True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 197 Impermanence Hongxue

Guigu Changyang left not long ago.

Behind the boulder on the opposite side of the forest, a group of brown flight feathers appeared out of thin air. The flying feathers dispersed, and two human figures appeared inside. Chen Ping and Xiaoquan left and returned.

"Boss, Guigu Changyang and the two people in the woods have gone away. These three people don't have the Nine Nether Crystals in their hands. The three rabbits just ran away in vain. Our first attempt to wait for the rabbit was a failure. Let's do it." Looking at the empty opposite side, Koizumi stretched out three fingers and said while calculating.

"What do you know? The three of them are obviously waiting here. There are only two of us, one less than them. Therefore, the two of us become rabbits in their eyes. Remember, the one with the smaller number is always the rabbit. Only when we have a large number of people can we fight quickly and wait for the enemy." Chen Ping replied proudly.

"Boss, I understand."

Koizumi stretched out three fingers on one hand and two fingers on the other hand, comparing them back and forth while nodding.

"This is the only way to return to the exit of the Evil Ghost Path. We will wait here. Counting the time, the four friends from Shangguan's family and Dongfang's family should arrive. When the six of us gather together, others will pass by here. All of them are our rabbits. The Nine Nether Crystals they worked so hard to obtain will be taken away by us."

At this point, Chen Ping laughed proudly.

"The boss is wise."


In the sky of the evil ghost realm, the black sun hangs high.

Four long figures were reflected on an empty slope. Four figures like snakes gradually approached the top of the slope, and four men appeared.

A white-faced scholar holding a folding fan, a young man with a sharp mouth and rat eyes, a drunkard with a face smelling of alcohol and a red nose, and the last one has a black mole as big as a copper coin on his left cheek. The black hair is very eye-catching.

These are the friends Chen Ping calls, the four people who have made an appointment with Chen Ping to wait and see.

None of them were disciples of the three major families. In order to compete with the disciples of the three major families who had strong personal combat capabilities, these six people formed an alliance and prepared to rob the returning disciples near the exit.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time to go back and implement our wait-and-see plan. I bet that Chen Ping and his silly brother should have returned long ago. The bet is three hundred high-grade spiritual stones. Which of the three of you is willing to bet?" Holding a blue said the white-faced scholar holding a folding fan.

"Shangguan Feiyun, Chen Ping talks about quick decisions every day and likes to do everything in advance. Isn't this a fair bet?" Dongfang Ke, who has a mole on his face, replied.

"Yes, yes, it's unfair. Besides, gambling is really boring. It's better to drink wine." said the red-nosed Dongfang Zhi, picked up a wine gourd on his waist, raised his head and took three big sips.

Then he clicked his lips, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The sharp-tongued Shangguan Liang remained silent and fiddled with a plush, black-skinned and yellow-striped wolf spider in his palm, which was about the size of a fist.

"Dongfang Ke, let's change the bet and bet on whether the next person we meet is a man or a woman?" Shangguan Feiyun continued.

"Of course she is a woman. Fortune tellers say that I am born with good luck in the east." As he spoke, he stroked the long hair on the mole on his cheek with his right hand, and his small eyes flashed with excitement.

"Okay, the bet is still three hundred spirit stones."

"I'm following."

"I really don't understand. Several elders of the family insist that we take part in this Evil Ghost Hall trial. What's the benefit of joining the Evil Ghost Hall? Every day, I look at the arrogance of the three major families who only know how to practice Kung Fu all day long. I wonder, It’s boring to think about it,” Shangguan Feiyun continued.

"We cannot let the three major families dominate the Evil Ghost Hall like before, otherwise their power in the Tiangui Sect will increase, and we, the ordinary children of the aristocratic families, will not be as prosperous as we are now." Dongfang Ke replied.

"So, our main task this time is not the Nine Nether Crystals, but to knock out the disciples of the three major families who are alone." said the red-nosed Dongfang Zhi.

"Our plan to wait and see is exciting to think about. Finally, we can bully the disciples of the three major families with more people and less people."

"Shh, please keep your voices down, my little furball told me that someone is coming down the hillside." Shangguan Liang, who had been silent before, suddenly said.

The black tarantula in his palm kept tapping his palm rhythmically with its eight long legs, as if conveying some message.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Feiyun raised his wrist and threw a white talisman in front of several people.

With a slight "pop" sound, a large white thick fog emerged from the talisman, instantly covering the figures of several people.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a noise from down the hillside.

A black-haired wild boar as big as a cow ran towards the hillside here, with its fangs exposed, breathing heavily from its big nostrils, and making a rapid "luoluo" cry from its long mouth. Rolling loess.

I saw a water-blue figure chasing after the black boar. I don’t know what movement technique this person used. His speed was extremely fast and erratic, making it difficult to see his face for a while. A faint aqua blue dress can be seen rippling like water, which is very beautiful. She should be a female nun.

The two were running away and chasing each other, and in an instant they were going uphill.

I saw the female cultivator in blue raise her hand, and a sword energy was like a rainbow.

Blood splattered, and the running wild boar was split in half from the middle of the body, and rolled to the ground with a roar.

Immediately afterwards, a blazing black flame ignited on the wild boar's body after it fell to the ground. The flames dissipated, and a walnut-sized black demon crystal with four corners fell on the ground.

The woman in blue shirt held a long sword in her hand and came closer.

Her skin is as white as snow, her hair is as long as a waterfall, and she has a graceful figure. There is a chill in her watery eyes that makes people dare not play with her. He looks to be only about twenty years old.

She glanced at the black demon crystal on the ground, and said to herself with some disappointment: "This is already the sixth ghost beast. It seems that it is difficult to find the Nine Nether Crystals in ordinary ghost beasts."

Hidden in the mist on the hillside.

"She is a disciple of the three major families. The sword that killed the pig-shaped ghost beast just now was quite powerful." The red-nosed Dongfang Zhi said, picking up the wine gourd and taking a sip of wine.

"It's a girl, my love has arrived. Shangguan Feiyun, bring me three hundred spirit stones, you lose. Such a tender beauty, why don't we hurry up and capture her, up and down, carefully Search around." Dongfang Ke said with excitement as the long hair on the mole on his face trembled slightly.

"Three hundred spirit stones for you. I, Shangguan Feiyun, have always been willing to admit defeat." With that said, he took out the bag of three hundred spirit stones and stuffed it into Dongfang Ke.

Dongfang Ke took the bag containing the spirit stones and put it into his arms without even looking at Shangguan Feiyun. He kept staring at the woman in blue in the distance, as if the woman in blue lived in his eyes. .

"I know this woman is Wuchang Hongxue of the Wuchang family, and she is not someone to be trifled with." Shangguan Liang, who was playing with the wolf spider, reminded her.

"What are you afraid of? She is a True Alchemy Realm monk. Can four of us True Alchemy Realm monks not be able to defeat her?" Shangguan Feiyun said.


Wuchang Hongxue just turned around to leave.

"Beauty, please stay." Dongfang Ke jumped out first.

The other three people then stood up and immediately surrounded Wuchang Hongxue.

Seeing the postures of the four people, Wuchang Hongxue already knew the situation clearly.

"What, are you four going to rob the Nine Nether Crystals?"

"Hand over the Nine Nether Crystals obediently." Shangguan Feiyun said sternly, with a cold light in his eyes.

"I disappoint you. I don't have the Nine Nether Crystals, and even if I do, I won't give it to you." Wuchang Hongxue said coldly.

"Whether you have the Nine Nether Crystals or not, we will bully you." Dongfang Ke said with a wicked smile.

"Do it!" Shangguan Feiyun shouted, and the folding fan came out of his hand. With one move, the green snake moved towards Wuchang Hongxue's shoulder.

Dongfang Ke showed off a pair of silver ghost claws and rushed towards him with a sinister smile.

Dongfang Zhi was also unambiguous, and the wine gourd in his hand swung out like a meteor hammer, making a whirring sound.

Shangguan Liang was no longer playing with his wolf spider. He raised one hand and three poisonous needles turned into small cold lights and shot out.

Wuchang Hongxue shook the long sword in his hand, and it unfolded like a spiritual snake, with sections connected to each other. It had the agility of a steel whip and the sharpness of a long sword. Circles and circles, airtight.

The weapons met, making a clanging sound, and the power pressed the void, and the five people fought together.

With a "dang" sound, the ghost claw in Dongfang Ke's hand was entangled with the Spirit Snake Sword.

Gui Gu Hongxue flicked his wrist, and the Spirit Snake Sword in his hand surged like waves, and a huge force was transmitted to him.

Dongfang Ke only felt the tiger's mouth go numb, his fingers loosened, the ghost claws in his hands flew up into the air, and his body staggered.

The Spirit Snake Sword didn't stop for a moment, and the tip of the sword was like an attacking spirit snake. Before Dongfang Ke could stand firm, the sword tip reached three inches from Dongfang Ke's throat.

"Oh, there are three kidnapped women's stoves hidden at home waiting for me to go back and enjoy them. It would be a loss if I died here." Dongfang Ke yelled in his heart.

At this moment, there was a bang.

Amidst the flying sparks, a copper-skinned wine gourd hit Wuchang Hongxue's sword body. The tip of the sword tilted and grazed Dongfang Ke's cheek. The long hair on the mole on his left cheek was cut off by the tip of the sword.

Dongfang Ke and Dongfang Zhi were originally disciples of the Dongfang family. Although they were not brothers from the same family, they were still brothers on weekdays. Seeing Dongfang Ke in danger, Dongfang Zhi will of course help.

"Thank you, brother, I will buy you a drink when I go back." Dongfang Ke thanked him continuously.

"Hey, that's easy to talk about."

With the lesson learned from this attack, Dongfang Ke no longer dared to advance rashly.

At the beginning, Wuchang Hongxue was able to compete with the four of them with the help of his strange and changeable Spirit Snake Sword, and even had a slight upper hand.

But as time went by, under the combined attack of the four people, flaws were inevitably exposed. Accidentally, his shoulder was scratched by Dongfang Ke's ghost claw, leaving a dazzling blood red streak on his snow-white shoulder.

Guigu Hongxue was unhurried and used secret body skills, fighting and then retreating.

Seeing that they were gaining momentum, the four of them attacked even more fiercely, chasing them all the way from the hillside to the bottom of the mountain.

At this moment, a girl's shout came from the void: "We are all disciples of the same sect, why should four grown men bully a woman and have the ability to compete openly and honestly?"

Before he finished speaking, a handsome woman in white appeared from the woods opposite, and beside her stood a sunny boy in a light green gown. It was Hibiscus and Xu Yang who happened to be passing by here.

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