True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 181 Meeting the Master Again

Inside the middle level of the Ghostly Roaring Land.

A towering green mountain peak stands abruptly in the vast grassland.

At the top of the mountain, Xu Yang, dressed in a light green gown, stood condescendingly, with a huge and abrupt rock at his feet.

I raised my eyes and looked into the distance, and all I could see was green. A winding river in the distance was dotted on the green grassland like a silver ribbon.

"The view from the top of the mountain is wide, and using psychic techniques here should be effective."

The so-called art of channeling spirits is to use the power of the flame spirit to cast a mark of the flame spirit on a certain location in advance. When you are close to this position, you can use your own flame spirit power to sense the direction of the mark left in advance, and then find the weakest space node, and use this node to teleport between two points.

Use the method of inner vision to look at the Wheel Flame Spirit in the Purple Mansion space in your Dantian.

Although the little guy is much stronger than before, he is no longer as spooky and lively as before, curling up lazily like an eggplant that has dropped its seedlings.

Try to activate the wheel flame spirit and look for the mark it left in the different space where the master is.

This method requires strong mental power. Fortunately, Xu Yang's mental power now is no longer the same as when he first entered the land of ghost roars. Even ordinary true elixir realm monks do not have such strong mental power as Xu Yang's right now.

Actuating the magic technique, the flame spirit waves caused circles of almost transparent water-like ripples in the void.

This fluctuation is extremely fast and has extremely strong penetrating power. Over mountains, over meadows, across rivers, and even across space.

Half an hour later.

A similar wave appeared somewhere in a relatively close space and was instantly captured by Xu Yang. Although this fluctuation was very weak, Xu Yang was sure that it was the mark of the Wheel of Flame Spirit.

Xu Yang, who was sitting cross-legged on the rock, opened his star-like eyes with a smile on his lips.

He stood up, activated the Fire Wings Chasing Wind Movement, and flew away in one direction with the Fire Wings behind him.

After a cup of tea, we came to an unknown valley.

"right here."

Finding the spatial node closest to the imprint is only the first step.

The second step is to teleport across space.

However, there are defensive restrictions in the Ghost Roaring Land. Even if the space within it is torn apart instantly, even small changes will be detected by the defense of the magic circle.

Xu Yang can't care about that much now.

In order to return here, Xu Yang needs to leave another Flame Spirit mark here.

He released his consciousness and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

He stretched out his palm, and a golden spiritual flame ignited in his palm.

After activating the branding technique, the golden spiritual flame flashed and turned into a transparent light yellow cone-shaped crystal the size of a fist.

Within the cone-shaped crystal, a looming shadow of a flame spirit with a round head and round brain was looming.

With a casual throw, the flame spirit brand disappeared into the ground beneath his feet, leaving not even a trace.

Seeing that Yanling Brand was successful, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Little guy, I can only hurt you once."

The Chakravartin was activated again, but this time the energy consumed was much greater than before.

Xu Yang raised his head and stared at a certain point above his head.

After making a secret with one hand, golden light flashed all over his body, and a ghostly baby with two horns on his head and bat wings on his back suddenly appeared on his body, which was the reflection of the Flame Wheel Spirit.

The powerful flame spirit waved like an invisible sharp sword, stabbing hard towards the space node.

With a "click" sound, a black network-like crack appeared in the seemingly empty void. In the middle of the crack was a pitch-black black hole in space as big as the mouth of a basin.

"A'Zhu, let me lend you my strength."

"Xiaoxian, I'm ready."

Traveling through space is not easy. If you fail, you will get lost in the endless space cracks.

Although Xu Yang has strong magic power and powerful martial arts, he does not dare to be careless.

As his natal spiritual pet, A'Zhu's proficiency in cooperating with each other was perfect, and the intensity and synchronization of the techniques were just right.

Xu Yang was surrounded by flames, and a firebird with its head raised and flapping its wings appeared around his body. His figure was looming in the flames.

The next moment, the firebird soared into the sky, leaving only a trace of heat wave in the void before disappearing into the black hole of space in mid-air.

Inside the black hole of space.

The surrounding area is gray, and there are gray space vortices surging crazily in the very distance, like hungry and brutal beasts, ready to devour and tear apart everything that is close to them.

This is also the reason why this is the weakest node, so it does not encounter strong space vortices. Otherwise, if you rush into the space cracks randomly, you will definitely get stuck in the turbulence, and you will probably never return.

A golden circle of light not far away guided Xu Yang's direction. This circle of light was the position locked using psychic techniques.

It’s a long story, it all happens in the blink of an eye.

The firebird quickly passed through the aperture, as if entering a teleportation array. For a while, Xu Yang was dazzled, and he was already deep in another space.

As a circle of water-like ripples in the void behind him gradually disappeared, the space channel was closed.

Surrounded by green bamboo forests, a cobblestone path beneath your feet winds and disappears into the bamboo forest.

A feeling of familiarity came over me.

This was the space that Xu Yang and Lin'er entered by mistake the last time they participated in the Ghost Roaring Land trial. It was also here that Xu Yang met his master, Gui Gu Yeyan.

After following the path and turning two corners, a small wooden house in my memory appeared in front of me.

Taking two quick steps to the door of the cabin, Xu Yang said loudly: "Master, my disciple Xu Yang is here to visit."

After a while, the outer door of the wooden house slowly opened automatically with a creaking sound.

An old voice came from inside the room: "Disciple Xu Yang, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xu Yang entered the house and closed the door.

A white-haired old man wearing a simple soap robe was sitting cross-legged on a wooden collapse. It was Xu Yang's master Gui Gu Yeyan.

"Master, please accept my disciple's obeisance."

As he spoke, Xu Yang used his hands to cover the hem of his clothes and knelt down on the ground.

"You and I, master and disciple, are bound to cultivate truth, so there is no need to stick to etiquette."

As Gui Gu Yeyan spoke, he flipped his wrist slightly, and an invisible force lifted Xu Yang's kneeling figure up.

Xu Yang stood aside obediently.

Gui Gu Yeyan smiled, his eyes flashed with red, blue, and golden light, and he looked at Xu Yang carefully.

"I see that in addition to the Chakravartin Flame Spirit, there are also Suzaku Flame and Golden Crow Flame Spirits moving faintly in your body. Having these three flame spirits is also your destiny."

After a pause, he continued: "With your qualifications of fire attribute and spiritual veins, you can cultivate your body to such an extent in such a short period of time. Even the so-called cultivation genius is nothing more than this. But your cultivation level is only You are in the Void Realm, and your skill level is probably not inferior to that of the True Pill Realm monks. I guess you must have used the power of Nirvana of the Fire Bird Flame Spirit. In addition, there seems to be something wrong with the Wheel Flame Spirit in your body. You came to me the first time to ask about the healing method of Chakravartin."

"Master's divine eye is as bright as a torch, and the body of an immortal can discern every detail. The wheel-turning flame spirit is a gift from the master. It is also related to the inheritance of the Holy Fire of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Disciples dare not make mistakes..."

Xu Yang will explain one by one the situation in which the Chakravartin Flame Spirit became sluggish after swallowing the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion Flame Spirit in the Xiaoxian Realm.

"The Wheeling Flame Spirit has the instinct to devour other Flame Spirits. The Nine-tailed Scorpion Flame Spirit was originally a half-flame spirit, half-spirit poison in the evil spirit world. The Wheeling Flame Spirit is just suffering from chronic poisoning at the moment. If you don't go Healing, with the powerful instinct of the Wheel Flame Spirit, it is estimated that the toxins in the body can be naturally digested after two or three years of dormancy. "

"In this case, my disciple will feel more at ease."

Hearing what his master said, Xu Yang felt much more relaxed.

"However, once the Chakravartin goes dormant, it will not only affect your practice of the Five Elements Flame Technique. Since you have a spiritual contract with it, it will automatically consume a large amount of your soul power in the process of repairing itself, and it will also consume a lot of your soul power at any time. As the repair time goes by, this consumption will become more and more. Although your current body and soul power look good, after all, you are only at the Void Realm. This may be harmful to your soul. cause damage."

Xu Yang thought carefully about it. In the past few days since the Chakravartin Spirit had a problem, his soul power had indeed been absorbed by the Chakravarter Spirit, but it was still within the range that he could bear, so he didn't take it to heart for the time being. . Listening to Master's explanation, it seems that this is a big trouble.

"Excuse me, Master, is there any way to cure this?"

“There are two ways to heal.

First, any spiritual creature will have its own inherent mutual support or conflict. The enemy of the nine-tailed scorpion is the three-tailed koi. However, the three-tailed koi is also far away in the evil spirit world, and I am afraid that it will not be found for a year and a half.

Secondly, the Chakravartin originally came from the underworld in the netherworld. The netherworld is divided into two realms, the upper and lower realms. The low-level lower realm is called the underworld, and the high-level upper realm is called the underworld. In the future, if you have the opportunity to go there, you will realize the difference. There is a rare spiritual stone in the Netherworld called the Nine Nether Crystals. This item can relieve the current symptoms of the Chakravartin. A large number of Nine Nether Crystals exist in the Nine Netherlands of the underworld, which is the hometown of your little mink. But the underworld is not something you can go to with your current cultivation level. The Nine Nether Crystals also exist in small amounts in another place, which is called the Evil Ghost Path. "

"Evil Ghost Path? Could it be that the Evil Ghost Hall of the Tiangui Sect is specially used as a place of trial for the Evil Ghost Path?" When he heard the word "Evil Ghost Path", Xu Yang immediately thought of the Evil Ghost Path trial.

"It's exactly the place you mentioned. The Evil Ghost Path is just the name of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. This place was originally a forgotten place in the Netherworld, a different space in the Netherworld."

"A few days ago, the sect just issued a recruitment order for the disciples of the Evil Ghost Hall. The second stage of the assessment is to go to the Evil Ghost Hall for a trial. It seems that I really want to go to the Evil Ghost Hall to see if I can Found some Nine Nether Crystals."

"However, the risks in the Evil Ghost Path are extremely high, so you should still be careful."

"Thank you, Master, for clarifying my doubts and caring."

"Once the Nine Nether Crystals are mined, they must be used within a month, otherwise, their effectiveness will be lost. There is also a spiritual material called ghost wood in the evil ghost path. Since you are going to the evil ghost path, if you can meet the ghost Mu can also collect some for me, but if you don’t have it, there’s no need to force it.”

"Disciple noted it down."

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