True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 155 Fragrance leads to love

A few days later, Xu Yang also received a reply from Princess West, which promised that he would participate in the subsequent operation to break into the Earth Temple, but emphasized that it was only cooperation, not influence or response.

Originally, Xu Yang suggested that East County, West County and Qinghua Mountain City jointly issue a cooperation announcement, but was rejected by West County Lord Lu Wujie on the grounds that the time was not yet mature. However, this was also the best outcome in Xu Yang's estimation.

In Dongjun City.

Lord Dongling, dressed in a blue brocade shirt, holds a black jade slip in his hand.

In the jade slip, there is the message sealed in the black cat Yetu.

"Donngling, maybe this is the last thing I ask you to do. If the passage from Xiaoxian Realm to the outside world is not opened, the people in it will always be caged birds... A few months later, the Temple of Earth will be opened, Hopefully we can work together again for this.”

Lord Dongling thought carefully, wrote a handwritten letter, and secretly sent it to Qinghua Mountain City. The letter promised that he would personally participate in this operation to invade the Earth Temple, and would not attack Qinghua Mountain City during this period.

At the same time, Dongjuncheng issued an announcement, promising that in order to never have another war in the Xiaoxian world, he would fully participate in the attempt to break into the Earth Temple in a few months.

Qinghua Mountain City was free of worries for a while, and the operation to break into the Earth Temple a few months later accumulated the greatest strength in the Xiaoxian world. It seemed that success was only a matter of time.

Xu Yang felt much more at ease in his heart, and began to practice in seclusion, working hard to improve his physical fitness and make adequate preparations for bravely entering the world.

For the monks in seclusion, time flies by like a white horse. In the blink of an eye, it is April of the next year. The gentle breeze brings warmth, the willow branches are green, the yellow birds are singing in spring, the green mountains are like smiles, and the Taihe River is surging. In the fields, farmers who had been idle all winter began to prepare for the new year's farming.

inside the room.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged and breathed, as still as a green pine, as calm as a rock. After several months of continuous practice, although he was still at the first level of Peiyuan Realm, his true essence foundation had been significantly improved.

Especially practicing the two secret techniques of Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art and Moon Flower Art at the same time has taken a big step forward in his physical skills. At this time, his physical body is as powerful as copper and iron, and ordinary swords and guns cannot hurt him at all.

After three moments, Xu Yang slowly opened his eyes again, his eyes shining and full of energy.

He stood up, stretched out his arms, clenched his fists, and secretly performed magic spells. The true energy in his body was as full as a river and the sea, and his strength was as majestic and domineering as a lion king who had just woken up.

"Congratulations, young master, for being released from seclusion!" Following a girl's call as clear as a warbler, the door was pushed open with a creak.

Dressed in white, I saw Ping Ping Ting Ting, with black hair piled on the clouds, beautiful eyes like water, cheeks like jade, a smile like a flower, a jade brocade tube top, a waist as thin as a willow, walking lightly in lotus steps, and the whole person is like a blooming flower. White flowers, pure and full of passion for life.

"Lin'er?" Xu Yang murmured in a low voice.

"What did the young master say?"

Xu Yang took another closer look and saw that the person who came was Lin'er. She was clearly Miss Hibiscus. At this time, Hibiscus changed into a pure white dress. She was less capable and dexterous than before, and more quiet and elegant.

If you look closely at Miss Hibiscus's features, you can see that they are vaguely similar to Lin'er. If it were different, Hibiscus's smile was as passionate and unrestrained as fire, while Lin'er's smile was restrained and subtle as the moon.

"Oh, nothing? The scar on your face has completely disappeared. I'm so happy for you." Xu Yang's eyes focused on his cheek and he smiled broadly.

"Thank you for still thinking of me. The Water Spray Pearl given by Master Taogui is indeed miraculous. After using it, not only did the scars on my face completely disappear a few months ago, but it also has the magical effect of beautifying and rejuvenating my appearance." , her beautiful eyes condensed, and two pink patches rose on her cheeks, adding a bit of shyness and charm.

"That's really something to celebrate, congratulations."

"Before seclusion, you said you would leave seclusion today, and you were indeed on time." Bai Mujin said obediently.

Listening to Mu Jin's words, Xu Yang briefly recalled that before he went into seclusion, he only said that he would be released in early April. He calculated with his fingers that today should be the sixth day of April. Could it be that this silly girl Mu Jin had been waiting outside her room for six months? God?

"You waited outside for six days?"

Hibiscus just nodded obediently.

In fact, it was more than six days. In addition to practicing on her own, Mu Jin would come outside Xu Yang's residence to take a look every time she had free time.

Humans are not grass and trees, so how can they be ruthless? Thinking of Hibiscus’s kindness to him, Xu Yang’s eyes became filled with warmth.

"I wonder how the others are doing?" Xu Yang asked.

"Senior Brother Mu Hua is still in retreat. Brother Gui went out alone two days ago. He said he wanted to take advantage of the arrival of spring to gather inspiration and settle his mind. He will not be back in a few days. Several other leaders are also in retreat. middle."

"It seems that everyone is preparing seriously for this operation to break into the Earth Temple." Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Seeing that you are in a good mood, why don't I go prepare some side dishes and I'll have a few drinks with you."

"That's a good suggestion. Firstly, it's a celebration of your recovery from your injury. Secondly, I really want to eat your cooking. When you told me, my stomach growled." He patted it embarrassedly. own belly.

"Wait a moment." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the room dressed in white.

After he left, Xu Yang used the method of inner knowledge to check the situation of A'Zhu in the Zi Mansion. To him, A'Zhu was no different from his relatives, so he naturally paid close attention to A'Zhu's situation at all times.

Inside the red-shelled egg, A'Zhu's pulse was strong. He tried to use his spiritual consciousness to awaken A'Zhu, but there was still a slight chance of awakening. I believe he was not far away from awakening. A'Zhu's condition is getting better and better, which makes Xu Yang feel comforted.

Not long after, Bai Mujin entered the room with a lotus pattern rosewood tray in his hand. There were four dishes on the tray, which were placed one by one on the square table.

A tantalizing aroma of vegetables gradually entered my nose.

"It smells so good."

As he spoke, Xu Yang glanced at the four dishes. His eyes were filled with the lust of delicious food, and he couldn't help but reach out and grab one of them and put it into his mouth.

Chew it carefully, it is delicious, smooth and soft, especially the spiritual power contained in it is like the ice spring in early spring, clear and refreshing, sweet and long-lasting, instantly filling the entire mouth, slowly entering the belly, the temple of the five internal organs bursts with joy, and hundreds of Feeling comfortable.


Seeing Xu Yang's appearance, Mu Jin burst into laughter and her jade body trembled wildly.

"Don't be anxious. It's not too late to wash your hands before eating."

After saying that, he brought a basin of water over.

"Thank you."

After wiping his hands, Xu Yang couldn't wait to sit at the table.

"What are these four delicious dishes?" Xu Yang asked.

"Sweet and sour plum blossom fish, braised venison, steamed three-fresh dumplings, crab powder and pearl soup."

"Good food must be paired with good wine, and good wine must be shared by everyone. Come, come, let's have two glasses together." As he said that, Xu Yang took out a jar of eighteen drops, and the two of them filled a glass each.

Sharing delicious food and drinking wine with the people you like is a blessing in life. After three rounds and five tastes, I had more intimate conversations.

"You accidentally called me Lin'er before. I wonder which girl this Lin'er is?" Mu Jin suddenly asked.

Xu Yang did not hide anything because of his drunkenness, and told the story of how he met Lin'er and his good impression of Lin'er.

"Listening to what you said, Lin'er is really a well-educated and good girl. When I go back to the Northern Territory, I will be a good sister with her if I have the chance."

Xu Yang scratched his head in embarrassment, wondering in his heart whether he had made Mu Jin a little unhappy because he was too detailed.

"You are also a very good girl. I am really lucky to know you."

"As long as you don't dislike me, I'm just envious that Miss Lin'er got to know you earlier."

After drinking and chatting happily, the sun set and the two of them were drunk.

"It's getting late, you should go back and rest early." As he said that, Xu Yang stood up unsteadily.

"Seeing as you can't stand still, let me help you rest first."

Hibiscus supported Xu Yang, and the two of them, drunkenly, walked like green branches in the wind, swaying to the bed.

"Thank you for being nice to me. You are so beautiful."

After saying that, he stretched out his arms to hug Hibiscus's small shoulders.

"Hibiscus also likes Young Master."

In the dream, Xu Yang returned to the familiar northern region. The spring sun was warm and the green grass was like a blanket. Looking for this greenery, he walked into a deep valley.

No one else has ever been to this valley. The golden sun shines with innocence, the air is pure, every leaf of grass is so pure green, and every drop of morning dew is so pure. Suddenly I saw a cluster of snow-white lilies of the valley standing in the wind, with rows of small bell-shaped white flowers ringing a loud sound. Its fragrance enters the nose, making people drunk and soft. Occasionally, I see a petal of the corolla falling in the wind, like a lady's tears of love, making people's hearts tremble with first love.

In the morning, the sun shines brightly.

Xu Yang woke up from the drunken dream last night on the bed. He moved the soft quilt covering his body with his hand, sat up, and when he lowered his head, he found that he was only wearing underwear.

Thinking back carefully, last night...

He hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab the corner of the quilt, and a faint fragrance passed into his mouth and nose, which seemed familiar.

"Hibiscus." Xu Yang whispered to himself, looking around, he was the only one in the room.

After getting dressed, he got off the bed and opened the door.

Looking up, I saw clusters of white hibiscus flowers blooming like snow in the fence outside the house. They were as beautiful as brocade. I couldn't help but step forward.

"Sir, you're awake." A familiar sweet voice called softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a white dress floated in front of his eyes, like a fairy in a flower, out of the ordinary world, with their eyes facing each other and their hearts racing like deers.

"Autumn pistils bring in the fragrance. Two flowers disturb the heart"

It's a windy and moonlit night, filled with spring dreams and a pleasant swim in the valley. When you meet lily of the valley, the fragrance is soft and intoxicating. The fallen flowers and little tears of love make the first love confused.

When I wake up from a spring dream, I see hibiscus trees growing in front of the garden. Beautiful as satin. Strolling in the courtyard, I hear sweet calls. The beauty is looking forward to it, staring at her, but her heart is still confused.

A few days later, Xu Yang received secret letters from Dongjuncheng and Xijuncheng respectively, which clearly specified the list of participants in this earth-breaking event.

The four people from Xijun are Lu Wujie, the lord of Xijun, Linghu Xia, the chief assistant of Xijun, and Ningjing and Lu Qingyu, the generals of Xijun.

The two people from Dongjun are Donglingjun, the chief assistant of Dongjun, and Shangguan Aoyun, the general of Dongjun.

This list includes almost all the top combat powers in the Xiaoxian world. Except for Lu Qingyu, who just broke through to the Peiyuan realm not long ago, the other five people are all at the True Pill realm.

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