True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 202 A strange vision appears in the sky

"It turns out that you intruders call this high-level demon crystal the Nine Netherworld Crystal. Is this the purpose of your entering this place to continuously hunt the ghost beasts?" asked the furball-like Xiao Liuzi.

"Yes, this is our purpose. But why do you have the Nine Nether Crystals on your body? Aren't you afraid that we will tie you up and ask for more Nine Nether Crystals?" Xu Yang changed the topic.

"This high-level demon crystal is a gift given to me by others, but this kind of thing is indeed very rare. I only have this one. Even if you catch me, you can't get the second one from me. I can Have you gone home?" Xiao Liuzi answered frankly.

It didn't believe that Xu Xiaoxian, who had just helped it, would really take action against it.

"You can go home. But you have to prove that you will not pose a threat to us after we let you go. After all, you just defined us as intruders."

"You saved me, and I will give you a high-level demon crystal. We owe nothing to you. However, this sister also helped me bandage my wounds. Xiao Liuzi will treat her as a friend, and I swear that I will not go against you. "

"Whether you're lying or not, let me try and find out." Xu Yang stretched out a hand and put it on Xiao Liuzi's furry head.

The little guy didn't dodge and allowed Xu Yang's palm to touch him.

"Don't hurt it." Seeing this, Hibiscus on the side felt pity.

Women are irresistible to cute little animals, and Hibiscus, as an animal trainer, can understand their cuteness.

I saw a ray of red light popping out of Xu Yang's outstretched fingertips, and then disappeared into Xiao Liuzi's body.

After a moment, Xu Yang withdrew the power of the flame spirit and nodded. The eyes he looked at this little tiger became much kinder.

"It is true that there are no more Nine Nether Crystals in your body. Your physique is somewhat similar to that of ordinary spiritual beasts, but different at the same time. Your Taoism does not seem to be high, and you are still far from a monster beast. Look. Come on, you didn’t lie to us.”

"I'm going home." Xiao Liuzi said excitedly.

"Be careful on the road, don't be discovered by other ghost beasts." Mu Jin reminded.

"Thank you, Sister Mujin, for reminding me. The ghost beasts have their own exclusive territory, and the only ghost beast king in this area was just killed by Xu Xiaoxian. There should be no other ghost beasts around here."

"You still have to be careful."

"Goodbye! Sister Baiyi. Goodbye! Xiaoxian!"

"Have a safe trip."

Xiao Liuzi raised a furry front paw and shook it towards the two of them. Turning around, his small figure disappeared into the dense bushes in the distance.

The two of them looked at Xiao Liuzi's disappearing back, feeling a little unbelievable. A little talking tiger actually gave them a Nine Nether Crystal.

With this Nine Nether Crystal, Xu Yang decided to heal the Wheel Flame Spirit first. After all, after the Chakravartin recovers from his injuries, his own strength will also improve a lot. This is also one of the purposes of his coming here.

Mu Jin stood quietly aside to help Xu Yang protect the law.

I saw Xu Yang stretching out his arm, and a golden light flashed in the palm of his hand. A round-headed flame spirit with two horns on its head and two wings on its back appeared. It looked like a ghost baby.

It squatted in Xu Yang's palm, like a sick child, with downcast eyes, looking a little tired.

With a movement of consciousness, the Flame Chakravartin slowly rose up and floated motionless in mid-air.

Holding the Nine Nether Crystal in one hand.

According to the method of treating the Chakravartin that the Master told before leaving, activate the Dark Fire Technique to activate the energy on the Nine Nether Crystals.

A purple flame immediately ignited in the palm of his hand. Under the burning of the purple flame, the energy sealed in the Nine Nether Crystal was released like a melting iceberg.

This energy is getting stronger and stronger.

"Puff puff".

Seven light filaments spit out from the surface of the Nine Nether Crystal, with different colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Driven by Xu Yang's divine consciousness and the Dark Fire Art, the seven light filaments circled and stretched, forming a thicker light filament, emitting rainbow-like light.

As more and more energy in the seven light filaments gathered together, the light filaments gradually turned black.

Deep black, pure black, just like the color of the black sun in the sky.

After a moment, a black light as thin as a pinky finger connected between the Wheel Flame Spirit and the Nine Nether Crystals.

At this moment, the violent and pure power of the netherworld in the Nine Nether Crystals was ignited, and poured into the Wheel Flame Spirit through this black light filament.

There was a pop.

A black flame ignited on the body of Chakravartin, but this flame did not harm it at all.

The flames burned bigger and bigger, and the figure of Chakravartin was submerged in it.

The energy in the black flames became stronger and stronger, circling rapidly, and the shadow of a black sun gradually appeared.

The black sun's shadow became more and more solid, and a fist-sized black sun hovered in mid-air. The black sun continued to grow until it became the size of a wooden basin.

The black sun in mid-air emits a dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding area.

The Nine Nether Crystal in Xu Yang's hand slowly lost its original rainbow color and became pure and transparent, like a piece of transparent crystal.

With a "crash", it finally turned into a handful of extremely fine powder and floated in Xu Yang's palm.

All the energy in the Nine Nether Crystals has been transformed into the black sun in mid-air.

The Wheel of Flame Spirit was wrapped in the black sun, and its shape could no longer be seen.

Through the spiritual contract with the Wheel of Fire, Xu Yang felt that the power of the netherworld in the black sun was constantly being injected into the body of the Wheel of Fire.

The pulse of the Chakravartin became stronger and stronger, gradually returning to the state before the injury.

After a stick of incense, its injuries had healed, and its growth rate was much higher than before.

At this time, the wheel flame spirit no longer absorbs the power of the netherworld in the black sun.


A smile appeared on Xu Yang's lips.

Suddenly, the energy in the black sun in mid-air became violent, like a boiling pot of hot water, gurgling, gurgling, and continuously emitting bubbles outward.

With a flash of consciousness, he wanted to call out the Wheel Flame Spirit.

But here comes the problem. At this time, Black Sun is like a cage trapping Wheel Flame Spirit in it. No matter how Xu Yang urged it, the Flame Spirit could not escape.

The energy that cannot be released in the black sun is getting more and more violent, and it seems that it will explode in the next moment.

Once Black Sun self-destructs, not only will the Chakravartin Flame Spirit be annihilated within it, but his own body will also collapse. The energy emanating from it will probably lift an area ten miles away into the sky, and there will be an unsuspecting Hibiscus behind it.

If I tell Mu Jin the truth at this time, Mu Jin will probably stay and face it with me because of her character of daring to love and hate. The safety of hibiscus must be ensured first.

Xu Yang made rapid calculations in his mind.

"Hibiscus, I just felt someone coming from the due north ten miles away. Please help me go over and take a look. I am at a critical moment now and cannot be disturbed."

"Really? I'll go take a look."

After Hibiscus finished speaking, she patted the golden cage on her waist, and a little gray monkey spun out.

After landing, it transformed into a silver-backed ape about ten feet tall.

"Houta, you can help Xu Yang protect the law quietly here. I'll go over there and take a look."

The silverback ape patted his strong chest.

"I'm going."

After saying that, Hibiscus turned around and ran towards the north.

Looking at Hibiscus' disappearing back, a smile appeared on Xu Yang's face.

"There's nothing I can't do." Xu Yang encouraged himself in his heart.

If you don’t do one thing, you won’t stop doing the other thing.

He made a wheel-like magic spell with his hands and moved up towards the black sun.

The black sun floated steadily above Xu Yang's head.

He sat cross-legged and activated the Dark Fire Technique with all his strength.

Suddenly, a black light thread as thick as a thumb shot out of the black sun above his head, and this light thread was directly connected to his Tianling Cap.

Open the Haoran Heavenly Meridian connecting Tianling Gai and Dantian Zifu. An unparalleled force of the underworld poured into his meridians.

This warm energy brings bursts of coolness, which is a unique attribute of the power of the netherworld, flowing directly through the body.

With a channel to vent, the irritable Black Sun above his head gradually calmed down.

The black sun became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a ray of light and entered his Tianling Cap.

The Chakravartin was also able to get out of trouble.

At this time, the Chakravartin was full of aura, a little bigger than before, and the scorpion tail behind it was also thicker than before.

The little guy made a face towards Xu Yang below, as if thanking Xu Yang for saving him.

Then he dodged and turned into a streak of earth-golden spiritual flame that penetrated Xu Yang's forehead, entered the Zifu space, and fell asleep.

Every pore in Xu Yang's body began to continuously overflow with traces of black air, and the impurities in his bones and meridians were expelled from the body.

His cultivation realm has rushed from the second level of Transformation Realm to the peak of Transformation Realm.

At this time, he was as pure as water, and the red-fire spiritual veins connecting the dantian, purple mansion, spiritual sea and meridians were ready to move.

It's the feeling of breaking through the realm, which is the same as the feeling before breaking through to the Peiyuan realm last time.

But that time was a breakthrough when he was forced to perform the Nine Transformations of Nirvana in order to escape the predicament of a volcanic eruption.

This time, it was due to the accumulation of my own skills that everything came naturally.

Xu Yang's physical attribute is fire attribute and one spiritual vein, which seems insignificant compared to other so-called geniuses who often have eight or nine spiritual veins.

But this spiritual vein is unusually strong. Even the seven or eight spiritual veins of other people combined are not enough to be so powerful. It can be said that Xu Yang is a unique super genius now.

His fire-attribute spiritual vein began to melt, and then a new spiritual vein began to be recast.

Suddenly, a black beam of light shot straight into the sky from Xu Yang's head, stirring up the wind and clouds.

A vision appeared in the sky.

In the rewinding dark clouds, there were thunder and lightning, and the spiritual power within a ten-mile radius in the void slowly rotated around this black light pillar, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

Hibiscus, who was ten miles away, found no trace of anyone and was wondering in her heart.

Suddenly, I felt that the spiritual power in the surrounding void was boiling for no reason. Subconsciously, he turned back and looked in the direction of Xu Yang.

Suddenly, a black light pillar was seen rising into the sky, which was exactly where Xu Yang was.

"No, is Xu Yang in danger? Was he afraid that I would be involved in danger when he asked me to leave before?"

Thinking of this, Hibiscus's mind buzzed.

"Xu Yang!"

Shouting Xu Yang's name, he ran as fast as he could, and his white clothes danced like a white bird desperate for his own safety.

"Xu Yang, you actually tricked me away. If anything happens to you, I will never let you go." Mu Jin shouted in her heart, tears welling up in her eyes.

In the open space.

Hibiscus in white and Xu Yang in green stood face to face.

"You lied to me."

As she spoke, the tears in her eyes fell from her beautiful cheeks.

Xu Yang stepped forward, stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

"Silly girl, I'm going to lie to you for the rest of my life."

The two embraced each other...

The silver-backed ape "Hou Da" not far away looked at the two of them, raised his lips and covered his eyes with his big furry hands, only showing his blushing face.

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