True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 200 Four people were scared away

Xu Yang, Hibiscus, Black Cat Yetu, Wuchang Hongxue and four children from aristocratic families give it a go. Unexpectedly, the opponents are all strong men in the True Alchemy Realm, and they are much stronger than ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks, so they are gradually losing to them.

At this moment, a person floated down on the hillside outside the battle circle.

This man was extremely thin, as if he had never eaten anything since he was born. Skinny and bones could not be better described. There was a slight light blue glow on his exposed cheeks and arms, and it was hard to tell the difference from the blue clothes he was wearing.

Maybe he likes blue, water-like blue.

At this moment, his face was expressionless and his eyes were looking into the distance, as if he were a traveler from hell looking into the distance.

There was a white, fleshless skeleton lying on his back. The skeleton was pointing with its dry and pale fingers at the melee crowd below.

There was a clicking sound as the upper and lower jaws moved. He seemed to be whispering something to him.

This person is Guigu Zan who happens to be passing by here.

Guigu Zan looked in the direction of the skull's finger, and his eyes swept through the crowd of people fighting at the foot of the hillside, and stopped at Wuchang Hongxue, who was wearing an aqua blue dress.

He likes this blue color.

There was a hint of nervousness in his indifferent eyes. The figure flashed like a ghost and disappeared from the place.

On the hillside where I originally stood, there was only a lonely wisp of dust flying around in the air, not even a single footprint.

The next moment, in the center of the fiercely fighting crowd, a blue shadow appeared out of thin air.

Everyone present who was fighting seemed to notice it at the same time.

Guigu Zan said calmly: "Stop!"

The sound was not loud, but it sounded to everyone's ears like the sharp roar of a ghost, and the souls of those who heard it were stirred.

"Guigu Zan!"

They looked at the blue-skinned weirdo with a white skull lying on his back and said in unison.

And they stopped fighting in unison, as if the life-and-death fight between them just now was just a rehearsal, and someone suddenly called a pause.

"Are you guys competing for the Nine Nether Crystals?" Guigu Zan said coldly.

"Gui Gu Zan, it's you." Wuchang Hongxue saw Gui Gu Zan's appearance, with a strange look on his face. He seemed familiar, but also a little strange.

Guigu Zan nodded and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although the corners of his thin mouth were just curled up, Wuchang Hongxue knew in his heart.

That's his smile.

His unique smile.

It's a smile for her.

Wuchang Hongxue's pretty face turned red and she smiled brightly.

Then he said: "We don't have the Nine Nether Crystals on our bodies, but these four people opposite..."

Before Wuchang Hongxue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Guigu Zan's gesture.

"Without the Nine Nether Crystals, you four are still wasting time here? Let's all disperse."

Guigu Zan still said calmly.

The jaws of the skull lying on his shoulder seemed to be repeating his words.

"This Gui Gu Zan is not easy to mess with. Unless the six of us gather together, we may be able to fight him by using the "Six Ghost Shura Formation"." Shang Gong Feiyun immediately sent a message to the other three.

"This person's strength is even that of ordinary Yuanhun realm monks, and he is no match for him. And it seems that he knows Wu Chang Hongxue." Shangguan Liang whispered.

"Seeing that these two beauties were captured without any effort, why did they kill such a monster halfway?" Dongfang Kemi said.

"We'd better be wise and go away. The list left by the family elders before coming here specifically stated that we should not easily provoke this person. We'd better hurry up and meet the Chen Ping brothers and implement our wait-and-see plan." Dongfang Zhi Whispered.

"It turns out to be the famous Gui Gu Zan. I'm disrespectful." Shangguan Feiyun greeted him with a smile.

The other three also nodded and bowed.

"Four of you, go slowly, I won't send you off." Guigu Zan replied calmly.

The four of them didn't even take another look at Xu Yang and others, fearing that unnecessary conflicts would arise. If the blue-skinned weirdo in front of them was angry, the consequences would be serious.

At this time, the four of them were like little ghosts who had seen the King of Hell, losing their anger. Much more docile than the little white rabbit.

Just as he turned around and walked a short distance away, Shangguan Liang, who had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, jogged all the way and turned back.

He took out a small green porcelain bottle and handed it to Wuchang Hongxue with both hands.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Miss Hongxue, this is the antidote to spider toxin. Everything before was all a misunderstanding. You have a large amount, so don't worry about it. We also act according to the rules of the trial. This toxin is not fatal, but after being poisoned, The more forcefully you exercise, the deeper the poison will be. As long as you take this antidote and don't use your body within five days, you will be back to normal."

Wuchang Hongxue knew that the other party did not dare to deceive her because Guigu Zan was standing next to her.

He just glanced coldly, took the vial containing the antidote, and said nothing.

When Shangguan Liang saw Wichang Hongxue and obtained the antidote, it was as if he had accomplished a major event that made him extremely happy. The joy from his heart caused a mountain of wrinkles on his face.

Then, he turned around and chased the other three people.

Xu Yang had already seen Gui Gu Zan's strength in the ring competition. Among all the champions who were shortlisted for the Evil Ghost Path Trial, Gui Gu Zan's strength should be one of the best. This man is also one of the most powerful among the True Alchemy Realm monks Xu Yang has ever seen.

I sighed in my heart that in order to help Wuchang Hongxue, I and Mu Jin tried their best, but still fell into a deep crisis. Unexpectedly, Guigu Zan appeared out of nowhere and said a few words, then sent the four young men away. It seems that only if you are stronger can you protect the people and things you love.

"Guigu Zan, thank you for coming. These four people stopped me just now and asked for the Nine Nether Crystals, so they would eliminate me. Fortunately, I met Young Master Xu Yang and Miss Mu Jin next to me to help me." Wuchang Hongxue said in a gentle tone.

"Really? Do you want me to catch the four people just now and follow your orders, or let them go out directly." Guigu Zan's originally light and watery tone seemed to have a little sweetness added to it.

"That's not necessary. I know that you have your own purpose in coming here for the trial. Didn't I ask to form a team with you before, but you rejected it? I won't bother you with this matter." Wuchang Hongxue's tone was somewhat He said complainingly.

"Originally, I wanted to have a duel with that person here. I couldn't form a team with you, so I rejected your request to form a team. However, I found that the person is now suffering from serious internal injuries. So, I changed my mind and canceled this for the time being. A duel." Guigu Zan explained.

"It's not Guigu Changyang." Wuchang Hongxue immediately thought of Guigu Changyang. Because she knew the man in front of her too well. He wants to defeat the person who is set as a target in his heart and continue to become stronger. And the equally powerful Guigu Changyang is one of his targets.

Guigu Zan nodded.

Wuchang Hongxue shook her head helplessly.

Xu Yang overheard the conversation between Gui Gu Zan and Wuchang Hongxue, and felt that the relationship between the two should be similar to his relationship with Mu Jin, but somewhat different.

Guigu Zan's blue skin and skinny appearance cannot be described as ugly, it should be extraordinary. Wuchang Hongxue's skin is like fresh snow, her face is like peach blossoms, and her waist is like willow. She is a typical beauty.

The two stood together, wearing the same blue clothes, but they looked surprisingly harmonious. Maybe they both like the blue color on each other, the same but different.

Suddenly, Xu Yang thought of something in his mind.

Another master, Ning Tianqi, once gave him a task before the Evil Ghost Path trial.

He was asked to pay attention to three disciples who had had contact with the shadow organization. The three people on the list, except Mu Jin, were Gui Gu Zan and Wuchang Hongxue in front of him.

"Although these two people seem a bit mysterious, judging from their conversation, if they are really the ones sent by the Shadow Organization, the two of them should at least take care of each other. Instead of one being obsessed with finding others to duel, and the other acting alone. It seems that Master Ning Tianqi is right, there may be someone else sent by the Shadow Organization to complete the mission." Xu Yang initially estimated that these two people were not from the Shadow Organization.

Wuchang Hongxue took the antidote in the vial. The pills were tasteless in the mouth, and there was only a coolness that penetrated her body.

After a while, most of the numbness in the body was reduced. Trying to practice Qigong, as Shangguan Liang said, there are signs of repeated poisoning.

"You are injured, let me help you heal." Guigu Zan asked after seeing Wuchang Hongxue taking the antidote.

"I just accidentally got spider toxin. It should be fine after taking the antidote. However, I'm afraid I won't be able to operate my body within five days. It seems that I have to withdraw from the trial." Wuchang Hongxue said with some helplessness.

"It doesn't matter. From now on, you will form a team with me and practice here together. In these five days, we will find a place for you to rest quietly. The remaining time is enough to obtain the Nine Nether Crystals."

Guigu Zan said confidently, it seemed that recovering Wuchang Hongxue from his injuries was his most urgent goal at the moment, and he would definitely be able to accomplish it.

Wuchang Hongxue smiled and nodded, a red cloud floating on her cheeks.

Five days is a short time, but it is a time that makes people happy.

Being able to stay quietly with the man in front of her for five days was already a very happy thing for her.

She was now beginning to feel lucky that she had participated in this evil ghost trial.

She didn't even hate the four children of the aristocratic family who made things difficult for her just now. It was their evil intentions that created this coincidence for themselves, which led to these five days of being with Guigu Zan.

Afterwards, Wuchang Hongxue once again thanked Xu Yang and Mu Jin for their help.

After the four of them said goodbye to each other, Guigu Zan took Wuchang Hongxue to find a quiet place to recuperate.

Hibiscus bandaged the injured silver-backed ape's arm, and Black Cat Ye Tu also suffered some minor injuries and hid in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to recover.

"Let's continue looking for the Nine Nether Crystals."

The two walked side by side towards the depths of the Evil Ghost Path.

As the two of them went deeper, they encountered several low-level ghost beasts along the way. After killing him easily, he did not get the Nine Nether Crystals, only ordinary single-color demon crystals.

The world in the evil ghost realm is different from the outside world.

The black sun always hangs high in the sky. But at night, it seemed as if something was blocking the front of the black ball. The light was no longer as intense as during the day, but much more restrained and subtle.

At this time, it was getting dark, and the two decided to sleep in the wild. Without the heat of the day, the coolness of the night is refreshing.

They found a clean open space and chatted face to face.

We talked about our childhood memories and interesting things in cultivation. The atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious, just like this quiet and cool night.

At this moment, a roar of a beast came from the forest not far away.


The scream cut through the silent night like a sharp knife.

Xu Yang instinctively dispersed his consciousness and clearly felt that something was moving quickly in the direction of the two of them.

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