True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 194 The Evil Ghost Path Opens

On May day, the golden glow of the morning sun shines on the Luoyu Mountains, lighting up the whole world.

Among the countless mountain peaks, there is a huge ancient bronze sword stuck straight on an inconspicuous hillside. The front end of the ancient sword is deeply immersed in the mountain, and the exposed half is about five inches. Six feet tall.

The sunlight casts a straight shadow on the back of the sword body, recording the passage of time.

The sword grid between the hilt and the blade is a double-horned ghost head with a lion's nose and a tiger's eyes, teeth bared and swallowing. From the two nostrils of the ghost head, gray ghost aura exudes from time to time, making the viewer feel in awe. .

It is said that this sword was left here by a powerful ancestor of the Tiangui Sect when he first opened up the evil ghost path.

This sword pierced the mountain and cut off the void. The other end of the sword was connected to another space called the evil ghost path.

Opposite the huge ancient sword is a square built on the mountain. At this time, the square is crowded with people.

They are all disciples who came to participate in the evil ghost path trial this time. Xu Yang and Bai Mujin were among them.

There were forty disciples who successfully advanced to the evil ghost path trial this time, including twenty disciples from the three major families, the Yasha family, the Guigu family and the Wuchang family, and twenty disciples from other families. Among these forty people, only Xu Yang was born as a mortal, and he was the only monk in the Void Realm.

At this time, a handsome young man in white clothes stood on the opposite side of the crowd. He looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Although his figure was very small compared to the giant sword not far behind him, his star-like eyes shone with a brilliance that made people have to respect and look up to him.

The noisy crowd in the square immediately fell silent.

"I, Bai Shaojie, the master of Yungui Hall, was appointed by the lord of the sect, and I have the honor to serve as the host of this trial of the evil ghost path. The evil ghost path is no different from other trial places in the sect. It is an alien world that is outside the interface where we are. Space. Once you are in danger, the sect cannot provide timely rescue. All of you who can be selected are the elites among the young disciples of our Tiangui Sect. Although there is a competitive relationship between you here, I personally hope to Everyone can help each other during the trial. Let’s ask Elder Shangguan of the Law Enforcement Hall to read out the rules of this trial.”

"Elder Shangguan, please." After saying that, Bai Shaojie stood aside.

"Hall Master Bai, you're welcome." After saying this, a skinny old man wearing black robes and gray hair stood up with a cheerful face.

"A month ago, at the joint meeting of the Sect Master and the Law Enforcement Chief Elders Council, the resolution to rebuild the Evil Ghost Hall was passed. As soon as the news came out, the majority of sect disciples, including disciples from the three major families, responded and signed up enthusiastically. It can be seen that This matter is an act in compliance with the disciples’ wishes, a wise act by the core members of the sect, and a far-sighted act…”

For a full quarter of an hour, the Shangguan elder did not say a word about the trial rules, which made all the disciples in the audience feel sleepy.

"Ahem." Bai Shaojie coughed twice and used a secret voice to remind: "Elder Shangguan, it's getting late."

At this time, Elder Shangguan was talking excitedly, foaming at the corners of his mouth and beaming with joy. It was as if the convening of the Evil Ghost Path Trial was his personal heroic deed.

Elder Shangguan turned his head and looked at Bai Shaojie beside him, then at the many sleepy disciples in front of him, and said with unfinished meaning: "Time is running out. I will explain the trial rules in detail below. Everyone must listen carefully."

As soon as they heard that the rules of the trial were about to be explained, the faces of the disciples in the square began to show expressions of excitement again, and they were all gearing up and eager to try.

Elder Shangguan took out the scroll he had prepared in advance from his wide cuffs, opened it and read aloud the rules of the Evil Ghost Path Trial.

First, the criteria for passing the trial.

Successfully obtained a Nine Nether Crystal in the Evil Ghost Path. However, only the first twenty disciples who return first and possess the Nine Netherworld Crystal will be considered as passing the trial, and the subsequent disciples and those who have not obtained the Nine Netherworld Crystal will be eliminated.

Secondly, the specific rules of the trial.

Disciples in the trial can challenge each other to snatch the Nine Nether Crystals from others, and the one who finally possesses the Nine Nether Crystals wins. Each trial disciple will be issued a special jade token for recording. The jade token will automatically record the results of the trial disciples' battles.

Finally, the trial lasts for one month after entering, and the evil ghost path will automatically close after one month.

"What a cruel rule. Doesn't it make the trial disciples kill each other in the evil ghost realm?" Bai Mujin said in surprise after hearing the rules.

Xu Yang on the side also took a breath of air. Not to mention whether he could successfully find the Nine Nether Crystals in the Evil Ghost Path, even fighting with these elite disciples was a huge risk.

If I didn't have several goals to complete, I really wouldn't want to take Hibiscus and take risks.

After hearing this, other ordinary disciples also lamented the cruelty of the evil ghost path trial. Only the disciples of the three major families had understood it in advance from the oral accounts of their family seniors, and did not show any panic.

At this time, Bai Shaojie stood in front again.

He said loudly: "Evil Ghost Hall has always adhered to the concept of doing no harm to anyone but me, and fighting violence with violence. The trials are cruel, but according to past experience, once the disciples pass the trials and tests, they will be the best in the execution of the sect. The casualty rate was the lowest during dangerous missions. This was also caused by the fact that when the Tiangui Sect was first established, the world of cultivation was in a war-torn environment. Failure to be strong would mean destruction. At that time, the Evil Ghost Hall was the earliest war hall in the sect. Most of the tasks that need to be completed are life and death tasks. But now it seems that the rules for trial disciples to fight against each other are too cruel. Therefore, before coming, the sect leader specifically stated that he should not deliberately kill other disciples and cause other people to fight during the fight. If more than two disciples die during the trial, they will be disqualified and severely punished.”

"Come here, prepare to open the door to the evil ghost's path."

Bai Shaojie gave an order, and four young deacons dressed in black walked over from the side carrying a long black box that was many feet long and more than three feet wide on their shoulders.

With a "clang" sound, the black box made a metallic impact when it was placed on the ground.

The four deacons carefully removed the lid from the box and set it aside, then respectfully withdrew.

In the black box, a rolled piece of black cloth about ten feet wide lies straight inside the box.

Bai Shaojie used the art of controlling objects through the air and hit it with a magic formula. The black cloth in the box was thrown into the air with a buzzing sound and hovered motionless.

Then, Bai Shaojie's wheel-like magic formula hit the cloth in mid-air.

The black cloth gradually opened as it rotated, revealing golden runes on the black cloth. The cloth spread faster and faster, like a huge black curtain floating in the sky.


The fully unfolded black curtain was like a spiritual black dragon twisting its body and swimming toward the half-length giant sword not far away.


The long black curtain wrapped around the body of the giant sword, and it was wrapped tightly in circles.

Looking at the golden runes originally scattered on the black screen, they now connected into a golden evil ghost pattern, which was very similar to the ghost head decoration on the sword grid.

Bai Shaojie clapped out his palms, and unparalleled mana was poured into the giant sword like a huge wave. Because the mana was so huge, even the light and shadow visible to the naked eye were distorted in the heat wave formed by the mana.

The giant sword buzzed, and a large amount of black mist spewed out from the surface where the giant sword was inserted.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker.

With a "bang", the ground trembled, and a tall, vermilion door rose from the black mist.

The golden ghost head pattern wrapped around the black curtain of the giant sword disappeared in a golden light, and appeared on the vermilion door in the blink of an eye.


The golden ghost head on the vermilion door exuded brilliant brilliance, and the door opened a gap from the middle and gradually opened.


Endless black.

As black as the abyss.

Appear behind the Vermilion Gate.

"You can enter the evil ghost path through this evil ghost Rashomon. The previous evil ghost path as a host would not be able to enter, but because the evil ghost path has not been opened for a long time. This time, the sect leader has given me permission to enter with you. . But I will not participate in anything related to the trial. My duty is to protect this Rashomon passage to ensure that everyone can return safely. Remember, this door is open for one month and will automatically close after one month. ”

After Bai Shaojie finished speaking, he walked into Rashomon with his head held high, and the figure in white disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, Bai Shaojie's voice came from inside Rashomon: "The evil ghost path is unobstructed, and this trial has officially begun."

The sound was like a loud war song flying into the ears of every disciple present.

Forty disciples who participated in the trial filed into Rashomon with high spirits.

Xu Yang and Mu Jin followed the team and entered side by side.

When everyone entered the vermilion gate, the square suddenly became deserted, with only the skinny elder Shangguan and a few deacon disciples left.

"Hallmaster Bai has led his disciples into the evil ghost path. Has the formation to seal the mountain been activated?" Elder Shangguan asked.

"Elder, the formation to seal the mountain has been activated. Even a bird can't get in now. Moreover, the foot of the mountain is guarded by people from the Barbarian Ghost Hall, and no one is allowed to enter."

"Hopefully they return safely."

Elder Shangguan stroked his beard with one hand and looked at Rashomon and said.

At the other end of the passage, a vermilion door that was the same as the one on Broken Sword Mountain Square stood in an open space.

Not far behind the vermilion gate is a huge sword that was half drilled out of the ground. It just forms a complete giant sword with the one in the square.

The sharp tip of the giant sword reflected dazzling light in the sun, pointing straight upward, as if it was about to break out of the ground at the next moment.

Bai Shaojie, dressed in white, stood outside the vermilion gate, looking up at the sky.

There is actually a black sun hanging in the sky here, but it shines with blazing and dazzling light.

Not long after, the disciples who participated in the trial came out of the gate one after another.

"Forty people are a lot." Bai Shaojie looked at the crowd in front of him and whispered.

"Everyone is here, I still have a few words to tell everyone. There are a large number of ghost beasts in the evil ghost path. If you kill the ghost beasts, you can get the demon crystals in their bodies. The demon crystals in a very few ghost beasts will be colorful. Yes, it is the Nine Nether Crystals. It is said that some of them are extremely powerful and even have human-like intelligence. Therefore, everyone should not take it lightly. There is an iron rule in this space that everyone must bear in mind. The existence of cultivation realm and above will be rejected by the interface, and will be wiped out by the continuous pursuit of the thunder of heaven. This is why the sect sent me to be the host of this evil ghost trial. Reason. Nine Nether Crystals contain a large amount of special Netherworld power, and this Netherworld power will not have side effects on monks. It is one of the best auxiliary materials for monks who practice ghost ways to break through to high-level realms. For the next trial, you can choose to team up or go solo. I wish you good luck.”

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