On the battlefield.

Daoren Xuan, Daoren Leng, Dao Jing and Xu Yang did not fight alone like Ning Jing and Shangguan Aoyun, but the four of them attacked together. After all, the two generals were at the True Alchemy Realm, and their individual combat power was not comparable to that of the four of them.

Among the large number of armored spirit scorpions, most of them can be dealt with by themselves with a slightly lower cultivation level, but a few of them have high-level spirit scorpions that are as good as those of Peiyuan realm monks. It is more effective for four people to cooperate with each other to attack.

The Taoist Xuan's icy sword comes out, and the blade blows snow. The wound of the armored spirit scorpion struck will be sealed by the icy sword energy, and its movement and defense will be greatly reduced. Jing Daoren waved the purple wooden sword in his hand and took the opportunity to make up for it with a strike, which could probably kill the injured iron-armored spirit scorpion on the spot.

The four magic long sticks in Xu Yang's hands are extremely domineering, especially the power of Mount Tai that is blessed with the fine gold of Mount Tai. His current cultivation level is not yet able to activate its full abilities, but the power of each stick wielded can be called Shocking. Every time it hits the armored spirit scorpion, it explodes like a hammer hitting a watermelon, causing either death or injury. Leng Daoren watched from the sidelines for the right time to add attacks, and he was unstoppable along the way.

The numerous armored spirit scorpions on the opposite side were not afraid of death, and they continued to attack one after another.

The sound of bombardment, slashing, and explosions mixed together, stimulating the nerves, and the scene was tragic.

The strange thing is that the broken limbs of this armored spirit scorpion will not flow out blood, but will be burned into fly ashes in the purple flames emitted from its body, leaving a purple crystal core in the ashes.

An even weirder scene happened. The later armored spirit scorpions would eat up all the remaining purple crystal cores of the dead armored spirit scorpions, and the chewing sounds of "click, click, click" came one after another.

The purple fireworks on the armored spirit scorpion that has eaten the purple crystal core will be more intense, the size will become larger, and the strength will be improved than before.

The rise of mass killing did not pay attention to this subtle change at first, but as time passed, a terrifying scene happened.

Gradually, no more armored spirit scorpions rushed out from behind, and the number of remaining armored spirit scorpions became less and less. But they are all remaining beings that have devoured a large number of purple crystal cores, and each devouring makes them stronger.

The last dozen or so remaining armored spirit scorpions had grown to the size of a small mountain. The appearance also became more ferocious and terrifying, with many sharp bone spurs growing out of the originally smooth armor, flashing with traces of purple spiritual patterns. The purple spiritual flames around him became more intense and intense, and the blazing high temperature made it difficult for people to get close.

The armor became as thick as a wall and as hard as iron. The power of Taoist Xuan, Taoist Leng, and Taoist Jing's long swords could only leave a shallow mark on it. Even Xu Yang's Four Fantasy long sticks only shattered the armor. Split into small pieces, unable to cause substantial damage.

The pair of iron pincers are even more fierce. Coupled with their unparalleled strength, every blow is no less powerful than the secret skills of Peiyuan Realm monks. Every time he waved, the four of them were exhausted and fell back again and again.

"The strength of the remaining ten or so spirit scorpions is already very close to that of the monster beasts. Please trouble the two generals to kill them." Lu Wujie, the Lord of the West County standing behind, said loudly, but he still did not take action and just stared closely in front of him. The change.

"My subordinates take orders." General Xi Ningjing replied loudly.

"Easy to say." Dong General Shangguan Aoyun also responded promptly.

After Xu Yang and the other four heard this, they jumped out of the battle circle and retreated.

General Xi Jinping secretly used magic skills, and the true energy was crazily injected into the "Wolf Fire Changying" in his hand. A coercion that only a true elixir realm monk could possess spread out from his body, the void trembled, and the ground rumbled.

"A hundred miles of smoke".

With a loud shout, the spear in his hand was projected out. Red flames glowed all over the spear, like a fire dragon rising into the sky.

"Boom." The spear penetrated the body of an armored spirit scorpion and rolled up red flames. The hard iron armor of the spirit scorpion was torn to pieces, and the huge body collapsed.

Dong General Shangguan Aoyun did not show any weakness. He held the long sword "Zhan Feng" across his chest and quickly poured his true energy into it.

"Silver Dragon Slash".

Step forward, the blade comes out, the sword falls, and the silver dragon appears.

With a roar, an originally menacing armored scorpion was cut into two pieces, and its remains were burned in a purple spiritual flame, leaving only a purple crystal core the size of a walnut.

The remaining spirit scorpions scrambled to eat the crystal cores that fell to the ground.

The two fought hard, and in a series of critical strikes, the last three of the eleven armored spirit scorpions were left.

But the only three spirit scorpions began to evolve further after devouring the crystal cores of their kind.

The size became larger again, and the aura became even more astonishing. A ferocious horn sprouted from the head, like a ghost from hell. Purple spiritual flames rolled around the body, setting off a wave of blazing air.

When Xu Yang saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked. At this time, the sense of oppression brought by the three spirit scorpions to him was second only to the thousand snakes, and they were probably already quasi-monster beasts.

Taoist Xuan, Taoist Jing, and Taoist Leng also showed solemn expressions on their faces.

When the two generals saw this, they were about to use their killing moves.

"I'll do it." Lu Wujie, who was standing behind everyone, suddenly spoke up.

Lu Wujie is indeed a strong man at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. He took one step forward, and before he could even hear a sound, the person was already there, with purple robes flying behind him, showing off his royal aura.

Turning his wrist, a long blue sword was held in his palm.

This sword is called "Crazy Wave", and it is said to be the most famous sword in the world of Xiaoxian. Above the sword body, waves of rolling waves can be faintly seen under the blue. The sword body buzzes, and the surrounding The spiritual energy in the void was shaking, and before the sword came out, its power was already there.

Lu Wujie was seen stretching his arms to the left and right, leaping straight up, his feet in the air, his clothes dancing wildly, his body silhouetted against the blue light, hovering in the air like a true god.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Galaxy Tianshui."

The outer core of the true elixir in the body melted rapidly, powerful mana poured into the long sword in his hand like a stormy wave, and the special killing move that could only be achieved by the true elixir realm monks was unleashed.

When the sword came out, the sword intention was like the Milky Way falling from the sky. The whole underground palace shook. Lu Wujie turned out to be a sword cultivator.

The huge blue sword light struck down from a high position, and rolled around the three armored scorpions below in the blink of an eye. Wherever the sword edge struck, it left a straight blue line, and the blue line disappeared into the bodies of the three armored scorpions in a flash.

Looking at the three armored scorpions, they were a little overwhelmed by this sudden and terrifying blow. A pair of iron pincers clicked, and the hook-like tail behind him kept swaying. The huge body was spinning in circles at a high speed, but it was impossible to dodge. However, after being hit, there seemed to be no reaction.

The three behemoths squeaked and rushed towards the crowd, but as they were running, spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the surface of the armor. The cracks connected into large cracks, and in the cracks A dazzling blue light splashed out.


The three running armored scorpions completed the last moment of their lives, and their huge bodies were torn to pieces in the blue light.

Purple fireworks lit up, and with a crisp "ding" sound in the ashes, three fist-sized purple crystal cores rolled to the ground. A scorpion figure can be seen shivering in each crystal core, as if it is still afraid of the blow just now.

"I didn't expect that this Lu Wujie's skill has improved a lot. As a comrade, he will be relied upon, but as an opponent, he will be fatal." The voice of the black cat Yetu came to Xu Yang's ears.

"I took note of it." Xu Yang replied.

"This demon crystal looks like a rare spiritual material." Leng Daoren said, stepping forward to pick up the three demon crystals left on the ground.

At this moment, subtle cracks began to appear on the three demon crystals, accompanied by a soft clicking sound.

After a moment, the three purple demon crystals shattered. The three fist-sized spirit scorpions inside quickly gathered together, twisted, and turned into a palm-sized three-tailed spirit scorpion. Then, he turned around, swung his three tails, and fled towards one of the passages behind him.

"It can evolve to the three-tailed state. Could it be that this scorpion still has the blood of a true demon?" Black Cat Yetu thought to himself.

The true demon bloodline is an extremely sacred existence among countless demon spirits in the evil spirit world. They are rare in number and extremely powerful. They are the kings of every race in the evil spirit world.

"Chase! The origin of this scorpion should be the exit of this maze." Lu Wujie said loudly.

It was still the two generals who took the lead, followed closely by the others.

The three-tailed spirit scorpion is only the size of a palm, but it is extremely fast. The eight scorpion legs underneath it may seem slender, but they are extremely dexterous. They vibrate back and forth like plucked strings, and in an instant, they are already ten feet away.

"It's not that easy to run away." Lu Wujie shouted clearly, making a secret with one hand and popping out his middle finger quickly.

With a "pop" sound, a flash of blue light shot out from his fingertips like lightning.

"Pa", he accurately shot the tail of the three-tailed scorpion running in front.


The blue light swirled strangely and turned into a rune that was imprinted on the scorpion's tail, and a wisp of white smoke rose from the imprint.

Immediately afterwards, traces of blue rune power spread out from the brand like water ripples.

The body of the three-tailed spirit scorpion shook, and its running speed dropped sharply.

Seeing everyone getting closer and closer to the three-tailed spirit scorpion.

At this moment, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook, and the original three roads moved again, turning into a crisscross and chaotic mess.

The three-tailed spirit scorpion that was running was also shocked by this sudden situation. It stopped, spun around on the spot, and then continued running in one direction.

The people behind him were even hotter in pursuit.

Seeing the three-tailed spirit scorpion running into a closed corridor, a stone wall on the opposite side blocked the way.

Just when everyone thought the spirit scorpion had nowhere to escape, the three-tailed spirit scorpion crashed headlong into the stone wall.

In the midst of everyone's surprise, white water ripples appeared on the stone wall, and the spirit scorpion passed through the wall.

"It turns out that this labyrinth is not the Confucian Nine-Number Formation at all. It is just a blindfold formation disguised as the Nine-Number Formation. The hiding method is indeed clever. The information I imprinted on this Spirit Scorpion just now is still there. It Don't run far, keep chasing." Lu Wujie said loudly.

After hearing this, General Ning Jing of the West and General Shangguan Aoyun of the East who were rushing in front used the weapons in their hands to probe the wall. The weapons were submerged in it as if they were nothing, and they also splashed circles of white water.

Without even a moment's pause, the two tall figures disappeared instantly amid the ripples of white water patterns on the wall.

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