True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 152 Water Source Restoration

The golden monkey hugged himself into a ball, then rolled on the ground cleverly, and came to Xu Yang.

It is only the size of an ordinary macaque, and the shadow of a purple sacred mountain on its chest and heart is more clear and solid. He no longer had the naughty and nimble attitude before, like a child being taught by a private school teacher, his eyes full of desire and sincerity.

"Are you willing to be my friend on the road to cultivation?"

The golden monkey’s round little head kept clicking like garlic.

Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction, took out a spiritual talisman for identifying the master and put it on his head, then pinched his fingertips and a few drops of blood fell on it. Instantly, the bloody runes on the spiritual talisman flashed. A moment later, the spiritual talisman turned into bloody spiritual patterns and disappeared into his head.

The Golden Monkey closed his eyes tightly, clasping his hands together like a ordained child monk, pious and quiet.

After a while, Xu Yang felt that he could completely control the golden monkey's soul and recognized its master successfully.

The golden monkey opened his eyes, a clear light flashed, and the eyes he looked at Xu Yang were filled with a sense of intimacy and dependence.

"As far as I know, this golden monkey currently has two abilities. It can change shape and size at will, and once it recovers from its weak state, it can have the strength of Mount Tai. Once it is integrated into this ten thousand-year-old rock marrow, you can only You only need to control its shape with your spiritual consciousness to turn it into the weapon shape you want." Taogui said.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the golden monkey understood it. With a swish, it turned into a dazzling golden light and submerged into the ten thousand year rock marrow. The originally dark red rock marrow suddenly turned into a golden piece, gorgeous and bright.

For Xu Yang, the most familiar weapon is the Three Fantasy Pestle. Thinking of this, I saw the gold nugget in my hand gradually twisting and deforming like a living thing.

After a moment, a new short pestle appeared in Xu Yang's palm, with golden flowers flowing on its surface, and purple mountain-like spiritual patterns clearly visible, exuding wild divine power from ancient times.

Taking out the original three phantom pestles, with a movement of consciousness, the four short pestles merged into one, fitting tightly, as if they were originally one body.

After a few casual dances, I found that this stick is more dexterous and easier to use than before, and it can better understand and cooperate with the owner's wishes. It is really hard to put it down.

"Well, now it's time to call you Sihuanchu. It's really easy to use." Xu Yang said with satisfaction.

Seeing that the fate of the Golden Monkey has also been decided, the last stone in Taogui's heart fell to the ground.

"Thank you for taking in the Golden Monkey. He is my only friend here, and thank you for helping me. There must be a trace of scar on the face of the girl wearing a scarf. In return, I am willing to give you a water bloom bead. This water flower pearl is condensed by me absorbing the spiritual power of the water in this river day and night for three hundred years, and it should be able to help you remove scars. "

As he spoke, a pearl wrapped in a ball of white light, the size of a child's fist, floated out of the gluttonous turtle's mouth and landed in front of Bai Mujin.

Bai Mujin held the water bloom bead with both hands, and a cold feeling in the white mist spread to the palms of her hands. It was transparent but not freezing, cold but not chilly, refreshing and refreshing.

"As long as you stick this bead on your face, the scars will be removed within seven days."

"Thank you, Mr. Taogui." Bai Mujin's beautiful eyes turned into a smile. Beauty is always important in a girl's heart.

After doing all this, two vast tears fell from Taogui's eyes, and his eyelids slowly closed.

After a moment, a milky-white turtle-shaped soul about the size of a foot or so appeared from between his eyebrows, floating in the air. He turned back and looked lovingly at the body that had followed him for hundreds of years.

It has been in constant danger since the first day it crawled out of the eggshell. Being the size of a clothes button, it almost became a meal for catfish. In order to satisfy its huge appetite, it crawled hard and traveled hundreds of miles into a large lake. On the way, it was almost killed by a migrating wild horse. It was trampled to death; the first time it broke through the realm, it was almost roasted into a braised turtle by the rampaging spiritual breath... all the situations are vivid in my mind.

Finally, when he became stronger and his life became more stable, one sunny morning, while he was sunbathing on a boulder protruding from the water in Qingshui Lake, he was casually taken away by a man who was washing his feet. This irresponsible man kept it in the spiritual pet bag for ten years before releasing it, and then it was trapped in this underground cave for another three hundred years...

Although there was no wind in the cave, the gluttonous turtle's soul gradually dispersed, as if being pulled by the invisible force of reincarnation, and the soul was shaking.

When Xu Yang saw this, he promptly threw out the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in his hand.

The crystal clear bead hung in the air, swirling around, emitting red, yellow and green light, and rolled up the gluttonous turtle's soul into the dzi bead, disappearing without a trace.

Within the space of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

The mutton-fat jade goddess still stood gracefully under the moonlight, divinely emerging from the dust, and there was another turtle-shaped soul on the octagonal silver plate held in her palm.

"Thank you for your help. I haven't had time to ask your name yet." The Taogui's voice came from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

"My name is Xu Yang."

"I have this name in my heart. If one day I can recast my body, I will go through fire and water for you Xu Yang to repay the favor of rebirth."

"I'll take care of your rebuilding of the body. There's nothing I can't do." Xu Yang replied confidently.

Then he carefully put the Moon Magic Dzi Bead into his arms, keeping extremely precious things close to his body.

"Next step, we will find a way to pull this turtle shell out of the river, and the water source should be restored." Black Cat Yetu said.

"Based on brute strength alone, I'm afraid the combined strength of the few of us is not enough." Bai Muhua said with a slight frown as he looked at the huge body in front of him.

"I have a way. The water temperature in the river below is very low. We only need to use the moonlight cold power of the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl to temporarily freeze the river, and then pour some water on the surface, and we should be able to slowly transport it out. . As long as we pull it out of the range of the water-gathering formation and break it into pieces, the problem will be solved," Xu Yang said confidently.

"You are so wise." Bai Mujin's beautiful eyes were full of praise and admiration.

"Bluestone is produced in Qingshi Town, my hometown. Huge bluestones are transported using this method. Sliding on the ice is easier than rolling, and it is safe and reliable," Xu Yang explained.

"This is a good method. The wisdom of the working people is the original foundation of the existence of this world. Let's first use the stalactites here to make some water-holding utensils and prepare some water for later use." Black Cat Yetu said.

Everyone divided the work and cooperated. In a short time, several large stone basins were ready, and then the silver-backed ape held them one by one and filled them with water.

After that, Xu Yang placed the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in the river, and the power of the gurgling moonlight was quickly released. A large amount of white mist rolled on the river, and the river water that was originally rolling forward turned into a lump of ice.

Sprinkle the water prepared before evenly on the ice surface, forming a thin film of water.

Looking at the extremely smooth ice surface, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction. With a movement of his spiritual consciousness, the Four Magic Long Stick in his hand suddenly grew larger and longer. Sure enough, with the Golden Monkey Weapon Spirit, he could change the size at will.

A long stick as thick as a bowl was pinned between the ice surface and the turtle shell. Everyone used the force of prying and chanted slogans in a rhythmic manner, and the huge body of the gluttonous turtle slowly moved on the ice.

Half an hour later, the success was complete, and the huge body of the gluttonous turtle was pulled out of the range of the water gathering array.

"Lord Taogui, I'm sorry." Bai Mujin said.

Then everyone used their magic power and controlled the weapons in their hands to break the gluttonous turtle's body into small pieces, move it to a corner, burn it with fire, and bury it aside.

After retrieving the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, the ice in the river slowly melted, and the river became smooth again. White water that was more than double the original volume washed down, and the rumbling sound of the water played a triumphant song.

"We made it!"

"That's great!"

“The hard work is not in vain!”

“Thank you everyone for your hard work!”

Looking at the turbulent river in front of them, everyone high-fived in celebration, their faces full of joy of victory, and the three apes were also jumping up and down happily.

By the time a few people returned to Qinghua Mountain City, the good news that the water source of Taihe River had been restored had already spread to every corner of Xiaoxian's world like a spring breeze bringing warmth.

Officials in the East and West counties began to distribute grain in an orderly manner. After a few days, the famine caused by the drought was quickly alleviated.

In Beicheng, which was severely affected.

There was an endless stream of people going back and forth to do business or make a living, and businesses on the streets had reopened, gradually returning to their previous prosperity.

Next to the street, in a small tea shop, people were resting and chatting animatedly.

"Have you heard? There is news from the border. The armies of the East and West counties have retreated three hundred miles each." A middle-aged man in ordinary clothes said.

"Okay, okay, this is really good news. With the water source, there is no reason to start a war. I hope the Taihe River will never dry up and the Xiaoxian world will always have peace." The person who spoke was a gray-haired old man. As he spoke, he clicked a cigarette pot with a wooden handle and a copper mouth in his hand. Then he blew out a leisurely white smoke ring from his mouth, and a smile drew wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Outside Beicheng.

The evacuated refugees received their own food and returned to their hometowns one after another.

The originally crowded dining area at the city gate became much empty, leaving only a big pot, which was still distributing free white porridge and white film to the affected people who had not had time to return home.

In the farmland in the suburbs, the Taihe River water from the irrigation canals happily flows into the fields. The crops that have been dry for a long time are sucking the sweet milk. The stalks are strong, the wheat grains are plump, and the farmers have smiles on their faces.

In a small farmyard.

"The white membrane is so delicious." A cute child with a thin face and a little pigtail on his head held the hot white membrane that had just come out of the pot, chewing it with big mouthfuls, and his cheeks were stretched out like small drums.

"Eat, baby, don't choke. With water, there will definitely be a good harvest next year." A thin young woman in a green shirt looked at her child eating steamed buns with concern in her eyes.

In the main hall of Xijun City.

The Princess of the West Princess, Lu Wujie, was wearing a purple python robe and was sitting on a gilded dragon chair in the center of the hall. His Highnesses, Linghu Xia and Lu Qingyu, stood there.

"I would like to report to the Lord of the West County, the water volume of the Taihe River has been stable these days, and it seems there will be no more problems." Linghu Xia, who was dressed in gray robe, said respectfully.

"That's good. This is all the blessing of the Confucian ancestors of my little sage world. In addition, how is the situation over there in East County City?" asked the West County Lord.

"There is a legend in Dongjun City that the restoration of the water source of the Taihe River is due to Wang Tianming, the owner of Dongjun County, praying at Beiqingshan. And in order to ensure that there will no longer be problems with the water source of the Taihe River, Wang Tianming has announced that he will remain in seclusion at the Beiqingshan Altar indefinitely. , and even sent us a formal document for this purpose, and advertised it to the entire Xiaoxian community."

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