True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 160 Massive Spiritual Stones

On the other side of the stone wall is a one-way square corridor. The walls on both sides of the corridor are filled with spiritual stones that emit soft white light. The three-tailed spirit scorpions are running along the corridor without looking back.

As the white water patterns on the stone wall flashed, the tall figures of East General Shangguan Aoyun and West General Ning Jing stepped out.

As the white water patterns on the stone wall fluctuated, the other five people also revealed their figures, and the black cat Yetu was still sitting firmly on Xu Yang's shoulders.

"The spirit scorpion in front of me should be a spiritual creature from the evil spirit world like me. I don't know what surprises the formation set up by Master Lu will bring us. Next, we must be more careful." Black Cat Yetu reminded road.

"Everyone, be careful. The end of this tunnel may be the answer to this underground palace. I'm afraid there will be greater risks." Xu Yang said loudly.

"Now that we are here, there is no reason to look back." After finishing speaking, General Dong Shangguan Aoyun was the first to rush into the corridor with his Yanyue Sword in one hand.

"Chase!" Xi General Ning Jing held the wolf fire tassel behind him and followed closely.

Others followed.

The nimble figure of the three-tailed scorpion ran further and further along the curve of the corridor.

After chasing for who knows how long, the far end of the corridor suddenly became clear, and a huge square appeared in front of several people.

There is a hill-shaped object scattered in the middle of the square, which is stained with rust. It seems that a lot of rusty scrap iron has been discarded here.

What attracted everyone's attention even more was that there were countless spiritual stones scattered around the hill. Each spiritual stone was the size of a goose egg. The auras on them were hazy and attractive, and they all looked like top-grade spiritual stones.

The three-tailed spirit scorpion didn't stop for a moment, stepping on these spirit stones and climbed straight to the hill on the opposite side. Suddenly, it turned into a ball of purple flame and disappeared into the gap of the hill.

"The brand I left on the spirit scorpion shows that it is in this hill, and it cannot escape." Lu Wujie said.

"Are we getting rich? There are millions of spiritual stones at least." Leng Daoren saw the massive amount of spiritual stones in front of him and couldn't help but calculate the number in his heart.

"Isn't this the exit of Xiaoxian Realm, but an underground palace with hidden treasures?" Jing Daoren said, staring at the spiritual stone in front of him, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

"If it's really an underground palace with hidden treasures, we can divide the spiritual stones here so that our trip is not in vain." Taoist Xuan said simply.

"These spirit stones are indeed coveted, but the purpose of our trip is not the spirit stones." Xu Yang reminded in time, but he also had an inexplicable liking for these spirit stones in his heart.

Lu Wujie, Shangguan Aoyun, and Ning Jing were three people with high positions in the Xiaoxian world. They would never worry about spirit stones on weekdays, but when they saw such a large number of spirit stones, they also showed joy on their faces.

In the world of cultivation, money is the spiritual stone. In front of the spiritual stone, everyone is equal. Regardless of the level of cultivation, no one can escape its omnipotent temptation.

"This is the first time I have seen so many spirit stones. Isn't it an illusion?" Jing Daoren said, stretched out one hand to grab in the void, and used the method of controlling objects through the air. One of the spirit stones was as long as It flew like wings to the palm of his hand.

Jing Taoren looked at the spiritual stone in his palm and carefully examined it. He could clearly feel that this spiritual stone contained rich spiritual power, like frightened little fish scurrying around in it. two.

Taoist Jing handed the spirit stone to everyone for viewing.

"It is indeed a spiritual stone."

"Who hid such a large number of spiritual stones here?"

"There are only a few of us here. No matter who hid it, it belongs to us now."

"These spiritual stones can make the entire Xiaoxian world rich."

"Even if placed in the Northern Territory, such a number of spirit stones would be enough to create a large sect."

Everyone unconsciously began to yearn for the benefits brought by the spirit stone, and seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming here.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and the entire space shook.

The originally dilapidated hill slowly rose up, and the spiritual stones scattered around the hill rolled down. From a distance, it looked like a rain of pearls falling from the sky, gorgeous and spectacular.

Gradually, the hill stopped rising upward, and the rusty iron sheets on it began to move up, down, left and right.

There was a clicking sound, and an extremely huge scorpion appeared in front of everyone. Strictly speaking, it was not a complete scorpion. Its trunk, tail, head, and front claws were all dilapidated and covered with rusty iron sheets. It was like pieces of rotten plaster covering its body.

Half of its body was made of iron sheets, and it was split in two from the center of its eyebrows, as if someone had cut it into two with a sharp sword and then pieced it together, with scars all over its body.

Half of Tiepi's face was lifeless, and the other half had a dark, shiny eye the size of a washbasin looking down at the people below. The strange thing was that there were nine tails behind the scorpion.

"Nine-tailed scorpion puppet! Fortunately, it is just a puppet. If it is a real nine-tailed scorpion, even a Yuanhun realm monk will not be its opponent." The black cat Yetu on Xu Yang's shoulder said with lingering fear when he saw the situation in front of him. .

"Humans, are you here to steal my spiritual stone? As punishment, I will tear you all into pieces." It actually spoke human words.

Before he finished speaking, there was a clicking sound, and a large and exaggerated front paw was raised high.

The next moment, the giant claws stabbed out fiercely, as if to poke a big hole in the void, and roared towards the position where several people were, as fast as a meteor chasing the moon, and as powerful as Mount Tai turning upside down.

The dream of getting rich in the hearts of the seven people was suddenly shattered by this shocking blow. The sense of oppression caused by this blow was one of the most powerful that everyone present had ever seen in their lives. It could be said that it was a powerful blow from a monk in the Soul Realm. Not an exaggeration.

Looking at the expressions on the seven people's faces, it was as if the man who had just become the world's richest man was suddenly sentenced to death. Surprise, embarrassment, entanglement, unwillingness, fear, despair... I have tasted ninety-nine of the flavors of life at this time, and the last flavor is the taste of death.

But this is just a momentary mood. As a monk who has tasted the incomparable pleasure brought by increasing longevity, he will be more afraid of death. It is the instinct of all monks to fight hard in the face of death and change their fate against the will of heaven.

The seven people urgently raised their true energy and prepared to use their special skills to deliver a fatal blow.


At the critical moment, everyone heard a crisp sound like a tree being suddenly broken.

The huge front claws wielded by the spirit scorpion actually broke off, and the fallen piece was like a meteorite falling to the ground. It plunged into the ground with a "bang", and the earth collapsed, creating a big crater.

"It's so embarrassing. I almost forgot. I am no longer the original nine-tailed spirit scorpion. I am just a puppet. The monk named Lu Qingyun cut me into two pieces with one sword, and smashed me to pieces with another palm. Then They found some iron sheets and made me into a puppet, saying that it was to atone for my sins of killing countless humans. They also said that as long as I take good care of these spiritual stones here, one day my soul will be obtained. Redemption.”

After the spirit scorpion finished speaking, he no longer attacked, but looked down at the scattered spirit stones at his feet.

"Why is one piece of my spirit stone missing?" the spirit scorpion puppet suddenly asked.

"I'm just taking a look." Jing Daoren quickly explained and threw the spiritual stone in his hand.

With a "clang", perhaps because Mr. Jingdao was a little nervous, the spirit stone was thrown on Lingscorpion's feet and bounced back a little.

The spirit scorpion puppet stared closely at the spirit stone with one eye, raised a scorpion foot and scratched the spirit stone in front of him.

"That's good, no one should be missing." As he said that, his body shrank and turned into a pile of broken iron and crawled on the ground, no longer paying attention to everyone.

Seeing this, several people did not continue to activate the Yuan Gong they originally mentioned. Instead, they held their breath and concentrated, ready to go, and waited to see what happened.

Time passed little by little, and in the large space of Nuo, the nine-tailed scorpion puppet, countless spirit stones and seven figures were like a picture, hanging there motionless.

After a stick of incense, the spirit scorpion puppet still did not move at all, and could not even feel a trace of spiritual power fluctuations on its body.

The seven people began to secretly use secret methods to discuss the next move.

"Turns out it's just a fad, a strong-willed guy on the outside. Why don't we kill it together and strike first? It won't be easy for us when this guy takes the initiative to attack us again." Leng Daoren suggested.

"It doesn't look like its defense is very good. If we launch an attack together, we can smash it to pieces in an instant." Taoist Xuan said.

"Killing it may help you find the answer to this underground palace soon, or at least get the spirit stone here." Jing Daoren said.

"The pressure caused by this puppet's previous attack is really scary. We have to think carefully before taking action. Why don't we see if there are other ways out here first? After all, we are here to find an exit." Xu Yang reminded .

"It seems that if we don't touch the spirit stones here for the time being, this puppet will not take the initiative to attack. Let's take a look around here first." Lu Wujie said.

The seven people carefully explored around the huge body of the Spirit Scorpion Puppet. There is only one passage in this space, and other places are hard stone walls. There is no exit, and no mechanism has been found.

"Is it really just an underground palace hiding spiritual stones?" Xu Yang frowned slightly, feeling suspicious in his heart.

At this time, West Princess Lu Wujie looked at the spirit stone in front of him with a strange look in his eyes.

The secret voice from behind said: "General Ningjing, if the spirit stones here continue to stay here, even if you and I don't move, they will be taken away by these people from Qinghua Mountain City. If Qinghua Mountain City uses these spirit stones to recruit troops, it will be inevitable." It will cause serious trouble in the future.”

"The princess wants to kill this puppet and then divide the spiritual stones, or kill a few people from Qinghua Mountain City here." Ningjing Secret Technique replied.

"You guessed it right. This plan is just a little ahead of schedule. Before coming, I discussed this matter with Chief Linghu. If we can really find an exit, we will let these people in Qinghua Mountain City live.

If they cannot find the exit from Xiaoxianjie, this is their burial place. Let's work together to kill the Spirit Scorpion Puppet here later, and then you and I will work together to kill these four thieves in Qinghua Mountain City, and we will end them all once and for all, so as to avoid future troubles. After coming out, they only need to declare to the outside world that they perished in the underground palace, and the Qinghua Mountain City without the bandit leader will be destroyed. "

"The princess is wise!"

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