True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 179 The End of the Small Sage World

The shadow of this ferocious beast is extremely solid, and its face is somewhat similar to that of a small beast. It has a single horn on its head, eyes like stars, sharp teeth like swords, and golden hair all over its body.

What's weird is that there are nine living ghost faces neatly arranged on its back.

Each ghost face has a different appearance, or three eyes, or fangs, or a bloody mouth, or green hair, or a lion's nose, or a bald head, or a long tongue, or flaming eyebrows, or big ears, or a pockmarked face. The same thing is that every ghost face emits a strange and weird smile, shaking Jiuyou.

I saw that the little beast opened its mouth and spat out a stream of white light. In the white light, nine ghost heads that were the same as those on the back of the beast's shadow were faintly visible.

The white light swirled up a gloomy wind, supporting Qian Snake's falling body, and then nine ghost faces frantically swooped on the purple lightning, like nine beggars who saw stewed pig's feet, chewing crazily.

Zidian let out a cry and tore a dark crack in the void, as if he wanted to use this space crack to escape.

The gray space-time turbulence in the tearing space produced unparalleled suction, and purple lightning, thousands of snakes, and Nine Nether White Light were sucked into it together.

The cracks in the cold space gradually healed.

"Hahaha, goodbye, Xu Yang. Goodbye, Xiaoxianjie. Goodbye, my memory..."

Qian She laughed wildly, her figure gradually disappeared into the cracks in space, and a crystal tear fell from the corner of her eye.

In the dark and bottomless space crack, there was no purple lightning, no white light of the Nine Netherworld, and no shadow of the thousand snakes. There was only a drop of tear falling down, falling straight for nine thousand miles.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance was reflected in the teardrops, and a world opened in the light.

The landscape is picturesque and the vegetation is lush.

On a hillside, a red spirit snake about a foot long was shedding its skin under a rough rock.

The little snake twisted its body and scraped against the rocks, and a layer of dead skin was gradually peeled off from the corners of the snake's mouth. Finally shedding off the last piece of snake slough, the little snake stretched tiredly.

At this moment, there was a rustling movement in the woods not far from the little snake, and a colorful tiger emerged with its eyes hanging open.

The tiger's nose sniffed back and forth, seeming to smell the delicious food that made him salivate. Finally, his eyes focused on the little red snake under the rock. Without hesitation, his four claws were filled with wind and he pounced towards it.

The little snake realized the danger was coming and struggled to leave. But the shedding just now consumed too much energy, and the movement seemed slow.

A shovel-like tiger claw slammed down on the little snake.

"Tiger, don't eat me, little snake. I've always been a vegetarian." It trembled and uttered human words.

This tiger was just a low-level spiritual beast and had no idea what the little snake was saying. He just instinctively felt that if he ate the spiritual snake in front of him, it would give him the power to evolve. In the open bloody mouth, sharp tiger teeth as sharp as knives were exposed, and a wisp of saliva slipped down.

"Amitabha, good, good, good."

A clear and bright Buddha's name is heard, and the listener feels like smelling the fragrance of white lotus, clearing his brain and washing his mind, dispelling greed, and giving birth to good thoughts.

Not far away, a girl who was only seven or eight years old stood there quietly.

She was dressed in elegant clothes, and her long hair was tied neatly behind her head. A pair of small, white palms were placed in the shape of folded hands, and a string of simple wooden beads hung from the wrists. Although she is dressed as an ordinary person, her pure and beautiful appearance exudes a sense of Zen.

"Master Tiger, please don't hurt this little snake. The master said that the law of the jungle is the law of reproduction of thousands of lives in heaven, and we should let nature take its course. But today this little snake seems to be destined for me, why don't you let it go and eat what's on my body The meat is ready.”

The girl spoke eloquently, her voice was like a wind chime and her face was like still water.

Somehow, the tiger seemed to understand what the girl just said.

As soon as the tiger's claws on the little snake were loosened, its originally stern eyes became extremely soft. He turned to look at the girl, shook his furry tiger head back and forth, then bowed and backed away, disappearing into the woods in the distance. .

The little snake let out a long breath, looked at the girl in front of him who brought him infinite warmth, and said, "Is it the Bodhisattva who came to save me?"

"I am not a Bodhisattva. My name is Su Li. I am a lay disciple practicing with my master at Miaoyuan Mountain nearby."

"My name is Qian She, thank you for saving me today."

"The master said that I had a fate with a snake in my previous life. He asked me to come to this unknown mountain today to find a fate, and I met you."

"The first time I saw you, I felt like I had known you for a long time."

"Qian She, come with me."

"Su Li, I'll go with you."

"Return of Swallows. Su Li Thousand Snakes" Rose seed, a beautiful plant, Li Li is like a tassel. With a slender waist and a frivolous smile, she is that human slave. When the cold dew comes, the flowers fade, and I dance alone in front of the lonely court. Thousands of thoughts are like snake venom, we will travel together again in the next life.

On the Floating Island Square.

When the attacks of Xu Yang, Bai Mujin, and Black Cat Ye Tu were a few feet away from the Eye of the Interface, they seemed to be suddenly grabbed by the gods and held back in the air.

The Eye of the Interface didn't even look at Xu Yang and the others or the incoming attack. It just glanced at Qian Snake who disappeared into the space crack. When the space crack was completely closed, the skinny purple palm clenched, and the eyeball in the palm was hidden. In the fist, it was slowly received into the purple cloud above.

After a moment, the strange purple cloud disappeared, and the interface eye seemed to have never come out.

The colorful light curtain in the sky turned into dots of crystal light all over the sky and disappeared without a trace.

The twenty-eight star formations above the floating island turned into green, red, black and white streams of light and fell to the ground, disappearing into the star map carved on the stone.

The whole world became quiet, the sun was shining brightly, and there were no clouds in the sky.

A ray of breeze blows in the face, which makes people extremely comfortable.

"Did we succeed?" Bai Mujin asked.

"The spiritual power contained in the void is much richer than before. This familiar feeling is that there is no doubt that we have succeeded in Zhongyuan World." Xu Yang said with certainty.

Bai Mujin looked at the place where Qian She disappeared and said regretfully, "But Qian She will never come back again."

Xu Yang took out the Moon Magic Dzi Bead and peered in with his spiritual consciousness. He was surprised to find that the little snake transformed from the blood soul of a thousand snakes was still lying quietly in the corner of the octagonal altar.

I tried to contact Qian Snake's body through it, but found that the blood soul body seemed to be disconnected from Qian Snake's body, and the blood contract on it disappeared.

"Qian Snake's blood soul body has not died, but the blood contract connecting the blood soul body and Qian Snake's body is missing. Qian Snake may really be dead, or may have gone to a certain corner of the world." Xu Yang explained road.

"I didn't expect that Qian She, who once caused a bloody storm in the Xiaoxian world, would actually become the hero who saves the future of the Xiaoxian world." Black Cat Yetu said.

At this moment, the endless phantom sea that was originally connected to the edge of the land of Xiaoxianjie disappeared, and was replaced by a vast forest. The land of Xiaoxianjie returned to the forest of ten thousand realms in Zhongyuanjie.

Three days later, the news that Xiaoxianjie had returned to Zhongyuanjie was confirmed by the officials of Xijun and Dongjun. People rushed to tell each other, and the news quickly spread to every corner of the Xiaoxian world.

"The world of Xiaoxian has returned to its original ancestral land."

"It's Zhongyuan Realm."

“We are no longer island dwellers.”

"Our future will be better."

People dressed in costumes cheered and paraded in the streets.

This day is regarded as a grand festival in the Xiaoxian world - Return Day.

Then the question arose.

Xiaoxianjie is located in the Ten Thousand Domains Forest, close to the southernmost part of the Northern Territory. A large number of spiritual beasts in the Ten Thousand Realms Forest invaded the borders of Xiaoxian Realm, and crops were frequently destroyed and residents were harmed by the spiritual beasts.

The invading spirit beasts became the common enemy of Dongjun and Xijun. The two reached a compromise as quickly as possible and formed a coalition to protect the border of Xiaoxianjie. He also took out millions of spiritual stones from the underground palace and used them as military pay for the coalition forces.

Xu Yang and Bai Mujin were not in a hurry to return to Yuanhun Realm, but stayed together to help Xiaoxian Realm eliminate the scourge of spiritual beasts on the border.

After learning the details of Xu Yang, Bai Mugen, and Black Cat Yetu's successful activation of the Great Teleportation Formation, Lu Qingyu and Lord Dongling specially compensated Xu Yang and the others with 500,000 spirit stones. Xu Yang couldn't refuse, but he only took 300,000 spirit stones, which was exactly the amount consumed on the top of Beiqing Mountain.

Unexpectedly, there were a large number of spirit beasts in the Ten Thousand Domains Forest, including many high-level spirit beasts. The coalition forces suffered heavy losses and were able to barely withstand the crisis of the invasion of spirit beasts on the border.

Within a few days, the news of Xiao Xianjie's appearance in the Ten Thousand Domains Forest spread throughout the sects of Zhongyuan Realm.

As the sect of Lu Qingyun, the founder of Xiaoxianjie, Yu Daomen was the most active in responding to the news and sent people to visit Xiaoxianjie with a large number of gifts. The Confucian sects in the Xiaoxian world naturally opened their arms and welcomed him warmly.

Dongjun, represented by Lord Dongling, and Xijun, represented by Lu Qingyu, have already seen clearly the situation in front of them. In the Zhongyuan world, they cannot survive without strong backers. The spiritual beast crisis at the border alone is overwhelming, and it is inevitable that it will be coveted by other powerful cultivating countries in the future.

After negotiation with the Yudaomen envoys, Xiaoxianjie became Xiaoxian Kingdom, with East and West counties still located. Most of the casual cultivators in Qinghua Mountain City have returned to various cultivation countries or cultivation sects in the Zhongyuan Realm.

Xiaoxian Kingdom officially announced that it belonged to the Yu Dao Sect and became one of the cultivation countries within the influence of the Confucian Taizong Yu Dao Sect.

The Yu Dao Sect quickly sent a large number of disciples, including several Yuanhun realm monks, to garrison the Little Xian Kingdom. Soon, the scourge of spiritual beasts on the border was completely eliminated, and a compromise was reached with other surrounding forces. Only then did Xiao Xianguo stabilize.

Taoist Xuan, Taoist Leng, Taoist Jing, Jade Buddha, Gui Dazui and other casual cultivators all returned to their previous sects after saying goodbye to Xu Yang.

Bai Muhua decided to stay in Xiaoxian Country and officially became a couple with Lu Qingyu. Xu Yang, Bai Mujin and others sent their blessings.

Half a year after entering Xiaoxian's world by mistake, Xu Yang returned to Tiangui Sect with Black Cat Ye Tu. To the outside world, the black cat Yetu is Xu Yang's spiritual pet, an ordinary spiritual cat.

As a disciple who returned after the Autumn Hunting event, Xu Yang reported to the sect his experience of accidentally entering the Xiaoxian world due to the change in the Red Flame Peak while participating in the Autumn Hunting event. Yaksha Moyu and others also testified, in view of Xu Yang For his loyal and brave performance during the Autumn Hunting activity, the senior leaders of the Tiangui Sect rewarded him with a contribution of 100,000 within the sect.

Bai Mujin was originally a direct relative of the Bai family, a cultivation family within the Tiangui Sect. After passing a blood test by the family elders, he was welcomed back to the Bai family. The Bai family celebrated the safe return of Bai Mujin, a girl who had been missing for more than ten years. The ancestor of the Bai family personally hosted the welcome ceremony. The elders of the Bai family also like and care about Bai Mujin very much.

When Xu Yang returned to Tiangui Sect, the happiest thing was his few friends.

Especially on the first day after Xu Yang returned, Zhu Liunian and his sister Zhu Liuqing came to visit. They hugged Xu Yang and cried like a child. After all, it was Xu Yang who sacrificed his life to save him from the volcanic flames of Red Flame Peak. His life.

Tu Sanli and Fatty Tong also came to visit. Seeing that Xu Yang was not only safe and sound, but also had a great improvement in cultivation, Tu Sanli was happy for Xu Yang from the bottom of his heart.

After handling the affairs of the Tiangui Sect, Xu Yang specially asked for leave and returned to his hometown of Qingshi Town to visit his mother Zhao Min to fulfill his filial piety. Mother is in good health, and the family business, Lehu Winery, is still prosperous.

A month later, Xu Yang left behind many life-prolonging elixirs suitable for mortals, and returned to the Tiangui Sect at the urging of Zhao Min.

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