True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 189 Phantom Mirror

The first stage of the Evil Ghost Hall disciple selection competition has come to an end, and the next stage of the Evil Ghost Path trial will begin in one month.

Xu Yang, as the only disciple in the Transformation Realm who was qualified to be selected for the Evil Ghost Path trial, caused quite a stir in the Tiangui Sect and was also rewarded by the sect.

The Tiangui Sect is a major sect of ghosts and has always produced talents in large numbers. But like Xu Yang, who was born as an ordinary mortal and cultivated to the Void Realm, and publicly defeated the disciples of the three major families in the True Alchemy Realm, it was truly unprecedented.

The next day, Xu Yang was personally summoned by Xiao Yue'e, the head of the Muling Academy.

The main hall of Mulingyuan.

A beautiful woman in a purple shirt with a graceful figure was sitting on the throne in the center of the hall. It was Xiao Yue'e.

At this time, a handsome female disciple from the Wood Spirit Academy entered the hall.

"Reporting to the Headmaster, inner disciple Xu Yang is already waiting outside the hall."

When she heard that Xu Yang had arrived, Xiao Yue'e raised her beautiful eyes, with a look of relief on her face, and said loudly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, so I have to go and greet you personally."

After saying that, Xiao Yue'e stood up from the spacious purple and gold throne, walking as fast as the wind, leaving behind only the beautiful figure in purple and a rich scent of flower dew.

Flower dew is a fragrant dew that female nuns like to use on daily basis and spread on their clothes or wrists. Different from those used by ordinary mortals, the flower dew in the cultivation world not only has a fresh smell, which can increase personal style and charm, but also has the magical effect of refreshing the mind, nourishing the body, and delaying aging.

When he came out of the palace gate, he saw Xu Yang in light green clothes standing outside the corridor.

Xiao Yue'e quickly stepped forward to greet him.

The full curvature of the chest and buttocks reveal the unique grace of a mature woman with her steps, swaying and swaying, sultry. A long purple dress floats behind her like peonies swaying in the wind, and the fragrance is already hitting her nostrils before anyone arrives.

Although Xu Yang was not a lecherous person, he had to secretly praise Xiao Zhangyuan in his eyes. He was worthy of the reputation of "Fragrant Peony".

"Brother Xu, I've kept you waiting for a long time. Please follow me into the palace to talk in detail."

In the past, she had been called by her first name. After all, Xiao Yue'e was the head of the academy, and she was just one of the many disciples under her command. Even if he had obtained the qualification for the evil ghost path trial with his cultivation in the Void Realm, there was no need for Xiao Zhangyuan to be so enthusiastic. Not only did he welcome him in person, but he also addressed him so intimately.

This made Xu Yang a little embarrassed, and he said repeatedly: "You're welcome, Master. If you need to do it down below, just ask."

"Brother Xu is really quick to talk. I have something to ask you for help. Let's talk about it in detail."

After entering the hall, Xiao Yue'e sent someone to give him a seat.

"You all should go out, I have something to discuss with Xu Yang."

After hearing this, the two attendants on the left and right respectfully withdrew, leaving only her and Xu Yang in Nuo Da's hall.

"Congratulations to Brother Xu for qualifying for the Evil Ghost Path trial."

"It's all because of the master's teachings." Xu Yang said modestly.

After Xiao Yue'e heard this, her fair cheeks turned slightly red.

Embarrassedly said: "As the leader of the Wood Spirit Academy, I am not qualified to participate in the recruitment of disciples of the Evil Ghost Hall. Even with my current cultivation level, if I can go to the ring in person to compete with those elite disciples, I may not be able to get a ring president in the end. Brother Xu, you don’t have to be too modest. If you can defeat the disciples in the Realm Realm with your cultivation in the Transformation Realm, you must have something special and your future will be limitless.”

"With the good words of the Master, if I can achieve something in the future, I will never forget the beginning of my cultivation in Mulingyuan and the cultivation of Xiao Zhangyuan."

Xiao Changyuan nodded, thinking to himself that Xu Yang was sincere and not arrogant in his words. It must be feasible to entrust him with this matter. "

Xiao Yue'e smiled and poured Xu Yang a cup of spiritual tea herself.

"Brother Xu, please have some tea."

Xu Yang picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The clear soup entered his mouth, and its fragrance was pure and rich.

"To be honest, I have something to ask Brother Xu for help?"


"Hey -" Xiao Yue'e sighed and frowned slightly, which seemed to arouse her sadness.

After a pause, he continued: "I have a little sister, her name is Xiao Yueyu. In terms of age, she should be fourteen years old this year. Our sisters were originally descendants of the Guigu family, one of the three major families, but we followed our mother's footsteps. My surname is Xiao. My little sister’s talent for cultivation far exceeds mine. She was selected by her family to become a disciple of the Evil Ghost Hall when she was very young.

A few years ago, she participated in the trial of the Evil Ghost Path as a disciple of the Evil Ghost Hall. But he failed to return on time and stayed in it. But later the Evil Ghost Hall was disbanded and the Evil Ghost Path was never opened again, so there was no way to find her again.

However, her soul card in the sect has not disappeared or been damaged, which means that the younger sister is not in danger of her life. Among the disciples who participated in the trial of the Evil Ghost Path this time, you are the only one who is familiar with me. You entered the trial of the Evil Ghost Path. If possible, I would like to ask you to help me find out about my little sister. "

"The deep love between sisters is touching and enviable. I will definitely pay attention to this matter after entering the evil ghost realm this time. I hope your sisters will be reunited soon." Xu Yang agreed.

"I would like to thank Brother Xu here in advance."

Xiao Yue'e quickly stood up from her seat and saluted deeply as she spoke.

Xu Yang also quickly stood up and helped him up, saying repeatedly: "I don't dare to take it."

"I have a portrait of my little sister here, and a token. If Brother Xu meets my little sister, we can use this to identify him."

After saying that, Xiao Yue'e handed Xu Yang a prepared portrait and a lotus jade pendant that he carried with him.

"My jade pendants are originally a pair. Two of them put together form a pair of lotus flowers. The other one is on my little sister's body."

Xu Yang took the jade pendant with both hands and put it away carefully.

He looked at the innocent and lovely girl in the painting again, his eyes flashed red, and he used the Flame Spirit Technique to imprint all the details of the characters in the painting into his mind.

"It is said that the evil ghost path is very dangerous and there are many bloodthirsty beasts in it. I have a family hereditary magic weapon that I can lend to you temporarily. I hope it can be of help to you."

With that said, Xiao Yue'e took out a delicate mahogany box from the storage bag and opened it carefully.

A simple round bronze mirror lies quietly in the mahogany box.

Xiao Yue'e took out the bronze mirror.

"Brother Xu, please look."

As she spoke, Xiao Yue'e placed the bronze mirror in front of herself, and her beautiful face was reflected on the smooth mirror, making her look like a beauty.

Then the bronze mirror was gently turned over. The strange thing was that Xiao Yue'e's face was reflected on the bronze mirror but it did not disappear.

Xiao Yue'e raised her other hand, and an ordinary ginseng grass was thrown to the ground opposite her.

Then he swung the bronze mirror in his hand towards the ginseng grass, opened his red lips slightly, and recited the obscure magic formula, and a white light shot out, shining on the ginseng grass.

Suddenly, the seemingly ordinary ginseng grass swirled into colorful brilliance, and the ginseng grass twisted and gradually transformed into a human form. After a moment, a clone with the same appearance and clothing as Xiao Yue'e appeared in front of her.

"Go and move the chair over there." Xiao Yue'e ordered.

Without saying a word, the clone of Shen Cao turned around, even walking at the same pace as Xiao Yue'e's original body, and moved a chair opposite to the front.

"Sit down." Xiao Yue'e ordered again.

The clone followed Xiao Yue'e's example and stretched out her jade hands to adjust her skirt, then sat on the chair obediently.

"Brother Xu, can you tell how this clone is different from me?"

Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he discovered that the spiritual power fluctuations on this avatar were the same as Xiao Yue'e's original body. If Xiao Yue'e wasn't sitting across from him, Xu Yang would definitely think that this clone was the real body.

Seeing that his spiritual consciousness was ineffective, a red light flashed in Xu Yang's eyes, and he activated the Yanling Magic Eye to take a closer look, only to realize that the clone was only slightly weaker in soul power than the original body.

"There is such a treasure in the world that can transform into a clone that is so similar to the original body."

"This object is called the Phantom Mirror. It can transform some spiritual herbs with the aura of heaven and earth into a clone. Brother Xu, let's see how it changes."

Xu Yang stared intently at the clone sitting on the chair opposite him, and saw a flash of colorful brilliance around him. The brilliance dissipated and turned into the ginseng grass again. It's just that there is no spiritual energy on the ginseng grass at this time, and it is no different from the weeds on the roadside.

"The duration of the clone created by this treasure mirror is related to the spiritual power of the caster and the original spiritual power on the spiritual grass. It is said that Brother Xu broke the illusion of the opponent who was in the True Dan Realm on the ring. I want to use the spiritual power. It must be extraordinary. This phantom mirror is just right for you."

"The Master is willing to lend me the family secret treasure, which shows his trust in me, Xu Yang. I will definitely make good use of this treasure and bring my sister back safely from the evil ghost world."

"Okay, I'm happy enough. If you can save my little sister, I am willing to offer this treasure with both hands. Although this mirror is very precious, it is just a magic weapon. I only hope to see my little sister return safely as soon as possible. Just fine.”

"This treasure is a secret treasure passed down from your family. If I do this, I might be taking advantage of others' danger and defrauding them of the treasure." Xu Yang is an open-minded person, so naturally he will not take away people's love.

Seeing the hesitation on Xu Yang's face, Xiao Yue'e said quickly: "In this case, if Brother Xu doesn't dislike it, I am willing to become a brother and sister with different surnames. Even if I give this treasure to you, it will not be considered as giving it to an outsider. how?"

Perhaps only by becoming siblings with different surnames and the gift of the treasure mirror, Xiao Yue'e will rest assured that Xu Yang will be able to save his little sister 100% in the next trial of the evil ghost path. Xu Yang is a smart person at heart, how could he not understand Xiao Yue'e's mood and thoughts at this time.

"In that case, thank you for your love, sister. My younger brother Xu Yang has met his sister Xiao Yue'e with a different surname here."

With that said, Xu Yang stood up and bowed deeply.

"My good brother, you must be careful when traveling to the Evil Ghost Path. I will help you have a smooth journey."

In this way, Xiao Yuee and Xu Yang became siblings with different surnames.

Xu Yang took the Phantom Mirror and put it away carefully.

"If there is nothing else to do, I will take my leave now, little brother. When I get back, I will carefully plan my trip to the Evil Ghost Realm and live up to my sister's trust."

Xiao Yue'e kept sending Xu Yang out of the outer hall, looking at Xu Yang's leaving figure, and nodded secretly.

"This boy has a decent heart and unparalleled talent. He will become a great person in the future. Being able to become a sister and brother of the opposite sex with him will also create a good relationship for the Xiao family."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yue'e clasped her palms together and looked at the sky piously. I prayed silently in my heart: "God bless my brother Xu Yang for a smooth trip. Little sister, did you hear me? I miss you so much."

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