True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 173 Re-entering the Underground Palace

Listening to Black Cat Yetu's introduction, Xu Yang frowned slightly.

"It's a pity that Yu Changfeng, the leader of the Xiaoxian Realm, has long since fallen in this underground palace. I'm afraid that the "Six Arts Sacred Secret" has also disappeared with it. The method to unlock the "Great Movement Formation" may just be lost." After saying that, Xu Xu Yang shook his head helplessly.

"The result is not that bad. Although the memory of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion left in the demon crystal is a bit vague, the secret is vaguely in the body of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion. After everyone is settled first, we will go down to the underground palace to explore. Maybe the answer can be found."

"I wish I could find the answer."

Hearing the news, Xu Yang was not excited at all. After this setback, the optimistic attitude he had always held towards this matter was covered with a thick veil.

One person and one cat came to the woods where Bai Mujin and others were hiding.

Seeing Hibiscus dressed in white standing in the crowd from a distance, Xu Yang stepped forward quickly.

"Mujin, are you okay?" Seeing Bai Mujin's tired look, Xu Yang asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but everyone else was seriously injured. Fortunately, it looks like you weren't hurt." Bai Mujin looked up and down carefully and saw that Xu Yang was unharmed, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Xu, how is my father's situation? Is what Ning Jing said in the underground palace true?" Lu Qingyu looked anxious, and still wanted to confirm the news about Lu Wujie. After all, father and daughter have a deep love.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be concealed. Xu Yang could only tell the fact that the West Princess Lu Wujie had been plotted to death by the West General Ning Jing, and also truthfully informed the results of the fight between Ning Jing and Shangguan Aoyun. Then the Kuanglan Sword left behind by Lu Wujie was returned to Lu Qingyu.

"Ningjing! It's easy for you, a thief!" Lu Qingyu said through gritted teeth. His jade face was frosty, his eyes were full of tears, and he was extremely sad and angry. The hand holding the Kuanglan Sword was trembling. He wished he could bring back the dead Ning Jing and stab him with hundreds of swords with the Kuanglan Sword in his hand to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Not long after, Taoist Leng, Taoist Jing, and Taoist Xuan also retreated from the underground palace, and everyone gathered together.

"I didn't expect that this underground palace is just a treasure house containing spiritual stones?" Taoist Xuan said with a sigh.

"We have suffered heavy losses this time, so we should send the injured back for treatment first." After looking at the conditions of several seriously injured people, Jingdaoren shook his head repeatedly.

"The main reason for the failure of this operation was **. I didn't expect that the two generals turned against each other. Fortunately, they died together. Otherwise, all of us would have died tragically in their hands." After listening to Xu Yang's introduction to the situation, Leng Taoist was still frightened. said.

"For this result, I can only say sorry to everyone." Xu Yang said with guilt.

Although Black Cat Ye Tu had warned the Lord of the West County before he came, it might be detrimental to the casual cultivators in Qinghua Mountain City, but he did not expect that Ningjing would be the first to cause trouble, and it would be internal fighting in the West County.

"Now that the matter is over, let's go back to our respective places first. We can discuss the future matters in the long term after everyone has recovered their strength." Lord Dongling suggested, and he coughed violently after speaking.

"I want to go into the underground palace again to see if there is any possibility of finding clues." Xu Yang said.

"I'll go with you." Bai Mujin said without hesitation.

The others looked at each other. No one was willing to enter the underground palace anymore. The previous mutations in the underground palace were as vivid as a nightmare, especially the countless spiritual stones inside. No one could guarantee whether anyone would see the spiritual stones after seeing them. Become disloyal again.

After everyone briefly discussed, Xu Yang and Bai Mujin returned to the underground palace with the black cat Ye Tu.

In the underground palace, the spiritual stones scattered on the ground still emit an alluring milky white light. This light looks like an angel that brings people hope, but also like a devil that destroys humanity.

Looking at the remains of the nine-tailed spirit scorpions scattered in every corner of the underground palace, Xu Yang said: "According to the clues Ye Tu said, the remains of the nine-tailed spirit scorpions may contain secrets about the formation that isolates the Xiaoxian Realm. We Just look carefully."

The black cat Ye Tu moved his ears, and instantly condensed two masses of black spiritual breath. The spiritual breath twisted and turned into two ghost-breathing civets with sharp ears and sharp claws. Immediately afterwards, the two little guys entered every corner of the underground palace like ghosts and started searching.

Bai Mujin raised his hand and patted the golden cage on his waist, and three apes rolled out.

Monkey Da, Monkey 2, and Monkey 3 were originally mutated ghost pets with amazing resilience. The previous injuries were no longer serious under Bai Mujin's treatment. Seeing that their master was safe and sound, the three apes were as happy as children.

"You can also help find clues on the remains of the spirit scorpion."

Hearing this, the three spiritual apes jumped up and down and quickly spread out to look for him.

The space of the underground palace is really too vast, and it is essentially a different space formed by a huge formation.

The nine-tailed spirit scorpion was originally made up of countless fragments glued together. After being chopped open by Lu Wujie with a sword, it was scattered everywhere in the exploding purple flames.

It took half an hour for a few people to pile the collected spirit scorpion remains into one place, like a small mountain.

"There are so many fragments, I wonder which one will have clues." Bai Mujin said, looking at the countless fragments in front of him.

"We need to move faster. We shouldn't stay here for a long time to avoid changes." The previous disaster of Ziyan was like a sharp sword hanging in Black Cat Ye Tu's memory, making him shudder every time he thought about it.

"It seems there is no good way. We can only check it separately." Xu Yang said.


A sound like a long stick dancing rapidly in the air reached my ears.

Bai Mujin turned around and saw the silver-backed ape Dazheng holding a huge scorpion claw in his hands and waving it vigorously in the air, as if a child had found a toy and couldn't put it down.

"Monkey King, bring the scorpion claw over and have a look."

After hearing this, the silver-backed ape stopped playing naughtily and obediently handed the scorpion claw to Bai Mujin's eyes.

The huge scorpion claws were still intact, and the dark brown carapace was shiny and smooth, faintly exuding the aura of evil spirits.

"This scorpion claw is so strong that it is not damaged at all. Hey, what is this? It seems to be writing."

Bai Mujin said, flipping the angle of the scorpion's claws, and subtle, imperceptible dark golden brilliance was reflected.

After Xu Yang heard this, he leaned over to check.

Sure enough, one side of the scorpion claw was densely covered with many fonts the size of soybeans, as if someone had used a secret method to imprint them on it.

"Holy Holy Secret!" Xu Yang pointed at a few words and said excitedly.

Black Cat Yetu also came over to distinguish them carefully.

"We have broken through the iron shoes and found nothing. This is exactly the Confucian technique we are looking for. One of the articles records the formation of the Great Teleportation Formation." Black Cat Yetu said.

"Great, we have hope of returning to Zhongyuan Realm again." Bai Mujin said happily.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Put this thing away first. As for the contents of this scorpion claw, don't mention it to anyone to avoid further mistakes. Let's go back first. People outside may be anxiously waiting." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"I finally gained something from my trip to the underground palace." As he said that, Xu Yang carefully put the scorpion claws into his storage bag.

Several people casually looked through other fragments, but found no fonts or clues.

"What should I do with the spiritual stones here?"

Xu Yang looked at the countless spirit stones scattered behind him, and couldn't help but remember that when he was in the Tiangui Sect, Chen Kang had made things difficult for him for more than a dozen spirit stones. The temptation brought by so many spirit stones was really irresistible. Even though Xu Yang is not a greedy person.

"Spiritual stones are always a good thing. I think this is better. Let's take part of the spiritual stones here and give a share to everyone outside. It can be regarded as compensation for coming here." Black Cat Ye Tu suggested.

Xu Yang and Bai Mujin took out all the storage bags on their bodies. After filling them up, they only contained a small part of the spiritual stones in the underground palace.

"If I had known that I would have to take so many spiritual stones, I would have brought more storage bags." Bai Mujin said jokingly.

After returning home with a full load, the two of them and the cat arrived outside the underground palace.

Outside the underground palace, Taoist Leng and Taoist Jing were pacing back and forth at the exit of the underground palace, looking down from the patio of the underground palace from time to time.

"Did the big leader encounter any trouble again?" Leng Daoren looked sad.

"Should we go down and have a look?" Jing Daoren suggested.

"Let's wait and see here. If we really encounter trouble that even the big leader can't get out of, I'm afraid there's nothing you and I can do." Leng Daoren twisted his red nose and said calmly.

Ever since Xu Yang showed his astonishing strength in the underground palace, even though Leng Daoren was already at the first level of the True Alchemy Realm, he thought that Xu Yang was much higher than him.

"It's been half an hour, we can't just wait here."

At this moment, two figures floated up side by side in the underground palace courtyard and landed steadily at the exit.

"Big Chief, Miss Hibiscus, you have finally come out. We all want to go down to find you."

"Yes, yes, I wonder what I will gain this time."

"I didn't find anything, but I took out some spiritual stones, one for each person, which can be regarded as compensation for everyone's trip to the underground palace."

Xu Yang followed the method agreed with Black Cat Yetu and concealed the fact that the Six Arts Holy Secrets were recorded on the scorpion claws.

If this news is released, I am afraid that all the monks in the Xiaoxian world will fight for it with their lives. After all, this is the technique left by Lu Qingyun, and Lu Qingyun is already a legendary being who has stepped into the immortal world. The benefits of the technique he left behind are like the temptation of the elixir of life to mortals.

After that, Xu Yang divided the spirit stones he took out into fifteen parts, each of which contained hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

There were originally four people in the West County, but now only Lu Qingyu was left, and he got four shares. There were originally two people in the East County, and only Dongling Jun was left, and he got two shares. Taoist Xuan, Taoist Leng, Taoist Jing, Jade Buddha, Ghost Dazui, Bai Muhua, Bai Mujin, and Xu Yang each have a share. Fat Toutuo’s share belongs to Qinghua Mountain City, and Black Cat Yetu’s share Xu Yang had already put it away for him.

Regarding the remaining spirit stones in the underground palace, everyone decided to seal the underground palace first, and then take them out for emergency use when Xiaoxianjie needs these spirit stones. After all, the spirit stones in the underground palace were originally left here by Lu Qingyun. To deal with the crisis in the Xiaoxian world.

Afterwards, everyone broke up outside the underground palace and went back their separate ways.

During this trip to the underground palace, Xijun suffered the heaviest losses. Lu Wujie, the lord of Xijun, Ning Jing, the general of Xi, and Linghu Xia, the chief assistant of Xijun, all died.

Dongling Jun, the chief assistant of Dongjun, was seriously injured, and Shangguan Aoyun, the general of Dongjun, died.

Only Fat Toutuo died in Qinghua Mountain City. Jade Fozi, Gui Dazui and Bai Muhua were seriously injured, while Daoist Leng, Daoist Xuan, Daoist Jing, Bai Mujin and Xu Yang were unharmed.

The current strength of Qinghua Mountain City is enough to compete with East County and West County. The three parties restrict each other and have reached a certain balance. There is no hidden danger of war or struggle for the time being.

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