True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 188 Three Suns Shine the World

Zhong Yu chuckled, pretending to be cool with one hand on his back, and holding the dark "herring sword" lightly with the other hand. The tip of the sword pointed straight at Xu Yang opposite.

He secretly used the magic formula, and the herring sword in his hand trembled, making a harsh buzzing sword sound. Immediately, a large amount of black mist emerged from it, and the entire sword body was hidden in the black mist, making it difficult to see the clues.

I saw his fingers loosen from holding the sword hilt. In the thick fog, the dark herring sword came out and slashed towards Xu Yangfei on the opposite side.

The herring sword in the air spread out green ripples visible to the naked eye. The originally straight and hard sword body suddenly became soft, twisting and wagging its tail like a swimming black fish.

The next moment, the void trembled violently, and the scenery in Xu Yang's eyes changed drastically.

All around was a gray body of water, and a strange fish covered in green scales and with red eyes and fangs was biting towards him.

Zhong Yu was standing at the other end of the water body, looking at him with contempt.

After a moment, Zhong Yu's body turned into white ripples, hiding in the water.

Xu Yang clearly felt that the strange fish was the body of the herring sword just now, and that he had fallen into Zhong Yu's illusion.

There are many ways to activate illusions.

It is generally activated through the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, disrupting the five senses of the victim and causing him to hallucinate. It does not have direct attack power.

High-level illusions combine the illusion of the five senses with the magic weapon of the caster, and directly strike the opponent while creating illusions. Under the cover of illusion, such attacks are often unexpected and difficult to prevent.

There is also an illusion called the ultimate illusion, which is said to be activated using the legendary sixth sense, and its effect can even tear the void apart.

At the moment, Zhong Yu is performing this high-level illusion that combines illusion and attack. The herring sword in his hand is the carrier of the attack.

Although he knew that he was under an illusion, Xu Yang did not panic, because the "Huan Zi Jue" in the Flame Spirit Killing Formation that he was good at was an extremely sophisticated illusion formation.

Illusions all rely on the caster's powerful mental power to control them all the time.

The simplest way to break an illusion attack is to hit the body of the person who initiated the illusion. If the person's body is damaged, the illusion will disappear naturally.

After Zhong Yu performed the illusion, his body was already hidden in the surrounding water. Xu Yang was unable to find his true body through divine consciousness detection or flame spirit perception in a short period of time.

The caster releases the illusion. Under normal circumstances, only those who are affected by the illusion will see the illusion in front of them.

This time, in order to show that he was sure of victory, Zhong Yu faithfully projected the illusion he saw in Xu Yang's eyes onto the ring.

For a moment, the audience under the ring exclaimed that it was magical and were amazed.

In the illusion of the arena.

The strange fish transformed from the herring sword arrived in front of Xu Yang in the blink of an eye.

"This illusion doesn't look any better than the Flame Spirit Killing Formation I cast, but its concealment technique is very difficult to deal with."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and waved the four-magic long stick in his hand to stab the strange green fish that was biting towards him. Purple lines flashed on the long stick, and the phantom of a purple sacred mountain stood in front of Xu Yang.

The green strange fish collided with the shadow of the sacred mountain, splashing circles of purple spiritual patterns. As soon as the purple spirit pattern touched the green monster fish, it summoned purple arcs and struck the green monster fish with a crackling sound.

The green strange fish twisted in pain, stirred up the water like waves, and fled backwards.

These purple arcs were created by Xu Yang fusing the power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit with the power of Mount Tai's golden spirit on the Four Illusion Pestles. One of them is the spirit of Buddhism, and the other is the spirit of the sacred mountain. Both of them are born with some ability to restrain ghost techniques.

"Good boy, I have some tricks."

At this time, Zhong Yu's voice came to Xu Yang's ears.

Xu Yang quickly used his consciousness to search for the location of the sound.

"Right there!"

Xu Yang glanced at a far corner on the left and seemed to see Zhong Yu's true form. But at the next moment, a circle of water patterns flashed where Xu Yang had just locked, and Zhong Yu's body disappeared without a trace.

The reason why Xu Yang chose Zhong Yu to challenge. Firstly, it was because he had dabbled in illusions, and more importantly, after he opened up the Haoran Heavenly Vein, his already very powerful mental power became even more powerful, even surpassing that of ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks.

Instead of competing with other True Alchemy Realm monks for their magic power, it would be easier to compete with Zhong Yu for their spiritual power.

"When I was three years old, I knew how to fish in the water. Let's see where your big-jawed fish goes." Xu Yang deliberately used words to stimulate Zhong Yu, and after he made a sound again, he locked the position of his body.

At this moment, many red stars lit up in the gray water, as if there were hundreds of small red lanterns hanging in the distant night sky.

Suddenly, these red star points jumped up and began to surround Xu Yang's position unhurriedly.

They gradually became clearer, and what appeared before Xu Yang's eyes were countless round fish eyes shining with scarlet light.

Even closer, strange fish with red eyes and green scales, angry mouths and hooked teeth, and long pointed bone spurs on their backs appeared in front of Xu Yang's eyes.

Xu Yang once again mobilized his powerful mental power and used his spiritual consciousness to explore the situation of these fish. But they found that each of these fish seemed to be the essence of Zhong Yu's "herring sword".

Hundreds of strange fish stirred up the water, countless bubbles arose in the deep gray water, and the rolling water conveyed a strong murderous intent.

The next moment, these strange fish were like a sword array composed of hundreds of sharp swords, stabbing towards Xu Yang.

The water seemed to be exploding, and elongated bubbles were thrown out from the tails of every strange fish in all directions of Xu Yang. Numerous white lines are intertwined and rolling. From a distance, they look like a skynet, airtight.

At this time, Xu Yang was like a prey trapped in the fishing net, and it seemed that he would be torn into pieces by the hundreds of sharp fish mouths that were rapidly approaching.

In times of crisis, Xu Yang did not panic. On the contrary, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It doesn't matter if Zhong Yu's true body cannot be found.

In Xu Yang's eyes, this seemingly boundless gray water body is Zhong Yu's true body.

The mana accumulated in the Haoran Heavenly Veins in his body was poured into the Four Fantasy Long Stick in his hand.

Throwing the long stick in front of him, the long stick stood upright and kept spinning, creating a large area of ​​golden flowers.


He softly uttered the word "Go", and saw the golden light flashing in the center of his forehead, and a three-legged golden crow spread its wings and sank into the four phantom long sticks.

Immediately afterwards, red light flashed, and a firebird with a golden crest on its head, a long neck and a long tail soared out. It was A'Zhu's true form, and in the blink of an eye he was thrown into the Four Magic Long Sticks.

It's not over yet, the center of the forehead shines with earthy light again. A ghostly infant flame spirit with a round head, two wings on its back, and two horns on its head flew out, dragging a strange scorpion tail. Although the Ghost Infant Flame Spirit does not look full of vigor, the tiger fangs protruding from the corners of its mouth clearly convey the killing aura from the underworld.

Wait until the three flame spirits are submerged into the four magic long sticks one after another.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved and activated the power of Mount Tai's fine gold on the long stick. The four-magic long stick rotated and in an instant it became as thick as the mouth of a bowl and more than three feet long.

The long stick is like a golden dragon that controls water in the water. The surrounding water body spins rapidly, instantly forming a huge vortex. The vortex spins bigger and bigger, and seems to overturn the entire water body.

"Fire Spirit Killing Formation—Three Yangs Yao Shi!"

The next moment, the four-ring long stick suddenly disappeared, and then, three scorching suns suddenly rose from the gray water.

The three scorching suns are each different, one is red, one is golden, and one is earthy yellow. In the red scorching sun, a red bird looked up to the sky and clucked its hooves; in the golden scorching sun, a three-legged golden crow stepped on its feet and spread its wings; in the earthy yellow scorching sun, a two-horned evil ghost opened its mouth, as if it wanted to devour the world in front of it.

The three suns rise to the sky, shining brightly on the world, and the gods and ghosts retreat.

The endless gray water around them quickly receded downwards in the scorching sun, and the scenery in front of them changed drastically.

The water world disappeared, and there was endless yellow sand under the scorching sun.

Hundreds of ferocious monster fish with red eyes and green scales were rolling on the hot gravel, lifting up and struggling. After repeated several times, it becomes lifeless dried fish.

Only a red-eyed monster fish turned into Zhong Yu's "herring sword" and lay obediently on the ground. At this time, the herring sword was trembling, its momentum was weak, and it was humming and whining.

"I surrender!"

As he finished speaking, white ripples flashed in the void not far away from Xu Yang, revealing Zhong Yu's true form.

At this time, Zhong Yu's mouth was bleeding, his whole body was shaking, and he was in pain as if his soul was being torn apart. Because the illusion he just cast was not only completely suppressed by the illusion cast by Xu Yang, but the weapon spirit on the herring sword connected to its body was also burned by the flame spirit.

This herring sword is Zhong Yu's natal magic weapon, and there is a herring weapon spirit on it. When the natal magic weapon is damaged, the soul of the body connected to it will also be damaged naturally.

The herring sword is Zhong Yu's favorite thing. He regards it as precious as life. But when the herring sword was injured, he had no intention of fighting again.


Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged, and his figure was as tall as a mountain under the scorching sun.

The secret method of Three Suns to Shine the World requires the simultaneous use of three flame spirits, which is extremely powerful. However, it is required that the caster must have strong enough mental power and physical strength to activate it. Otherwise, the three yangs will backfire and end up with a mental breakdown and a torn body.

At this time, Xu Yang looked relaxed, but in fact he was exhausted.

Fortunately, I had accumulated enough blood soul power with the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art to support me, and coupled with my strong body from practicing the Moon Flower Art, I was fine.

Then, with one move with one hand, he took back the Four Fantasy Long Stick.

A'Zhu, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit, and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit entered his body one after another and entered the Purple Mansion in Dantian to rest.

The scorching sun dissipated, and the surrounding scenery returned to its original appearance.


The audience under the ring could not see this scene, because the Flame Spirit Killing Formation - Three Suns Glory World Technique that Xu Yang had just performed was originally a technique derived from the Flame Spirit Killing Formation Illusion Technique to specifically restrain illusions. It is also a powerful illusion in itself.

But Xu Yang did not deliberately reflect the illusion of magic on the ring like Zhong Yu did.

The audience only saw a large dazzling light suddenly appear on the ring. The light dissipated, the water disappeared, and Xu Yang and Zhong Yu stood face to face on the ring.

"Did Zhong Yu stop?"

"What's going on? Who wins between the two?"

The arena was filled with questions.

In the arena.

Zhong Yu picked up the herring sword and looked at it carefully, tilting his big chin, his eyes full of love and heartache.

"Take it, this is my secret secret clear spirit liquid, which can cure the burning wounds on your spirit sword."

As he spoke, Xu Yang threw out a small white porcelain bottle.

Zhong Yu, who was opposite, reached out and took the small porcelain bottle, pouring three drops of clear water from it. Qingliu landed on the blade of the Qingyu Sword, and most of the fire wounds on it were instantly restored.

The whole body of the herring sword emits gurgling black air, and a small green fish can be vaguely seen swimming in the black air.

"Thank you."

Zhong Yu turned around and jumped off the ring.

"Xu Yang of the Wood Spirit Academy successfully challenged."

The black-clothed deacon announced loudly.

"He actually won?"


"He only has the cultivation level of Transformation Realm."

"Could it be that this Xu Yang is an unparalleled genius?"

Xu Yang won the championship as he wished and was qualified to participate in the next stage of the evil ghost trial.

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