True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 206 Three-turn Ghost Vein Pill

"This is the Crystal of the Nine Netherworlds. You can take it to save people." Xu Yang took the Crystal of the Nine Netherworlds from Mu Jin and handed it to Yasha Ming.

Looking at the colorful Nine Nether Crystals in front of him, Yasha Ming nodded.

He took the Nine Nether Crystal with both hands and put it away carefully.

"Even if you and I borrowed this Nine Nether Crystal, if I can't return it to you in time after this trial, I will definitely return it to you in the next Evil Ghost Path trial." Yasha Ming said.

"That's not necessary. You wanted to use the Crystal of the Nine Netherworld to save people, but I just wanted to complete the trial. I can only say that your persistence in the Crystal of the Nine Netherworld is far greater than mine. So, I lost. This Crystal of the Nine Netherworld You deserve it.”

"You're an interesting person. You and I are clearly tied, there's no winner or loser. I, Yasha Ming, don't like to owe others anything."

"Want to repay me? Just don't grab my things next time you see me." Xu Yang said jokingly.

"If I don't find enough Nine Nether Crystals and you happen to still have them, I will still grab them if I encounter them."

"Really? I'll be with you anytime."

"Unless you are willing to be friends with me." Yasha Ming changed the topic.

"That's what I meant. If you don't fight, you won't get to know each other."


The two of them stretched out their right hands and high-fived each other.

"make a deal!"


Heroes cherish heroes, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Hibiscus on the side was also secretly glad that the two men did not continue to fight. Xu Yang being injured was the last thing she wanted to see.

"My friend, I have a question for you?" Yasha Ming changed the subject.


"During the fight between you and me, I found that your control of fire-attribute spiritual power is definitely not inferior to mine. Do you also have the ten fire-attribute spiritual veins?"

"It's not that, it's just a spiritual vein."

Yasha Ming blushed when he heard this answer.

He has ten fire-attribute spiritual veins that are unique among ten thousand, and he actually ended up in a draw with Xu Yang, who was also in the Peiyuan realm and only had one fire-attribute spiritual vein. Moreover, he is at the peak level of Peiyuan Realm, while the opponent is at the first level of Peiyuan Realm.


Could it be that I haven’t practiced hard enough?

Geniuses also experience frustration.

"In that case, as a friend I have something for you."

As he spoke, Yasha Ming took out a square exquisite purple jade box.

The jade box was opened and a pill was placed inside.

This elixir is as round as jade, emitting thousands of fiery red brilliance.

Three red ghosts with flashing spiritual light were swimming around on its surface. The ghosts' appearance was very similar to the previous Fire Crow.

"Is it the best elixir of furnace transformation? But it is much more active than the average best elixir. Is it a treasure of heaven and earth that was born on its own?"

The ultimate elixir of Furnace Transformation was made without any mistakes during the refining process, but it mutated by chance. The mutated elixir may produce miraculous medicinal effects.

"Brother Xu really has a vision. This "Three Transformations Ghost Vein Pill" is the elixir I got when I got the "Fire Crow" sword. My "Fire Crow" sword was originally the spirit of the Ghost Way Sword." The Ghost Sword had been sealed in the top floor of the Ghost Spirit Tower of the Heavenly Ghost Sect for a thousand years before I got it. It was given to me by the previous leader of the Evil Ghost Hall, Yasha Cangyue. Only with the spiritual veins can the elixir be pulled out of the scabbard. This elixir is the elixir that the fire crow has cultivated on its own over a period of thousands of years."

"Is there such a strange thing?" Xu Yang asked in surprise.

"This three-turn ghost vein pill can transform the low-level fire-attributed spiritual veins of monks who practice ghost ways, and my ten spiritual veins are already at the highest level. Therefore, it is of little use to me, so I have kept it until now. This is The elixir's fire properties are very strong, and people who are not very good at controlling the fire attribute cannot control its medicinal properties. It seems that this elixir is just right for you."

"This elixir is so precious, I really deserve it." Xu Yang said.

"You're welcome. Whether something is precious or not depends on whether it is used to its full potential. What's more, the friendship between friends is incomparable to any treasure in this world."

"If you say well, I will accept this "Three Transformations Ghost Vein Pill". I recognize you as my friend." Xu Yang replied loudly.

Xu Yang took the purple jade box containing the Three-turn Ghost Vein Pill with both hands and put it away carefully.

The Third Transformation Ghost Vein Pill can be said to be a unique spiritual material of heaven and earth, and its value is even higher than that of the Nine Nether Crystals.

Xu Yang couldn't help but secretly praise him. This Yaksha Ming is really a person who repays justice and is worth dating.

"I happen to have something here for you."

With that said, Xu Yang took out a small green porcelain bottle.

"In this bottle are three high-quality knotting pills. Firstly, they can help you heal your injuries. Secondly, your cultivation is already at the peak of the cultivation realm. I see that the vitality under your temples is full and surging on its own. I think you will be healed soon." There is an opportunity to break through to the true elixir realm. I hope this elixir can be of some use to you."

"Okay, I want this God-Jointing Pill. After you and I have reached the realm of true pills, we can have a fun competition." Yasha Ming also said loudly.

"It's a deal."

Yasha Ming collected the knotting pill, bid farewell to Xu Yang, and then turned around and left in a hurry. Because the Evil Ghost Path trial was open for only one month, he still needed to find the remaining Nine Nether Crystals before he could save the person he was talking about.

Looking at Yasha Ming's back, which was like a fire, Xu Yang seemed to have thought of something?

"Yaksha Ming's purpose in coming to the evil ghost path trial is to obtain the Nine Nether Crystals to save people. Judging from his belief that he must obtain it, this person must be a very important person to him. The Fire Crow Sword he just mentioned is It was given by Yaksha Cangyue, so Yaksha Cangyue must be one of the people who is very important to him. Before coming, master Ning Tianqi specifically mentioned that Yaksha Cangyue had joined the Shadow Organization. Could it be that Yaksha Ming obtained the Nine Nether Crystal. Is it to help Yaksha Cangyue? Is he the candidate sent by the shadow organization to sneak into the evil ghost realm? "

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Yang couldn't help but worry about Yasha Ming. Such a straightforward and upright person must have hidden secrets.

He whispered casually: "I hope not."

"Xu Yang, what did you say?" Mu Jin, who was dressed in white next to her, saw Xu Yang's frown and asked.

"Nothing? It seems that the difficulty of this Evil Ghost Dao trial has been underestimated. The three major families are indeed the foundation of Tiangui Sect, and there are many geniuses among the younger generation. To compete with these people for the Nine Nether Crystals, there is no absolute strength. No. Since Yasha Ming gave me this rare third-turn ghost pulse pill, I might as well give it a try. If it can improve my strength, it will provide more security for the next trial. After all, not everyone is the same. Just like Yasha Ming, you can make friends.”

"Yeah." Hibiscus nodded in agreement.

She looked at the surrounding scenery. Although the fight between the two just occurred at high altitude, the strong wind caused by the released pressure also caused large trees on the ground to crawl to the ground.

He continued: "Let's find a safer place first. The two of you had a big fight here just now. There was a lot of noise and it will definitely attract others." Mujin suggested.

Xu Yang identified the direction, and the two left in the same direction.

After dawn, the two came to a flat valley.

The black sun high in the sky is still raging and spitting fire, and even the temperature in the valley surrounded by mountains continues to rise.

A quiet stream runs through the valley under the dense green shade, outlining a cool area.

"This valley is surrounded by mountains. The sunlight from the black sun cannot shine directly into it. No trace of the ghost beast has been found. It seems that the ghost beast likes the energy in the black sun." Xu Yang said.

"We have been traveling all night, so let's repair it here." Hibiscus said.

The two of them sat cross-legged and vomited, each recovering their strength.

Especially Xu Yang and Yasha Ming had a big fight and were really tired. He took out the purple gourd containing the nightmare beast spirit wine and drank it to replenish his mana.

Although this Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine is an extremely useful tool for replenishing mana, it is not easy to consume it excessively every time. In mild cases, it can cause drowsiness, in severe cases, it can cause unconsciousness.

After an hour of breathing and breathing, most of the mana consumed in Xu Yang's body was recovered.

The valley was still quiet, except for the rhythmic playing of the clear stream and the occasional singing of unknown birds.

Xu Yang raised his hand, and a fire bird with a golden crown and red feathers spread its wings and flew out. It was A'Zhu.

A'Zhu had known Xu Yang's intentions. After circling around the valley, he found nothing strange and no ghost beast appeared.

After taking back A'Zhu, Xu Yang felt relieved and decided to take the "Three Transformations Ghost Vein Pill" here.

Hibiscus, dressed in white, was still obediently protecting the law. The breeze passed by, her skirt swayed, and she was as beautiful as a flower.

On a smooth boulder.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged and took out the purple jade box containing the three-turn ghost pulse pill.

Carefully opening the purple jade box, a red pill with three fire-colored ghost lines on its surface was revealed.

With his spiritual consciousness penetrating in, Xu Yang clearly felt that the violent fire-like power of this elixir was far incomparable to other top-grade fire attribute elixirs.

When a monk takes pills that are too powerful, he always needs some medicine. In this way, not only can the effect of the medicine be fully exerted, but the burden brought by the violent power of the medicine on the user can even be reduced.

But each elixir has its own specific medicinal guide.

Xu Yang looked at the pill with a look of satisfaction on his face.

After activating the magic formula, a golden light flashed in the center of the forehead, and a ghost-infant-looking wheel flame spirit came out dragging a golden-hooked scorpion tail.

With a flash of consciousness, the little guy followed Xu Yang's wish and pounced on the red pill in the purple jade box.

It turned into a leaping earth-golden spiritual flame and wrapped the fiery red pill tightly.

Chakravartin is naturally capable of restraining ghosts, and there is nothing more suitable than Chakravarter to serve as a guide for this violent ghost path elixir.

Immediately afterwards, the earth-golden spiritual flame floated up, dragging the red pill, and came to Xu Yang's eyes.

Xu Yang stretched out his hand and held the pill between his two fingers. It actually felt like holding a red-hot briquette, and a violent burning heat spread to the fingertips.

But as the wheel flame spirit kept swimming on the surface of the pill, the scorching heat gradually cooled down.

Opening his mouth, he took the fiery red pill wrapped in the Wheel of Flame Spirit into his mouth.

The pill melts in your mouth, like drinking strong wine, and a stream of hot water slides through your throat and reaches your organs.

He quickly activated the Dark Fire Technique to guide the power of the medicine.

The fiery medicine spread out like a ignited oil barrel with a "bang", and rushed towards the large and small meridians all over his body like a wild horse out of a cage.

The skin on his body slowly turned red, and light red mist began to leak out from every pore.

There was more and more mist. At this time, Xu Yang felt as if he was taking a hot bath in a hot water pool. The blood in his body was rushing, and the debris in his meridians was discharged one by one, making him feel extremely comfortable.

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