True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 165 The flame spirits fight each other

Everything seen in Black Cat Yetu's eyes was clearly projected on the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

A purple nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit jumped up and down in the purple flames, as deftly as a bird jumping in the forest, but the raging purple flames it left behind were bloodthirsty beasts.

I saw a piece of black lightning quickly approaching the nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit in the purple flames like a sneaking hunter, and suddenly fell down.

The nine hook-shaped tails behind it suddenly shook violently back and forth, as if it was aware of the approaching danger in the void.

The figure suddenly rushed downwards, but it was still a step too late. The black electric grid immediately covered it and tightened it quickly.

At this moment, it was like a bird trapped in a cage, terrified and restless. The nine hooked tails swayed violently back and forth, and large swaths of purple mist billowed out. Its figure also quickly disappeared in the purple mist.

Suddenly, a hooked scorpion tail stabbed out of the purple mist like lightning.

At the same time, the scene on the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in Xu Yang's hand turned into darkness.

Xu Yang secretly screamed in his heart that the black cat Ye Tu was probably hit by the sneak attack of the scorpion tail sticking out of the purple mist.

Sure enough, the black cat Yetu in the purple mist was stiff, and his emerald eyes were full of unwillingness and unyielding.

Black Cat Ye Tu and the Nine-Tailed Spirit Scorpion are both from the evil spirit world, and their tricks are both weird and unpredictable.

This purple mist is the "soul-awakening purple mist" of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion. Black Cat Ye Tu's true energy attribute was special. When the soul-stirring power in the purple mist invaded his body, Black Cat Ye Tu mobilized his true energy to suppress it. But at this moment, his body slowed down and he was hit by the scorpion tail stabbed by the opponent's sneak attack.

The toxin carried in the scorpion's tail quickly spread throughout the body. Black Cat Ye Tu felt a sense of numbness all over his body, and it was too late to use his energy to resist. His stiff body flopped onto the ground.

If the soul power in his body hadn't been able to temporarily maintain the black cat's shadow outside his body, he would have been burned to ashes by the purple flames raging around him in the blink of an eye. But as the toxins in his body became stronger and stronger, the black cat's shadow outside his body gradually became blurred, and the situation became extremely critical.

"Should I use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to escape, or should I take the risk and rescue the black cat Ye Tu." This thought only flashed through Xu Yang's mind, and was replaced by his motto.

"There's nothing I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do!"

At this time, Xu Yang's eyes were full of perseverance and courage.

Quickly activate the power of the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the power of the Golden Crow Flame Spirit in your body.

A ghost baby with a round head and two horns was hovering around him. As the golden light on the body surface flashed, a three-legged golden crow with its head raised and flapping its wings appeared outside the body.

Try to withdraw the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

As expected, under the full force of the Buddha Flame Spirit, he could barely withstand the scorching heat of the purple flames raging around him. When the purple flame touched the three-legged golden crow shadow on Xu Yang's body, streams of solemn Sanskrit golden light circulated continuously, preventing the evil fire from entering.

But Xu Yang knew that with his current level of cultivation, he would not be able to hold on for too long by activating the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit with all his strength.

With a flash of consciousness, he used the instinctive power of perception of the Wheel Flame Spirit to quickly locate the Nine-tailed Scorpion Flame Spirit.

The fire wings curled up behind him, like a three-legged divine bird spreading its wings in the sea of ​​fire. The master of the sun's fire, his figure broke through the waves of fire.

He saw Black Cat Ye Tu's small body lying stiffly not far away opposite, and the Black Cat Shadow Armor on his body was about to be penetrated by purple flames.

The fire wings curled up behind him again, and flew close to him. He stretched out his hand and carefully took the black cat into his arms.

"Are you okay?" Xu Yang asked quickly.

"It's all because of my carelessness that I was poisoned by the scorpion's tail. Fortunately, it was just a paralyzing toxin, but the poison was so stubborn that I couldn't get rid of it for a while. Be careful of the purple mist it sprayed, which contains a strange power to seize the soul and disturb the mind. ”

"Thank you for reminding me, I will deal with this nine-tailed spirit scorpion." Seeing that Ye Tu was fine, Xu Yang felt relieved.

He flipped his wrist, and there was a golden-winged flying knife in his palm. He secretly used the Wuxiang Thousand-Blade Flying Knife Technique, and the tip of the knife was aimed at the nine-tailed spirit scorpion in the purple flames.

For the first time, this nine-tailed spirit scorpion almost suffered the loss of the black cat who massacred the black grid at night. Be more sensitive to approaching crises. As if sensing Xu Yang's presence, as the nine scorpion tails swayed, a large amount of purple mist rolled out, and the figure disappeared into it.

"This purple mist can actually block spiritual consciousness?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

The movements were non-stop, and he quickly communicated with the Wheel Flame Spirit. Using the flame spirit perception power of the Wheel Flame Spirit, he instantly captured the position of the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion under the thick fog.

Narrowing his eyes, he divided half of the power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit around him and quickly injected it into the golden-winged flying knife in his hand. The sword was immediately filled with golden light. The Sanskrit fonts on the blade shone endlessly, and circles of golden ripples swayed outward, suddenly revealing the solemn and profound Buddhist power.

The three-legged Golden Crow phantom formed by the power of the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha with only half of it flickered on and off Xu Yang's body, as if it would be broken through by the surrounding purple flames at the next moment.

At this time, Xu Yang knew that doing so was very risky. But in a critical moment, all you can do is make a desperate move.

With a flick of his wrist, a golden thread shot through the air and pierced into the purple mist on the opposite side.

In the purple mist, a strange scream came out.

At this moment, the nine-tailed spirit scorpion had four of its nine hooked tails cut off. But its body is just a flame spirit, and the broken part is shaking and a new tail is about to grow. I saw a flash of golden light at the break of the scorpion tail, and a golden flame suddenly ignited. This golden flame was transformed by the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

With a twist, Jin Yan turned into a three-legged golden bird and a purple nine-tailed spirit scorpion biting each other. Although the two bodies are two flames, they are devouring and fighting each other like physical beasts.

The golden-winged flying knife kept cutting back and forth from the nine-tailed spirit scorpion, but it passed through it like nothing. It seemed that without the power of the flame spirit, the golden-winged flying knife could not cause any damage to the body of the flame spirit. .

Every time the three-legged Golden Crow's sharp golden beak pecks at the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion, it will let out a strange scream of pain. Every time the nine-tailed spirit scorpion stabs the three-legged golden bird with its scorpion tail, the golden flames on it will become weaker.

But half of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit controlled by Xu Yang is still sealed in his body, and part of the usable half of the Golden Crow's power is used as armor. The nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit in front of him obviously has grown very quickly. As time went on, the Golden Crow, who was entangled with the spirit scorpion, showed its decline.

With a flash of consciousness, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit dragged a golden flame tail and rushed towards it. The ghost-child-like Chakravartin was extremely excited when he saw the nine-tailed scorpion Flameling opposite him. Opening his mouth, the sharp ghost teeth were exposed, and he spread his wings behind him and pounced forward.

The Chakravartin grabbed the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion with both hands, opened his mouth and bit it down. Each bite tore a purple spirit flame from its body. His throat bulged and he swallowed it.

However, the damaged part of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Scorpion will quickly produce a new flame body. The nine-tailed scorpion screamed in pain, and the remaining tail kept stabbing towards the body of the Wheel Flame Spirit.

The Chakravartin devoured the roast leg of lamb like a beggar who hadn't eaten meat in several years. He completely ignored the poisonous hook of the scorpion tail and just devoured it. It seems that the toxins on the hook tail have no effect on it.

But after all, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit was only a primary larvae, and after being devoured continuously, it was actually a little out of breath, while the three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit was getting weaker and weaker under the attack of the scorpion tail.

The nine-tailed scorpion flame spirit is like a beast struggling to its death. More and more flames burst out from its body, like a volcano erupting, crazy and terrifying.

Seeing this, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes. He quickly calculated in his mind that if he continued like this, not only would he be unable to subdue the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion, but his own Golden Crow Flame Spirit would be severely damaged. The Chakravartin's Flame Spirit is also gradually losing its strength, and may all its previous efforts be in vain.

I have practiced the Moonlight Technique and the Blood Soul Pulse Forging Technique at the same time. Using these two techniques together with my strong body, I should be able to withstand the burning of the purple flames in front of me for a moment.

Thinking of this moment, he decisively released the remaining half of the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit.

The shadow of the Golden Crow around him disappeared, leaving the purple flames to beat and burn on his body. It was as if thousands of red-hot steel nails were constantly drilling into every inch of her skin.

Stinging, burning, like a place.

He endured the pain with a look of indifference on his handsome face, and silently recited "Moonlight Jue" in his heart.

"The moonlight is clear and far away, its nature is feminine, its power is long-lasting, its shadow is in the heart, keep your heart and look at the moon...the body of the moonlight is as eternal as the moon." A feeling of coolness suddenly spread throughout the whole body. At the same time, he activates the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Technique, and the power of the Blood Soul flowing out from the apex of the heart crazily pours into the bones. The two powers merge into one, resisting fire damage.

"I didn't expect that Xu Yang, who was only at the Peiyuan realm, could withstand such powerful fire damage at such a close range with the help of the Moon Flower Technique and the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Technique." The black cat Yetu in Xu Yang's arms secretly praised in his heart. . He is also working hard all the time, trying to get rid of the toxins in his body.

At this time, Xu Yang knew in his heart that he could only last in this state for a while. Over time, it is inevitable that all efforts will fail.

Time passed by second by second, Xu Yang's whole body was shaking like chaff, the power of blood soul was gradually depleted, and the Moon Flower Jue consumed a lot of mental energy, causing waves of dizziness.

The momentum of the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion was still sharp. Although it was hit by the double blow of the Golden Crow Flame Spirit and the Chakravartin Flame Spirit, it was still trapped and still fighting.

"A'Zhu, if A'Zhu is here, maybe the current crisis can be solved. After all, A'Zhu is the body of a Suzaku, one of the highest-level existences of the Fire Spirit."

At this time, Xu Yang's consciousness began to blur, and he instinctively thought of A'Zhu.

"I can't fail! Ah!"

Xu Yang roared wildly, his eyes were completely red, his beard and hair were flying upside down, and white smoke was rising from his skin.

At the moment of life and death, Arjuna's girlish voice came from the eggshell in Xu Yangzi's mansion.

"Xiaoxian, don't be discouraged. The reason I haven't been able to fully wake up is because my body has never been able to completely break through to the Peiyuan realm. After all, crossing two realms at once is extremely rare for the Suzaku clan. There is one way now, Not broken, not established, Nirvana is reborn, the nine transformations of Nirvana are reversed, and the sea and the sky are brighter by taking a step back.”

"A'Zhu, it is indeed you." Xu Yang's consciousness moved, but he found that A'Zhu's voice was gone again, and the red-shelled egg in the Purple Mansion space at his dantian was silent and empty.

Reversing the Nine Transformations of Nirvana, could it be that A'Zhu wants me to return to the realm of transformation? In this way, can A'Zhu wake up?

Thinking of this moment, Xu Yang ignored the burning pain all over his body, closed his eyes and kept his mind focused. The mantra of "Nine Transformations of Nirvana" echoed in my mind.

“Nirvana is a transformation, the void is reborn and transformed into the original essence;

The second transformation of Nirvana, the fusion of Pei Yuan and the condensed Dantian;

In the three transformations of Nirvana, the true elixir is sublimated into the soul element;

The four changes of Nirvana, the soul summons the spirit into Tao Xuan;

The five transformations of Nirvana, the promotion of Tao Xuan and the glimpse of Ming Xuan;

The six transformations of Nirvana reveal the yin and yang that break through the calamity of heaven;

In the Seven Transformations of Nirvana, the Heavenly Tribulation Yu transforms into a virtual immortal;

The Eight Transformations of Nirvana, the Immortal Principle is Divine Extension;

Nine transformations of Nirvana, God Yan Xiaoyao becomes a true immortal;"

But this time, he was going to perform this supreme skill in reverse.

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