True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 162 Clear Rain and White Birch

The reason why Linghu Xia and Dong Lingjun behaved like this was entirely due to the poison in this strange purple mist.

This poison is unique to the Nine-Tailed Spirit Scorpion. It is not fatal, but it makes the inhaler unable to conceal his true inner thoughts. That is to say, he will not lie when the poison is activated, and his inner thoughts will be infinitely expanded and engraved on him. Heart, once there is potential hostility around the poisoned person, it will turn into a desperate struggle.

Lord Dongling and Linghu Xia, as the chief auxiliaries of Dongjun and West Commandery, usually have their own masters and often clash with each other. In addition, recently, Lord Dongling has fallen into Linghuxia's scheme one after another and has suffered a lot of hidden losses. Naturally, he was very angry with Linghu Xia. And Linghu Xia has long wanted to get rid of Lord Dongling. Dongjun, which has already lost its owner, will become the treasure of West County if it loses Lord Dongling again.

At present, the opposing emotions between the two sides are infinitely amplified, like the hatred of killing their father, they are irreconcilable, and each wants to put the other to death immediately.

Almost at the same moment, the two people who were facing each other took action.

Lord Dongling used the "Flying Feather Sword Technique", the green edge passed by, and the sword light filled the sky like silver feathers, covering the opponent with murderous intent.

Although Linghu Xia is not a swordsman, he possesses the inner strength and mental skills of the "Violent Tiger Secret Art" and is extremely domineering. Combined with the tiger-patterned green edge in his hand, his moves carry the power of a tiger, and he has the potential to devour his opponents.

Comparing the two, Dong Lingjun, who has the sword move sword style, has a slight advantage. Linghu Xia is more powerful because of his strong foundation in martial arts.

These two know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Linghu Xia used the Xuanmen Kung Fu of the Bao Hu Xuan Jue to open and close, aggressively. Lord Dongling relied on the dexterity of the Feiyu Sword Technique and the power of the sword array to avoid the real and attack the weak without giving in. In addition, the two of them were both at the second level of the True Alchemy Realm. They were equally matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.


In the purple mist, the Jade Buddha in apricot Buddhist robes and the fat Fat Tutu were trapped in one place.

After a while, the two people began to become restless.

"Fat Toutuo, I have something to ask you. Three years ago, I got a Shangxu Pill, but I don't know whether it is genuine or not. Your accomplishments in the field of pills far surpass mine, and you and I are both Buddhist monks, so I I brought this elixir to you for advice. You told me that this elixir was real, but when I took it after I returned, it not only had no effect as expected, but also caused damage to my body. Did you lie to me?" Jade Buddha's face is cold, Said bluntly.

"Yes, the Shangxu Dan that you asked me to identify is indeed real. However, I took advantage of you and made a mistake." Fat Toutuo made no secret.

"As the leader of Qinghua Mountain City, your whereabouts are strange. Once, I discovered that you were secretly colluding with a spy from Xijun. When I tried to capture this person and asked, I didn't expect him to bite his tongue and commit suicide. Are you from the Xijun faction? A spy here?" Jade Buddha continued to ask.

"Yes, I am the person sent by Xijun. Do you still remember the Confucian monk who was seriously injured by you on the outskirts of Beicheng in Xijun more than a hundred years ago?"

Jade Buddha frowned slightly and thought about it carefully.

"Are you Yu Zhenjun from the Confucian sect? What is your appearance?"

"It was me who was seriously injured by you that time, which caused my foundation to be destroyed and my cultivation to stop progressing. Later, I practiced the Buddhist White Elephant Kung Fu, and my body became like this. A few years ago, I was assigned by Linghu Chief Assistant Sneak into Qinghua Mountain City as an undercover agent. I had long wanted to avenge you for being seriously injured that day. If I hadn't been afraid of exposing my identity, I would have given you a different poison that time."

"This kind of despicable method is exactly the style of your Confucian sect. You must accept your fate." Jade Buddha shouted sharply, with a cold look in his eyes. He flicked the silver whisk in his hand and swooped down like a silver python dancing wildly.

"To deal with thieves and bandits like you, we must use extreme measures." Fat Toutuo said as he turned his huge body very dexterously to avoid the opponent's close attack. In his hand was a dragon-wandering stick that was about ten feet long and as thin as the mouth of a bowl. He was so angry that he waved his dragon-walking stick and charged at him like a dragon coming out of the sea.

The two had a disagreement, had old and new grudges, and got entangled and angry with each other.


Elsewhere, Bai Mujin and Gui Dazui were also trapped in one place.

Similarly, the two of them were also poisoned by the strange poison in the purple mist.

"This mist is poisonous, but there is no severe pain now. How are you doing there?" Gui Dazui said, turning to look at Bai Hibiscus aside.

"The feeling just now was really scary. I don't know what kind of powerful toxin it was. I can't feel it at all now." Bai Hibiscus secretly used her skills and replied after finding out that she was fine.

There is no hatred in the hearts of these two people, so they live in peace.


In the last place, Bai Muhua and Lu Qingyu were trapped together.

Bai Muhua looked at Lu Qingyu blankly, his eyes full of admiration and trust, and said loudly: "Miss Qingyu, I like your generous character very much, but I know that you are ugly and have a low status, so I have never dared to be with you. Confess."

Normally, even if he was stabbed ten times, he would never express his feelings. Bai Muhua was poisoned by spider toxin since childhood and turned into such a bald and iron-faced man. Apart from feeling comfortable in front of his master, senior brothers and junior sisters, he saw contempt and disdain in the eyes of others.

The inferiority complex that comes with it is like an endless yoke that binds his life. Until he saw Lu Qingyu for the first time, there was no trace of contempt or disgust in his clear eyes, which made Bai Muhua feel good about Lu Qingyu from the bottom of his heart, but this good feeling was secretly buried deep in his heart. Now, under the influence of the toxins in the purple mist, this feeling was dug out and amplified.

"Brother Mu Hua, I'm not as aloof as you think. This starts with my life experience."

Lu Qingyu paused and continued: "My mother is just an ordinary woman. By chance, she entered the West County City and became a maid. One night, the Lord of the East County got drunk and took possession of my mother, and then they had me. . But my mother never got her status, and finally died in depression.

I have never looked down upon the young masters of those high-ranking officials. They are just empty-handed and sanctimonious. You have a simple heart and value love and justice. I am even more impressed that you have the courage to say these words to me today. "

Lu Qingyu said this without any hint of disgust in his tone.

"You can say that, I'm so happy." Bai Muhua's closed heart was gently pushed open.

Suddenly, Bai Muhua trembled all over, his face showed pain, and big beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks.

"Maybe it's because of my special constitution. I feel that the toxins that invaded my body before conflicted with the origin of the spider body in my body." At this time, every inch of Bai Muhua's body felt as if it had been scratched by a steel knife. His strong physique made the pain unbearable.

"Brother Muhua, please hold on." As he said that, Lu Qingyu quickly stretched out a jade hand and put it on Bai Muhua's shoulder, activating his magic power to help him detoxify.

With a "bang" sound, a huge rebound force came from Bai Muhua's shoulder, and Lu Qingyu's petite figure was violently pushed backwards. She felt her chest churn, and a red line dripped from the corner of her mouth.

"Miss Qingyu, are you okay? Don't worry about me, cough." Bai Muhua's eyes were full of anxiety, and he coughed violently as he spoke.

"Maybe I'm going to die here."

"Brother Mu Hua, you won't die." Lu Qingyu didn't know why he was so caring and affectionate for this man who was not very familiar with him and only confessed his love to him just now.

Little did she know that the little admiration she felt for this man was amplified by the strange poison in his body. It seemed that the man in front of him was no longer ugly, but he was deeply in love with him.

"I only have one last question to ask you?" At this moment, Bai Muhua also hoped to get the other person's affirmation in his heart. Love is mutual, and those who give hope to get something in return.

"If you have something to do, it doesn't matter."

"If I could become an ordinary person, would you accept me?"

"Yes." Lu Qingyu replied without hesitation. Because she clearly felt in her heart that Bai Muhua's love for her was sincere, and it had nothing to do with appearance, status, wealth, or even life.

A heartfelt smile appeared on Bai Muhua's face, as bright as a spring flower, as if the pain didn't exist at all. Then he slowly closed his eyes, his pulse gradually weakened, and his body became motionless.

At this moment, it was impossible to discern the direction in the purple mist. Lu Qingyu shouted for help several times, but no one answered. He could only rest Bai Muhua's face on his lap, maybe this would make him feel more comfortable.

Her heart felt as if it had been hollowed out, she was helpless, and the true feelings rolled out of the corners of her eyes.

After a while, the purple mist gradually became thinner, and she suddenly felt the man's head moving slightly on her lap.

He quickly looked down.

At this time, Bai Muhua actually opened his eyes, their eyes met, and Lu Qingyu's beautiful cheeks turned red.


"Miss Qingyu, what's wrong with me?"

Only then did Bai Muhua realize that she was resting on Lu Qingyu's breasts, which were soft, warm, and the most blissful place. She quickly stood up embarrassedly.

The two stood together, looking face to face. Bai Muhua noticed something was wrong. His gaze seemed to be higher, and Lu Qingyu's eyes looked much gentler when he looked at him.

Lu Qingyu took out a bronze mirror, handed it forward, and said, "You fool, you can see for yourself."

In the past, Bai Muhua was most afraid of looking in the mirror, but somehow, his infinite trust in Lu Qingyu defeated his fear of the mirror. He took the bronze mirror and looked at his face.

The smooth bronze mirror reflected a handsome young man's face, with black hair like a waterfall and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

Fighting poison with poison, the poison in the spider body was completely eliminated. At this time, Bai Muhua not only became younger and more handsome, but also taller and taller, and even his cultivation level increased slightly.

Eyes facing each other, the lovers hugged each other in love.

"Jiangnan Spring. Clear Rain and White Birches" Cold grass banks and cold sandbanks. The long river and the white birches are far away, and lovers on the ancient road hesitate. Suddenly the clear rain comes, and the jade trunks and green branches are shy in the wind.

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