True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 156 Leng Taoist casts a spell

Early in the morning, in the northeast of Xiaoxianjie.

In a wilderness, an unknown barren mountain stood abruptly. The mountain is gentle, and the foot lines form a smooth arc. It looks more like a huge mound.

What's even more strange is that there is not a single tree on the entire mountain, only piles of rocks of different sizes and irregularly shaped large bluestones scattered all over the hillside and the top of the mountain.

Nine figures appeared early at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Yang, with fine and broken hair, stood in the middle. The golden sunshine reflected on his delicate and young face, but he revealed a maturity and determination that was not commensurate with his age.

Bai Mujin, dressed in white clothes and curling up like a white flower standing in the dust, stood beside Xu Yang.

"Sir, Princess West will not break her promise."

"Probably not. The world has already announced it. For the sake of Confucianism's face, they will come." Xu Yang replied affirmatively.

The red-nosed Leng Taoist said from the side: "Lu Wujie and Linghu Xia from West County are both cunning and cunning people. Many casual cultivators have been deceived and tortured by them in the past. We'd better be careful."

Jing Daoren, who has a sallow complexion and a thin face, frowned and said, "Especially Linghu Xia from West County. Last time our three evil spirits were trapped by his design on the outskirts of Beicheng and almost fell."

The jade Buddha, who was dressed in apricot Buddhist robes and looked dignified, shook the silver whisk in his hand, looked slightly cold, and shook his head helplessly. The last brutal fight on the outskirts of Beicheng seemed to be vivid in his mind.

That time, Linghu Xia sent someone to pretend to be a gangster businessman and agreed to trade with Sansha on the outskirts of Beicheng. The three immediately fell into the trap set by Linghu Xia, and they managed to escape after a bloody battle. Leng Daoren broke an arm, and Jing Daoren Three ribs were broken, especially at that time, Jade Buddha had great hope of advancing to the True Alchemy Realm, but was severely injured by Linghu Xia, causing his cultivation to stagnate.

Taoist Xuan, who was dressed in black robes, stroked his silver beard under his chin with one hand and said: "The people in the East County are not good people. If we hadn't used us to hold the West County back, they wouldn't have been so kind as to give Qinghua Mountain City to the casual cultivators for free. ”

The corner of Gui Dazui's mouth curled up and he said, "This time we are just using each other." After saying that, he subconsciously grasped the hilt of the Ghost Sword exposed outside the leather scabbard.

"As long as we can open up the channel to the outside world this time, those things in the past will never happen again." Bai Muhua on the side comforted.

Fat Toutuo put one hand on his big belly and tapped his index finger rhythmically without saying a word.

"I believe we will succeed this time." Xu Yang encouraged.

Half an hour later, a silver rainbow flew from the eastern sky, getting closer and closer to where everyone was.

The silver light converged, and a silver flying boat appeared.

The flying boat is only about ten feet in size. The body of the boat is painted with exquisite tiger-shaped patterns in gold pen. There are two people standing on the bow of the boat. One of them is wearing a blue Confucian brocade shirt and has a graceful and dignified appearance. The other one is tall and has a chin and beard. A mighty aura.

Immediately, the clothes of the two people fluttered, like two flying cranes floating down from the silver flying boat, and came to the crowd.

"Mr. Dongling and General Shangguan Aoyun of Dongjun are here to help. It's polite." After saying that, Mr. Dongling raised his fists towards the people in front of him.

Shangguan Aoyun waved his hand, and the silver flying boat became about the size of a foot. He took it back and followed Lord Dongling to signal to everyone.

"The leaders of Qinghua Mountain City have thanked me here." Xu Yang said loudly, clasping his fists in return.

The other leaders also returned the favor with clasped fists.

"Dongjun City has had successful cooperation with Qinghua Mountain City recently. I believe we can still cooperate happily this time." Lord Dongling said.

"Thanks to the two top experts from Dongjun coming to help us this time, we will definitely succeed." Xu Yang replied.

"This barren mountain is located. According to the historical records of Xiaoxian Realm, at the beginning of Xiaoxian Realm, there was an evil spirit that haunted Xiaoxian Realm. This evil spirit killed countless people. Later, it was killed and buried here.

The person who killed the evil spirit was Immortal Master Lu Qingyun, the founder of the Xiaoxian Realm, and another name of this place is the Cursed Mountain. "Mr. Dongling continued.

"Why is it called the Cursed Mountain?" Bai Muhua asked.

"Because most of the people who entered this mountain went crazy and died."

"Mr. Dongling, don't be pretentious. We, the Three Evils, have been looking for a way to leave Xiaoxian Realm for the past three hundred years, and finally discovered that there is an underground palace hidden here. The same place has not been found in Xiaoxian Realm, so, The eighth achievement here is the formation eye that isolates the Xiaoxian Realm. Ordinary people will go crazy because of the impact of the rock formation on this mountain. As long as they have enough cultivation, it will not be a big problem," said Taoist Jing.

"Fellow Daoist Jing is right, this underground palace in the barren mountain was built by man. The formation inside it comes from the Confucian sect, most likely it was set up by Lu Qingyun. The most important point is the formation eye that isolates the formation. "

"We also knew that this place was abnormal, but we couldn't find the entrance to the underground palace, so the matter was dropped. How did you find it?" Lord Dongling asked.

"It was by mistake that the poor Taoist discovered that the rocks scattered on the surface of this barren mountain looked ordinary, but they contained the Taoist "Earth Interception Fire Formation". This formation is actually the key to unlocking this underground palace. However, It can only be opened at this time of year," Leng Daoren said proudly.

"It turns out to be a Taoist formation. No wonder I used Confucian techniques to explore it before but couldn't find the method." Lord Dongling nodded and said.

"We initially thought this place was an underground treasure house of Confucianism, so we didn't publicize it. After entering it, we found a line of writing on a stone wall inside."

"What handwriting?"

"The beginning of the virtuous world, the place of mysterious spirits."

"According to the literal meaning of these eight characters, it is very likely that this is the center of the isolation formation." Lord Dongling nodded.

After listening to the two people's questions and answers, others also inferred this and were somewhat certain.

Not long after, a cloud of three colors flew from the western skyline. The speed was even faster than the previous flying boat. In the blink of an eye, as they approached the crowd, the colorful clouds were scattered with dazzling red, yellow and blue colors, hovering in the air, and tumbling in waves, with a gilded cloud-driving car looming inside.

After a while, the colorful clouds disappeared, and the outline of the speeding car was clearly revealed.

I saw three-colored clouds emerging from the bottom of the speeding car from time to time, and the dragon scale-like decorations on the car body shone with golden light. There were golden dragon heads on the left and right sides of the front of the car, which was majestic in its magnificence.

Four people were sitting on it.

They are Lu Wujie, the Lord of the West County, who is wearing a purple python robe and a red face, and Linghu Xia, the old and strong chief assistant of the West County, who is wearing a gray robe, and Ning Jing, the general of the West County who is tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and broad mouth, and is dressed in a water blue dress. Lu Qingyu looked dignified.

The flying car landed firmly on the ground, and the four people calmly stepped off the flying car.

With a "bang" sound, the flying car turned into a size about a foot in a cloud of mist and was taken back by Lu Qingyu.

"I've kept the leaders waiting for a long time." Lu Wujie, the Lord of the West County who was walking in front, said loudly.

"Welcome to all friends from Xijun." Xu Yang said neither humble nor overbearing.

Lu Qingyu, who was following behind, secretly nodded towards Xu Yang.

"Your Excellency, Princess West, you are well." Lord Dongling said.

"Wang Tianming, the Princess of East County, chose to retreat in Beiqing Mountain all year round for the well-being of the Xiaoxian community. She is indeed a role model for our Confucian sect and should be respected by everyone. This time we have no hesitation in participating in the event of breaking into the earth altar, in order to continue to carry forward the sacred power of Confucianism. Seeking greater benefits for the future of Xiaoxianjie. Of course, we must also thank the leaders of Qingcheng Mountain for their participation." Princess Xi said as if she was the protagonist of this event.

"This old man really knows how to put gold on his face." Leng Daoren twisted his red nose and cursed.

"The tone is really in line with his usual pretentious temple style. It's an afterthought. What did he do earlier?" Jingdao was also dissatisfied.

All the casual cultivators in Qinghua Mountain heard this, and felt angry in their hearts, but they couldn't easily get angry.

After hearing this, Lord Dongling smiled slightly, and then replied: "The two masters of the East and West Princesses are far-sighted. It is really a blessing for the Confucian family and a blessing for the people of the small sage world."

"Ningjing, it's really surprising to meet you here. I used to compete with you on the battlefield." Shangguan Aoyun, the general of Dongjun on the side, said.

"Shangguan Aoyun, I'm not here to fight with you this time. I hope we can have a chance to compete." After speaking, General Ning Jing of West County replied.

"Everyone is here, let's let the leaders of Qinghua Mountain City take the lead and open this underground palace." Lord Dongling said.

Xu Yang nodded towards Taoist Leng.

After Leng Taoist understood, he said loudly: "Please wait a moment for Pindao to cast the spell."

After speaking, he calmly took out three little figures sewn from small pieces of cowhide, each about the size of a palm. Their heads were painted with rough eyebrows, eyes, mouths and noses, and Taoist charms were outlined in blue on their torsos.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Daoren pinched his fingertips and squeezed out three drops of blood and dropped them on the three leather figures.

With a flash of red light, the three little figures who were originally like dolls seemed to come to life, with red auras flashing in their eyes.

Leng Dao said in his mouth: "Use Tao to transform spirit, use blood to transform wisdom, and give you a true body... In front of the fire formation, use water magic, follow me to break the formation, and you will do what you want."

After saying that, he threw the three leather figures in front of him, then sat cross-legged, made a heart-hugging mudra with his hands in front of him, spread his consciousness, and used his mental power to control their movements.

The three little leather figures flashed with blue water patterns all over their bodies, and turned into life-size figures in the blink of an eye. They were divided into three groups, and their steps were fast. Every step they took would leave a faint mark of blue water under their feet. After a while, they entered the depths of the barren mountain. .

Looking down from a high altitude, you can clearly see the blue water marks left on the route of the three little leather figures, gradually outlining the appearance of the formation.

And it will stay at the stone stack at a specific location for a moment, and the blue spiritual patterns on the palms will flash, and a large amount of blue water power will be injected into the stone stack.

Half an hour later, the three villains arrived at the center of the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Taoist Leng, who was originally cross-legged and closed, suddenly opened his eyes, made a lion's mark with his hands, and shouted: "Knot!"

A surge of spiritual pressure spread out from Taoist Leng's body. At the same time, three puppets on the top of the mountain sat cross-legged opposite each other, with their palms connected to form a circle.

There was a "pop" sound.

Blue fireworks suddenly ignited on the bodies of the three villains. Under the churning flames, the villains gradually disappeared, leaving a whirlpool of blue water about ten feet in size on the ground.

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