True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 154 God-Jointing Pill

Back at his residence, Xu Yang took out the various materials for refining the God-Jointing Pill that he had obtained from Taoist Leng, and then took out a fist-sized purple jade from the storage bag. This object was completely purple without any impurities. Not only was it jade, It is warm and moist, more crystal clear like glass, and full of water. It is one of the main materials necessary for refining the Jie Shen Dan, purple jade crystal.

Naturally, this purple jade crystal was also asked for by Black Cat Ye Tu from Lord Dongling.

The difficulty of refining a high-level elixir like the God-Jointing Pill is even higher than the "Netherworld Black Blood Pill" that Xu Yang had refined before. The materials used are also very precious. In addition to the purple jade crystal, the main material also has two flavors, namely the zodiac soil taken from the Sunset Land and the cold spirit grass from Bingjiao Mountain, both of which are rare spiritual materials.

Other auxiliary materials also include seven flavors, such as three-leaf gourd seeds, earth fire golden flower roots, etc., which are all precious heaven and earth spiritual materials.

In order to successfully refine the God-Jointing Pill, Xu Yang hung up his thank you card and stayed behind closed doors.

For three consecutive days, he kept repeating the formula and process of refining the Soul-Jointing Pill in his mind, and adjusted his mental power to the best state.

On the fourth day, Xu Yang came to the third peak among the four main peaks in Qinghua Mountain City. There is a natural fire vein under the third peak, and Qinghua Mountain City has a dedicated alchemy room here.

The leader in charge of affairs at this peak was Fat Toutuo. Hearing that Xu Yang was coming here to make alchemy in person, Fat Toutuo hugged his big belly and personally greeted him from a distance. Then he ordered his men to free up the best alchemy room. , and cleaned spotlessly.

Xu Yang specifically asked Fat Toutuo not to be disturbed during his alchemy period. Although Fat Toutuo was not a master of alchemy, he was also involved in alchemy. He could see that the pills Xu Yang refined this time were not trivial, so he personally protected Xu Yang outside the alchemy room.

In the alchemy room.

Xu Yang took out a palm-sized gilt refining furnace from his storage bag, and fired a spell. The small red gold furnace spun around and turned into a Nine Dragons red gold furnace as tall as a person. Nine five-clawed golden dragons were engraved on its surface. Some are turning over the clouds and making mist, some are making waves in the sea, or some are joyfully playing with beads, all lifelike.

Although this stove is a replica, it retains the essence of the original product. Xu Yang feels extremely useful every time he uses it. It also reflects the strength of the Tiangui Sect as the main ghost sect in the Zhongyuan Realm. As a reward for the first place in the skill test among low-level disciples, this furnace is extremely precious. Even if it is auctioned in Zongwaifang City, its weight can be Become the top three treasures in a medium-sized auction.

He recited the refining method silently in his mind again, and then used inner vision to observe the Wheel Flame Spirit in the Dantian Zi Mansion. The round-headed Ghost Infant Flame Spirit was obviously stronger than before, and its abilities were getting stronger and stronger. .

A magic spell hit the fire veins on the ground, and a red breath of fire penetrated into the bottom of the furnace like a snake. The combustion chamber on the lower floor of the furnace suddenly turned red.

As the temperature inside the furnace gradually increased, the nine golden dragons on the surface of the furnace flashed with red spiritual patterns, as if they were infused with life and were ready to move.

During this period, Xu Yang skillfully crushed the materials with pestles, mortars and other tools, mixed them according to proportions, and blended them into earth-colored pills the size of fingernails. There were as many as thirty-six neat pills. Place it on the baking tray.

Exploring his consciousness, feeling the temperature in the furnace, he nodded with satisfaction, fired a spell with his right hand, slowly removed the furnace cover, and then carefully moved the tray containing thirty-six pills. Place it in the roasting chamber on the second floor of the Dan Furnace.

Concentrating his concentration, the wheel-like spells continued to hit the furnace body of the Nine Dragons Red Gold Furnace, and the nine golden dragons on it flashed little red lights. The fire in it also seemed to have a soul. There seemed to be nine dragons flying up and down in the rolling flames, with a warm and spectacular momentum.

For three full hours, the surface of the thirty-six pills in the roasting room gradually became shiny, and the critical stage of making the pills had arrived.

With his consciousness moving, a golden light flashed between his eyebrows. The Wheel Flame Spirit shook its round little head, spread its bat wings behind it, and trailed a long golden flame tail behind it. With a swish, it got into the red gold furnace on the opposite side. .

In the roasting room, the wheel flame spirit kept wandering around the thirty-six pills, leaving tiny golden spiritual flames on their surface.

After another half an hour, golden lines gradually appeared on the surface of the pill, one, two, and three, which looked like high-grade elixirs. The impurities inside the pill were also burned away by the Wheel Flame Spirit.

At this time, there were a few beads of sweat on both sides of Xu Yang's cheeks, but his mental state was still stable and full. He fired spells from time to time, and his powerful mental power controlled every move of the Wheel Flame Spirit in the roasting room through his spiritual consciousness.

I saw the air current swirling in the void half a foot above the stove top, and a group of purple appeared, which was the harbinger of the high-level pill becoming a pill.

At the same time, stormy clouds rose up in the void outside the alchemy room, spinning rapidly like a whirlpool. A large amount of spiritual energy around them was gathered together, and after a while, it turned into a funnel shape and poured into the alchemy room fiercely.

When Fat Toutuo, who was protecting the Dharma outside the alchemy room, saw this, he touched his bald head with his hand, his eyes filled with envy, and he whispered secretly: "Amitabha!"

In the alchemy room, the huge amount of spiritual energy that entered the alchemy room from the outside entered the purple air mass above the furnace roof, and was then compressed into a wisp of crystal purple rays that shot into the roasting chamber and landed on the alchemy base.

"Buzz buzz!"

The entire Kowloon Red Gold Furnace trembled slightly, and after a while, both the alchemy room and the outside became quiet.

Xu Yang's consciousness revealed and a smile appeared on his lips. With one move with one hand, the wheel flame spirit jumped out of the alchemy furnace and was taken back into the Zifu space of Dantian.

Turn off the fire, get up, turn on the furnace, and take the elixir in one go.

On the tray, thirty-three purple-gold top-grade magic knot pills were jumping for joy on the tray, seeming to have spirituality. When Xu Yang saw this, he fired a Soul Stabilizing Technique and they became quiet.

The other three pills disappeared, and the thirty-six pills were finally refined into thirty-three top-grade Shen Shen Dan, and the quality was better than the three pills that Xu Yang asked Ye Tu to ask for. If word of this spreads, Xu Yang will definitely become an alchemist that all the major sects in the Zhongyuan world will compete for.

He carefully put away the Magical Knot Pill, waved his sleeves, and a white cold air rolled out, and used the Ice Wind Technique to cool down the Jiulong Red Gold Furnace. Afterwards, the Kowloon Red Gold Furnace turned into the size of a fist and was put back into the storage bag by Xu Yang.

Pushing open the door of the alchemy room, I saw Fat Toutuo outside the door, patting his big belly like a drum skin with one hand, and smiling as he came over.

"Congratulations to the acting leader for successfully refining the elixir."

"Thank you, Miuzan, it was just a fluke!"

With that said, Xu Yang took out a refined God-Jointing Pill and handed it to Fat Toutuo.

"I'm giving this elixir to you. I hope it will help you to take your skills even further when you enter the Earth Temple in a few months."

Fat Toutuo took the pills, his eyes fixed, and he was amazed and thanked him repeatedly.

After leaving the third peak, Xu Yang personally gave the refined Jie Shen Dan to Gui Dazui, Taoist Xuan gave one pill to each of them, and gave five pills to each of Bai Mujin and Bai Muhua. Five of the remaining twenty pills were given to Daoist Leng as additional reward for refining materials. Daoist Leng admired Xu Yang's alchemy skills to the point of admiration. Xu Yang explained that it was just a coincidence.

After doing everything he could for everyone, Xu Yang felt much more at ease. After all, the risk of breaking into the world was too great.

A few days later, Qinghua Mountain City issued a notice to the world in the name of acting leader Xu Yang, stating that the casual cultivators in Qinghua Mountain City would explore the Temple of Earth in a few months in order to open the passage from Xiaoxian Realm to the outside world, and invited Xijun by name. Lord, Lord Dongling and other top combat forces from the Xiaoxian world will go together.

At the same time, Xu Yang personally wrote a secret letter and sent someone to quietly deliver it to Lu Qingyu of the West County, asking him to deliver the letter to the Lord of the West County.

In the main hall of Xijun City.

Lu Wujie, the princess of the West County with a plump face and plump figure, held the letter sent by Lu Qingyu in his hand, his face suddenly bright and dark.

"This is a secret message that Qingyu just sent personally. It is of great importance and only you and I need to know about it."

With that said, West Princess Lu Wujie handed the letter in his hand to Linghu Xia, who was dressed in gray robe.

Linghu Xia took the letter with both hands and read it carefully.

"Xu Yang, this princess really underestimated him. This letter clearly mentioned that the last time the water source of Taihe River was restored, it was a few of them. This time, I was invited to break into the underground palace together, and explained that Dong Lord Dongling, the chief assistant of the county, has already accepted the invitation. Even if I don't join, they are still 70% sure." Lu Wujie, the head of the west princess, said with an ugly expression.

"Xu Yang's intention is obvious. Tell it publicly first and send private messages later. If the princess does not participate, I am afraid that the label of unwillingness to contribute to the welfare of the Xiaoxian world will be labeled. In case they get through to the outside world, Passage, the princess's reputation in the small sage world will fall to the bottom.

Moreover, during this period we cannot attempt to destroy Qinghua Mountain. This is to destroy the plan of breaking into the underground palace, and it is to openly destroy the future of Xiaoxianjie. It is a clever plan to kill two birds with one stone. "Linghu Xia said on the opposite side.

"So how do we deal with it?"

Linghu Xia stroked his silver beard under his chin and said after a moment: "I suggest that the Princess should go this time, and tell the world that in the commanding heights of reputation, the Princess, as an authentic leader of the Confucian sect, must not lose to these outsiders. Rogue Cultivator. For the sake of Your Majesty’s safety, I am willing to accompany Your Majesty there in person. From now on, this is what we will do..."

Linghu Xia told Lu Wujie his plan in detail.

At night, in the palace of Xijun City.

On the huge phoenix bed, the figures rise and fall within the thin golden gauze bed curtain.

"Beauty, your skill of subverting the phoenix and cultivating the dragon is really useful. Maybe there is only one opportunity left before I can break through to the soul realm. It's just that I didn't get the flame python demon pill that I promised you last time. It's quite a pity. ." The voice of West Princess Lu Wujie came from the golden gauze curtain.

"My body and heart belong to the Princess, and my life belongs to the Princess as well. As long as the Princess has me in your heart, I will be satisfied." The sweet voice of Princess West was like the gentle breeze playing with the willow branches, teasing them. Heartstrings.

"This princess is so small-minded that she can only tolerate you."

"Giggle, giggle." He smiled coquettishly, making it sound as if a kitten's tail had touched the soles of his feet, which were soft and itchy.

"Is the princess really going to break into that altar in a few months?"

"This matter has been confirmed. Please rest assured, my beloved, with my current skills, I will be able to escape unscathed, and Chief Assistant Linghu will personally accompany me there."

"I have a suggestion."


"I think we can no longer fight the war with Dongjun. For the safety of your golden body, it is better to recall General Ningjing from the West and go with you. With the strength of the three of us, no one in the entire Xiaoxian world can be defeated."

"Well, the princess is right. Wang Tianming, the princess of East County, is in seclusion in Beiqingshan. The three of us are enough to conquer everything."

The next day, Xijuncheng also announced to the world that for the sake of the well-being of all living beings in the Small Xian Realm, Lord Xijun was willing to disregard past grievances and unite with loose cultivators to break into the Earth Temple.

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