True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 201 Nine Nether Crystals

Looking from a distance, in the dense forest, large trees were continuously knocked down, raising large amounts of dust and blocking the view. It's hard to see what's going on.

The ground rumbled, as if a huge hammer was beating mercilessly, and the sound came from far to near.

Xu Yang stood in front of Mu Jin, looking at the direction where the sound came from, and said seriously: "It should be a fight and chase between the ghost beasts. This time the ghost beasts look much stronger than the ones they encountered before. , maybe we can harvest a Nine Nether Crystal. We might as well hide and wait for the opportunity."

"That's a good idea." Hibiscus nodded obediently.

Just as the two were about to turn around and leave.

"Don't leave. Can you two good guys help me?"

"Who is it? Who is speaking there?" Hibiscus asked.

Following the sound, I saw a rustling movement in the bushes not far from the two of them.

The grass and trees were separated, and out of it emerged a patterned tiger cub that was only the size of a house cat.

Its round head like a ball of wool looked behind it from time to time, with a very panicked look in its sapphire-like eyes. When he walked, he limped on his right hind leg.

"It's me." Xiaohu looked at the two of them and replied timidly.

"The talking little tiger? Is he injured?" Mu Jin's eyes lit up. The little guy opposite looked really cute.

After saying that, he wanted to step forward to check Xiaohu's injury.

As a beast tamer, Hibiscus can understand the meaning of a spirit beast just by looking at its eyes.

And in the eyes of the injured tiger, she saw real anxiety and a very sincere prayer. Therefore, I temporarily put down my vigilance.

"Wait!" Xu Yang stretched out his hand to stop Mu Jin who was about to step forward.

"The information provided by the sect before coming here shows that there should be no ordinary spirit beasts here, they are all ghost beasts. And this little tiger looks completely different from other ghost beasts, more like an intelligent and psychic spirit beast. Are you from Where are you from? What do you want us to help you with?" Xu Yang asked warily.

"I was born here, living on Youfeng Mountain in the north. I have five sisters at home. When I ran out this time, I found that strange humans had entered here to kill the ghost beasts, causing the ghost beasts to go crazy. Right now, I Being chased by a mad ghost beast."

Xiaohu said, looking at Xu Yang and blinking.

Then he said cleverly: "You are the humans who came here to kill the ghost beasts. After all, my danger is slightly related to your arrival. I ask you to help me attract the ghost beasts behind me, or kill them." Xiao Liuzi, I will thank you."

This little tiger named "Little Liuzi" is by no means an ordinary spiritual beast. It displays an IQ comparable to that of humans.

While surprised by his IQ, Xu Yang became more cautious. I vaguely felt that the Youfeng Mountain mentioned in this little tiger's mouth was definitely not simple.

"You little guy is quite eloquent," said Hibiscus on the side.

"Sister, the little fairy in white, are you willing to help me? Thank you, thank you."

The little guy rolled his eyes at Xu Yang, turned his head and nodded his thanks to Mu Jin.

"What a cute little Liuzi." Mu Jin smiled happily.

"It's so cunning to know how to adapt to the wind." Xu Yang thought to himself.

At this moment, a towering tree not far away was snapped in half and fell to the ground with a roar. Dust and weeds were mixed together and lifted up into the sky.

A huge and terrifying figure was vaguely visible in the flying dust.

The huge figure leaned forward, suddenly revealing a giant claw covered with scales.

Immediately afterwards, a ghost beast with a body of five or six feet tall appeared in front of Xu Yang and the two of them. The long tail swaying behind it slapped on the ground, making a thumping sound.

This ghost beast looks like a standing giant lizard, with black scales all over its body, its lower limbs as strong as iron pillars, a pair of sharp front claws half-raised, and a thick long tail trailing behind it.

What's disgusting is that there is a human face on its neck. It was a confused and somewhat sad face.

"Does this ghost beast have anything to do with humans? Or is it mutated into a human face? Or is the ghost beast wearing a human mask?"

Looking at the human face of the ghost beast, Xu Yang had doubts in his heart.

The ghost beast's human face was twisted, its eyes were round and red, staring at the little tiger on the ground, and a wisp of saliva fell from the corner of its open mouth.

Xiaohu felt the greed and bloodthirst from the ghost beast, trembled all over, and cleverly hid behind Bai Mujin.

With a "whoop" sound, the ghost beast's huge claws struck down, with great force and astonishing power.

Seeing this, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, curled up the fire wings behind his back, and rose into the air, with a golden light dancing out of the four magic long sticks in his hands.


Like the sharp claws weighing down the top of Mount Tai, Xu Yang was carried in the air with the four magic long sticks.

The ghost beast couldn't believe that this tiny human could actually block his own blow.

This area of ​​a hundred miles is its territory, and all intruders will eventually become its prey, even other ghost beasts are no exception.

So far, there has been no defeat.

Maybe as long as it fails once, it will become the food of other ghost beasts. Killing each other is the survival law of the ghost beasts.

A furious expression suddenly appeared on its face. The ghost beast roared, its cry shook the world, its huge long tail swung back and forth, and its bones rattled.

The sharp claws pressed down harder, and Xu Yang's figure in mid-air was pressed down by it.

"What a strength."

Not daring to be negligent, the fire wings curled up again behind him, forcibly raising the Qi, infusing both arms with the power of the blood soul, and a phantom of a purple sacred mountain appeared on the long stick.


The friction between the long stick and the claws captured by the ghost beast produced large sparks. The downward momentum of the claws stopped abruptly.

"Leave this ghost beast to me, Xu Xiaoxian, and you all should hide behind it." Xu Yang said loudly in mid-air.

Hibiscus quickly picked up Xiaohu and stepped back.

When the ghost beast saw the little tiger being taken away, it looked up to the sky and roared wildly.

Shooting three claws in a row.

Without worries from below, Xu Yang no longer resisted the opponent's attacks. He used the Fire Wing Chasing Wind movement technique to dodge them one by one.

The huge sharp claws fell into the air and slapped on the ground. Earth and rocks flew away, leaving claw marks as deep as ravines.

Seeing the right moment, his body drew a fiery red arc in mid-air, and he picked up the four magic long sticks with both hands and swept them across the left thigh of the ghost beast.

The sound of "bang" was like a heavy punch hitting a strong sandbag.

The ghost beast's huge body shook, and the leg that was hit left a clear blood mark.

Xu Yang only felt numbness in the tiger's mouth and soreness in his arms.

He was secretly surprised that the power of his stick was enough to destroy a hill. But it could only cause some superficial injuries to this ghost beast.

The ghost beast was furious, waving claws and flapping long tails fell like a storm. Xu Yang nimbly dodged in the air like a swift, but the cruel attack of the ghost beast could never touch Xu Yang's body.

And Xu Yang hit the ghost beast's neck, chest, back and other places firmly with several sticks.

The sound of banging and banging was endless, like a hammer hitting a strong cowhide drum.

After repeated blows, Xu Yang had a plan in mind.

The defense of this ghost beast is extremely strong, and it seems that its weird human face is the only weak point.

Thinking of this, he retracted the Sihuan long stick and flipped his wrist, revealing five silver flying knives.

There are faint circles of dark red ripples on the silver blade, concealing a powerful and powerful force, which is absolutely extraordinary.

These flying knives were made for Xu Yang by the former master weapon refiner Ouyang Cheng using ten thousand years of rock marrow. They were weapons specially used to practice the Wuxiang Qianren Flying Knife Skill.

Silently recite the Wuxiang Qianren Dharma in your heart. Raising his hand, the five flying knives drew five rays of silver light and shot out, targeting the ghost beast's human face.

Seeing that the other party was about to attack his only weak point, the face of Youshou showed panic for the first time.

The huge long tail kept sweeping wildly in front of him, like an airtight iron curtain.

Seeing the move, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the five flying knives in the air suddenly separated. The five flying knives were spinning rapidly around the ghost beast's huge body like meteors.

The silver trajectory weaves a sharp knife network.

The ghost beast's long tail swept back and forth, and its two sharp claws kept beating, but it could only feel the ripples left by the flying knives in the air.

As time passed, it became as powerful as a ghost beast, and there were mistakes in its movements, and it was easy to spot the fleeting gaps.


The five flying knives were like snake fangs that were attacking, and they were hard to guard against, stabbing the ghost beast's face one after another.

Five intersecting blood stains appeared on the face of the ghost beast.

The next moment, blood splattered from the blood stains, and the head of the ghost beast exploded into pieces.

Its swaying long tail no longer had any strength, and it fell to the ground with its huge body.

The huge claw tip that fell was unwilling to scratch twice, using up its last strength, leaving the last trace of its life on the ground.


The huge corpse of the ghost beast ignited with blazing black flames.

After a while, the black flames dissipated with a crackling sound.

I saw a pentagonal red, yellow and blue demon crystal rolling down to the ground with a clanking sound.

At this time, Mu Jin walked out from behind holding the little tiger named "Xiao Liuzi". Xiao Liuzi's injured leg has been briefly bandaged with hibiscus.

At this time, it was like a pet cat, nestled on Hibiscus's elbow, quiet and well-behaved.

"The big monster is finally dead, thank you Brother Xiaoxian." Xiao Liuzi said happily.

"I do what I say."

The two walked to the place where the demon crystal fell, and Xu Yang bent down to pick it up.

Wherever the palm touches, one can clearly feel the rich power of the netherworld on the demon crystal.

"Could it be that this world has something to do with the underworld? The power of the underworld is much purer than that contained in the Ghost Screaming Land of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Logically speaking, the purest power of the underworld should exist in the legendary underworld." Xu Yang thought in his mind.

"It's a pity that this demon crystal only has three colors, which is far from the colorful Nine Nether Crystals." Xu Yang said with some disappointment.

"Thank you, brother and sister, for helping me out. You need colorful demon crystals. I happen to have one here."

As he spoke, Xiaohu opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of colorful light. The colorful stream of light condensed, and a seven-colored demon crystal appeared in front of their eyes.

"Nine Nether Crystals!" Xu Yang and Mu Jin said in unison.

"Even if I give you these seven-colored demon crystals as a reward for helping me, my little Liu Zi will do what he says."

Xu Yang took the colorful demon crystal and looked at it carefully.

The seven-colored demon crystal contains extremely pure power of the netherworld, with almost no impurities. It is indeed the Nine Nether Crystal that the two of them have been searching for.

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