True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 182 Registration

Gui Gu Yeyan accepted Xu Yang as his disciple. Although he was impressed by Xu Yang's good conduct, there was also the old man's selfishness in it. After all, if there was one more person to inherit the wheel flame spirit, the Tiangui Sect's foundation would be more stable.

This time, Xu Yang specially took the time to stay in Guigu Yeyan's Zhuxuan Xiaojing for a few days, and took out the home-brewed wine Shibalu to drink with Guigu Yeyan.

On the wine table, several jars of eighteen fell into his stomach, and Guigu Yeyan's originally dark yellow cheeks were dyed maroon red by the alcohol. After drinking happily, he told the story of his adventures when he was young and traveling abroad.

"The taste of this wine is really good. It would be even better if it is paired with braised dragon tendons.

I remember that when I was still a young man, my cultivation level was only Peiyuan, and my master took me to travel to the true spiritual world.

One day, Master made a jar of fine wine and asked me to drink it with him. It was my first time to drink alcohol. I took a sip and casually said to the Master that this wine was very spicy and not easy to swallow. It would be nice if I could prepare some dishes to go with the wine.

The master said that there is nothing delicious nearby, there is only a dragon cave, and many evil dragons live in it. It is better to get some dragon tendons to make as a snack.

After that, Master took me to the dragon cave to ask for the dragon tendon.

The ancestor of the dragon cave is a one-horned evil dragon that has long been transformed into a human form, and his cultivation level is already at the level of a virtual immortal.

The master took out a high-grade spiritual stone and said to the evil dragon ancestor, fair trade, exchange this spiritual stone for a few dragon tendons.

The Evil Dragon Ancestor became angry when he heard this. He said loudly that just wanting to exchange a high-grade spiritual stone for a dragon tendon was clearly robbery.

Master, he took back the high-grade spiritual stone, and took out a low-grade spiritual stone and said to the evil dragon ancestor, the quality of your evil dragon's dragon tendons is not good. If the dragon tendons of a real dragon taste better, it would be better to replace it with a low-grade spiritual stone. It's a friendly price.

The Evil Dragon Ancestor's nose was crooked with anger, but he still took out three dragon tendons obediently. The master took the three dragon tendons unceremoniously, and then said, Oops, this business is a bit of a loss. This low-grade spirit stone of mine is the change I got back when I bought wine at Lijiazhuang near the Dragon Cave. It is worth at least five dragon tendons.

This evil dragon ancestor was beaten up by his master not long ago, and the horn on his head was pulled out by his master. He said it was just right for him to use a shoehorn.

The evil dragon ancestor felt pain in his flesh and took out two more dragon tendons and gave them to the master.

Before leaving, the master said that if any more children of the evil dragon clan in the dragon cave go to Lijiazhuang to ask for items, they will get them back at the price of one low-grade spiritual stone in exchange for five dragon tendons.

Guess what happened in the end, the evil dragon ancestor moved away from the dragon cave with thousands of his descendants.

The unique taste of braised dragon tendons paired with fine wine is really unforgettable. "

Xu Yang listened with rapt attention, feeling extremely envious of Gui Gu Yeyan's magical travels, and marveling at the profound cultivation of Zang Wuya, the founder of the Tiangui Sect.

Perhaps what makes Guigu Yeyan unforgettable is not the delicious taste of the dragon tendons and the aroma of the good wine, but the deep master-disciple relationship between him and his master Zang Wuya.

Seeing Xu Yang listening in rapt attention, the old man's drunken face showed a bit of pride, he grinned and asked, "Would you like me to take you out for a walk too?"

"Disciple can't get what he asked for." Xu Yang replied loudly.

The last time he came, Gui Gu Yeyan had told Xu Yang that this body was just a clone of the original body, and most of his longevity had already been lost.

And Xu Yang could also see that although Gui Gu Yeyan's cultivation was profound, his current soul power fluctuations were very weak, and he was afraid that his end was coming.

If I could satisfy Master's wish to travel, it would be a repayment for his kindness in teaching me. Subtly, the emotional bond between master and disciple has taken root in Xu Yang's heart.

"Okay, let's make an agreement. When you go to the evil ghost path to retrieve the ghost wood, I will go out with you for a walk."

"The disciples must offer the ghost wood with both hands."

Three days later, Xu Yang reluctantly said goodbye to Gui Gu Yeyan.

The middle level of the Ghost Roaring Land.

A circle of water-like ripples suddenly appeared in the void in a corner of the nameless valley. The void trembled, and Xu Yang's figure came through.

He raised his head and looked at the surrounding scenery. He was only a dozen steps away from the place where he had buried the imprint of the Flame Chakravartin. It seemed that the art of channeling spirits was very useful.

The Flame Spirit Brand is originally an earth-attributed technique. It disappears into the earth and blends with the earth and rocks. Unless Xu Yang senses it through his own wheel flame spirit, it will be easy to find it, and it will be even less likely for others to detect it.

"I broke the restriction in the middle level of the nearby Ghost Roaring Land before I traveled to the Bamboo Forest Realm. I'm afraid I have been noticed by the special guards." Xu Yang was thinking about it when he suddenly noticed that there were spiritual energy fluctuations on the other side of the valley.

"If someone comes over, it's better to pretend as if nothing happened."

Not only did Xu Yang not run away quickly, but he swaggered towards the direction of the spiritual energy fluctuations.

After a moment, several figures appeared in Xu Yang's field of vision.

There are four people coming, and judging by their attire, they should be disciples of the Formation Engineering Academy within the Tiangui Sect, which is responsible for the maintenance of formations.

The leader was a tall man with a square face and a gray Kung Fu shirt.

"Isn't this Senior Brother Niu from the Formation Engineering Institute who was with Lin'er when he entered the Ghost Roaring Land last time?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

Thinking of the trip to the Ghostly Roaring Land last time, Lin'er's dignified and lovely image flashed through my mind, as well as the unforgettable time she spent with little Lin'er in the nightmare beast's dream.

After a while, he took his mind back.

"Senior Brother Niu, long time no see. It's always been nice." Xu Yang greeted loudly.

Senior Brother Niu and others came closer.

"It's you, Xu Yang. I said you look familiar from a distance. I didn't expect that we would meet again in this ghostly land. What a coincidence." Senior Brother Niu replied.

"I've met a few senior brothers." Xu Yang politely saluted the three disciples of the Formation Engineering Academy behind Senior Brother Niu.

"Junior Brother Xu, to be honest, there were signs of destruction in the space near here a few days ago. A few of us have been tasked with maintaining and tracking relevant clues. All disciples who appear nearby will be taken back for questioning. ." Senior Brother Niu told the truth.

"Is there such a thing? Brother Niu, you know my abilities. My cultivation level is limited, and I am not proficient in formations. It is impossible to destroy the space restriction here. The last ghost roaring land Okay, I’m stuck in a different space and there’s nothing to gain. This time I wanted to explore the land of ghosts and get more spiritual materials.”

Senior Brother Niu let go of his spiritual consciousness and found out that Xu Yang was indeed only at the Void Transformation Realm. It seems that Xu Yang alone cannot destroy the spatial restrictions here.

"Senior Brother Niu, since this Junior Brother Xu is an acquaintance of yours, and it is impossible for a disciple of the Transformation Realm to have the ability to destroy space, why not just let him pass and pretend we didn't see anything."

A disciple behind Senior Brother Niu said.

The other two people saw this and also echoed.

"Yes, Senior Brother Niu. This Mr. Xu has never done anything bad, so I think we can just forget it."

"Senior Brother Niu's friends are naturally of the same dignified character as Senior Brother Niu. Even if they bring this Junior Brother Xu back, they will definitely be innocent."

"Senior brothers are as sharp as a torch." Xu Yang said, clasping his fists at the three of them to express his gratitude.

Senior Brother Niu was originally an upright person, and he knew that Xu Yang and Miss Lin'er were also acquaintances, so there was no way to doubt Xu Yang. Seeing his junior brothers looking for him to get off the stairs, he just turned a blind eye to Xu Yang's appearance here.

"In this case, we won't disturb Junior Brother Xu."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Niu, thank you all. I'll treat some senior brothers to drinks when I get back."



Senior Brother Niu and the four of them continued to explore forward. Xu Yang continued to explore the middle level of the Ghost Roaring Land. With his current skills, he naturally obtained a lot of spiritual materials easily.

After that, Xu Yang handed over a small part of the collected spiritual materials according to the sect's regulations, and put most of the rest into the storage bag.

The trial in the Ghostly Roaring Land is over, and Xu Yang returns safely.

Back at his residence, Xu Yang wrote a letter to Mu Jin and entrusted a person in the sect to deliver letters to Mu Jin. The letter informed him of his intention to sign up for the Evil Ghost Hall disciple recruitment.

After that, Xu Yang wrapped the spiritual materials obtained from the Ghost Roaring Land, visited Senior Brother Niu's house, and gave the wrapped spiritual materials to Senior Brother Niu.

Senior Brother Niu was very happy to receive the gift from Xu Yang. Although disciples of the Formation Engineering Academy often perform tasks in the land of ghost roars, they are not allowed to collect the spiritual materials. Therefore, these spiritual materials are also quite valuable gifts for Senior Brother Niu.

During the conversation with Senior Brother Niu, Xu Yang asked indirectly about the investigation results of the space torn incident in the Ghost Roaring Land. Senior Brother Niu said that it was initially determined that there was a problem with the formation's restriction itself, and no man-made damage was found.

This time, Xu Yang felt relieved.

Otherwise, if this matter is traced carefully by the sect to every trial disciple who enters the land of ghost roar, his hidden strength may be exposed. Even if he is not exposed as the culprit of breaking the restriction, it will be very troublesome.

Returning to his room, Xu Yang had a solid sleep.

Early in the morning, I rushed to the Evil Ghost Hall disciple recruitment office to sign up.

In front of the door of a wooden two-story building, there is a wooden sign about ten feet in size. The wooden sign was pasted on special gold powder paper, with several large characters drawn on it, "Evil Ghost Hall disciple recruitment."

There was no one outside the recruitment office because it was already the last day of recruitment.

Inside the Recruitment Office.

"He is a disciple of that branch. What kind of cultivation is he? Hand over your waist badge to verify your identity." A young deacon wearing a black brocade robe asked.

"I am a disciple of the Wood Spirit Academy, my name is Xu Yang, and my cultivation level is the Void Realm." With that said, Xu Yang handed over his sect's identity badge with both hands.

The young deacon took Xu Yang's waist card and placed it in the center of a quadrilateral bronze array.

After a moment, a palm-sized white light appeared in the array, and a few black characters clearly appeared in the white light - Xu Yang, a disciple of the Wood Spirit Academy.

"The match is just two days away, remember." After returning the waistband to Xu Yang, the young deacon reminded him.

"Thank you!"

Xu Yang turned around and left the recruitment office.

Seeing Xu Yang walking out of the room, the young deacon turned around and whispered to another short and fat deacon next to him: "The disciples of the Wood Spirit Academy are only at the Void Realm. Don't plant grass properly in the Wood Spirit Academy. Zaihua, but he has to fight with those disciples of the Seventh Battle Hall who have profound cultivation and fierce skills to compete for the spot in the Evil Ghost Hall. I don’t know if Xu Yang is a genius or a fool with a bad brain.”

"If I remember correctly, there seems to be a disciple of the Wood Spirit Academy who signed up before. His name seems to be Zhuge Yu. This Xu Yang should be the second one." The short and fat deacon replied.

"Then Zhuge Yu is somewhat famous. He is a genius who has appeared in the Zhuge family in recent years. It is said that the Zhuge family has devoted all its efforts to training this person. This Zhuge family has no other resources. The resources of elixirs and spiritual herbs are also the best in the entire Tiangui Sect. It is second to none. It is reasonable to cultivate an elite disciple. However, this Xu Yang does not seem to have any special origins, and he is only a monk in the Transformation Realm. There are no more than five disciples in the virtual realm. Most of them are bringing shame on themselves."

"I guess Xu Yang came here with great determination. Otherwise, why would he wait until the last day when there was no one to sign up?"

"There are many elite disciples who have signed up this time, so we are in for a good show."

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