True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 178 The Eye of the Interface

Xu Yang quickly took out a stack of spirit-attracting talismans from his storage bag, raised one hand, and accurately threw it on the stacked spirit stones opposite.

A magic spell was played, and the silver spirit patterns on the spirit-attracting talisman flickered. The spiritual power on the spirit stone below was drawn out crazily, and the billowing light gathered together like a river flowing into the sea.

Another spell was fired, and he whispered softly: "Sheng!"

The massive amount of spiritual power turned into a long ghostly dragon and flew straight up, eventually forming a bright and straight channel between the spiritual stone and the thousands of snakes in the sky.

Seeing Xu Yang helping him, Qian She in the sky quickly activated the spiritual power to replenish it into the soul realm.

Suddenly, the surface of the spherical soul realm glowed with red light, and red flames continued to spurt out, blooming in the air like clusters of fireworks.

More blue lightning was blocked by the soul realm, and the number of lightning falling on Qian Snake's body continued to decrease. Qian Snake's pressure doubled, and the pain in the soul gradually disappeared.

"Thank you!" Qian She's deep voice came from high in the air.

Inducing such a huge amount of spiritual power into the sky requires a huge amount of mental power. Xu Yang concentrated his concentration and continued to play the magic formula.

Fortunately, Xu Yang's spiritual power is far superior to that of monks of the same level. Not to mention the monks of the Transformation Realm, even the ordinary monks of the Peiyuan Realm are simply unable to activate such an amount of spiritual power.

Seeing this, Bai Mujin hurried over to help Xu Yang.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning slipped through the net and struck hard.

Black Cat Ye Tu twitched his ears, and then spun out a black thunder ball.

The thunderball shot out quickly and accurately collided with the falling blue lightning.

With a "boom", black and blue light and shadow intertwined, and the black thunderball turned into dots of black light scattered in the air.

The power of the blue lightning was also offset by most of it, and it fell on the ground, leaving a crater about ten feet in size.

In this way, Xu Yang and Bai Mujin controlled the spiritual power on the spiritual stone to be transferred to Qian Snake in the sky. Black Cat Yetu rushed left and right in the square and used the sealing technique to block the blue lightning that occasionally fell. The golden mink "Pan Tao" used his natural ability to control lightning to lead the lightning that fell around several people to a distance from time to time.

With united efforts, the seemingly crazy thunder of heavenly calamity was actually blocked by them.

Time passed bit by bit, and less than half an hour later, the spirit stones on the ground began to appear cracks and became dim, and some even exploded and turned into a handful of white powder.

More than 300,000 high-grade spiritual stones were burned up in this way. Xu Yang did not feel reluctant to give up. Instead, he felt that these spiritual stones had been put to their best use and reflected their due value.

The long-term release of high-intensity mental power made Xu Yang feel a little tired.

"With the current speed of withdrawing spiritual power, I'm afraid that the spiritual power in the spirit stone will be exhausted soon. I don't know how long this disaster will last." Xu Yang's mind was racing, and his face was anxious. .

He turned around and looked at Hibiscus next to him, and saw that she was dressed in white and was continuously using dexterous spells to activate the spiritual power on the spirit stone. Her expression was serious and focused, but her face was a little ugly.

"Hibiscus, how are you doing?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Bai Mujin replied with a smile.

In fact, the scenery in her eyes had already appeared as a double image at this time, and the side effects of excessive consumption of mental energy were revealed.

Black Cat Ye Tu also noticed that the spiritual power in the spiritual stones on the ground was showing signs of being exhausted, and he looked up at the thousand snakes in the sky.

The spiritual power output from the spirit stone gradually weakened, and the number of blue lightnings falling on Qian Snake gradually increased.

At this time, Qian Snake was covered with bruises, but the fighting spirit in his amber eyes had not diminished by half.

"I'm here to help, too."

With a soft cry, a firebird with a golden crown and red feathers soared into the sky, which was A'Zhu's true form.

The flying firebird disappeared into the soul realm of Qian Snake in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom of a Suzaku with its head raised and flapping its wings suddenly appeared in the circular soul realm, majestic and majestic.

Thousand Snakes are originally fire-attributed spiritual beasts. After the soul realm they released was infused with the power of the Nirvana Flame Spirit by A'Zhu, the power of the flames in it became three points stronger.

"Huh? The breath of this firebird actually makes me instinctively fear. Is it the Flame of the Vermilion Bird? Xu Yang is really unfathomable. Although this snake's cooperation with him this time is somewhat forced, but now it seems It's still feasible to come." Qian She secretly admired Xu Yang.

After another half an hour, the blue lightning in the sky suddenly stopped.

"Is the thunder calamity that is said to be able to destroy Yuanhun Realm monks just that powerful? I haven't had enough fun yet."

Qian Snake is worthy of the strength of a quasi-holy beast. The wounds on its body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, it was intact as before.

At this moment, the twenty-eight constellation array above the Thousand Snakes suddenly began to rotate rapidly, trembled violently, and made a buzzing sound.

A large number of purple clouds suddenly appeared in the sky higher up.

The purple cloud rolled outward violently, as if something was trying to crawl out of it.

After a moment, a naked purple arm poked out from the purple clouds. The skin of the arm was covered with wrinkles of time, like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree, aged for a long time.

I saw the sharp five fingers on the palm at the front of the arm suddenly opened, and an unexpected eyeball appeared in the palm.

Turning his eyes slightly, he glanced at the thousand snakes below. The veins of the blood vessels on them were extremely clear, with a faint trace of blood oozing out.

"No, it's the Eye of the Interface, Qian She, be careful." Black Cat Ye Tu reminded loudly.

Almost at the same time, Qian She also discovered this strange eyeball.

"One-eye, what are you looking at? Is this snake more majestic than you? Huh? You are bleeding. Stay away from this snake. This snake hates the smell of blood."

Suddenly, a thick purple lightning spurted out from above the eyeball, like a purple divine sword cutting down the underworld. A dark crack was torn open in the void, and gray space-time vortexes spun out from the crack. The sound is so terrifying!

Unable to hide or avoid, Qian She's huge body twisted violently.

The protection of the promise, the desire for life, and the unyielding attitude towards fate turned into a shocking roar.


The golden elixir in Qian Snake's body melted rapidly, and the power of the true elixir was concentrated on the three snake heads. The original red snake head turned into a dazzling golden color, and its aura surged.


The violent purple lightning struck the snake head on the left. The dazzling gold and purple colors were intertwined together, and the scattered coercion slapped the void fiercely.

After a while, the power on the purple lightning was exhausted and disappeared, and the snake head also turned into nothing.

"One-eyed! Come again!" Regardless of the huge pain of losing a snake head, Qian Snake roared stubbornly.


The ruthless interface eye just glanced, and another purple lightning struck down, and the snake head on the right side of the thousand snakes also disappeared in the roar of the purple lightning.

At this time, only one snake head was left in the middle of the thousand snakes. The soul was like being cut by thousands of knives, and the word "Su Li" echoed in his mind.

The memory of Su Li suddenly became clear in Qian She's mind.

When it was weak, it was the young Su Li who saved his life from the eagle's claws. From then on, they depended on each other and shared the same love. One day many years later, in order to take revenge, Su Li coaxed Qian Snake into a host body and fed on its blood soul. Deception turns friendship into hatred.

"Su Li! It turns out to be you! I still can't forget the memory you left in my life. Maybe only death can completely forget you... How I want to go back to the past and see that handheld Sickle, a young man with warm and kind eyes, Su Li.”

At this moment, Qian She's eyes were full of determination.

Opening his angry mouth, his long body rushed towards the Eye of the Interface above like a flying rocket.

Xu Yang below saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart. Thousand Snakes might be killed by the Eye of the Interface if they attack like this.

Then he grabbed the Four Illusions Long Stick with both hands and poured it into the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit. A'Zhu, who was in mid-air, spread his wings and did not enter it.

Xu Yang spun on the spot like a top and threw the long stick fiercely.

"Fire Spirit Po!"

The long stick has golden patterns flowing all over its body, just like the legendary Hou Yi's arrow, whizzing straight towards the eye of the interface.

At the same time, the black cat Ye Tu also summoned the dark ghost fork. The speeding ghost fork dragged its black electric tail, like a flying fish leaping out of the sea and piercing the eye of the interface.

Bai Mujin patted the golden cage on his waist, and the silver-backed ape leaped out, and in a blink of an eye, he became taller than ten feet tall.

"Hou Da, help me."

After saying that, he jumped up and his feet landed nimbly in the monkey's strong and wide hands.

Hou Da bowed quickly, then stood up suddenly and swung his arms upwards.

Bai Mujin stepped on the tip of his toes, and with the strength of a monkey, he flew up like a white bird in the air. When he reaches a high enough height, he activates his own blood soul power to inject the short sword in his hand.

"Ten cuts with one breath!"

The black short knife in his hand was aimed at the direction of the Eye of the Interface and shot away. In the blink of an eye, ten knife shadows appeared in a row.

The attacks of the three of them were fast enough, but the purple lightning of the Eye of the Interface was even faster.

A thicker purple lightning roar fell down.

Thousand Snakes did not activate any fire attacks, but opened their mouths angrily and bit hard, as if they wanted to use their sharp teeth to crush everything and shatter the memories of the past.


Qian She's body was like a dream-catching kite whose string suddenly broke and fell straight down.

The ruthless purple electricity was still cutting into its body. At this time, its entire body was pitch black, like a burnt charcoal stick.

A broken snake tail left its body, and it had lost most of its consciousness. Fortunately, the purple lightning did not fall directly on its head, otherwise, it would definitely die.

Before that, a pair of small black gem-like eyes were staring unblinkingly at the purple lightning. It was Xu Yang's spiritual pet golden mink "Pan Tao".

Zidian and Qian She were entangled together, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to a height several feet above the ground of the floating island. If it falls to the ground, Qian Snake will probably be shattered to pieces, and the floating island will probably not be saved.

At the critical moment, the little beast turned into a golden stream of light and rushed directly under the purple lightning. A gleam of light flashed in its black gem-like eyes. The ancient divine power in the blood was awakened by the purple lightning in front of him.


With a roar from the wild hell, a phantom of a beast about ten feet in size appeared on the little beast's body.

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