True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 195 Ghost Valley Changyang

Except for those who knew each other well, the forty trial disciples all chose to act alone, because the rule that they could snatch the Nine Nether Crystals from each other made it impossible for untrustworthy people to cooperate.

Xu Yang and Mu Jin discussed in low voices whether they should find other people to form a team together, so that they would be safer.

I happened to see Zhuge Yu, dressed in a green brocade shirt, standing alone not far away.

"Zhuge Yu is over there, why don't we go over and discuss with him to form a team for a trial together." Xu Yang said.

"That's fine."

The two stepped forward.

Zhuge Yu turned his head and saw Xu Yang and two people walking towards him, so he greeted them generously.

"You two don't want to team up with me?" Before Xu Yang could speak, Zhuge Yu spoke first.

"Senior Brother Zhuge is really smart, that's exactly what we meant." Xu Yang replied.

"You can form a team with me, but you have to agree to my conditions." Zhuge Yu said.

"No matter what the conditions are, we are both disciples of the Wood Spirit Academy and should help each other."

"I know that you two are quite strong, but I am confident that my strength is still better than yours. My condition is that if you get the Nine Nether Crystals after forming a team, you must get them to me first, and I have to get two of them first."

"This?" After hearing what Zhuge Yu said, Xu Yang hesitated.

After all, the trial period is one month. After forming a team, they have to find five Nine Nether Crystals, which will probably be very tight.

"For the sake of fairness, let's allocate one to each person first. It doesn't matter if I give you the fourth one first." Bai Mujin suggested.

"I knew you wouldn't agree, and I didn't want to form a team with you in the first place. With all due respect, teammates with insufficient strength often become a burden." Zhuge Yu said this unceremoniously, turned around and left.

"Arrogant." Hibiscus said angrily.

"Everyone has his own ambitions, and we can't force others to do something difficult." Xu Yang comforted.

Zhuge Yu hadn't gone very far when he seemed to have heard what the two of them said, but he didn't look back, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

Thinking about it in my mind, I have already known about the competition between the two of you in the previous stage. One won by trickery with his spiritual pet, and the other won by speculating on illusions. The trial here is not an arena. You can choose your opponent and use your brain to make tricks. What is needed is real strength. I have the family's secret treasure "Green Wood Ying Dan", which can completely rival the strong men in the True Dan Realm. It will do me no good to form a team with you. As long as I get a Nine Nether Crystal first, I can use the Nine Nether Crystal to directly form a true elixir here. When my cultivation reaches the true elixir realm, the second Nine Nether Crystal can be retrieved from the bag.

Xu Yang saw that Mu Jin was a little unhappy, and said with a smile: "The other people are not familiar with it. It seems that I am only on the same team as you.".

"What are you talking about? Don't you want to team up with me?"

"Of course I will team up with you, because the two of us are a perfect match."

"I agreed."

A bright smile appeared on Hibiscus's face again.

The two chose a direction and walked away side by side.

The forty trial disciples dispersed in twos and threes. There are fewer and fewer disciples near the Rashomon exit.

In the end, only two disciples were left standing there, looking at each other with ice-like eyes.

One of them.

His whole body was dry and fleshless, his exposed cheeks and arms were slightly glowing with light blue, and there was a white, fleshless skeleton lying on his back.

The head of the white skull rested on his shoulder, occasionally rubbing its lower jaw to make a clicking sound, proving that it was alive. It just lacks a light blue face compared to its owner's skinny face, it's similar.

A spooky skeleton.

A sinister face.

A spooky person.

The person opposite him.

He was dressed in gray, his face was as sharp as a knife, his blue-gray eyes were like the endless Dead Sea, his complexion was as gray as a demon, and he wore an eye-catching long sheathed sword on his waist.

The surface of the scabbard is inlaid with many gray cat's eye gems, and a faint gray mist is emitted from time to time, like pairs of vicious beast eyes hiding in the dark, waiting for prey.

The exposed handle of the knife was covered with gray scales that seemed to be moving slightly.

The strange scabbard.

Weird knife.

Monster people.

"Ahem." The man wearing the demon sword coughed twice and whispered: "Guigu Zan, are you participating in the evil ghost trial just to compete with me?"

After saying that, his gray hand was on the handle of the demon sword.

The man carrying the skeleton glanced at the hand opposite that was holding the handle of the knife, and said calmly: "Guigu Changyang, you have always been called the strongest among the younger generation of the Guigu family, the true elixir realm among the three major families. The number one swordsman among my disciples, so you have always been my target. After I came back from the Green Fire Demon Prison, you were the first person I wanted to challenge. , my interest came. Since you are going to enter the evil ghost realm, then I will also enter the evil ghost realm like you, to prove that I am as strong as you, and I will defeat you in this evil ghost realm, to prove that I am better than you. Even stronger."

"Since you care so much about being the number one in the family, take action." The man known as Guigu Changyang said coldly.

"But I just changed my mind." Guigu Zan answered equally coldly.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"I'm not even afraid of the Green Fire Demon Prison. Do you think it's scarier than the Green Fire Demon Prison?"

"I will let you know how terrifying my demon sword is."

"Looking at how sick you are now, you probably suffered internal injuries. You are no longer my target."

"Why, when did you become compassionate?"

"It's a waste of my time to defeat someone who isn't worth defeating."

After saying that, Guigu Zan turned around and left, leaving only the sound of the skeleton lying on his shoulder grinding its teeth.

"Cough cough cough." Guigu Changyang coughed violently, and his hand holding the handle of the knife seemed to be shaking.

"Guigu Zan, there will be a battle between you and me." After Guigu Changyang finished speaking, he turned and left.

After burning the incense, Guigu Changyang suddenly stopped while walking. His body trembled, big beads of sweat fell down from his gray cheeks, and his breathing became rapid.

"It seems I underestimated the extent of my injury."

Seeing that there was no one around, he took out a pill and took it, sat cross-legged on the ground, carefully took off the demon knife from his waist, and placed it flat on his legs nicely.

After a moment, a gray breath overflowed from the Baihui point on the top of his head. There was more and more gray mist, and Guigu Changyang's breathing gradually stabilized.

At this time, two trial disciples in the distance left and returned.

One of them, a tall young man wearing an eagle feather cloak, walked in front. Behind him was a simple-looking disciple wearing a fur coat.

"Boss, you walk with such majesty, little brother, I can hardly keep up." said the little man in a fur coat.

"Xiaoquan, what do you know? I, Chen Ping, may not be the strongest in the Chen family in terms of combat power, but my IQ must be second to none. Remember, this is called quick victory and waiting for the enemy." The man who called himself Chen Ping said proudly.

"Boss, are we the only two waiting here?" the little man known as Koizumi continued to ask.

"Talk a lot. Only five people knew this secret before. Now I'm telling you, it's six people."

When Koizumi heard this, he quickly stretched out five fingers on his left palm and one finger on his right palm.

After putting the six fingers together, he said excitedly: "Five plus one is indeed six. He is indeed the omnipotent boss."

"You are a guy who is not born with the ability to count. Just follow the young master and learn more from me. When the time comes, we will rob him of a dozen or twenty Nine Nether Crystals. When we go back, we will definitely be heavily rewarded by our ancestors."

"Xiaoquan will definitely learn a lot if he can follow the boss this time. When I go back and tell my mother, my mother will definitely praise me for being sensible."

"Do you know that there are so many talented disciples in the Chen family, why did I choose you to come with me to participate in the Evil Ghost Path trial?"

"Because Xiaoquan listens to the boss the most."


With that said, Chen Ping took out a paper bag and handed it to Xiaoquan beside him.

Koizumi couldn't help but sniffed it back and forth with his nose, and said excitedly: "It's meat buns, my favorite meat buns."

Skillfully opening the paper bag, three big white and round meat buns were revealed. Seeing the boss rewarding himself with meat buns, Xiaoquan was moved to tears in his eyes.

He held the meat bun in both hands and devoured it.

"It smells so good."

"When I'm full, I'll have enough energy to fight in a while."

"Boss, don't you want to eat one?"

Looking at the remaining meat bun in his hand, Xiaoquan hesitated for a moment, looked at Chen Ping eagerly and asked.

"Young Master, I don't like eating meat buns. As long as you behave well, Rou BaoZi will take care of you."

After hearing this, Xiaoquan put the last meat bun in his hand into his mouth. His mouth was full of oil after eating, and his face was filled with joy.

The two of them were walking and chatting happily. Their faces showed no sign of the pressure of the Demon Path trial.

"There seems to be a person sitting on the edge of the forest in the distance." Chen Ping reminded him in a low voice when he saw Guigu Changyang sitting cross-legged in the distance.

"Boss, are you going to fight? Let me go first."

"Wait a minute, I recognize this man. His name is Guigu Changyang. He is a master who is not easy to mess with. Could it be that he is also waiting here?"

"Boss, I'm going to drive him away. He's guarding all the pigs here. How should we treat the rabbits?"

I saw Chen Ping's eyes turn, and then he said: "Let me cast the spell first to see if this person has any accomplices. If there are a few people ambushing him in the woods behind him, wouldn't the two of us suffer?"

"The boss is wise."

Chen Ping flipped his wrist, a piece of brown feather appeared in his palm, and then he threw the feather into the air.


The feathers turned into a vulture flying high in the wind, flapping its wings.

Not long after, the vulture transformed into feathers came to the sky where Guigu Changyang was, circling continuously.

The scene in the woods behind Guigu Changyang was completely clearly reflected in Chen Ping's pupils.

In the woods.

Xu Yang and Bai Mujin talked while walking.

"With so many people, we were probably the only two who went in the wrong direction. There was a cliff in front of us. We went in circles in the woods for nothing." Xu Yang said helplessly.

"It's not bad. At least I saw the scenery that others haven't seen." Mu Jin said with a smile.

The sun shines on Hibiscus's body through the gaps in the forest. Her white clothes are colorful, like an elf in the sun, always bringing people happiness.

Xu Yang looked at Hibiscus, his eyes full of tenderness, and said, "You are the most beautiful scenery."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Sure enough, there was an ambush. There was a man and a woman hiding in the forest, talking and laughing." Chen Ping said from a distance.

"Boss, why don't we go over and keep the three of them waiting?"

"Let's hide first, and when the rest of us arrive, we'll have a quick fight, using the many to defeat the few."

"The boss is wise."

I saw that Chen Ping lifted up his feather cloak and rolled up the flying feathers all over the sky. Their figures were hidden among the flying feathers. When Fei Yu dispersed, the two of them disappeared.

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