True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 184 Guigu Zan’s gaze

Yasha Jingwu, who calls himself Brother Niu, is strong and tall, but Guigu Zan is thin and withered. The two stood together like a strong man and a child.

Among the younger generation of the Yasha family, Brother Niu is also known as a genius. With seven earth-attribute spiritual veins, he also possesses a natural brute physique.

The so-called barbaric bull physique is a type of person who is born with great strength, as strong as an ox and as strong as a tiger.

The same physical training technique, performed by a person with a bull-like physique, is much more powerful than ordinary physical training. Nangong Zhongshan, who was close to Xu Yang, also had this rare brute body.

Despite his tough appearance, Brother Niu usually talks carelessly and acts freely and uninhibitedly. But he is a thoughtful person in his heart. He is strict with himself and is never proud of being a so-called genius.

Because he knows that he is called a so-called genius because he compares himself with mediocre people. There are hundreds of millions of cultivators in the world of cultivation, and countless geniuses. If you want to achieve success, you must constantly surpass yourself.

Brother Niu has also long heard about Gui Gu Zan’s growth from a born useless to being able to challenge Gui Gu Feng, the master of the Ghost Flame Hall. True Alchemy Realm monks who can challenge Yuan Soul Realm masters are all awe-inspiring. .

"Grandma, you're a bitch, this Gui Gu Zan actually ignores me." Brother Niu thought to himself when he saw Gui Gu Zan across from him ignoring him.

Suddenly, a bullish temper arose, and a pair of iron-like palms could not help but clenched into fists.

Without saying anything, he took a step forward.

Originally, the distance between the two was not far, and Brother Niu was also taking big steps. He was in front of Guigu Zan in a moment, and he raised his iron fist and was about to smash it down.

Before the punch was released, the power of the punch came like a mountain. The pressure on it actually materialized, spinning out a faint earth-golden light.

With a "buzz" sound, the void trembled.

I saw Gui Gu Zan across from me without blinking, and the focus of his gaze was still on the distance behind Brother Niu.

"Could it be that Gui Gu Zan deliberately provokes me and waits for me to show my flaws before counterattacking?" Seeing Gui Gu Zan's strange reaction, Brother Niu made rapid calculations in his mind. The iron fist, which was as powerful as a mountain, was withdrawn by him.

It seemed unremarkable, but Xu Yang, who was watching from a distance, secretly admired it.

"Brother Niu is able to use such powerful, spirit-body fusion techniques with ease. It seems that he is no ordinary person."

"Isn't it a bit reckless to directly challenge Guigu Zan today? The secret technique "Three Transformations of the Barbarian Bull" that I practiced an hour ago has finally been completed, and it is inevitable that I am a little too proud. Forget it, now that I am in the ring, I don't think about it so much."

Brother Niu murmured in his heart.

"Guigu Zan, I respect you as a person, so I come on stage to compete with you. Remember, the person competing with you today is Yasha Jingwu of the Yasha family."

This time Brother Niu reported his name to show respect for Guigu Zan, his opponent.

This time, Guigu Zan's eyes finally fell on Brother Niu.

"Yaksha Jingwu, you are not my target. Please challenge me in other arenas." Guigu Zan said calmly.

After saying that, Guigu Zan's eyes were like a gentle feather, floating past Brother Niu indifferently, and the focus was still on the distance.

"You! Arrogant!"

This time Brother Niu was so angry that he could no longer control his bad temper. But I didn't dare to be careless in my heart.

I saw a strange rune like a cow's face appearing on Brother Niu's originally smooth and shiny head. The thick black hair on both sides of the head stirred, and two huge sharp horns actually grew out of it.

Rays of golden light circled around his body like a whirlwind, and after a moment, they turned into the shadow of a golden bull.

The pressure around Brother Niu increased dramatically, and he had no reservations about the strength that a cultivator at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm should have.

With a "hoo" sound, Brother Niu's figure was like a bullfighting rushing out of the fence, setting off a strong wind.

Both arms stretched out straight forward, and the fists merged into a hammer shape, and golden electric snakes popped out from them, making a chirping sound.

If you don't take action, it's fine. If you do, it's the famous secret skill "Three Transformations of the Barbarian Bull", the first move, "Creating Mountains and Breaking Stones".

In just a moment, Brother Niu's iron fists landed on Guigu Zan's seemingly thin chest.

Almost at the same time, a strange blue light flashed in Guigu Zan's eyes looking into the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a large blue light emerged from Guigu Zan's chest, and a pair of bone-white ghost claws poked out from the blue light. On the tips of the five fingers of the ghost claw, there are traces of strange blue runes flickering on them.

With a "bang" sound, Brother Niu's iron fist was firmly resisted by these ghastly claws.

The two sides were in a stalemate in the middle of the ring. Brother Niu could not take a step forward, and Guigu Zan could not take a step back.

"Open it for me!"

Brother Niu shouted and performed the second form of Barbarian Ox's three transformations, "Lord of the Earth".

The phantom of the golden bull around it was solid and real. The bull's two nostrils were blowing out wisps of thick breath. It raised its head and hoofed up, and a series of strange black characters spun out from its body. There were more and more black characters all over Man Niu's body.

The force on both fists increased many times out of thin air, and the golden arcs that popped up intertwined into a network.

Gui Gu Zan's eyes narrowed, and a pair of ghastly ghost claws that were the same as before were revealed in the blue light on his chest. The four ghost claws were firmly resisting Brother Niu's iron fists.

The short Guigu Zan did not move back even half an inch, with his hands behind his back and the brown cloth draped around his body dancing like a thousand-year-old pine standing proudly in the storm.

"Huh? You actually withstood the power of my third transformation and the second transformation of this barbarian bull without even using your hands."

At this time, Brother Niu was clearly aware of the gap between himself and the blue-skinned weirdo in front of him.

Although victory or defeat is a normal part of martial arts competitions, this time in the arena, it is not only personal victory or defeat, but also the glory of the family. As a disciple of the Yasha family, there is no room for carelessness in the face of the glory of the Yasha family.

"Get out of my way." Brother Niu shouted loudly again, his voice shaking the world.

The final form of the three transformations of the Barbarian Bull - "The Barbarian Bull Strides the Sky".

Brother Niu’s bones all over his body were creaking, and his back was bulging high, like a hill.

"Tsk", the clothes on the back were completely torn, and a pair of fleshy wings about ten feet long grew out of the back.

The phantom of the bull around him also gave birth to a pair of identical golden wings.

I saw the electric arc surging wildly on Brother Niu's fists, spinning and circling, condensing into an extremely thick golden thunder and lightning.

There was a loud "click" and golden thunder roared.

There was a huge golden light that made it hard for people to open their eyes.

Xu Yang, who was watching the competition on the ring from a distance, flashed the fiery spirit flames in his eyes, and used the Eyes of Flame Spirit to lock in the battle situation.

The Eye of the Flame Spirit is also a method derived from A'Zhu's evolution to the Void Realm. You can pass through interference and look directly at the essence. As A'Zhu and Xu Yang's realm improve, the power and clairvoyance intensity of the Eye of Flame will increase significantly.

At this time, even if Xu Yang used the Eye of Flame Spirit, he could only vaguely see the situation in the golden light.

Within the golden light.

Brother Niu and Gui Gu Zan remained motionless.

The four pairs of ghost claws protruding from the blue light in front of Gui Gu Zan trembled, white bone arms, white bone skull, white bone torso, and white bone long legs. Two complete and identical skeletons with white bones stood in front of Gui Gu Zan. There were some obscure blue runes on the bones.

A pair of skeletons and four pairs of ghost claws resisted Brother Niu's forward fists, preventing his body from advancing evenly.

After more than ten breaths, the power of Brother Niu's third transformation of the Barbarian Bull gradually weakened. After all, the final form of the Barbarian Bull has just been cultivated and cannot yet exert its maximum power.

I saw Gui Gu Zan's body swirling with blue light, and then the two skeletons turned into two balls of blue light and disappeared.

But Brother Niu's forward figure was unblocked, and he shot through the blue light with overwhelming force.

At this time, the golden light dispersed.

The slightly loose blue shirt that Guigu Zan was wearing was not even damaged at the corners, but he himself still did not move an inch, his eyes still staring into the distance, as if there was poetry belonging to his life in the distance. .

Brother Niu rushed eight feet away from Guigu Zan before he stabilized his body. If he had gone any further, he might have rushed off the stage.

After finishing the exercise, the phantom of the bull outside his body disappeared, and the pair of horns on his head also disappeared.

He straightened his clothes slightly.


Brother Niu let out a long sigh, jumped off the ring without looking back, and his lonely figure disappeared into the crowd.

It seems that he has never been in the ring, and has never competed with the blue-skinned weirdo named Guigu Zan in the ring.

"What just happened?"

"Brother Niu actually performed the three transformations of the Bull."

"Where's Guigu Zan?"

"I couldn't see clearly, I just saw four ghost claws appearing on his chest."

"From the beginning to the end, Guigu Zan's hands didn't move."

"Awesome, my brother."

"As expected of a man who has returned from the Demon Realm of Death."

"Absolutely not human."


"Yaksha Jingwu of the Yasha family failed in the challenge, but Guigu Zan of the Guigu family succeeded in defending and won!"

The black-clad game steward announced loudly.

Xu Yang and Bai Muzhen were watching from a distance.

"Xu Yang, did you see clearly? What happened on the third stage just now? Yasha Jingwu was not defeated, so why did he jump off the stage by himself?" Mu Jin asked.

"Because Yasha Jingwu thinks he is no match for Guigu Zan."

"What is the ghost claw released from Gui Gu Zan's chest, a ghost spirit pet or a ghost puppet?"

"No, the spiritual power fluctuations on the ghost claws are the same as those on the ghost claws. If my guess is correct, they should be the two ghost clones of Gui Gu Zan."

"What? This person actually cultivated two ghostly clones. Each clone is extremely difficult. He released two at once. No wonder he is so powerful."

"Fortunately we don't have to challenge an opponent like this."


In the next game, there was still no one on stage three to challenge. The crowd of people watching under the ring dispersed early on their own.

Guigu Zan safely advanced to the second stage.

On the other nineteen stages, you will sing and I will appear on stage, and the fight will be fierce.

Eighteen of the competitions in the arena ended in advance, and the eighteen winners were all at the True Alchemy Realm.

The last person to decide the winner was the contestant on the fifth stage. The winner turned out to be a disciple whose cultivation level was only at the Peiyuan realm. This person was named Yasha Ming, and he became the focus of everyone.

The competition steward respectfully handed the list of twenty people to Yu Cheng, the leader of the Tiangui Sect at the VIP table. Yu Cheng took the list and personally confirmed the results.

"The first stage of the arena competition, the competition between the disciples of the three major families is over. Let's start the second group, the arena competition for ordinary disciples." The steward of the competition announced loudly.

"It's our turn." Xu Yang and Mu Jin said in unison.

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