True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 163 The truth about the underground palace

The side where Xu Yang is.

"Take action!" West Princess Lu Wujie gave the order, and all seven of them took action.

Amidst the sounds of slashing and explosions from swords and guns, the body of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion was shattered into pieces by the crowd.

On the ground, the remaining half of his head kept saying: "How embarrassing, you dare to sneak attack on me. The spirit stones are all mine and no one can steal them." The voice became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

Seeing the nine-tailed spirit scorpion in front of me being blasted to the point of death. Lu Wujie's face showed a proud look, his eyes trembled slightly, and he secretly transmitted a message to General Ning Jing of the West: "General Ning, don't worry about Shangguan Aoyun of East County for now, prepare to kill these thieves in Qinghua Mountain City."

Hearing this, Ning Jing felt a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

At this moment, a large purple flame ignited on the remains of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion in front of him, and the blazing heat rushed toward his face.

A palm-sized three-tailed spirit scorpion hid in the center of the fire, shaking its body and waving a pair of front pincers, emitting circles of strange purple ripples.

The burning sensation brought by the purple flame made Xu Yang's seven people retreat one after another.

Upon seeing this, Lu Wujie immediately sent a message to Ning Jing: "We'll wait and see for now. I don't know if there will be any changes in this scorpion."

In the purple flames, the shadow of a nine-tailed spirit scorpion gradually became clear. On the countless spiritual stones under the flame, traces of wandering spiritual power emitted, like countless swimming silver snakes, crawling onto the shadow of the spirit scorpion.

With a "bang" sound, the phantom of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion in the flames turned into purple star points and large fogs dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, a large piece of purple mist swirled in the air like a funnel, and was sucked in below. The purple mist dissipated, and a person appeared on the ground below.

This man was wearing a green Confucian shirt, and his frosty white hair was tied neatly behind his head with a piece of silver brocade. He has a wide forehead, a high nose bridge, a thin face, and piercing eyes. A fist-sized brown scorpion armor on the right cheek exudes a strange aura. What's even weirder is that his right arm turns out to be a complete scorpion claw.

When West County Lord Lu Wujie saw this man's face, his eyes showed surprise, and he trembled all over and blurted out: "Master Realm Lord!"

After careful identification, he calmed down and said, "No, the aura on your body is not that of the Realm Lord. Who are you, pretending to be a ghost here?"

At this time, the voice of Black Cat Yetu came to Xu Yang's ears: "I have seen this person's face in the portrait enshrined in Xiaoxian Realm. He is the master of Xiaoxian Realm. He is the only one in the history of Xiaoxian Realm." A strong man in the Soul Realm, he should have been taken away by this spirit scorpion at this time. It is said that he disappeared for no reason many years ago, and he did not expect to die here. "

"It's so embarrassing. This rotten skin doesn't look like this Scorpion at all." The Scorpion Man replied.

"Is the Realm Lord killed by a monster like you?" Lu Wujie asked.

"Of course not, he was killed by himself, by his own greed. This person did not do well to be the master of his small sage world, but he only wanted to live forever and ascend to the celestial world. Because his master Lu Qingyun told him However, it was almost impossible for him to ascend to the immortal world with his qualifications and Taoist spirit. Therefore, Lu Qingyun left him in this small world of sages. Unexpectedly, this person went here to look for things left by Lu Qingyun, regardless of his ability. , looking for an opportunity to break through the realm. Being greedy, he went crazy, and his soul exploded and died," the scorpion man explained.

"You must have played a role in this, otherwise why would you possess the body of the Realm Lord?"

"Yes, it was him who inhaled the soul-awakening scorpion mist I released, which accelerated his death. Before, he even injured me. This skin bag is used to repay the price of his disrespect for me." Scorpion Man Said without concealment.

"Why did Master Lu put you here?"

"Lu Qingyun made me into a puppet, and then cast a spell to seal me here. It is said that there is a lack of resources in Xiaoxian's world, and there will always be a day when these spiritual stones will be used. My task is to protect the spiritual stones here. If The war in Zhongyuan Realm has subsided, and he will come back to try to bring Xiaoxian Realm back to Zhongyuan Realm. For some reason, he never returned. "

When Lu Wujie heard this, he narrowed his eyes, thought rapidly in his mind, and then continued: "Have many True Alchemy Realm monks entered here before?"

"Of course, they were all killed by me. Once the spirit stone is taken away, the death contract Lu Qingyun placed on me will automatically take effect. But it is their own fault. Lu Qingyun placed a ban on me. Only those who enter will be I will wake up from my greed for spiritual stones. If you just want to distribute the spiritual stones here to the people in Xiaoxian World, you can take the spiritual stones here without exception. I want to put this spiritual stone in my pocket."

"Where is the way out from Xiaoxian Realm back to Zhongyuan Realm?" Xu Yang asked in time.

"Kill me, and you will know the way out. However, there is only one way for you, and that is Huangquan Road. Because, you will all be killed by me. Isn't it embarrassing?

Lu Qingyun had countless calculations and divided my body into two halves and made a puppet from each. But the half with the heart retains a trace of the scorpion's memory and survival instinct. In more than a hundred years, when the seal on this scorpion gradually weakens, it will be the time when this scorpion comes out of seclusion. When the time comes, I will be the king of this small world of sages. "

The scorpion man became more and more proud as he spoke. He suddenly raised his scorpion claw right arm, and circles of purple soul realm spread out from his body.

"Essential Soul Realm! This scorpion man can actually release the Soul Realm! Let's go!" Shangguan Aoyun, the Soul Realm Shangguan, shouted when he saw the attack in front of him.

Everyone turned around and looked at the entrance from where they came.

I saw a purple shadow flash at the entrance, and the scorpion man blocked the way like a ghost.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The scorpion man burst out with a sinister laugh, which sounded like a ghost blocking the road to everyone's ears and made people's scalp numb.

"This scorpion man is indeed troublesome. It seems that we can only leave this place by activating the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl at the right time." Black Cat Ye Tu said through his voice.

After Xu Yang heard this, his consciousness moved, and the crystal-clear Moon Magic Dzi Bead appeared in his palm.

"Hahaha! Monster, what you released is just a pseudo-soul realm, and you just want to keep me here, what a joke!"

West Princess Lu Wujie said loudly, and then pointed the tip of the long sword in his hand towards the scorpion man opposite.

"Monster, do you know the origin of this sword?"

After hearing this, the Scorpion Man looked carefully and couldn't help but tremble all over.

"This! This sword was actually used by Lu Qingyun?"

The moment he was killed by Lu Qingyun has been deeply imprinted in the Scorpion Man's memory.

I still remember that at the beginning, I was transported from the evil spirit world to this world by a summoning spell. As the proud nine-tailed scorpion clan in the evil spirit world, they were wantonly massacring inferior races like humans when a handsome young scholar appeared in front of them.

The scholar seemed to be weak, but he just said lightly: "Xiao Chong, your life is at stake, Lu Qingyun." He raised his sword and lowered it, and a blue light passed through his body. The scholar struck out with another palm, which was so powerful that he was shattered into pieces... terrible!

"This is your fate. At the beginning, Immortal Master Lu Qingyun had two disciples left in this world. One of them was the Realm Master who was murdered by you, and the second was my master, Lord Songyun. My master Lord Songyun unfortunately died during the rebellion of Xiaoxian Realm, but his two disciples became the East and West Princesses of Xiaoxian Realm respectively. I am the West Princess, and my senior brother Wang Zhuoyun has died as the East Princess. It was left by Immortal Master Lu Qingyun, and now it has been passed into my hands. Remember, the name of this sword is "Crazy Wave".

You will fall to this sword again! "

Lu Wujie said the last sentence harshly.

"I didn't expect that the princesses of the East and West Princesses in Xiaoxian Realm are actually senior brothers. This Lu Wujie and you can be regarded as a senior uncle and a senior nephew." Xu Yang asked in a low voice.

"The East and West counties have the same origin, but Lu Wujie wants to take the position of the leader of the Xiaoxian world and kill all the other casual cultivators in the Xiaoxian world. However, my master, Wang Zhuoyun, advocates Under the rule of Confucianism, there was a way for the casual cultivators to survive. The differences between the two people on this point caused the two to drift apart, and many times turned into wars between the East and West counties. " Black Cat Ye Tu explained.

At this time, Lu Wujie made a sword-like finger point with one hand at the center of his eyebrows. There was a flash of blue light between his eyebrows. Both his spiritual power and magic power exploded. Blue light flowed around his body, his beard and hair flew upside down, and his clothes and sleeves danced wildly.

The sword intention on the Kuanglan Sword in the other hand seemed to be sensed, and it kept buzzing and trembling.

The next moment, circles of water-colored ripples on the Kuanglan Sword swayed in all directions like wild waves.

"Sword Realm! I didn't expect Lu Wujie to have mastered the Sword Realm!" Black Cat Ye Tu exclaimed in admiration.

The Sword Realm is a realm where sword cultivators in the True Alchemy Realm inject their own powerful spiritual power into the long sword and exert their sword intent to its peak. The power is similar to the Soul Realm exerted by the strong ones in the Yuanhun Realm, but the power is much inferior. The difficulty of practicing in the sword realm is comparable to breaking through the soul realm. Therefore, even if they are sword cultivators, few can reach the sword realm.

"Sword Realm Dan Killing Technique - Galaxy Tianshui!"

The golden outer core of the true elixir in Lu Wujie's body melted rapidly, and the powerful magic power poured into the famous sword "Banglan" in his hand like a stormy wave.

In just a moment, the sword came out, and the sword's intention turned into brilliant brilliance, pouring out like the Milky Way, unstoppable and devastating.

When the scorpion man on the opposite side saw this, the purple fireworks on his claw arms swirled, and then, the claw arm suddenly slashed down.

A purple dragon of fireworks roared out, and at the head of the dragon's head was a ferocious nine-tailed spirit scorpion that was as solid as a ghost.

The collision of extreme blows caused the strong wind to rage and rumble, shaking the entire underground palace as if it was about to collapse.

During the explosion, a line of blue light passed through, and on the other side, the shadow of a nine-tailed spirit scorpion emerged.

The blue line flashed from the center of the Scorpion Man's head, and the Scorpion Man's skin was cut in half by the blue line.

On the other side, all of Lu Wujie's mental power was concentrated on this line of sword intent, and it was already too late to dodge the nine-tailed spirit scorpion that was coming towards him.

The nine-tailed spirit scorpion, which looked to be only the size of a palm, hit his chest. The whole person was thrown backwards like a sack, flying ten feet backwards, and spit out a mouthful of bright red. The clothes on his chest were all torn, his hair was messy, his face was as pale as paper, and he was depressed.

A figure flashed and appeared in front of Lu Wujie. It was General Xi Ningjing. Without hesitation, Ning Jing helped Lu Wujie up.

"Your Majesty, Princess, your golden body is very important. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"Thank you, General." At this time, Lu Wujie's internal organs were tumbling, his heart was injured, and he was unable to produce any more magic power. The sword-level blow just now was done reluctantly. He was hit by the nine-tailed spirit scorpion. It was a blessing that he didn't die on the spot.

Ning Jing supported Lu Wujie's injured body and turned into a shadow and ran towards the exit.

When his eyes saw the remains of the scorpion man chopped into two pieces on the ground at the exit, he actually felt a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation on his body. Lu Wujie, who was in a state of serious injury due to Ningjing, became even more anxious and disappeared into the corridor when he came in.

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