True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 172 Both sides suffer losses

Shangguan Aoyun's eyes turned red, and he used his martial arts to seal the wound pierced by the spear, but he was too late to stop the countless lines of blood spurting out of the blood beads.

As soon as these blood lines touched his skin, they burrowed into his skin like thousands of blood-sucking insects.

Weird, evil, scary.

"This? What kind of magic is this?"

Shangguan Aoyun, who had been on the battlefield for many years and had experienced hundreds of battles, had once defeated an enemy camp alone, began to panic. He instinctively felt that compared with the gunshot wounds throughout his body, this blood line posed a greater threat to him.

The next moment, he felt like a thousand cones piercing the bones, the pain was piercing his soul, his face was pale, and his whole body was shaking.

The blood lines that entered his body turned into Ning Jing's twisted face, broke into his meridians, and penetrated into his soul.

Two groups of souls are intertwined in the Zifu space, one white and one red. You bite me, and I bite you, like two crazy wild dogs, not giving in.

Shangguan Aoyun's peaceful voice echoed in his mind.

"Jie Jie Jie! Shangguan Aoyun, you ruined my good deeds and prevented me from becoming the king of the Xiaoxian Realm, so just go to hell with me."

Seeing the two groups of souls biting each other, they merged together, suddenly showing a peaceful and ferocious face, and sometimes showing Shangguan Aoyun's arrogant face.

"Ningjing, you are destined to be no match for me, you are already dead, hahaha."

"Shangguan Aoyun, I will not let you go even to hell."

At this time, Shangguan Aoyun was already in a state of confusion. The long sword "Zhan Feng" in his hand had already fallen aside. He held his head in his hands, his eyes were bloodshot, and he screamed crazily. He fell to his knees, learning to speak calmly for a while, and then speaking with his true body. .

Suddenly, Shangguan Aoyun grasped the spear in his body with both hands and pulled it out fiercely, and a stream of blood spurted out many feet away.

What's even more frightening is that Shangguan Aoyun began to wave the spear in his hand and stabbed his body non-stop.

While stabbing hard, he shouted: "Ningjing, I will use your "Langhuo Changying" to stab you to death today. It's really fun, hahaha."

"Puff puff!"

Bloody gun!

Crazy person!

Crazy world!

Not long after, there was no intact inch of Shangguan Aoyun's body, just a pile of disgusting blood, and even no human form.

Gradually, the pitch of Shangguan Aoyun's roar became smaller and smaller.

The last shot penetrated his body and penetrated his heart, and he collapsed to the ground as weak as a torn sack.

A moment of greed leads to eternal sin.

The glorious careers of two peerless generals who had been entangled for hundreds of years ended up as greedy clowns, without dignity.


At the same time, in a luxurious palace in Xijun City.

Concubine Xijun, who was dressed in light-colored palace clothes, sat alone in front of the dressing table, lightly licking her temples, applying a hint of vermilion, and stood up slightly, with exquisite curves and turbulent waves.

Seeing her beautiful face and graceful figure in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

There was a "pop".

An emerald jade token he carried around his waist exploded on its own, a white soul fire emitted from it, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the originally proud Princess Xi's beauty turned pale and her waist trembled wildly.

After a moment, he hesitated and said: "Did Ning Jing die? Men are useless. My identity may have been exposed. I have to leave quickly."

Half an hour later, a woman dressed in green clothes walked out of Xijuncheng among the vegetable vendors delivering vegetables in Xijuncheng. Although there were some dirt stains on her face and the hat on her head was held low, her long and slender fingers were completely different from those of ordinary peasant women.


A few days ago, in the palace of Concubine Xijun.

This palace is a three-story independent wooden building with cornices and brackets, which is magnificent.

Concubine Xijun opened a window facing east and looked up with doubts on her face.

I secretly thought that in the past few days, I heard that Princess Dong went to Beiqing Mountain to retreat to pray for rain. A battle between the East and West counties was imminent, but he had never received Yu Tianzhi's secret instructions, and the messages he had sent had never been replied to.

"Could it be that Yu Tianzhi, who pretended to be Princess Dong, really closed himself in Beiqing Mountain to pray for rain? It's impossible. Yu Tianzhi has a deep city and great ambitions. He wouldn't be stupid enough to permanently seclusion in Beiqing Mountain. Maybe he was out of touch. What accident happened? He died?"

Thinking of this, Princess Xijun showed a complicated expression on her beautiful face.

His mind couldn't help but recall his past interactions with Yu Tianzhi.

More than ten years ago, she was still a child of seven or eight years old.

She was born in an ordinary family, and she and her father depended on each other. Her father was a well-known scholar in the neighborhood. Unexpectedly, his father became seriously ill and died after ineffective treatment. He also owed a debt.

The creditor came to demand her, and seeing that she was a beautiful woman, he wanted to sell her to a brothel to pay off the debt. In front of the brothel, she struggled and made a fuss not to enter, but she happened to be bumped into by Yu Tianzhi who was passing by.

Yu Tianzhi got off the sedan and saw a pretty little girl, so he stepped forward and asked, "Little girl, what is your name?"

"My name is Yu Jin."

"As the name suggests, where are your parents?"

Xiao Yujin's eyes turned red and she told her life experience.

"It turns out you are a poor kid. I can pay off all your debts for you and keep you well clothed and well fed. Are you willing to go with me?"

"I, I do." Xiao Yujin hesitated and then said.

In this way, Xiao Yujin was secretly adopted by Yu Tianzhi. Not only was he well-dressed and well-fed, he also found the best teacher in Dongjun to teach him music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, singing and dancing.

The beautiful days passed day by day. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yujin turned eighteen and became a peerless beauty. However, her originally peaceful and carefree life also changed accordingly.

"I raised you so well, it's time for you to repay me."

"How do you want me to repay my benefactor?"

"I will send someone to secretly recommend you to Princess West. You stay with him and send useful information back to me at any time."

"This? Yujin's life belongs to his benefactor. If his benefactor wishes, Yujin will do it even if he is shattered to pieces." Yujin gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Very good, if you betray me, I can take your life at any time." After saying that, Yu Tianzhi stretched out a finger and gently touched Yu Jin's forehead, planting a blood contract.

"Yu Jin doesn't dare."

"I have a copy of "The Art of Hundred Phoenixes and Dragons" here. As long as you can practice this method, you will definitely be favored by the Princess of the West."

Sure enough, soon after, Yujin became the concubine of Xijun who was doted on by Zhu Luwujie of Xijun.


"Your Majesty, Concubine Xi, the new tribute cherries have arrived." A maid's call interrupted Concubine Xi's thoughts.

Concubine Xijun was not in the mood to eat cherries at this time, and said without looking back: "Just put it there."

After a moment, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her.

Concubine Xijun turned around sharply, her beautiful eyes were shocked, and blurted out: "Why is it you?"

"Beauty, I want to kill this general." The visitor was General Xi Ningjing.

"You are too courageous. At this moment when the East and West counties are at war with each other, you are not on the front line. Why did you run back? Aren't you afraid of being bumped into by that person?"

"Hmph, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cub. I will kill the old man Lu Wujie sooner or later."

"I have wanted him to die for a long time. Seeing that he treats me well on the surface, but in fact he doesn't let me waste my lifespan to help him break through. I'm afraid it won't be long before my lifespan will be exhausted by him." Xijun The concubine said, with tears in her eyes, looking pitiful.

"Don't worry, beauty, do you have any good ideas? Seeing you suffer makes me feel bad. Ever since you poured wine for me at the celebration banquet, you have stolen my heart. I will help you get out of trouble."

"A few days ago, that man said that he and Linghu Xia would participate in the underground palace operation called by the leader of Qinghua Mountain City. Why don't I recommend you to go and fish in troubled waters."

"Okay, let's follow the beauty's plan." Ning Jing replied decisively.

"I have a "Blood Soul Exploding Dzi Bead" here. The general can use it to deal with Lu Wujie."

As she spoke, Concubine Xijun carefully took out a transparent bead and truthfully told her how to use it.

Ning Jing stretched out her big hand and grasped Concubine Xijun's delicate hand, and said, "The beauty still loves me."

After saying this, he took him into his arms.


In the underground palace, Xu Yang used the Wheel Flame Spirit to perform Earth Escape Technique to pass through the passage and chase him all the way to the patio.

Seeing the scratches left by swords and guns on the four walls of the patio, I suddenly understood something.

He used the Light Body Technique and jumped upwards, floating up like a goshawk.

After leaving the underground palace, we came to the top of the barren mountain and followed the traces of the fight all the way to the foot of the mountain.


In front of Xu Yang's eyes, Shangguan Aoyun was penetrated by the "Wolf Fire Changying". The long tassel was stained with blood, his torso was full of blood holes, his bun was messy, his eyes were lifeless, and he looked like he was dead.

Not far away, Ningping's death was even worse. His clothes were completely torn, leaving only a skeleton covered in shriveled human skin, and his body was like a bloodbath.

"Hey! It's my fault that I came a step too late and let General Shangguan lose his life in vain." Xu Yang blamed himself in his heart, squatted down, and stretched out one hand to close Shangguan Aoyun's open eyelids.

"Xiaoxian, wait a minute, let me take a look." A'Zhu said suddenly.

Immediately, a red flame spirit poked out from Xu Yang's forehead, turning into a red light and sneaking into Shangguan Aoyun's already absent-minded eyes.

After a while, the flame spirit returned to Xu Yang's body like a bird returning to its nest.

Not long ago, the scenes of the brutal fight and conversation between Ning Jing and Shangguan Aoyun appeared in Xu Yang's mind one by one.

Xu Yang's face became gloomy.

He sighed: "You will not live if you do your own thing!"

Then, he raised his hand and shot out two purple flames, turning the remains of the two into ashes.

In the woods not far from Beihuang Mountain.

"The fighting over there seems to have stopped. I'll go over and take a look. Don't move rashly." Black Cat Ye Tu said, and the blue mist rose up around him and disappeared.

Xu Yang was about to turn back to search for the whereabouts of the other people, when suddenly he saw a blue mist appear in front of him, and the black cat Ye Tu appeared in front of him.

Xu Yang explained the previous situations of Ning Jing and Shangguan Aoyun and Black Cat Yetu one by one.

After hearing this, Black Cat Ye Tu was filled with emotion.

"Greed is always a sharp knife hanging on the neck. But this matter cannot be spread out like this. These two people have deep roots in the army and have many followers. If they are said to have rebelled, it will not be possible without the East and West Princesses to preside over it. Under the circumstances, it will inevitably cause chaos in the army and hurt innocent people. After that, I will discuss with Lu Qingyu and say that they died in the line of duty, and then give them posthumous titles to appease the army officers. "

"I didn't expect that so many things would go wrong during this trip to the underground palace, so many people would be killed or injured, and nothing would be found." Xu Yang said with a hint of disappointment.

"The situation is not that bad. I got some useful information from the nine-tailed scorpion crystal." Black Cat Yetu said.

"what's the message?"

"Part of the memory of the first generation of the Xiaoxian Realm Master is sealed on this demon crystal. Do you still remember the patterned walls we encountered when we entered this place?"

"Of course I remember, and the fourth picture carved on the back of the wall was obliterated with a sharp instrument."

"The fourth picture is actually just eight words, the end of Xiaoxian, the top of Beiqing."

"So, the exit of Xiaoxianjie is on the top of Beiqing Mountain?"

"It's very possible. We'll discuss the details as we go."

One person and one cat were chatting while walking towards the woods where several injured people were hiding.

"Yu Changfeng, the first master of the Xiaoxian Realm, was the first person to enter this underground palace. His purpose was to obtain a practice book left here by Lu Qingyun, called "Haoran Holy Secret". "Haoran Holy Secret" "It is the supreme secret method of Confucianism, and the Great Movement Formation recorded in it is the method that separates the Xiaoxian Realm from the Central Yuan Realm."

"So, as long as you learn the Great Movement Formation above, it is very possible to move the Xiaoxian Realm back to the Zhongyuan Realm?" Xu Yang asked.

"Indeed, Lu Qingyun once told Yu Changfeng that with his qualifications, the peak of the Yuan Soul Realm is probably the limit. If Yu Changfeng can reach the peak of the Yuan Soul Realm, he can come here to obtain the "Holy Holy Secret" left in the underground palace. First, you can use the techniques recorded on it to move the Xiaoxian Realm back to the Zhongyuan Realm, and secondly, you can practice this technique to break through the limits of the Yuan Soul Realm."

"Yu Changfeng's goal is probably to break through the limits of the Soul Realm."

"You guessed it right, but there is only the upper half of this magic spell in this underground palace, and the lower half is probably in Beiqing Mountain. Therefore, after Yu Changfeng entered this place, he erased the last eight characters on the stone wall. In order to prevent others from taking advantage of it, Yu Changfeng unfortunately became possessed while practicing the first half of the "Haoran Holy Technique" in the underground palace, and was later devoured by the nine-tailed spirit scorpion."

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