terrifying strength of Lu Qingyun. This formation he has set up The magic restraint is also quite powerful. It can rebound the attack launched against it with double the force. I have tried it once before. Fortunately, I was protected by a thick tortoise shell and I was lucky enough to survive. I am afraid it was the Yuanhun Realm monk's attack. This formation is also powerless.”

"Thank you for the reminder." Black Cat Yetu said.

Xu Yang, who was on the side, had been listening carefully to what Taogui said, and after thinking about it carefully, he asked: "Since this formation has the effect of binding mana, you should be able to break free from it with your brute strength of the demon beast."

"Although I am extremely powerful, the last time I slept was far longer than I originally expected. The white water in this river contains a lot of cold water power. Over the past thirty years, most of my body has been absorbed by this water. The power of the cold has eroded me, and now I can only move my head, but other parts have long been out of control. It’s all my fault for not thinking carefully at the beginning,” Tao Gui said in disappointment.

"In this case, why not let a few of us use brute force to dig you out of this cave." Xu Yang said.

"Really? If you can help me get out of here, I can do whatever I want. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you guys to dig me out of here." The Taogui said, with dry eyes showing A wet place.

"Lord Taogui, let me help you." Bai Hibiscus said, patting the golden cage around her waist. Three phantoms emerged one after another, whirled around in the air, and turned into three giant apes that landed on the ground. The ground rumbled under their huge feet.

"Are these three monkeys your spiritual pets? They seem to have some brute strength, so I'm sorry to trouble you, little girl."

After a brief discussion, a few people divided the work and cooperated. Some climbed on the back of the turtle, and some got under the shell. Each used the sharp tools in their hands to dig into the rock wall where the gluttonous turtle was stuck.

The golden-winged flying knife in Xu Yang's hand was already extremely sharp. In addition, his body had been purified by Nirvana and was continuously strengthened while practicing the Moonlight Art and the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art. The brute force alone was terrifying. The golden-winged flying knife cut the rock mass like a sickle cutting wheat, and pieces of the rock mass fell off.

The White Wood Birch Spider has an extraordinary body, and the two spider arm spears on its shoulders are sharper and harder than an iron chisel. The seemingly solid rock mass was like tofu in front of it, and large chunks were torn down.

Although Bai Mujin does not have the brute strength of Xu Yang and Bai Muhua, he has also practiced the Blood Soul Pulse Forging Technique, and his physical strength cannot be underestimated. In addition, his Ghost Chef Knife Skill is very ingenious. Every time he drops the pitch-black short knife in his hand, it is just right, preventing the legendary Chef Ding from trying to master his knife skills. The black blade rolls like waves, and rocks fall down like pieces of paper. , with ease.

The silver-backed monkey is already extremely powerful. Holding the three-magic long pestle borrowed by Xu Yang in the palm of his hand, he kept chipping away at the rock mass, causing gravel to fly at an extremely fast speed.

Monkey Two-Bone Ape, the sharp bone spurs on the outside of the back of the hand are as easy to use as a shovel. It is both dexterous and sharp. It is perfect for dealing with blockages under the body of the gluttonous turtle. .

The monkeys, the three fire monkeys and the golden monkey were responsible for cleaning up the rock fragments that had been chipped by everyone. Their bodies, one red and one gold, were writhing up and down, extremely dexterous and tireless.

Black Cat Yetu stood in the distance, directing everyone to cooperate. A little more here, a little less there, a little emphasis here, a little light there. Minimum cost, fastest speed, and no landslide accident. Let everyone's efforts be more effective and show the temperament and wisdom of the great leader.

Brothers who are of the same mind can cut through metal.

It only took an hour to clear out the rock mass around the turtle.

"Okay, everything has been cleaned up. Thank you for your hard work," Black Cat Yetu said.

Everyone retreated to Black Cat Ye Tu's position to make room for the Taogui Turtle.

"How's it going, Mr. Turtle? Given the current situation, can you try to move forward on your own?" Bai Hibiscus raised her head, her eyes filled with blessings and expectations.

"I'll give it a try." Taogui said firmly, with a hint of hope for rebirth in his originally dry eyes.

The huge turtle body shook for a while, and the gluttonous turtle's limbs slowly stretched out from the shell, trying to support the huge body.


As soon as his limbs exerted force, he coughed violently, but the gluttonous turtle's huge body did not move at all.

"I didn't expect that the power of the cold water would erode to such a serious extent, and all my power would be stolen." The Taogui said in disappointment.

"Let me take a look at it for you."

Xu Yang said, walked forward, stretched out his palm and gently placed it on one of the gluttonous turtle's front paws.

After a while, Xu Yang gradually showed a sad look on his face, and said: "Master Turtle, to be honest, your five internal organs have been eroded and frozen by the power of this cold water for too long, and all the blood in them have been frozen, so you can't do it at all. Use your strength.

What's more serious is that your soul has been eroded by the power of this cold water. Even if we help you leave this place, the time when the five internal organs are thawed is the time when the body dies. I'm afraid this body will be reborn. I do have one. idea, I wonder if you would be willing to give it a try? "

After hearing what Xu Yang said, Taogui did not answer immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and concentrated, using his mental power to carefully sense the condition of his physical body.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes and said: "You are right. I can feel that my five internal organs are completely useless and my soul is severely damaged. If it weren't for my natural turtle physique, I would have perished long ago. Okay, let’s hear your solution first.”

Xu Yang nodded and took out a crystal clear crystal ball from his arms, with a faint milky white brilliance on the surface. It was the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

"I have a jewel here. The space inside it can temporarily warm the soul and keep it from dissipating. As long as the soul is preserved, there is hope that we can find a way to rebuild the body in the future." Xu Yang said sincerely.

"Why does your orb have the same aura as that of a black cat? It should be a treasure from the evil spirit world. I believe what you said is true. Wait until I use the technique of soul leaving the body."

After the Taogui finished speaking, he lowered his head and looked at the golden monkey under him.

"Although this golden monkey is a weapon spirit, it is still in its infancy after all. It needs to continuously absorb the rock and soil spiritual power I provide in order to evolve. It is my only companion in this space. I hope you can also help me. Him. If my soul leaves my body, I will no longer be able to provide him with the spiritual power of rock and earth, and I’m afraid it will dissipate between heaven and earth.”

"So that's it. This golden monkey weapon spirit needs the power of rock and earth. I have something else here. I wonder if I can help it."

As Xu Yang spoke, he took out a fist-sized dark red crystal. There seemed to be a shadow of a volcano inside, erupting huge waves of air and magma. It was the ten thousand-year-old rock marrow obtained from the Piaoyun Peak ruins that was used The remaining half piece after making the throwing knife.

"I have a piece of rock marrow here, which is a spiritual material with dual attributes of fire and earth. It contains a large amount of rock and earth spiritual power. Do you think this thing is useful to the golden monkey?"

The gluttonous turtle lowered his head slightly and looked carefully at the ten thousand year rock marrow in Xu Yang's hand.

"Good thing. The power of rock and earth contained in this object can indeed be used to support the Golden Monkey. However, this is a dead object after all. It can only temporarily keep the Golden Monkey's spiritual body immortal. As long as the Golden Monkey and this ten thousand year rock marrow can be Combine the two into one and turn them into a weapon. Then if you continue to use your soul power to nourish them, the Golden Monkey can continue to evolve. In return, the Golden Monkey can recognize you as its master first. This weapon is your path to cultivation. "

"Your opportunity has come, quickly agree to this condition. This golden monkey is transformed from the golden essence of Mount Tai. I have seen it in relevant books. This Mount Tai should be one of the three sacred mountains in the Penglai region on the east coast of the Zhongyuan Realm. 1. The Taishan Golden Essence is a treasure that can be found in heaven and earth, and the soul it transforms into is a legendary existence. "

Xu Yang heard the voice of Black Cat Ye Tu.

Hearing what Black Cat Ye Tu said, Xu Yang felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Okay, I do."

The gluttonous turtle lowered his head and muttered a few words to the golden monkey. The golden monkey scratched its ears and cheeks, pacing back and forth, as if unwilling to leave the gluttonous turtle.

After hearing Tao Gui say that his soul would also follow Mr. Xu in front of him, he finally nodded and agreed. Although the golden monkey is the weapon spirit of the supreme treasure of heaven and earth, it is in the primary stage. Although it has some spiritual wisdom, it has not yet developed language wisdom.

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