True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 157 Entrance to the Underground Palace

The blue water whirlpool grew larger and larger, turning into a top like a spinning top as it burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the entire mountain began to shake violently, and there was a muffled rumbling sound. The originally chaotic stone piles on the surface of the mountain ignited with red flames and began to move strangely. Looking from a distance, it looks like many flame elves running all over the mountains and plains, and the scene is stunning and vast.

After a while, the moving stone piles stopped, and the red flames on them were extinguished. The entire mountain returned to its previous calm, and a vertical passage was revealed on the ground at the top of the mountain.

"The passage has been opened." Leng Daoren stood up, adjusted his clothes slightly, raised his red nose, and showed a proud smile on his face.

The other leaders of Qinghua Mountain City all cast aside their approving glances.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Leng's method of using water to ignite fire is really clever." Lord Dongling praised.

"Success is right in front of us. For the future well-being of Xiaoxianjie, let's move forward." Princess West said loudly.

Leng Daoren led the way, and everyone filed forward.

On the top of the mountain, the entrance to the ground is square and is more than ten feet wide. The entrance passage is made of bluestones. Because the passage is too deep, light cannot penetrate, so people cannot see the deeper conditions inside.

"Below this entrance is the underground palace. Which gentleman will go down first?" Leng Daoren said, glancing at the important figures in West County and East County, and thinking to himself, you guys just said it with certainty and arrogance, but I am the one who said it. See if your courage is as big as your tone.

After Leng Daoren said this, no one spoke to him for a while, making the situation awkward. Everyone knows that the palace here is extremely dangerous, and the first person to enter it is at the greatest risk, and no one thinks they will live long.

Several people in Xijuncheng and Dongjuncheng are all high-ranking people. If there is an emergency, they will not take action personally. In most cases, they can solve the problem with words.

Lu Wujie had the most distinguished status among these people. He was the majestic Lord of the West County and the King of the West Xiaoxian Realm. Seeing no one responded, he lost his dignity. I secretly thought in my heart, little Taoist Leng, don’t think that you will steal the spotlight just by opening the exit of the underground palace. As the master of this small sage world, my authentic Confucian sect will not be compared to you and other casual cultivators.

"Ahem." Lu Wujie coughed dryly and looked at Linghu Xia and Xijun General Ningjing beside him.

Then he said loudly: "This underground palace is the ruins of the Confucian sect. As an orthodox Confucian sect, I should set an example. As the Princess of the West who has been passed down from generation to generation, I have my duty to enter first."

"Such small things can be done by the veteran minister on behalf of the princess." Linghu Xia immediately spoke up.

"My subordinate Ning Jing is willing to go. Killing formations with thousands of troops and horses are commonplace for this general. How dare I bother the princess and the chief minister with such trivial matters." The tall Ning Jing said vowedly.

"Okay! Our West County is full of talents, brave men have emerged in large numbers, and they show their Confucian style. General Lao will take the lead." Lu Wujie said loudly.

"This subordinate is willing to serve as the princess's pawn."

After saying that, Ningjing held her head high and stepped onto the stairs of the passage. She glanced at him secretly, and there was a hint of strangeness in the corner of her eyes.

As soon as he jumped, Ning Jing's tall figure jumped into the passage.

Everyone outside the passage held their breath and watched the situation inside the passage.

Not long after, a calm voice came from the passage: "There is no risk down here for the time being. Everyone, please come down."

Leng Daoren immediately stepped into the passage, followed closely by Xu Yang, and others filed into it.

Under the passage, the space suddenly opens up.

In the huge space, there is a colorful light curtain in the southeast, northwest, and each other, emitting brilliant brilliance, making the entire space extremely bright.

In the center of the space is a rectangular stone wall.

On the front of the stone wall are eight characters "The Beginning of the World of Xian, the Land of the Mysterious Spirit" engraved with a powerful and powerful pen.

There are four patterns carved on the back of the stone wall.

The first picture depicts countless monks fighting in a melee, the sky is collapsing and the earth is falling, spells are flying everywhere, corpses are everywhere, and the sky is full of flames.

The second picture shows a monk in blue shirt, hovering in mid-air, with a flying sword on his feet, his clothes fluttering, and he is casting a spell.

The style of painting in the third picture changed, and the scene of war disappeared. The background was a turbulent river, and the faces of the people on the river bank showed joy and peace.

The original pattern on the fourth picture is completely gone, leaving only the grooves scratched by the sword's edge.

Everyone gathered around the stone wall and watched carefully.

Especially the eight characters on the front of the stone wall, West Princess Lu Wujie looked at them carefully.

"The handwriting of these eight characters is the same as the handwriting on the calligraphy treasure left by Master Lu Xian in Xiaoxian Realm. It can be concluded that this space must have been left by Master Lu Xian." Lu Wujie said with a respectful look on his face.

"That's true. There are also inscriptions written by Master Lu on the Beiqing Mountain in Dongjun. The style of the handwriting is exactly the same." Lord Dongling said on the side.

"When we first enter the ruins of Kaijie Immortal Master, we should pay homage." As he said this, Lu Wujie took the lead, and everyone bowed respectfully towards the stone wall.

When he saw the traces of destruction on the fourth pattern on the back of the stone wall, Lu Wujie frowned and said, "What is this fourth picture depicting? How could it be destroyed?" As he said that, he looked at it with his eyes. The three evil spirits on the side.

"This has nothing to do with our three evil spirits. It was like this when we came here last time." Leng Daoren explained.

"Now that we are here, everyone is ready to start exploring the underground palace. Fellow Daoist Leng and the other two have been here once before, so please ask him to briefly introduce the formation mechanism inside the light curtain, so that we can make plans." Xu Yang suggested.

"Okay, let's listen to Dao Ren Leng's introduction first." Lord Dongling said.

"Everyone has seen that there are seven-colored light curtains around the stone wall, one in the southeast and one in the northwest. The last time we entered this place, we were divided into two groups, and we entered from the east and south. The light curtain in the east was full of bow shooting mechanisms, and the light in the south There is an ink pond inside the curtain, and a large number of character spells will pour out of this ink pond. It is difficult to deal with both sides. As for the remaining west and north sides, it is unknown." Leng Daoren introduced.

"Indeed, as Daoist Leng said, the five-element spell is inside the bow shooting mechanism, and the character spell in the ink pool is even more unpredictable. The last time seven of us entered this place, four of them died in just one stick of incense, and the remaining Fellow Daoist Leng, Fellow Daoist Jade Buddha and I escaped by chance, so we must not be careless," Daoist Jing added.

"It seems that there are various advanced defensive formations behind this light curtain, but the records in the Confucian sect of Xiaoxian Realm do not contain a trace of this place. Should we continue to break into the formations on the east and south, or go to the west and What about inside the light curtain in the north?" Lord Dongling said.

"I don't think it's better for us all to divide into four teams and break the formation at the same time from east to west and from north to south. We will always find the secret." Shangguan Aoyun, the general of Dongjun with a beard and a beard, suggested.

"I agree with General Shangguan's approach. We have gathered five masters of the True Alchemy Realm this time. Compared with the last time when Leng Daoren and others broke into the formation, their strength is greatly increased. The soldiers are very fast, open and close, and the four Entering the team at the same time is definitely the fastest way to find the exit," Ning Jing, the tall and tall general of Xijun, agreed.

Linghu Xia, who was dressed in a gray robe, closed her eyes and listened to the two people's opinions, gently stroking her silver whiskers under her chin with one hand. After listening to what the two said, he opened his eyes with bright eyes and said loudly: "I have a proposal."

"Please speak." Lu Wujie said.

Linghu Xia was well-known in the Xiaoxian world for his versatility in both civil and military affairs. As the first assistant, he managed Xijun in an orderly manner, and his cultivation had reached the second level of the True Alchemy Realm. He is also good at military strategism. He is the author of "Hu Ben Art of War", advises military aircraft, and has made many military exploits. Lu Wujie still trusted Linghu Xia very much.

"Although there are definitely formations on the east and south sides, there may not necessarily be formations in the light curtains on the west and north sides. I remember that it was mentioned in the Jiexian Zhi of Xiaoxian Realm that the exit of Xiaoxian Realm must have a Yuanhun Realm monk. Turn on. I think it would be difficult for all of us here to withstand the full attack of a Yuanhun Realm monk. But when it comes to breaking into the formation, there is naturally more power, so I propose that we divide into two teams and enter the west. Inside the light curtain facing and north," Linghu Xia suggested.

"What Chief Assistant Linghu said is not unreasonable. Does anyone else have any better opinions?" Lu Wujie asked.

Others looked at me and I looked at you, but no one came up with a better way.

"Since no one has come up with a better strategy to break the formation, we might as well act according to Linghu's chief assistant's method, but how to distribute the personnel between the two teams?" Xu Yang asked.

Linghu Xia looked at Xu Yang, smiled slightly, and then said: "I know what Leader Xu means. Open the skylight and speak openly. Before, our Confucian sect and the casual cultivators in Qinghua Mountain City have always been in a state of hostility. We have to admit that now we are in a state of hostility." We don’t yet fully trust each other, so any method proposed by either side to separate personnel may be detrimental to the other side.”

"Thank you Chief Linghu for your openness. For your own safety, I think everyone should be thinking the same thing as me at this time. Therefore, I suggest that we draw lots to divide the personnel into groups. As long as the result of the draw shows the distribution of the strength of the two groups, Just average.”

"Okay, let's follow Leader Xu's suggestion." Lu Wujie expressed his stance.

"I think this method is not bad. God will guide us who were originally hostile to cooperate, so let God divide us into teams." Lord Dongling also agreed.

Other leaders of Qinghua Mountain City also agreed with Xu Yang's suggestion.

"There are a total of fifteen of us here. We have eight people in one team and seven people in the other team."

Then, Xu Yang took out fifteen bamboo sticks from the storage bag, scored seven of them with a flying knife in front of everyone, and then put these bamboo sticks into a bamboo tube.

"The people who drew the bamboo sticks with knife marks were on one team, and the people who were left were on the other team."

Then place the bamboo tube on the ground.

"I'll smoke it first." Leng Daoren was the first to walk over and pull out one of the sticks.

People came over one after another and each smoked one of them.

The results of the grouping showed that there were seven people in a group: Xu Yang, General Xi, Princess West, General Dong, Daoren Leng, Daorist Jing, and Daorist Xuan.

The remaining eight people were Bai Muhua, Bai Mujin, Gui Dazui, Jade Buddha, Fat Toutuo, Dongling Jun, Linghu Xia and Lu Qingyu.

Although Bai Mujin wanted to team up with Xu Yang, he had to give up due to the rules.

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