True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 171 The greedy snake swallows the elephant

Xu Yang, who was chasing in the passage, suddenly felt something bad, and there was an oppressive restlessness in the air.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the ground beneath my feet shook violently, and large rocks fell from the walls of the passage.

"No, it must be the tranquility that destroyed the passage."

The fire wings behind his back were gathered together, and mana was injected into the long stick in his hand, activating the water attribute of it. A ball of transparent blue water about ten feet in size completely enveloped Xu Yang's body.

The falling stones were blocked by the blue water one by one, and were thrown aside in the whirlpools of blue water.

After a while, the shaking stopped abruptly.

After putting down the blue water defense, I saw that the passage in front of me was completely blocked by gravel.

With a movement of his spiritual consciousness, he once again activated the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit in his body. The earth-golden light around his body flashed, and he used the Earth Escape Technique to step into the blocked passage in one step.

A circle of earth-golden ripples rippled, and Xu Yang's body sank into it as if it were nothing.

The Earth Escape Technique of the Chakravartin is indeed extremely mysterious. At this time, Xu Yang seems to be diving into the pool and moving forward slowly, but he can only walk, so the speed of advancement seems a bit slow.

At the other end of the passage, Ning Jing looked back at the passage that had been destroyed by several consecutive shots, with pride on his face.

"Xu Yang, my son, when I go back, I will take control of Xijun first, and then I will come back to you to settle the matter."

After saying this, he turned around and left quickly with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Ningjing hurried out of the passage and came to the light curtain entering.

Without hesitation, I stepped in.

On the other side of the light curtain, a burst of colorful ripples revealed Ning Jing's figure.

Ning Jing raised his head, looked at the deep well leading to the exit of the underground palace, and then looked around in panic.

"General Ning, please stay!"

This sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue to Ning Jing's ears.

"No, it's him."

I saw a person walking around from behind the stone wall standing in the center of the space.

This man was dressed in a green robe, with a tall and straight figure, a chin and a beard, and he was holding a moon-shaped sword in his hand. He was calm and powerful.

The person who came was none other than Shangguan Aoyun, the general of Dongjun.

"It turns out to be Brother Shangguan. I didn't expect you to escape from the purple flames safely. The space behind me has collapsed, and the injured have been transferred outside the underground palace in advance. It seems that this place is not a small world leading to the outside world. The exit, let’s go out from here first.”

Ning Jing said with a smile on his face as if nothing had happened. Secretly running the magic formula, he found that the numbness on his arms had completely subsided.

"In that case, let's get out of here." Shangguan Aoyun replied simply, but his body stood still.

"General Shangguan, please leave first." Ning Jing said with a smile.

"When did General Ning become so polite? He seems a little bit mother-in-law. Did something hit his head? Or are you walking in front, afraid that I will sneak up on you from behind?" Shangguan Aoyun changed the topic and said sarcastically.

"Shangguan Aoyun, what do you want? Don't beat around the bush. I have been fighting with you peacefully for many years, and I have never been afraid of you in the slightest."

"Ningjing, don't pretend to be awesome with me. I see that the aura in your body is disordered and the Yuan Dan is unstable. I'm afraid you spent a lot of effort on your killing spree just now."

"Since you know everything, why bother talking nonsense here. Lord Dongling has been severely damaged, and both Linghu Xia and Princess Xi have gone to the King of Hell to report. Looking at the entire Xiaoxian world, only you and I can rule side by side.

If you get out of the way today, the world of Xiaoxian tomorrow will be yours and mine. If we cooperate with each other, West County will be yours and East County will be mine. How about that? "

"Hahaha!" Shangguan Aoyun looked up to the sky and laughed.

"What, you agreed?"

"I can promise you that I will be the princess of the West County, but?"

"but what?"

"I will also be the master of the East County. As for you? If you are willing to be planted by me in a blood contract and surrender to me forever. Not only will I let you live, but I will also let you continue to be a general."

"It's too much to bully others. I didn't expect you to want to dominate the Xiaoxian world!"

"Each other, each other!"

"Huh!" Ning Jing frowned and fell into thinking.

"I'll give you ten breaths to think about it. I believe that as long as I kill you today, not only Lu Qingyu will be grateful to me, but everyone who was hurt by you before will also be grateful to me.

I will become the hero who saves the world of Xiaoxian, and my reputation will be at its peak. The position of the West County Lord will naturally belong to me, and from now on, the East County will have no choice but to surrender to me.

Who among the small sages dares to be my enemy? As for why I want to save your life, it is because when I think that my opponent who has been fighting with me for more than a hundred years will be called around by me in the future, I feel anxious in my heart. Extremely excited. " Shangguan Aoyun knew Ning Jing's thoughts. He didn't dare to be inferior to others, so he kept stimulating him with words until he got confused.

"Shameless! Delusional! You are too greedy to swallow an elephant! You just want to use me to deal with those who oppose you. Once you get the entire Xiaoxian world as you wish, I will definitely become a dead soul under your sword because of the blood contract you planted. ”

"As expected of the opponent who has been fighting with me for so long, he is simply a roundworm in my stomach. This is what I mean, general. Since you don't obey, then you must accept your fate."

Their eyes met each other, entangled in centuries of grudges, and both wished the other would die first and then quickly.

The two took action almost at the same time.

Ningjing didn't want to get entangled here, and while waving "Wolf Fire Changying" in his hand, he retreated towards the exit patio.

Although Shangguan Aoyun could tell that Ning Jing must have had a fierce battle beforehand, he still focused on testing at first. As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he always first ascertains the opponent's strength and weakness before making the best response.

Swords and guns collided, sparks flew everywhere, and the scattered coercion stirred the void.

The two figures were fighting in the courtyard while flying straight upward.

Not long after, they both jumped out of the underground palace and appeared at the top of Beihuang Mountain.

Ning Jing wanted to pull away, but the long knife in Shangguan Aoyun's hand remained like a tarsal maggot, and the two of them fought from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

After this period of testing, Shangguan Aoyun had an estimate in his mind. Ningjing could only exert 70% to 80% of his strength at this time. If he tried his best to fight, he would be 30% sure of defeating him.

"Even if you don't die today, I will beat you to a point where you will never recover from serious injuries and your realm will fall. The future king of the Little Xian Realm will only be me, Shangguan Aoyun."

Thinking of this, Shangguan Aoyun no longer held back, and the offensive suddenly became fierce.

Shangguan Aoyun originally had a rare wind-attribute spiritual vein, and he was unparalleled in his wind-based skills. He used the "Autumn Wind Sword Technique" and danced the long sword "Cut the Wind" in his hand with great proficiency and dominance.

The long sword "Cut the Wind" is like a roaring beast, the tiger generates wind, and the sword pursues life.

Ning Jing showed no sign of weakness, and fought back hard with the "Wolf Fire Changying" in his hand. He was as powerful as a dragon, snatching away souls with his gun.

The two were very familiar with each other. As the generals of East County and West County respectively, they had fought many times on the battlefield, and each time they were inseparable, and this time was no exception.

Shangguan Aoyun is also a decisive person. Since he wants to take the opponent's life this time, he will not hold back. The sword style changes, and the outer core of the true elixir in the body melts rapidly.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Wild Dragon Roaring to the West Wind!"

The sword wind turns into a dragon, the dragon steps on the west wind, and the wind and clouds surge!

"Elixir Killing Technique - Beacon of Fire!"

Ning Jing forcibly melted the remaining outer core of the true elixir in his body and struck a fatal blow.

The silver spear in his hand thrust out with all its strength, the star spots on the handle flashed, and a raging flaming golden dragon spit out from the tip of the spear.

The fire dragon whirls and tumbles, fusing the burning passion of the fire attribute with the domineering sharpness of the metal. It is like a war song and spreads for hundreds of miles.

One is the secret technique of defeating Jiangdong with one shot, and the other is the secret technique of retreating the enemy camp with one sword. This time they finally collided with each other.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the wind and clouds changed color, the heaven and earth shook, and the whole world was shocked.

The figures are separated.

A blood mark was cut diagonally on Ning Jing's chest, which was so deep that it was exposed to the bones. His soul was agitated and his heart was in disorder.

A wisp of gunfire streaked across Shangguan Aoyun's cheek, leaving a shallow blood stain and a strand of black hair flying off on his temples.

Shangguan Aoyun looked at Ning Jing across from him with cold eyes, but he was not without surprise in his heart. If Ning Jing could only use 80% of his power now, this shot would probably hit him in the head.

"Shangguan Aoyun, don't push me so hard." Ning Jing roared and took out a crystal clear ball from his arms.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that this ball is somewhat similar to the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

"A dying man, do you want to scare this general away by taking out a broken ball?"

After saying this, he looked at the sword and wanted to use the long sword "Zhanfeng" to pursue the victory.

"My Blood Soul Exploding Dzi Bead was originally intended to be used against West Princess Lu Wujie. Today I will let you taste its power."

As he spoke, he threw the ball in his hand towards the opposite side.

Immediately, he chanted the obscure magic formula in his mouth, and traces of scarlet blood shot out from his mouth, nose and eyes, and were all sucked into the crystal ball. His appearance was demonic and terrifying.

Thousands of blood glows suddenly spilled out from the crystal ball, and the shadow of a crimson blood moon flickered in the blood glow.

Shangguan Aoyun only felt that one side of the scenery in front of him was already deep in the endless sea of ​​blood.

On the opposite side, Ning Jing twisted his body and turned into a bloodthirsty red wolf.

The bloody eyes were like lamps, the bloody teeth were like blades, and the bloody claws were like hooks, and they were pouncing towards him.

Just as he was about to dodge, he found that his ankles were submerged in the sea of ​​blood beneath his feet, making him unable to move even half a minute.

"No, I'm under an illusion!"

Who is Shangguan Aoyun? He has been standing in the Xiaoxian world for more than a hundred years and has fought countless tricks. The first thing he felt was that he was under an illusion.

He quickly used his skills and forcibly gathered his powerful mental power to summon a gray wind dragon in the blood sea space.

The wind dragon roared, the blood sea retreated, and the bloodthirsty red wolf collapsed at the first touch.

As soon as his eyes lit up, the scenery returned to its original appearance.

Just when he saw Ning Jing opposite him with disheveled hair and roaring like crazy, not only blood lines spurted out from his seven orifices, but every pore in his body suddenly exploded, and countless blood lines crazily poured into the blood-red bead in mid-air.

"Wolf Fire Long Ying" has been thrown out by him, and the tip of the spear has reached his chest.

Shangguan Aoyun tried to dodge again, but it was already too late.

"Bang", the spear penetrated the body.

The eyes of Ning Jing opposite him were full of wild laughter, but the next moment they turned into endless confusion.

Because he clearly felt that his soul and longevity had been completely deprived by the bead in front of him, and there was nothing he could do to take it back.

"You lied to me!"

Ning Jing spat out three words, and his crumbling body turned into a scarlet blood mist that filled the void.

A gust of wind blew past and turned into nothingness.

A generation of spear king, with countless military exploits, he dominated the West County, but he was greedy and self-defeating, so he fell.

Shangguan Aoyun looked at the handle of the gun that was deeply inserted into his chest with a surprised look on his face.

Before he could recover, he saw the blood beads in front of him explode, and countless blood lines pierced into his body like locusts.

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