True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 177 Great Movement Array

"Yangtian Palace."

Looking at the three words written on the archway, Xu Yang couldn't help blurting out. At this time, his thoughts were surging like the sea, and the secret of unlocking the "Great Movement Formation" that isolated the Xiaoxian Realm was right in front of him.

Every time a step falls on the ground, a circle of light blue ripples will be splashed. The "ten thousand catties falling" restriction on it still has the overwhelming power of Mount Tai even under the resistance of Thousand Snakes Released Soul Realm, making it People are struggling.

The distance of more than ten steps was extremely slow.

After finally walking the last step, Xu Yang and Bai Mujin's foreheads were already covered with sweat drops.

Above the sky steps, a huge circular square appears in front of you.

Qian Snake shook its three scaly red snake heads back and forth, swam its long body, and its exhausted bones made a "gurgle" sound.

"It's like a big battle, but I can't beat this snake." Qian She said proudly.

"Orochi, you are amazing, I will trouble you to help later." Bai Mujin, who was dressed in white, said obediently.

"I am the most honest snake, so I'll take care of it." Qian She replied confidently.

"Why don't we see the palace?" Looking at the large square in front of him without any buildings, Xu Yang was filled with doubts, and then he and Bai Mujin looked towards the edge of the square.

Looking up from the edge of the square, there is boundless emptiness all around, with nothing in sight.

If you look here from further away, you will be surprised to find that this huge square is actually a floating island floating high in the sky.

The bottom of the floating island is surrounded by fairy spirit, making it look like a heavenly realm. There is only a jade-colored sky staircase spiraling down, leading directly to the Beiqing Mountain below, which is a miraculous workmanship.

"There is no doubt that this is Yangtian Palace. It is said that Immortal Master Lu Qingyun left the Xiaoxian Realm from here." Black Cat Yetu explained.

"Let's go to the center of the square and take a look." Black Cat Ye Tu suggested.

The two of them and Qian She followed the black cat Yetu to the center of the square.

"What is the pattern on the ground?" Bai Mujin pointed at the ground under his feet and said.

If you look carefully, the ground in the center of the square is carved with dense, starry patterns, as if the stars in the night sky are reflected on it.

"Twenty-eight constellations?" Xu Yang said after observing carefully.

"Yes, this is exactly a twenty-eight-star formation. Presumably this Great Teleportation Formation is derived from this formation, but so far, I have not found a way to activate this formation. According to the information obtained from the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion Demon Crystal Tip, you can activate it by using the power of Haoran," Black Cat Ye Tu replied.

"Let me try."

Xu Yang leaned down, stretched out his arm, pressed firmly on the ground with one palm, and silently recited "Holy Holy Jue", while the surging power of Haoran continued to flow out of the Haoran Heavenly Vein that connected Tianling Gai and Zifu in his body.

The coercion on his body dispersed, his clothes fluttered in the wind, and streaks of golden light rushed out from his single palm like a galloping horse. Not long after, these golden lights filled the entire twenty-eight star array with star patterns.

The ground trembled slightly, making a rumbling sound, and the four directions of the formation's southeast, northwest and northwest appeared in splendor.

The green brilliance of Qinglong Qisu rises in the east, the red brilliance of Suzaku in the south swirls, the black brilliance of Xuanwu in the north suddenly appears, and the white brilliance of White Tiger jumps up in the west.

These brilliance gradually condensed into the shadows of Qinglong, Zhuque, Xuanwu and White Tiger.

The next moment, the four phantoms broke away from the formation and rushed into the sky like a gun.

Higher up in the sky, four phantoms are connected end to end, spinning constantly. Green, red, black and white lights fill the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

After a while, a twenty-eight-star array that was the same as the one on the ground appeared high in the sky.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds in the sky turned back, and dots of starlight appeared in the sky under the bright sun. The power of the stars that seemed out of reach was constantly being sucked into the formation high in the sky.

With the formation as the center, a huge layer of red, orange, yellow, green and cyan light curtain spread out rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, boundless.

Finally, the light curtain turned into an extremely huge spherical shape and enveloped the entire space where Xiaoxianjie was located.

Standing on the square of the floating island, you can vaguely feel that the entire Xiaoxian world is slowly moving in the envelope of this colorful light curtain.

In the city of Xijun.

Among the people walking on the bustling street, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, there are colorful lights in the sky."

When the crowd heard the sound, they all looked up.

"There are five colors falling from the sky. This is a good omen."

"The Confucian Saint Ancestor Appears."

"God bless my little Xianjie."

Vegetable vendors, butchers selling meat, waiters in teahouses, and drinkers in wine shops almost all stopped their activities and came to the street to look up to the sky and worship.

In Dongjun City.

Lord Dongling, dressed in a blue brocade shirt, stood in the square in front of the palace. He seemed to be in good health and had recovered from his injuries. Standing next to him were Jiang Sanfeng, Li Fei and Meng Guang, three captains in front of the palace.

Lord Dongling looked up at the colorful lights in the sky, then turned to look in the direction of Beiqing Mountain.

"There are obvious spiritual power fluctuations in the direction of Beiqing Mountain. Could it be that someone arrived at Beiqing Mountain and activated the formation on it? Is it Xu Yang again this time?" Lord Dongling whispered.

On the square of the floating island.

Xu Yang, Bai Mujin, Black Cat Yetu and Qian She looked intently at the activated formation above their heads.

"The Great Teleportation Formation has been activated." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"I wonder what will happen next?" Xu Yang said.

Bai Mujin didn't speak, but held Xu Yang's hand tighter, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

After a while, the friction between the interfaces gradually released the energy that tore apart the space. Part of the power was projected through the formation in the sky and turned into white lightning falling from the sky.

"Crack! Click!" The sound was heard endlessly, and there were more and more white lightnings, shocking the earth and making the floating island tremble.

Xu Yang only felt a restlessness in the spiritual pet bag around his waist, and his consciousness moved.

The golden mink "Peach" jumped out.

The little beast seemed to be very interested in the power of thunder and lightning. Its two small black gem-like eyes were full of energy, jumping around Xu Yang, and white ripples emitted from its body.

Seeing that a bolt of lightning was about to fall on Xu Yang, he was attracted by the white ripples released by the little beast and moved aside.

With a "pop" sound, the lightning struck the ground two feet away from Xu Yang, splashing up a wisp of smoke.

Black Cat Ye Tu's pointed ears twitched and he threw out a black electric net to block the white lightning that fell on his head.

More lightning fell directly on the Floating Island Square.

"Everyone, be careful. This tribulation thunder is the power released by the fusion of interfaces. Qian Snake quickly uses his soul domain, otherwise the floating island may be bombarded and destroyed by this tribulation thunder, and all the previous efforts will be wasted." Black Cat Ye Tu shouted loudly.

"Tribulation thunder? This snake is just trying to test its power."

Tribulation Thunder, also known as Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, is an uncommon sight in the world of cultivation. Often when someone goes against the will of heaven, the power of the interface they belong to will throw out a tribulation thunder to suppress it. For example, movement between interfaces will produce tribulation thunder, and a monk's cultivation that breaks through to a very high level will also produce tribulation thunder.

The thousand snakes raised their heads to the sky, and the six amber pupils on the three snake heads shrank sharply, and the spiritual power released from all over their bodies turned into wisps of red fire breath.

The huge body twisted like a fire dragon rising into the sky against the countless white lightnings above its head, and then hovered and swam high in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, circles of red soul realm spread out from the surface of the thousand snakes. The spherical soul realm grew larger and larger, until it was as big as a small mountain before it stopped.

White lightnings struck the spherical soul realm one after another, like a pack of wolves that had smelled their prey, with lightning splashing and flames rolling.

The power in the tribulation thunder and the flame energy in the soul realm continued to collide and consume. The white lightning could not even touch Qian Snake's body and was exhausted in its soul realm. No more lightning fell on the floating island square. superior.

"Hey, these tribulation thunders are not enough to scratch this snake's itch."

Qian She's body moved faster and faster in the soul realm, constantly injecting soul power into the soul realm to resist the consumption of the thunder.

"Now is just the beginning. I'm worried that Qian Snake's strength alone won't be able to withstand the more powerful power in the future. Everyone, be prepared." Black Cat Yetu reminded.

Sure enough, as Black Cat Yetu said, after a cup of tea, the white lightning in the sky turned blue, and the dazzling blue formed a large area, like a wild beast roaring in the blue sea.

The pressure contained in the blue lightning was much greater than the previous white lightning, and the lightning pierced ruthlessly into the red soul realm released by the thousand snakes.

The red flames churning in the soul realm were like an enraged tiger, roaring and constantly fighting back.

The crackling of lightning and the crackling of fire were intertwined, and the sound was terrifying.

As time went by, the blue lightning became thicker and more powerful, but Qian Snake's soul power showed signs of fatigue.

Blue lightning bolts as thick as a bucket struck directly on Qian She's head, neck, and torso.

Wherever it touched, green smoke rose, snake scales turned outward, skin and flesh were torn, and blood stains were everywhere.

What's even more terrifying is that the power above the lightning penetrates directly into the soul, causing the soul realm released by Qian Snake to become unstable, flickering dark and bright.


The pain is unbearable!

Heart-breaking pain!

Similar pain in memory!

A person's name couldn't help but echo in Qian She's mind, Su Li!

"Who is Su Li?"

Since losing the blood soul body, the memory of Su Li seems to have been forgotten, or buried deep in its heart a hundred thousand feet deep.

The pain at this moment reminded Qian She of this person's name, but it was very vague.

"I don't want to remember this person's name, I don't want it!"

Qian She's heart screamed.

Regardless of the pain caused by the lightning, the snake's belly dazzled with golden light, and the power of the golden elixir in the body leaked out crazily, and the originally unstable soul realm gradually stabilized.

At this time, blue lightning occasionally passed through the barrier of thousands of snakes and fell on the square.

The bluestone on the ground was smashed into pieces, and the entire floating island shook.

"Quick! You two take out the spiritual stones and transfer the spiritual power on them to Qian Snake. I will cast a spell to block the missing lightning." Black Cat Ye Tu said loudly and hastily.

Without any time to think, Xu Yang and Bai Mujin threw out a dozen storage bags, and the spiritual stones originally obtained from the underground palace were piled in the center of the square.

There are a total of three hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, like a treasure mountain, exuding an alluring milky white light.

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