At this time, Xu Yang frowned slightly, and his heart was full of disappointment. If this is just an underground palace where treasures are hidden, where is the way back to Xiaoxian Realm? I don’t know what happened to Mu Jin, Mu Hua and others in the northern light curtain.

When the seven people from Xu Yang walked into the light curtain in the west, eight people including Dongling Jun, Bai Mujin, Bai Muhua, and Lu Qingyu, the chief assistants of the East County, Linghu Xia, Yu Fozi, Gui Dazui, and Fat Toutuo, the chief assistants of the West County, all appeared at the same time. Entered the light curtain to the north.

Coincidentally, the situation encountered by these eight people was the same as that encountered by Xu Yang's seven people, maze, scorpion, killing, three-tailed scorpion, chasing, passing through the wall, and a broken nine-tailed scorpion puppet in the underground palace. Climbing on countless high-grade spiritual stones.

If half of the iron skins of these two nine-tailed spirit scorpions are removed, a completed nine-tailed spirit scorpion body can be formed.

Seeing the eight people rushing in, the nine-tailed spirit scorpion said timidly: "I have never eaten people. There are many spirit stones here. You can take them and share them. Just don't hurt the little scorpion."

"Such a big spirit scorpion actually calls itself a little scorpion. Judging from the bruises on it, this guy is probably frightened by someone. He is so afraid of humans." Bai Muhua said.

"There are so many spiritual stones here that it's hard to keep your eyes open, Amitabha." Fat Toutuo said, staring at the spiritual stones in front of him.

"I don't know who put so many spirit stones here and guarded them with such a timid spirit scorpion." Jade Buddha said.

"Why do I feel that this scorpion is a little weird?" Bai Mugin said.

"So many spiritual stones are really a huge fortune." Lu Qingyu said.

"The nine-tailed spirit scorpion, if it is intact, is a rare and terrifying spiritual object." Lord Dongling said.

"Don't be deceived by this guy's words, let me ask him." said the wily Linghu Xia.

"Let me ask you, why are you here?"

"Three hundred years ago, a monk named Lu Qingyun captured me and trapped me here. This man was unreasonable and extremely cruel. He cut me into two pieces with one sword and transformed my face completely." Ling Ling Xie said aggrievedly.

"It seems that you are not a creature from this world at all. There is a faint trace of strange hostility in you. I guess you are probably a spiritual creature from another interface."

"Your Excellency has a sharp eye. I originally came from the evil spirit world. I was summoned to the Zhongyuan Realm by someone's magic. Then I got caught in a big war. After that, I was imprisoned here by Lu Qingyun."

Hearing the words "Evil Spirit Realm", Linghu Xia frowned, and the situation recorded in the classics of Xiaoxian Realm flashed in his mind.

"If my guess is correct, you are the evil spirit that broke into this place when the Little Xian Realm was founded. You have eaten countless people and deserve to be killed by Master Lu. I just don't know why Master Lu still wants to leave you a trace of life."

Speaking of this, Linghu Xia's eyes turned cold.

With a sound of "Cang", the silver light flashed in the scabbard behind his back, and there was a tiger-patterned green blade in his hand. The sharp sword tip pointed straight at the Spirit Scorpion opposite, and said sternly: "What is your real purpose here, or I will tear you into pieces." The coercion of a true elixir realm strongman emanated from his body. Swinging open, the void was shaken.

"We have something to discuss, don't take action." The scorpion puppet said, its huge body shivering, and the iron patches on it made a "clatter" sound, like a dilapidated thatched hut, which seemed to collapse if it shook any harder. fall.

Then it shrank its head and raised a huge long pincer in front of itself, with only its only black eye exposed in the gap between the long pincers.

"Say!" Linghu Xia shouted sharply.

"Xiao Xie, everything I said is true. I would never dare to deceive the Immortal even half a cent."

"What happened to the three-tailed spirit scorpion that just ran into your body?"

"The three-tailed spirit scorpion is just a condensation of my soul power and is released to scare people."

"Is there an exit from here to the outside world?"

"It's just a closed underground palace with no exit to the outside world."

Hearing the explanation of the Spirit Scorpion Puppet, several people felt cold. If this place is really just an ordinary underground palace, I wonder where the real exit of the Little Xian Realm is.

Bai Mujin frowned slightly and thought to himself, I don't know what is going on with Xu Yang. If there really is no exit from Xiaoxianjie in this underground palace, Xu Yang must be one of the most disappointed people here. Think about what Xu Yang will do because of this. Not happy, and my mood became depressed.

Linghu Xia hesitated for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and said bluntly: "Then there is no need for you, a spirit scorpion, to exist here."

Immediately afterwards, the true energy was injected into the tiger-striped green edge in his hand, and he secretly used magic skills to slash down. The sharp sword light emitted from the sword edge, and the sword light was like a rainbow, flying towards the Spirit Scorpion Puppet on the opposite side.

"Boom" sound.

The extremely sharp sword light struck the giant claws of the spirit scorpion.

I saw purple spiritual patterns flashing on its giant claws, and the power of the sword dissipated, leaving no trace behind.

Linghu Xia's seemingly random sword strike just now had secretly achieved seven successes, but he didn't expect it to be able to injure the spirit scorpion in front of him at all.

He shouted loudly: "This scorpion is a man-eating evil spirit. Let's kill it together."

After hearing this, the other seven people waved their weapons and launched their killing moves. The light of the sword, the shadow of the knife, the wind of the stick, and the force of the fist all fell on the broken body of the spirit scorpion.

"Whoosh, whoosh, boom."

The mountain-like body of the Spirit Scorpion collapsed instantly, turning into pieces of broken limbs and scattered on the ground, raising large amounts of smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and among the debris on the ground, only the giant claw still looked intact. The countless spiritual stones under the wreckage are still glowing with a faint milky white aura, like treasures waiting to be unearthed.

"Let's see if there is any other way out here first." Lord Dongling, who was wearing a blue brocade gown, suggested.

The eight people searched around this huge space. Indeed, as Ling Scorpion said, it was just a closed space with only one way to come.

"Since this is not the exit of the Small Sage Realm, let's divide the spirit stones here so that our trip is not in vain." Fat Toutuo suggested, patting his big belly.

"That's fine."

"Spiritual stones are indeed good things."

"I suggest we divide it equally per head."

"I suggest that West County, East County and Qinghua Mountain City each take one-third."

Everyone was arguing about how to distribute the spiritual stones in front of them.

I saw a rustling sound coming from the remains of the spirit scorpion that had been turned into ruins, and a three-tailed spirit scorpion the size of a palm emerged from it.

"The three-tailed spirit scorpion is still there." Bai Mujin was the first to discover the existence of the three-tailed spirit scorpion.

"Cut the weeds and eradicate them, just kill them." Linghu Xia said, about to chop down the long sword in his hand.

At this moment, purple ripples quickly spread out from the three-tailed spirit scorpion, swaying in circles in all directions.

"Puff puff puff!" Purple spiritual patterns swept across the ground, and the wreckage originally scattered on the ground burned violently, and the blazing purple flames brought blazing heat.

Everyone was in a good mood to distribute the spirit stones, but was interrupted by this sudden scene. They had no choice but to use their skills to retreat to a safe distance around the purple flames.

Strangely, a nine-tailed spirit scorpion as big as a small mountain loomed in the purple flames.

Immediately afterwards, countless spiritual stones under the purple flame began to shake one after another. Visible to the naked eye, strips of milky white spiritual power were drawn out from each spiritual stone. The trickling streams converged into a sea, and the nine streams poured into the purple flame surged wildly. The tail spirit scorpion is in the shadow.

The phantom of the spirit scorpion became more and more solid, and then an evil spiritual pressure swept in all directions.

"Not good!" Lord Dongling frowned and warned loudly.

"Bang!" With a sound, the nine-tailed spirit scorpion's shadow in the purple flames turned into purple stars all over the sky and exploded.

The scenery in front of everyone suddenly changed.

The fragments of the spirit scorpion's remains and the vast amount of spirit stones have long since disappeared, and the entire space has turned purple.

In this purple space, eight people are divided into four parts.

Dongling Jun and Linghu Xia, Jade Fozi and Fat Toutuo, Bai Mujin and Gui Dazui, Bai Muhua and Lu Qingyu, each could not see the whereabouts of the others.

The purple mist was billowing, and the evil spiritual power contained in it was pervasive, seeping into the meridians of everyone's bodies through breathing and skin contact.

This evil spiritual power is really evil. It originally makes people feel extremely hot, but when the power is used to resist it, it becomes extremely cold. It alternates between cold and hot, and it is impossible to force it out of the body. The stronger the skill used, the greater the coldness of the rebound.

Dongling Jun and Linghu Xia have the highest cultivation level among several people, and they are both at the second level of the True Alchemy Realm. The two people suffered the most damage among the several people. The cold and evil force was like a thousand knives scraping the bones and piercing the heart. The strong pain from the meridians made the two souls shake. Big beads of sweat pattered down their cheeks. His face was like wax paper, his body was unstable, and he was in terrible pain. I had to give up my efforts to drive away this evil force that invaded my body.

After a while, the burning sensation caused by this evil force disappeared automatically, and what followed was a very useful feeling, just like taking a sauna in a hot summer, and feeling extremely comfortable after sweating profusely.

The two people turned their heads and looked at each other naturally. At the moment when their eyes made contact, a purple flame flickered in their pupils, and a nine-tailed spirit scorpion was vaguely visible in the flames.

"Linghu Xia!"

"Mr. Dongling!"

The two said in unison, and their tone became extremely straightforward.

"The last time the Flame Python came to Dongjun to ask for the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, it was probably your plan, right?" Lord Dongling asked.

"Of course, I just want you both to lose. Princess Dong's excuse to retreat in Beiqing Mountain to worship is nothing more than to put money on her face. The whereabouts of the flame python are unknown for a while, and Princess Dong must be dead or injured. Everything is according to my plan. Among them." After Linghu Xia finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

When Lord Dongling heard this, he became furious and his eyes spit fire.

"You're such a treacherous Linghu Xia, I'm afraid you had some other plot to enter the underground palace this time, right?" Lord Dongling continued to question.

"Yes, the Xiaoxian Realm's Jiji clearly records that without the cultivation of Yuanhun Realm, it is impossible to open the way to the outside world. We will probably not succeed when we come here this time. Therefore, these casual cultivators must die. As for Without the support of Princess Dong, you will end up dead. This underground palace is your burial place. If you defeat both of your forces, our Lord's great cause of unifying the Xiaoxian world will be completed." Linghu Xia said truthfully.

"Okay, in that case, just ask if the sword in my hand agrees." After Lord Dongling said this, Qingfeng poured his true energy into his hand, and with a buzzing sound, the sword body trembled, and the murderous intent was revealed.

Linghu Xia didn't show any weakness, and pointed the tiger-striped green edge at Lord Dongling opposite, with murderous intent in his eyes.

A fight to the death between the two is about to break out.

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