True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 193 Ginsengwa Bellyband

The emerald green fairy branches exude a faint fragrance, just like the wind blowing through the fields in April, blending the fragrance of flowers and the fragrance of earth. Although it is faint, the person who smells it is already intoxicated.

The smell of fairy dew that filled the air made Xu Yang take a deep breath through his nose, and he suddenly felt that his body was smooth and his body was relaxed.

Looking at the spiritual ginseng tree lying on the red cloth, clusters of golden fireworks-like aura are released from its smooth surface.




Full of life.

Like a bride whose red hijab has been lifted, there is only burning enthusiasm at this moment.

In just a moment, the entire drop of fairy dew melted into its golden skin, and the dense slender branches of the spiritual ginseng that were originally still swayed like a cat's tail.

Immediately afterwards, a tender yellow bud grew from the top of the ginseng.

The bud stretched and climbed up, turning into a green branch.

The green branches danced and spread out the first green leaves.

A red bud in the middle of the green leaves shyly half-hides its smile.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​colorful brilliance emitted from the entire spiritual ginseng plant.

The colorful brilliance converged.

A ginseng baby wearing a red bellyband, with fair and fleshy limbs, braids pointing upward, a big forehead, a round face, and a little cinnabar on his forehead was rubbing his eyes with his fleshy little hands.

Shenwa opened her big black and bright eyes and looked at Xu Yang in front of her without blinking, with a hint of panic in her eyes.

The colorful light swirled around him, and his whole body jumped lightly from the table to the ground. The moment it touched the ground, the earth-colored light flashed and disappeared under the ground.

Xu Yang only felt that everything happening in front of him seemed to be a dream.

"You're not going to run away, are you?"

Xu Yang stared at the empty ground and said.

Patting his forehead, he remembered that he had just planted a blood contract on the spiritual ginseng.

Thinking of the magic formula activates the power of the blood contract.

He pointed one hand towards the ground, and with a bang, a magic formula was fired.

After a while, I saw a flash of colorful light on the ground, and the red bellyband appeared again.

White, fat, and fleshy, this little guy is so cute, Xu Yang couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear with joy.

"You will be my spiritual pet from now on." Xu Yang pointed at the red bellyband and said.

The red bellyband looked at Xu Yang unblinkingly with his big eyes.

"No, you will be my little brother from now on."

Hong Dudou nodded, seeming to understand Xu Yang's words.


The red bellyband actually spoke human words.

"What? I'm not your father. If I take you out now, people will definitely misunderstand you and call me brother."


"The pronunciation is not correct, it's brother, it's not."

"elder brother."

"Haha, I got it right this time."

"elder brother."

"come to me."

Xu Yang stretched out his arms, and the red bellyband turned into a colorful stream of light. In just a flash, he was in Xu Yang's arms.

"How about I give you a name, just Dudou?"

Dudou, who was sitting in Xu Yang's arms, nodded.

"I originally wanted you to look like me occasionally and help me deal with difficult opponents. You look so cute, and you look a little weaker. I don't feel comfortable letting you out alone."

Dudou shook his head, blinked, and then jumped onto the square table.

He stretched out his fleshy little fist, and saw a flash of golden light above his fist.

There was a "bang" sound.

A perfectly good table with a big hole in the middle.

Dudou, who was standing on the table, waved his little fists and squeaked without knowing what he was saying.

"That's enough, that's enough. We are small but powerful. You can't do any damage without my permission in the future."

The little guy nodded.

"What other talents do you have?"

Dudou shook his round head and looked back and forth, and happened to see a potted banyan tree placed in the corner of Xu Yang's house.

A stream of colorful light passed by, and Dudou came to the potted plant. Stretch out a white and tender finger and tap lightly on the branch of the banyan tree.

I saw a flash of green light all over him, turning into an ordinary banyan tree.

No matter whether Xu Yang used his spiritual consciousness or the Flame Spirit Magic Eye, he couldn't tell which banyan tree was transformed by the bellyband. Only by using the blood contract can the existence of Dudou be sensed.

"What a clever transformation technique. With such a powerful transformation technique, I guess no one will be able to catch you."

Next, Xu Yang took out the Phantom Mirror.

I looked at Dudou's face and saw a pair of cute little girls inside and outside the mirror.

After silently reciting the instructions taught by Xiao Yue'e, the headmaster, a white light shot out from the phantom mirror.

The bellyband transformed into Xu Yang's appearance in the colorful glow.

Xu Yang stretched out his fingers and pinched "Xu Yang" who was standing opposite him and looked the same as him.

The person opposite also stretched out his hand and squeezed Xu Yang.

"These are simply twins." Xu Yang exclaimed.

What's more convenient is that there is no need to use mental power to control the transformed bellyband at all. He can act independently according to Xu Yang's instructions.

If it is a clone that was transformed with ordinary spiritual grass before, the caster needs to keep a certain distance from the phantom clone and constantly use mental power to control it. Therefore, there are many limitations in its use.

This bellyband is different, its flexibility has reached the level of a true clone. Ordinary clones will be seen by masters of cultivation, but after Dudou transforms into Xu Yang's appearance, it is difficult to tell whether it is real or fake.

I wonder how this little guy grows up and what he likes to eat?

Thinking of this, Xu Yang took out nuts, dried meat, pills, Shibadi... everything that could be eaten from the storage bag.

I saw the big eyes of the bellyband flashing, scanning the many items in front of me. He picked up a pill, smelled it, put it in his mouth, and chewed it down.

"So you like to take elixirs, that's easy to explain." After saying that, Xu Yang took out a large handful of high-grade elixirs with earth attributes that he had refined.

These high-grade earth attribute elixirs would be valuable and popular items if they were sold on the market. Even in the entire Tiangui Sect, there are probably only a few people who have the luxury to feed their spiritual pets with high-grade spiritual elixirs.

The little guy was not polite. He grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. His fleshy cheeks were stretched out like small drums.

There were more than a dozen pills in this handful, and he actually swallowed them whole.

After a while, the little guy started swaying like a drunken man.

"I took so many elixirs at one time, so it won't hurt my body. I blame myself for being too careless."

While Xu Yang blamed himself, he quickly hugged his shaking bellyband and touched his pulse with his fingers.

"Fortunately, the medicine is just too strong and can't be tolerated. The soul is not damaged."

Xu Yang slapped his back with a single palm, and the unparalleled true energy turned into a warm current and poured into the meridians of his bellyband, slowly channeling the manic medicinal power in his body.

Half an hour later, Dudou burped several times in a row and returned to his previous lively state, only slightly tired.

Looking at the healthy and lively bellyband, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, the bellyband turned into a spiritual ginseng and lay down in the storage bag to rest.

By chance, Xu Yang got the treasure of Shenwa Dudou.

The growth realm of spiritual beasts is divided into four levels, namely monster beasts, holy beasts, fairy beasts, and divine beasts.

Once the spiritual grass type develops spiritual intelligence, there are four corresponding growth realms. They are demon spirits, holy spirits, fairy spirits, and gods.

However, spiritual grasses do not have any intelligence at the beginning. There are very few that can produce wisdom under the creation of heaven and earth, and those that successfully evolve to demon spirits and above are even rarer.

The bellyband that was nourished and reborn by the immortal branch liquid was already in the realm of the demon spirit.

For the next half day, Xu Yang sat cross-legged in the house, breathing and practicing the exercises.

When Xu Yang opened his eyes, it was already sunset.

He took out a bronze spiritual candlestick and struck it with a spell. The candlelight stone on the spiritual candlestick emitted bright yellow flames, illuminating the room.

At this moment, the door of the house creaked and someone pushed it open.


With a meow, a black cat with pointed ears and green eyes appeared in front of Xu Yang, and the door behind him slowly closed on its own.

"Brother Ye Tu, you are back." Xu Yang asked happily when he saw Ye Tu.

"I was just walking around, but I didn't expect that the Ghost Sect would be so majestic today. I don't know how many times it is bigger than Dongjun City in Xiaoxian Realm. That's why I stayed outside for a few more days. Is there anything you need me to do? ?" Black Cat Ye Tu asked.

"It's just that there are a few more goals that need to be completed in the Evil Ghost Path trial next month."

Xu Yang did not hide it either. He told Black Cat Yetu truthfully that he needed to obtain the Nine Nether Crystals to cure the Wheel Flame Spirit, that he needed to obtain the Ghost Wood in order to fulfill his master's wish, and that he also needed to help Sister Xiao Yue'e find her younger sister. But Ning Tianqi's commission was temporarily concealed. "

"When the time comes, I will enter the evil ghost realm with you and fully assist you in accomplishing these goals."

"Thank you, Brother Ye Tu."

"There is no need to be so polite. This is a promise between us."

"Then have you found out how to return to the demon spirit world? After all, only by returning to the demon spirit world can you help Yingyue reshape her body and fulfill your wish."

"not yet."

"About the demon spirit world, I asked my master a few days ago in the Ghost Roaring Land. He said that if you want to travel to the demon spirit world, the safest way is to use the ancient teleportation array left over from ancient times. And where we are In the Zhongyuan Realm, the few ancient teleportation arrays leading to the Demon Spirit Realm are all set up in the Southern Region, but they are all forbidden areas of the major sects in the Southern Region. Even three or five Yuan Soul Realm monks would be in vain if they forcefully break through. So, you need to find the right opportunity.”

"This is really good news. It's better to have a solution than nothing. Under the protection of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, the condition of Yingyue Soul is fine. With just the strength of the two of us, of course we can't forcefully break into the forbidden areas of the Southern Territory now. Right now we are going all out to complete the Evil Ghost Path Trial."

In the days that followed, Xu Yang prepared for the Evil Ghost Path trial with all his strength, staying behind closed doors to improve his body.

Each of the three flame spirits has evolved.

The power of the Nirvana Flame Spirit has greatly increased in power since A'Zhu evolved to the Void Realm. And A'Zhu's condition is getting better and better.

The morbid condition of the Chakravartin is just a side effect of digesting the Scorpion Flame Spirit before. There are already signs of improvement, but the progress is slow. As Master said, it will take several years for the Chakravartin alone to recover.

Since the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit is not completely unblocked, it only uses A'Zhu's ability to unblock a small part of its power. As A'Zhu's realm improved after his return, the power that could activate the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit increased.

Due to the progress of the three flame spirits in the body. The Five Elements Flame Technique practiced by Xu Yang was successfully upgraded from the sixth level to the seventh level. The power of skills such as Flame Spirit Breaking, Flame Spirit Killing Array, and Flame Spirit Eyes derived from the Five Elements Flame Technique have also been improved accordingly.

Xu Yang's own skill level was directly upgraded from the first level of the Transformation Realm to the second level of the Transformation Realm.

This is all due to Xu Yang's possession of Haoran Tianmai, which has caused a qualitative change in the operation of the entire meridian system, with speed and efficiency comparable to that of a True Alchemy Realm monk. Coupled with the continuous practice of the Moon Flower Technique and the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Technique, the body is as powerful as a body-training monk.

With his physical strength greatly increased, Xu Yang was full of confidence in participating in the Evil Ghost Path trial.

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