True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 164 Purple Flame Crisis

Seeing that General Ning Jing of the West took the injured Princess Lu Wujie of the West Princess and fled away like this, the remaining five people had different thoughts in their minds.

Shangguan Aoyun, the general of the East, saw Ning Jing running out in a panic, and said disdainfully: "As a military general, it is ridiculous to be so frightened by a corpse." Although he did not forget to ridicule Ning Jing, in his heart he was disappointed with the Scorpion Man just now. I was still frightened by the power of the attack.

Taoist Xuan, Taoist Leng and Taoist Jing had already turned pale with fear. The Scorpion Man's attack just now was no longer something they could understand. Seeing the Scorpion Man's body chopped into two pieces, he was secretly glad in his heart. Naturally, he was also amazed at Lu Wujie's strength.

When a large pile of bright spiritual stones on the ground came into view again, this fear was swept away by the light of the spiritual stones.

"Should we leave too? It would be better to take away the spiritual stones here first." Daoren Jing asked.

"Let's divide the spiritual stones here first," said Taoist Xuan.

Leng Daoren said nothing, but his eyes kept wandering over the spirit stone.

Xu Yang looked at the Scorpion Man's broken body at the entrance. If the powerful blow had hit him, he might have stopped in this underground palace.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's heart skipped a beat. The other half of the scorpion man's original body was probably in the northern light curtain where Mu Jin, Mu Hua and a few others entered. At this moment, I am afraid that Mu Jin and the others are also in deep crisis.

The importance of Bai Hibiscus in Xu Yang's heart is no longer what it used to be. At this moment, the first thing he thinks of is the safety of Hibiscus.

"I'll go to the other side to check on Hibiscus and the others." After saying that, the wind blew under his feet and he ran straight towards the entrance.

The remaining four people looked at each other in confusion. The two original temporary captains, Lu Wujie and Xu Yang, had left. What should be done with these many spiritual stones?

Just when Xu Yang was approaching the entrance.

"Be careful!" the black cat Yetu on Xu Yang's shoulder said urgently.

Immediately, the blue mist around the black cat rose up and rolled back, pulling Xu Yang's forward figure back three feet.

I saw a palm-sized nine-tailed spirit scorpion crawling out from the corpse of the scorpion man. Its body was not an entity, but a purple flame spirit, with a translucent body and purple flames jumping around it.

Immediately afterwards, the two halves of the scorpion man's corpse were turned into ashes in a burst of purple flames.

"Yan Ling, I didn't expect that this scorpion man actually has a flame spirit inside his body?"

Just when Xu Yang was surprised, purple light suddenly appeared around the scorpion flame spirit.

With a "bang", endless purple flames rolled out, and the billowing heat waves swallowed up all the space in the underground palace instantly like a giant gluttonous beast. The pressure it brought was much greater than a single blow from a True Alchemy Realm monk. The figure of the nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit is hidden in this purple flame, looming.

Facing such a powerful purple flame, Xu Yang took a breath of air and was about to use all his strength. At the critical moment, Black Cat Ye Tu came with a message: "Let me come."

The outer core of the true elixir in Black Cat Ye Tu's body melted rapidly, and a large amount of black energy gushed out from the body surface. Amidst the billowing black energy, a black barrier about ten feet in size enveloped one person and one cat.

As soon as the blazing purple flames touched the black barrier, countless black electric snakes popped out from the black barrier, and the purple flames that hit them rolled back. The black cats Yetu and Xu Yang inside were not affected by the purple flame at all.

Elsewhere, Shangguan Aoyun did not dare to neglect the incoming crazy purple flames. The evil aura in the purple flames gave him a sense of oppression that was no less than that of a true elixir realm monk's Dan Killing Technique. .

The true essence is raised urgently, the outer core of the true elixir in the body melts, and the mana is madly injected into the long knife "Zhanfeng" in his hand. The handle of the knife stabbed hard into the ground, and with a thud, it sank into the ground for about a foot.

The next moment, the silver dragon on the handle of the long knife started to swim. The silver dragon roared, spinning out circles of silver light. This stream of light was originally formed by compressing mana to the point where it was close to being substantial, like a silver dragon playing with clouds. As the silver streamer rotated, an inverted bowl-shaped protective cover was formed within a distance of more than ten feet around Shangguan Aoyun's body. The purple flames fluttered on it and were all spun out, preventing them from entering even half a minute.

Taoist Xuan, Taoist Leng, and Taoist Jing were relatively close to each other. When the purple flames struck, Taoist Leng shouted: "Come to me quickly."

The crisis was ahead and there was no room for further thought. Taoist Xuan and Taoist Jing flashed and came within easy reach of Taoist Leng.

Taoist Leng twisted his red nose, his eyes were round, and he shouted: "Open!" His body actually shone with the golden elixir brilliance that only a true elixir realm monk can have. The silver Dao sword in his hand was swung out, and the cold light rolled out, forming an unstable white barrier within a distance of more than ten feet outside the body.

Seeing this, Taoist Xuan and Taoist Jing quickly put their palms on Taoist Leng's shoulders, and poured mana into Leng Taoist's body crazily. With the combined efforts of the three of them, the white barrier gradually stabilized. The purple flames were rolling, but they were not able to injure the three of them at all.

This Taoist Leng usually seems to be greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is submissive and follows the wind. In fact, he is a cautious person who always hides his own strength. His true cultivation is even higher than that of Jade Buddha, and he is already at the peak of Peiyuan Realm. It can even be said that he has entered the true elixir realm in half a step. This also allowed him to repeatedly turn his back on the edge of life and death and escape from death in various storms in the Xiaoxian world.

A few months ago, Xu Yang presented her with the God-Jointing Pill. Taoist Leng found a remote place and used the power of the God-Jie Dan to break through his cultivation to the True Dan realm. It's just that he has been covering it up with secret methods so that others don't notice it.

At this moment, Taoist Leng no longer dared to hold back. Although he was only at the first level of the True Alchemy Realm, it was enough for three people to temporarily save their lives.

At this time, Taoist Xuan and Taoist Jing were both grateful and envious of Taoist Leng. The True Alchemy Realm had always been a dream in their hearts, but it was always out of reach.

The raging purple flames mercilessly devoured everything in the space, and soon filled the entire vast underground palace. The original entrance to the underground palace became the only outlet.

The purple fire dragon rolled and rushed into the corridor.

General Xi Ning Jing, who was retreating quickly in the corridor, looked back at the aggressive Zi Yan, with a strange look in his eyes and an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

He threw Lu Wujie, who was tucked under his arm, behind him and said coldly: "Your Majesty, please wish yourself well."

At this time, Lu Wujie was seriously injured, his meridians were temporarily closed, and he was like a disabled person.

"General, you?"

Amidst the horrified questioning, Lu Wujie turned his head and saw purple flames coming from behind him.

In the past, the threat of this flame was negligible, but it was fatal to him at this time. The blazing heat was like a furnace on his back, and the purple brocade robe behind him was about to burn at the touch of a touch.

The centipede insect is dead but not stiff. After all, Lu Wujie is at the pinnacle of the true elixir realm. He has experienced countless life and death dangers in his life, and has seen many strong winds and waves. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the true elixir in his body faintly shattered. A burst of golden brilliance flashed around his body, and the purple flames behind him were suppressed.

All this was seen by General Xi Ningjing who was in front of him, turning his head to see.

With a cold look in his eyes, he swung out the "Wolf Fire Long Tassel" in his hand. The red long tassel trembling under the gun head was like a beast with its mouth open, and an unparalleled spear force spit out from the tip of the gun.

Lu Wujie only saw a flash of silver light in front of his eyes.

"Poof!" There was a sound, blood rushed in his chest, and his heart was broken.

His eyes were full of confusion, reluctance, and unwillingness, and he gradually lost his look.

His figure paused, and a moment later he was swallowed up by the ruthless purple flames behind him.

A generation of heroes has stood tall in the world of small sages and dominated the West County for three hundred years. His ambition as an emperor has never wavered, and his ambition to reach the sky has been exhausted.

In the end, he died mysteriously in a fatal blow from his good general. The ups and downs of his fate were disappointing.

Ning Jing looked at Lu Wujie's figure disappearing into the sea of ​​fire with an evil smile on his face, his eyes filled with perverted ecstasy, and the huge boulder that had been suppressing his heart was finally removed forever.


He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his face twisted, and the long tassel came out again. The unparalleled spear power turned into a silver dragon and suppressed the purple flames behind him.

Then he squeezed out a few words coldly: "Eradicate the roots!" Holding the bloodthirsty "Wolf Fire Tassel" in one hand, he ran towards the corridor without looking back.

In the underground palace, the nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit was raging crazily, and the purple flames were endless.

But the five people in the underground palace were all on defense, and the scorpion flame spirit was like a fish in water in the purple flames, like a tiger with wings, appearing and disappearing from time to time. From time to time, it absorbs the spiritual power from the spiritual stones scattered on the ground, and the purple flames are billowing without any signs of decline.

Xu Yang, Black Cat Ye Tu, Eastern General Shangguan Aoyun, Taoist Leng, Taoist Jing, and Taoist Xuan were struggling to hold on in the purple flames. As time went by, they all looked tired and couldn't find a way to escape.

"If this continues, we will be trapped and die in this underground palace." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"Can I use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to subdue it?" Xu Yang replied.

"This nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit is the body of evil spirit flames, not flesh and blood. The illusion of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead may not be effective on it. I do have a method, you can take the risk and try it. But you need to resist this purple flame half alone. carve."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

"I will rush out of the barrier after a while, and when I capture its true form, I will use the method of thunder sealing to seal it. You use the blood soul technique to activate the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to temporarily maintain the barrier, which can protect it. You are fine for the time being. I cast a spell in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead so that you can see my condition. If you fail, you can find a way to escape from here. I just ask you to keep it. The soul of Yingyue.”

"This? Well, I believe you can do it." Xu Yang thought about it for a moment, and he really couldn't find a better way at the moment, so he could only rely on Black Cat Yetu's ability to give it a try.

Xu Yang took out the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead and activated the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Technique. A roll of three-color brilliance on the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead was injected into the black barrier outside. Sure enough, as Black Cat Yetu said, the energy of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead can temporarily maintain the consumption of the barrier.

"Take care of yourself!"

Leaving behind these two words, Black Cat Ye Tu turned into a phantom and disappeared into the black barrier like a ghost.

A black shadow flashed outside the barrier, and the black cat Ye Tu appeared in the endless purple flames. Black light flashed all over its body, and the shadow of a black cat with sharp claws on its body was extremely solid. The purple flames were all blocked by the black cat's shadow and could not harm its body at all.

"The consciousness has been cut off by this purple flame." Black Cat Ye Tu murmured to himself.

Then, he stretched out his nose and sniffed left and right.

"Right there."

Before he finished speaking, the figure of Black Cat Ye Tu turned into a black shadow and rushed in one direction.

The Moon Magic Dzi Bead in Xu Yang's hand projected everything Ye Tu saw with his eyes in real time.

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