True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 196 Demon Sword Rainy Night

As soon as Xu and Yang walked to the edge of the woods, they found a man sitting cross-legged with his back to the woods outside the woods. The exposed handle of a long knife lying flat on his legs could be vaguely seen.

And gray mist emitted from the top of this person's head from time to time.

Xu Yang identified it carefully and whispered: "The person in front is Guigu Changyang of the Guigu family. He once showed amazing sword skills in the ring competition. It looks like he is healing his wounds." Xu Yang said in a low voice.

"Should we go over and take a look?" Hibiscus asked.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with someone who can hurt Guigu Changyang. Let me first check whether the surrounding situation is safe."

After Xu Yang finished speaking, he stretched out his arms and turned his palms.

Then a ball of red fireworks swirled out of his palm. In the blink of an eye, the firework turned into a red bird with a golden crown and long tail, which was A'Zhu's true form.

"Miss Hibiscus, you are so beautiful. Ever since my little fairy got to know you, she has forgotten about me and only thinks of me when it is useful." A'Zhu shook his long feathers and looked up and down at Hibiscus and said.

"Beautiful A'Zhu, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Mu Jin said obediently.

"Wrap it on this fairy bird."

A'Zhu spread his wings, leaving only a shadow of flames in place, and reached high in the sky.

"A vulture is watching over here. It doesn't look like an ordinary spiritual bird. It must have been transformed by someone using a spell." A'Zhu said.

Almost at the same time, the vulture above also saw A'Zhu.

Two evasive figures emerged from behind a boulder in the distance of the forest. One was wearing a feather cloak, the other was wrapped in a fur coat. It is Chen Ping and Xiaoquan who are hiding here.

"The people below actually released a red sparrow. Do you want to fight with me? I started walking birds when I was three years old. I can train birds at the age of five. I am already the king of birds at the age of thirteen. Kill this bird for me. Red sparrow." Chen Ping looked up at A'Zhu in the sky and said angrily.

I saw the vulture high in the sky with a fierce look in its eyes, and circles of black spiritual patterns emanating from its body. The huge wings stirred up the whistling of the wind, whipping up a black whirlwind, and the sharp claws like golden hooks ripped towards A'Zhu below.

High in the air.

A'Zhu, who was downwind, had already noticed the movement of the vulture above his head.

"Bald Bird, let me show you how powerful this fairy bird is."

A'Zhu spread his wings and turned into a beam of fire, rising up to meet the attack.

In just a moment, the two collided.

There was a "boom".

A large group of fireworks exploded high in the sky, scattering and making the sky red.

The huge vulture disappeared, only a long feather that was burnt into a charcoal stick fell straight down, dragging a wisp of black smoke and losing its soul.

Behind the rocks.

"Boss, your bird is on fire."

"It doesn't matter, there are many such birds." As he spoke, Chen Ping glanced at the corner of his mouth, flipped his wrist, and seven or eight long brown feathers appeared in his palm as before.

Chen Ping weighed the long feather in his palm, snorted coldly, and took it back.

"It's not that easy to trick me into showing up. There are many of them now, so let's not go out rashly." After saying that, the feather cloak behind him fluttered, and in a ball of flying feathers, the two figures disappeared from the spot.

A'Zhu circled in the sky and then sent a message: "I killed the vulture just now. The person who released him should have gone far away."

The moment the flames exploded in the sky.

Gui Gu Changyang, who was sitting cross-legged below, had a long knife lying flat on his legs shaking and making a squeaking sound. It seemed that the demon knife had caught the breath of fighting and killing and was excited.

Guigu Changyang opened his eyes, hung the long knife on his waist, and said loudly: "You two in the woods, please come out."

"Excuse me, Mulingyuan Xu Yang, this is my friend Bai Mujin."

"I'm in Guigu Changyang."

Gui Gu Changyang looked at it carefully and continued: "I have heard of you. You are the only monk in the Void Realm in this evil ghost trial, and you are the only mortal. It is really not easy to come here."

"It looks like you were injured? Who hurt you?"

"I accidentally injured myself."

"It's very troublesome for you to be injured here alone. Do you need help?"

"Thank you for your concern. It's okay now."

"Big man, please don't be so harsh. I can see that your breathing is unstable. I'm afraid you're seriously injured. And there were other people peeking in here just now." Bai Mujin said at the side.

"If my brother needs someone to protect him and heal his injuries, we don't mind helping." Xu Yang added.

"Every disciple who is tested in the Evil Ghost Path is a competitor. Aren't you two afraid that if you help me now, I will become your enemy in the future?"

"If you trust the two of us, the three of us can form a team together, so we won't be opponents." Xu Yang said.

"I'm used to being alone. If we want to form a team, you'd better go find someone else. Please don't take offense."

"You are quite straightforward, and I don't blame you. It's hard for disciples in the trial to trust each other. But it looks like you were seriously injured. I have a God-Jointing Pill here. Take it and take it. I hope Next time we meet, we can be friends." Xu Yang threw out a small blue porcelain bottle.

It was not that Xu Yang was being generous or trying to curry favor by giving such a valuable elixir when they first met.

It's just that Guigu Changyang is a direct disciple of the Guigu family. And Xu Yang's master Gui Gu Yeyan is the founding ancestor of the Gui Gu family. This Guigu Changyang was originally the direct grandson of Guigu Yeyan for unknown generations.

Therefore, when Xu Yang meets people from the Guigu family, he always feels a sense of intimacy in his heart.

Moreover, Xu Yang believed that although the disciples participating in the trial here were in a competitive relationship, they were all disciples of the Tiangui Sect and should compete openly and honestly. Taking advantage of others' danger should not be done between fellow disciples.

Guigu Changyang reached out and took the porcelain bottle and opened it.

A purple-gold elixir with three silver lines on its surface danced in the vial, full of spirituality.

"High-grade Divine Formation Pill?" Guigu Changyang asked in surprise.

Extremely precious pills such as the High-Grade God-Jointing Pill are simply priceless. Even if Guigu Changyang is an elite disciple of the Guigu family, he cannot easily find one. This elixir is one of the best auxiliary elixirs for breaking through to the true elixir realm. It is also an excellent medicine for healing wounds, but few people do it.

"Thank you."



Looking at the two people leaving, Guigu Changyang whispered: "Xu Yang, I, Guigu Changyang, owe you a favor."

After saying that, he took the Jie Shen Dan in the bottle, sat down cross-legged, still placed the long knife at his waist neatly on his thigh, and began to use the medicine to heal his injuries.

After a stick of incense, Guigu Changyang stopped and stood up. He tried to activate his true energy, and his body became extremely smooth, and most of his injuries were recovered.

"See you next time, maybe we can actually become friends and form a team together."

Guigu Changyang was still grateful to Xu Yang for giving him the medicine.

He held his long knife with one hand, and gently stroked the scabbard with the other hand. The eyes looking at the long sword were full of intimacy. It was as if the sword was his loyal dog, a good horse, and a long-lost friend.

"Yuye, my friend, our trial is about to truly begin."

The long knife buzzed, and the intent of the knife seemed to be unbearable. A large number of cat's-eye gems are inlaid on the surface of the scabbard, reflecting a strange light.

The sword in his hand is called "Rainy Night". It is a famous demon sword, and it is also a terrifying demon sword.

The demon sword "Rainy Night" was not refined by a master refiner like other swords, but was transformed from the legendary gray-scale dragon known as the Rain Demon. The scabbard containing this sword is a rare space treasure, and inside it is a demon pool full of demonic energy.

This sword is a demon weapon passed down from the Guigu family. When used, the demonic aura soars into the sky, and its power is astonishing and unrivaled.

The longer "Rainy Night" stays in the scabbard, the stronger the demonic power accumulated on the blade becomes, and the more ferocious and domineering the sword becomes. But every time the sword is drawn, there will be corresponding demonic power corroding the user. The three seniors of the Guigu family who used this sword before were turned into monsters with cat faces and fish bodies due to the backlash of the demonic power on the swords, and then went mad and died.

Therefore, this sword was regarded as an ominous object, and it has been sealed by the Guigu family with secret methods and has been in a dormant state.

More than twenty years ago.

A couple in the Guigu family welcomed the birth of their child.

For three consecutive days before the child was born, it seemed as if someone had poked a hole in the Tianchi in the sky. Heavy rains raged, rivers overflowed their banks, landslides occurred, and the sky was dark.

With the cry of a child inside the house, the violent rain outside suddenly stopped, and the sun shone brightly in the sky.

Therefore, the parents named the child Guigu Changyang.

But Guigu Changyang was different from other children when he was born, with gray skin all over his body.

"Why does this child have gray skin?" The child's father was a little surprised.

"He's just different." Mother held the sleeping little Changyang in her arms, her eyes full of love.

Little Changyang grew up healthily under the care of his parents, who were their sweethearts.

However, when Xiao Changyang reached the age of five, something strange happened to his body. Whenever it rains, some gray mud-like sticky substance will flow out of his pores.

One time, Xiao Changyang was playing with several friends. Suddenly it rained heavily and there was no way to escape.

"Stay away from me, you dirty, mud-covered kid."

"Hit him, beat this loach-turned-monster."

"This wild boy was basically picked up from the mire by his father."

"Stone him."

From then on, his friends stopped playing with him. Every time they saw him, they would hit him with rocks, insult him, and bully him.

"Mom, did I pick it up?"

"No, my boy, you are just different."

"Dad, am I transformed from a loach?"

"Silly boy, you are daddy's baby."

When Xiao Changyang was seven years old, during a family sacrificial event.

The demon sword "Rainy Night" was hung on the altar, and the family elders were casting spells to strengthen the seal on it.

Unexpectedly, something strange happened in the middle, the seal was damaged, the demon sword "Rainy Night" unleashed its demonic power, and the demonic power transformed, and the phantom of a scale dragon hovered over the demon sword.

In an instant, the altar was overturned, strong winds blew, heavy rain fell suddenly, and the house collapsed.

Children's cries, shouts, thunder and lightning, and the roar of scale dragons were all in chaos.

The sudden and raging demonic power caught people off guard. Several elders present tried to step forward to cast spells to stop it, but they were so shocked by the demonic power that they vomited blood and were seriously injured.

"Go find someone to help."

"Take all the children here immediately."

At this moment, the sharp claws of the raging scale dragon grabbed Xiao Changyang's position.

Xiao Changyang's father stood in front of Xiao Changyang regardless of his own safety. With a bang, he fainted under the bombardment of the scale dragon.

"Daddy, wake up." He knelt down and shouted.

Looking at his father who fell to the ground, his friends who fell to the ground, and his clan members who were fleeing in all directions, Xiao Changyang's eyes showed a hint of determination.

The only way to save them is to stop the violent dragon shadow in front of them.

He didn't know where the courage came from, and he rushed towards the scale dragon and grabbed the handle of the knife exposed outside the scabbard.

With a seemingly short body and short arms, he pulled out the demon sword "Rainy Night" from its sheath.

As if the image of the raging dragon had seen its master, it let out a long cry and dived back onto the blade.

"Canglang" sound.

The sword is sheathed, the wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, and the sun is shining in the sky.


He is no longer the monster that made his friends hate him;

No longer the child lost in the rain;

No longer an alien in people's eyes.


He is the hero who saves his friends;

He is a brave young man under the sun;

He is a genius in people's eyes.

He is different.

From then on, the demon sword "Rainy Night" hung on Guigu Changyang's waist, and the two were inseparable.

However, Guigu Changyang's strange disease of causing "gray mud" to overflow from his pores on rainy days unexpectedly healed itself without treatment, and his physical strength increased greatly, becoming the legend of the Demon Sword.

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