True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 174 The Holy Secret of Haoran

Lu Qingyu returned to Xijun, and all the complicated affairs in Xijun were waiting for her to make decisions alone, even though she was full of sadness now.

For several days in a row, she devoted her time to stabilizing affairs in West County. Perhaps when she got busy, she would feel less sad.

First, he arranged for his cronies Hua Yang and others to stabilize the situation in Xijun City.

Then, he personally went to the military camp to appease the soldiers, inserted several of his confidants into the military camp, and held more than half of the military power in his own hands. At the same time, several of Tranquility's cronies also gave him generous rewards to appease him.

Finally, a secret meeting of senior generals was held, and the news of Ping Ping's death was announced at the meeting. Ping Ping's death was defined as a sacrifice for the country.

Naturally, the truth about Tingjing's rebellion was concealed. After all, Lu Qingyu's personal prestige and current abilities alone were not enough to fully control the foundation and power that Ningjing had cultivated in the military camp for many years. He could only adopt a strategy of slowly weakening and gradually gaining control.

There was no commotion in the Xijun military camp, which was the best Lu Qingyu could do.

In just five days, the situation in Xijun was completely under Lu Qingyu's control. It must be said that Lu Qingyu, as a young woman, is quite talented in governing the world.

Three days later, the news of the death of Xijun's lord Lu Wujie, Xijun's chief assistant Linghu Xia, and Xijun's general Ning Jing was officially announced.

All three were defined as heroes in the Xiaoxian world and were given posthumous titles.

In the inner city of Xijun, the tall palaces were all white and plain, and memorials and mourning were carried out in an orderly manner.

In an ordinary teahouse in the outer city of Xijun, several tea drinkers dressed as ordinary people were whispering to each other.

"Without the West County Lord, will the West County under the protection of the Chief Assistant and the General be bullied by the East County? If they start a war again, our side will definitely lose. It has only been a few good days since the water source of the Tai River was restored. It’s really worrying.”

"Yes, without the top combat power, Xijun is in danger. Fortunately, Miss Lu is smart and capable, and the morale of the army and officials is very high."

"It is said that the Lord Dong Ling from East County has also died long ago. Their general also died during this trip to the underground palace. The only remaining chief assistant, Lord Dongling, was also seriously injured. At present, Dongjun and We don’t have time to care about him, and he may not be able to bully us.”

After hearing this, the two people in front picked up the tea cups in front of them and took a deep sip of tea, diluting the worried expressions on their faces.


In Dongjun City.

After several days of rest, the injury of the first assistant Dong Lingjun gradually improved. Under the instructions of Lord Dongling, the guards in front of the three main halls, Jiang Sanfeng, Meng Guang, and Li Fei, arranged the affairs of Dongjun in an orderly manner.

Seven days later, the officials of Dongjun and Xijun jointly issued an announcement announcing that Dongjun and Xijun had signed an agreement on a permanent truce and a letter of intent to gradually and peacefully unify the Xiaoxian world. Both sides withdrew their troops from the border, leaving only a small number of soldiers to guard the border.

In Qinghua Mountain City.

After these days of rest, Jade Buddha and Ghost Dazui, who were seriously injured, were no longer seriously injured. Although the side effects of the spider poison in Bai Muhua's body have been eliminated, the spider body's powerful recovery ability is even stronger than before, and the gunshot wound on his chest has long since healed.

In Xu Yang's room.

"Mr. Xu, yesterday I received a letter from Lu Qingyu, asking me to go to West County to assist her in handling affairs. After all, the entire West County affairs are too stressful for Qingyu alone." Bai Muhua said after recovering from his injury.

"That's fine. If you go to Xijun, you can not only help Lu Qingyu, but also become a bridge of communication between Xijun and Qinghua Mountain City." Xu Yang expressed support.

The next day, Bai Muhua got up and went to Xijun. With Bai Muhua's support, Lu Qingyu's pressure was much less.


Over the past few days, Xu Yang and Black Cat Yetu have been studying the writings left on the scorpion claws. The "Haoran Holy Technique" recorded on it is only the first half.

"Holy Holy Technique" is the supreme Confucian technique left by Lu Qingyun, which cultivates the aura of greatness between heaven and earth.

It is Qi, which is extremely large and strong. If it is nourished directly and does no harm, it will be blocked between heaven and earth. It is Qi, and when paired with righteousness and Tao, its awe-inspiring power is immeasurable.

Those who practice this technique must have no greed in their hearts and be upright in order to achieve great success. Otherwise, if the skill is not advanced enough, it is easy to become possessed.

This is also the reason why Lu Qingyun placed this technique on the claws of the nine-tailed spirit scorpion in the underground palace. There are countless spiritual stones in the underground palace. Anyone who is greedy will probably become possessed by practicing this technique. What Lu Qingyun didn't expect was that the first person to go crazy was his apprentice Yu Changfeng.

This method also introduces the "Great Teleportation Formation" in detail. The Xiaoxian Realm is the space isolated from the Central Yuan Realm by Lu Qingyun's Great Teleportation Formation.

The "Great Movement Array" is extremely large and requires a powerful force of awe-inspiring force to activate. To activate this formation, you need to practice the "Holy Awe-inspiring Technique" in order to obtain a powerful force of awe-inspiring force.

The text on the scorpion claw also clearly records the specific method of dismantling the "Great Movement Formation". The real center of the formation is in the "Yangtian Palace" on the top of Beiqing Mountain.

Yangtian Palace was also the place where Lu Qingyun used to retreat before leaving Xiaoxian Realm.

But two conditions are needed to open the formation eye of Yangtian Palace on the top of Beiqing Mountain.

First, the soul domain of Yuanhun Realm monks is used to stabilize the formation eye space.

Second, the huge and authentic power of awe is used to open the formation's eyes.

This is in line with the records of the Xiaoxian Realm. To open the passage from the Xiaoxian Realm to the outside world, one must be a Yuanhun Realm monk.

Currently, the only one in the entire Xiaoxian world that can release soul realms is Qian Snake. Although the soul realms it releases are not as good as those released by real Yuanhun realm monks, they are still 80% effective.

Xu Yang was also very grateful that he had followed Black Cat Yetu's advice and saved Qian She's life. Qian She's blood soul body has been sealed in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, and she can contact it at any time through her blood soul body.

The first condition is solved, and the second condition requires someone to practice the "Holy Holy Technique" to activate enough Haoran's power.

The current black cat Yetu is just a cat body and is not suitable for practicing other techniques. The responsibility of practicing "Haoran Holy Secret" to obtain the power of Haoran naturally falls on Xu Yang's shoulders.

Xu Yang is upright, optimistic, cheerful, upright, and has a sense of responsibility, which makes him suitable for practicing this technique.

In the next few days, Xu Yang could not come out of seclusion and began to practice "Haoran Holy Jue".

All Confucian exercises will make use of Haoran's power to a greater or lesser extent. The extraordinary thing about "Haoran Holy Secret" is that its unique method can recast a new meridian between the practitioner's Tianling Gai and Dantian Zifu. It's called "Haoran Tianmai".

The meridians of the human body are divided into meridians and collaterals.

The meridians are divided into twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians. The meridians are further divided into meridians on the surface of the body and other meridians including the Ren and Du meridians.

On the basis of these original meridians, re-building a meridian that is more suitable for absorbing and traveling the power of Haoran is the brilliance of this technique, but it is also the difficulty that makes it difficult to practice.

First of all, it is necessary to communicate with the huge enough awe-inspiring power between heaven and earth.

Secondly, the risk of recasting the Haoran Heavenly Meridian is extremely high. An unstable Taoist mind will most likely result in a person going crazy and having all the meridians in his body shattered.

However, once this Haoran Heavenly Vein is cultivated, the speed of the practitioner's movement and the intensity of mana transmission will increase by 30% on the original basis. And with the deepening and improvement of the practice of Haoran's Holy Art, this improvement will continue. Increase.

For three days in a row, Xu Yang tried to communicate the power of Haoran between heaven and earth based on the formulas recorded in the "Holy Secret of Haoran", but every time he seemed to touch the threshold, he could not get in.

After thinking about it, Xu Yang believed that the spiritual power in Xiaoxian's world was not enough, and the power of Haoran was hidden between the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it was even thinner. I previously majored in Ghost Dao Kung Fu and knew nothing about Confucian Kung Fu, so it was difficult to communicate enough of the power of Haoran.

He carefully studied the records in "Haoran Holy Secret" again.

The awe-inspiring power exists widely between heaven and earth, ranging from the sun, moon and stars to the morning dew and fine sand.

According to the attributes of yin and yang, the power of awe is divided into the power of Yang pole and the power of Yin pole.

Among them, the awe-inspiring power of the anode in the sun is the most abundant, and the awe-inspiring power of the cathode in the moon is the most abundant. As for the immeasurable awe-inspiring power contained in distant stars, because they are too far away, it is impossible to collect even one of their billions without opening up the awe-inspiring heavenly veins.

Seeing this record, Xu Yang was very happy. The power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit in his body is exactly the flame of the sun's divine fire, and he can use it to communicate with the awe-inspiring power of the sun's anode.

The Moon Magic Dzi Bead can communicate with the cathode power of the moon.

With an idea in mind, Xu Yang decided to go to the first peak of Qinghua Mountain to practice the "Holy Secret of Haoran".

At noon, when the power of the sun's anode was strongest, Xu Yang led Black Cat Yetu to the highest peak of Qinghua Mountain, the top of the first peak.

Looking around, the sea of ​​clouds at your feet is rolling like waves, as if there are dragons stirring it, it is grand and spectacular.

The extremely bright and scorching sun hovered over Xu Yang's head like a lit furnace, seeming to be close at hand but out of reach.

Black Cat Ye Tu was protecting the law from a distance.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and vomited, activating the power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit in his body, and a three-legged Golden Crow shadow appeared on the surface of his body.

The Golden Crow's shadow stretched out strands of golden light upwards, like tentacles capturing the power of the anode from the top of its head.

Silently reciting "Holy Holy Jue" in his heart, as Xu Yang expected, this time he clearly felt the huge and incomparable power of the Yang pole contained in the scorching sun, which was warm, unrestrained, powerful, and extremely strong.

Introduce this power into the golden flame spirit ball in the Zifu space and continuously inject it.

The body of the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit likes this kind of power very much. The surface of the Golden Flame Spirit Ball is trembling, and the Sanskrit font on it is flashing and restless, as if it is about to fly out of Xu Yang's control.

Xu Yang quickly activated A'Zhu's Vermillion Bird Flame Spirit power to suppress it.

The sun sets and the moon rises. The sea of ​​clouds under the silver moon is like a white gauze on a girl's face. She is so shy and charming.

Take out the crystal clear Moon Magic Dzi Bead and activate the magic formula.

The three-color glow rolled over the fist-sized dzi bead, and Xu Yang's figure disappeared. The next moment, in the space of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, a ball of three-color light dispersed, revealing Xu Yang's figure.

In the space of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

A round silver moon shadow hangs high, and the moonlight falls on the body of the mutton-fat jade fairy below. The ice muscles are blooming, as if there is life, and the saint is born.

The little red snake transformed into the blood soul body of Qian Shen was still hiding in the corner of the octagonal altar, motionless.

Sit cross-legged and activate the "Moonlight Technique".

Keep an eye on the moon, its shadow is in your heart...

The moon shadow in the space is brighter, as if the real moon is coming.

He recited "Haoran Holy Secret" silently in his heart.

Between heaven and earth, there is great righteousness, greatness and strength...

The awe-inspiring power of the cathode projected in the moon's shadow is calm, clear, holy, soft and yin.

At this time, on the top of the first peak, Black Cat Ye Tu stared at the Moon Magic Dzi Bead hovering in mid-air from a distance.

Thousands of silvery moonlight burst from the sky, pouring into the dzi bead like a river, spinning out a silver vortex several feet in size, which was extremely spectacular.

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