True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 185 Fake Alchemy

Just like the first group of competitions between the disciples of the three major families, the leader of the Tiangui Sect, Mr. Yu Cheng, personally randomly selected twenty temporary champions.

The disciples who were drawn stood on the twenty-seat silver battle soul platform one after another. Xu Yang and Mu Jin were not among them. They could only wait for the opportunity to participate in the following challenge.

Based on the experience of watching the first group, unless you are a very powerful person, the challenge at the end will be relatively easy. After all, you have to accept challenges from many people one after another.

But for players who are first in competition and second in competition, it is more suitable to challenge first, because the champions standing at the end are all outstanding people, and challenging without absolute strength is tantamount to humiliating oneself.

After discussion, Xu Yang and Mu Jin decided to watch other disciples' competitions first and then participate in their own challenges later.

Different from the disciples of the three major families, there are relatively few ordinary disciples who have reached the True Alchemy Realm. The rest are mostly Peiyuan Realm disciples, while there are only three disciples of the Transformation Realm, and Xu Yang is one of them.

At the beginning of the game, fighting spirit surged in the twenty-seater silver fighting spirit arena, and fighting spirit was overwhelming.

After more than half an hour, most of the contestants had participated in the competition, and the champion who could stand at the end had begun to emerge.

There were an unusually large number of spectators around Arena No. 8, because two competitions between True Alchemy Realm disciples had been held on this arena.

The winner of two consecutive games was a female cultivator who looked to be only twenty years old.

She was wearing a skirt like fire, with fair skin and a handsome face. A pair of jade hands moved a pair of pink daggers, and every time they slashed, flames rolled out, burning the sky.

His fierce fire-attribute skills are in huge contrast to his cute and petite image.

Right now she is accepting the challenge from the third true elixir realm disciple.

This disciple is a male cultivator wearing a blue brocade shirt. He is tall and has a stern face. His name is Dongfang Yu. As a long sword as dark as ink danced in his hand, a sinister aura stirred up, whining and whining like a ghost.

The swords gleamed and clashed, and the fight continued.

After entangled for a long time, the two figures suddenly separated, looking directly at each other with stern eyes, and their respective secret skills were about to be unleashed.

"Tanghua Zhumeng!" A girl in fiery red clothes shouted.

The two swords stimulated the sky and turned into clear begonia flowers, and each begonia flower was burning with scorching red flames. The red flowers were like red candles weeping, and the flowers burned the sky.

"The ghost roars wildly."

The long black sword in Dongfang Yu's hand slashed down, and the flying black sword light condensed into the shape of a black devil's head with sharp teeth and an angry mouth, as powerful as a violent wave.

With a "boom", the corners of the No. 8 Silver War Soul Platform trembled.

Dongfang Yu knelt on one knee, holding the tip of his sword on the ground with both hands and shaking constantly, his face was like wax paper, and the corners of his mouth were dyed red.

"Process." The girl opposite put away her swords, clasped her fists slightly, her expression unchanged.

"Arena No. 8, the winner is Feng Guitang Hong Haitang." As the steward announced loudly, Hong Haitang won this third game.

"Hong Haitang is worthy of being the adopted daughter of Ning Tianqi, the master of Fenggui Hall. She is truly remarkable."

"She is also the apprentice of Yu Qingcheng, the master of Ghost Flower Hall. A famous teacher makes a great disciple."

“It’s really enviable to combine beauty and strength.”

There was a lot of discussion under the No. 8 ring.

Many disciples watching gradually gathered under the 19th arena, Xu Yang and Mu Jin were among them.

The champion on stage 19 is a beautiful young man wearing green brocade clothes and a face as beautiful as a crown jewel. It was Zhuge Yu, a disciple from the Wood Spirit Academy who also came from Xu Yang.

The difference is that Zhuge Yu is the only disciple publicly selected by the Wood Spirit Academy to participate in this selection, while Xu Yang signed up in his own name.

At this time, Zhuge Yu's strength was even greater than before, and his cultivation realm had already broken through to the Peiyuan realm.

Previously, Zhuge Yu had defeated two Peiyuan Realm opponents in succession, and his performance had already secretly amazed the audience, attracting more and more people to watch.

"This Zhuge Yu is indeed the genius of the Zhuge family. He defeated two powerful opponents in a row and did it with ease."

"The two people he defeated, Chen and Li, are also the best among the disciples of Peiyuan Realm."

"Young and promising, with a bright future."

"The folding fan in his hand should be a great treasure."

"I'm more interested in this person's elegant and changeable movements."

"It seems that only masters in the true elixir realm can compete with him."

"I didn't expect that the Wood Spirit Academy, which has never been good at martial arts, would produce such a powerful disciple."

"I heard that there are many beautiful female disciples in the Wood Spirit Academy."

"Hey, let's go too far. Let's watch the game first."

"Let me try."

Before he finished speaking, someone emerged from the crowd, signed up, and entered the ring.

This man is slender and has an ordinary appearance. What is strange is that there is a white bone fragment on the back of each of his hands.

"Wei Guang, a disciple of White Bone Hall, challenges Zhuge Yu, a disciple of Wood Spirit Academy." The steward of the competition announced.

The White Bone Hall is the most proficient in using the mysteries of bones among the seven battle halls of the Tiangui Sect. Most of its disciples can use the art of bone control, and Wei Guang is no exception.

The so-called bone control technique allows the bones in one's body to grow wildly in a very short period of time, turning them into sharp blades or strong bone shields. But the strength of the derived bones is related to the practitioner's own cultivation level.

Although Wei Guang is not the best among the disciples of White Bone Hall, his own cultivation level is already at the first level of True Alchemy Realm.

Wei Guang observed Zhuge Yu's previous two matches carefully under the ring. This Zhuge Yu's wood-based skills are balanced in attack and defense, and his body skills are even more erratic. But it didn't show enough lethality.

Relying on his superiority in defense and cultivation of bone control, he should still have a chance to win.

"Wei Guang of Bone Hall, I understand." Looking at Zhuge Yu across from him, Wei Guang's eyes were full of confidence.

"Zhuge Yu of the Muling Academy is waiting for your great advice."

Seeing a true elixir realm disciple challenging him, Zhuge Yu's expression remained unchanged, as if he already had a countermeasure.

"Take the move!"

Wei Guang's face turned cold, and then he used the bone control technique. The bone fragments on the back of his hand flashed with a white aura, and instantly turned into two white bone swords. The blades were extremely sharp and hard, even more refined iron.

The bone sword was originally a part of his limbs, and it was like a natural arm to swing, as easily as a swordsman wielding a sword.

Chopping, slashing, stabbing, and picking, a pair of bone swords raised sword shadows all over the sky, covering Zhuge Yu on the opposite side.

When Zhuge Yu saw this, he didn't fight hard.

Using the Wind Walking Technique of Grass Stepping, green light flashed under his feet, and seemingly weak green spiritual grass appeared out of thin air. The soles of his feet were on the spiritual grass, and his figure was as erratic as weeds in the wind.

At the same time, the emerald green light on the folding fan in his hand flickered continuously, summoning vines one after another, and weaving them into a hard vine armor shield to block in front of him.

The sharp bone sword struck the vine armor shield, making a clanging sound and sparks flying everywhere.

After a few moves, Wei Guang was shocked.

His bone sword usually cuts through iron like clay, but now it was struck on the vine armor shield summoned by Zhuge Yu with his treasure fan, and it was unable to cut it off at once. It seems that the only way to suppress them is to take advantage of their own cultivation.

Thinking of this, Wei Guang's energy surged, his whole body curled up with overwhelming power, his clothes danced wildly, the pair of bone swords in his hands were three inches longer, and a white sword light emitted from the sword's edge.


The sword's edge struck the vine armor shield, and the vine armor shield shattered in response.

Although Zhuge Yu holds a treasure fan, his cultivation is still insufficient. Every time he summons a vine armor shield, a large amount of vines are required to condense it. To achieve effective defense, it takes one breath.

But in just this moment, before the vines summoned by Zhuge Yu could form a new vine armor shield, Wei Guang's sword had already been slashed down.

With a crackle, the cane was cut to the ground.

"Stab!" A sword cut an opening on Zhuge Yu's left cuff.

Zhuge Yu narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. I felt panicked, and my steps were slightly hesitant.

Zhuge Yu had also competed with his family's seniors who were at the True Alchemy Realm on weekdays, but today was the first time that he had gone all out to compete with the True Alchemy Realm cultivators. The opponent's strong performance caught him off guard.

Wei Guang saw the right moment and slashed out with two swords in a row. Before Zhuge Yu could stand firm, he swept with one leg.

With a "whoosh" sound, the wind roared in his legs, and he was about to kick Zhuge Yu on the waist with great force.

At the critical moment, a large group of vines sprouted out of nowhere under Zhuge Yu's feet, lifting Zhuge Yu's body three feet upward.

With a "bang" sound, the cane was kicked by Wei Guang and turned into sawdust everywhere.

Wei Guang's exposed ankle has a ferocious bone blade.

In order to maintain the balance of his body in the air, Zhuge Yu made several sharp turns. After landing gracefully on the ground, he took two small steps backwards.

"What a handsome figure."

"It's so dangerous. If it were me, this leg would have to be strong."

"However, Wei Guang is still better."

"It seems Zhuge Yu is going to lose."

"It's unimaginably difficult for Peiyuan realm monks to compete with True Pill realm monks."

"It's already enviable that Zhuge Yu, a monk in the Yuan realm, can perform like this."

Seeing that he almost succeeded, Wei Guang also had a rough estimate of Zhuge Yu's true strength.

Wei Guang stared at Zhuge Yu opposite him, his eyes as cold as frost.

"Zhuge Yu, take the move."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Guang burned the outer core of the true elixir in his body and was about to unleash his ultimate move.

Before that, the moment Zhuge Yu landed on the ground, he knew that the situation was not good. Without waiting for Wei Guang to make a move, he took out an emerald green orb the size of a pea and held it in his mouth.

Suddenly, Zhuge Yu's originally fair skin turned emerald green. At the same time, the pressure around him increased dramatically, and he was no weaker than the opposite Wei Guang.

"Elixir Killing Technique - Domineering Bone Killing!"

Wei Guang combined his arms into one, exerting his bone manipulation skills to the extreme, and a huge bone sword suddenly appeared. The sword fell and rolled out a shocking white rainbow.

"Fake alchemy-green peacock!"

The so-called fake alchemy technique is the ultimate move performed by low-level monks to imitate the alchemy-killing technique of true alchemy monks. Xu Yang's blood-burning alchemy technique is also a type of fake alchemy technique.

Under the attention of abundant magic power on the folding fan in Zhuge Yu's hand, a beautiful green-feathered peacock appeared on the originally white surface of the fan.

The next moment, there was a flash of light on the treasure fan, and the emerald-feathered peacock spread its wings and flew out, turning into a green light in an instant to meet the attack.

"Boom" a loud noise.

Green and white colors exploded in the air, and the shredded spiritual pressure hissed.

The figures are separated.

Looking at the huge bone sword derived from Wei Guang's arms, there are some cracks on the sword body. The sword shadow blurred, the bone sword was retracted, and Wei Guang's arms returned to their original state.

Kick, kick, kick, take three big steps back at the same time, and a mouthful of blood spurts out.

But Zhuge Yu was unscathed.

He folded the folding fan in his hand gracefully, and there was an emerald green orb in the other hand. With a flip of his hand, the orb was taken back.

"I surrender."

Wei Guang looked at Zhuge Yu with surprise in his eyes and said unwillingly.

"I didn't expect Zhuge Yu to make such rapid progress. Although he used the orb in his hand when he used the fake elixir technique, the fake elixir technique did not put an unbearable burden on him. This is better than the first time he used the Burning Blood Coagulation Technique. The alchemy is much better." Xu Yang in the audience praised secretly, and was naturally happy for Zhuge Yu.

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