True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 207 Rebuilding the Spiritual Vein

For half an hour, Xu Yang still sat cross-legged on the smooth boulder without moving, his eyes closed tightly, his breathing smooth, and he breathed in the heaven and earth.

Strange things happened.

Suddenly, Xu Yang felt like something was moving in his belly.

To be precise, it was growing, and the lower abdomen gradually expanded, like a small drum.

Quickly use the method of inner vision to observe.

It didn't matter, he just felt his vision went dark and almost fainted.

In the lower abdomen.

The three flesh-born ghost babies have taken shape and are still growing.

"What should I do? Could it be that I didn't do it right, and the power of the third-turn Ghost Vein Pill backfired and I became pregnant with a physical fetus. Or maybe the Third-turn Ghost Vein Pill was originally a pill for giving birth to a fetus."

I was thinking about it over and over again, but I didn't know the reason.

"If you can't control so much, you can't let these three ghost babies burst your belly and call yourself mother after birth, right? This scene is simply eye-catching." Thinking of this, Xu Yang couldn't help but blush.

"This? This? There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do."

He quickly mobilized the magic power in his body to transform the three flesh fetuses into his belly. The magic power formed into a rope and bound it towards the three ghost babies in his belly.

But as soon as it comes into contact with this flesh fetus, all of it is absorbed by the flesh fetus. The flesh fetus is not only harmless, but also grows three points faster.

Not long after, Xu Yang's belly was as big as a ten-month pregnant woman. The originally loose clothes were stretched to the point of breaking.

"Is it possible that I have to perform caesarean section to kill the fetus?"

Just as Xu Yang was hesitating, Mu Jin on the side noticed something strange about Xu Yang.

"What's wrong with you? Your belly?"

Xu Yang let out a sigh of relief and told Mu Jin truthfully about the birth of three flesh-born ghost babies in his body.


After hearing this, Hibiscus couldn't help but laugh.

"It's a strange thing for a man to be able to conceive. The fact that these three little guys were reborn in your belly is also a fate between you. You just gave birth to these three flesh fetuses, and they called you a father. No, it should be "Mom? Let them call me dad," Mu Jin said seriously.

Cheerful personality like hibiscus.

Hearing what she said, Xu Yang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, there was a trace of reluctance in my heart. After all, it was the fetus in my belly, connected by blood.


Suddenly, Xu Yang held his abdomen with both hands, and the muscles on his face were twisted, showing an expression of pain.

You know, with Xu Yang's strong physique, it would be impossible for him to behave like this unless it was extremely painful.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Jin said anxiously.

At this time, Xu Yang recalled in his mind what Yaksha Ming said when he gave him the "Three-turn Ghost Vein Pill" - "This Three-turn Ghost Vein Pill can transform the low-level fire-attribute spiritual veins of monks who practice ghost ways." "This elixir has strong fire properties, and people who are not very good at controlling fire properties cannot control its medicinal properties."

"It's about transforming spiritual veins. It must be controlled, not forced or allowed."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang endured the severe pain in his abdomen and controlled his own fire-attribute spiritual pulse that connected his Dantian Zifu and meridians.

"Plop, plop."

A spiritual pulse as thick as chopsticks beat powerfully, and its frequency matched the beating frequency of Xu Yang's heart.

Feel the heart pulses of the three ghost infant flesh fetuses, and then try to make your own pulse consistent with their heartbeats. Gradually, it turns into a sound.

Cross your legs, be quiet, and enter concentration.

Xu Yang no longer felt pain in his lower abdomen, and his face showed an indifferent expression.

Mu Jin on the side saw that Xu Yang's condition was getting better, so she could only protect him anxiously, not daring to disturb him while he was healing his injuries.

His consciousness entered a dark and unknown world.

There is a dark door at the center of this world, dyed black with no trace of color. Only the ghost-shaped door knockers on the left and right sides of the door emitted a faint golden light.

This gate is extremely tall and connects directly to heaven and earth.





From behind the door came the sound of "plop, plop," the heartbeat. The strong and powerful heartbeat was the only sound in the world.

An invisible hand slowly pushed open the dark door, and the door opened a gap.

What flashed out from the gap was the red light that filled the sky behind the door, a fire-like color, warm and unrestrained.

The gap in the door is getting wider and wider, and three pregnant ghost babies are crawling in the red world.

The ghost baby has taken shape, its body is red, it has a sharp beak and crow's wings, and it is lying on its knees.

At this moment, they closed their eyes tightly and were as quiet as sleep. The powerful beating of their hearts came from their chests, which was the longing for a new world and the miracle of life.

A piece of emerald green branches poked out from the open door, adding a touch of fresh green to the monotonous red world, making the world no longer look so dazzling and unfamiliar.

The branch crawled along the ground like a snake, and it climbed into the middle of the three ghost babies.

Immediately afterwards, a few green leaves grew at the front of the branches, surrounded by green leaves, and a bud grew out of them. The colors of the buds are rainbow-like.

The seven-color flowers are in full bloom, igniting the passion for life, and the world has become colorful.

One drop, two drops, three drops... The crystal clear flower dew precipitated and slipped from the golden stamens of the seven-color flower, and happened to fall on the three ghost babies below.

The bodies of the three ghost babies flickered with colorful auras, and their original forms gradually changed under the moisture of flower dew. Their sharp beaks and wings disappeared without a trace, turning into the appearance of human babies.

Under a delicate flower of life, three babies with fair skin and chubby limbs were sleeping soundly. And the faces of these three babies are somewhat similar to Xu Yang.

The world inside the gate is full of life and colorful.

At this time, Xu Yang's abdomen gradually shrank, and finally became the same as before. The three ghost babies in the belly also gradually became smaller, and with a vague baby cry, the three ghost babies disappeared.

At the same time, three light red spiritual veins miraculously sprouted next to the fire attribute spiritual vein in Xu Yang's Zifu space. Although it is not as strong as the original spiritual vein, it is still full of vitality.


The new spiritual vein was like a brand new life, the pulse was strong and powerful, matching the rhythm of Xu Yang's own heartbeat.

He actually changed from one fire attribute spiritual vein to four fire attribute spiritual veins.

Xu Yang, who was sitting cross-legged on the smooth boulder, slowly opened his eyes, and the colorful world in front of him was reflected in his clear eyes.

Right now, he no longer felt any discomfort. On the contrary, his whole body was full of strength, as if he had gained a new life.


He was so excited that he couldn't help but open his mouth and shout loudly.

The majestic voice echoed endlessly in the valley, singing a song of rebirth of life.

"Your belly is gone. Do you feel better?"

Hibiscus on the side felt the change in Xu Yang, and the aura he exuded was no longer chaotic as before. Not only is it smooth, but the intensity is many times greater than before.

Xu Yang took a long breath, stopped his work and stood up.

I carefully inspected my body using internal vision. There was nothing wrong with it, and a satisfied smile appeared on my face.

"Let's go and find the Nine Nether Crystals. We'll discuss the details as we go." Xu Yang said confidently.

Xu Yang also didn't expect that this third-turn ghost vein pill could actually recreate the spiritual veins, which was truly a miraculous effect in changing one's life.

Don't underestimate the four spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body. Except for the original one which is extremely strong, the other three are also much stronger than the spiritual veins of monks of the same level. The four spiritual veins added together have even surpassed the peerless genius with ten spiritual veins like Yasha Ming.

Five days later.

Xu Yang and Mu Jin came to the depths of the evil ghost path.

Along the way, the two of them killed several ghost beasts one after another, but never encountered another high-level ghost beast. Likewise, he never obtained another Nine Nether Crystal.

"It seems that if you want to find high-level ghost beasts again, you still need some luck." Xu Yang said.

"Perhaps there were too many disciples who came in for this trial. Everyone chased and killed them together, scaring away the high-level ghost beasts. After all, the intelligence of high-level ghost beasts has become highly human-like, and they will not be stupid. Waiting to die." Hibiscus replied.

"That's not necessarily the case. High-level ghost beasts will also hunt monks. Their greed for monks' true elixirs is the same as our desire for the Nine Netherworld Crystals. This evil ghost path is indeed the most cruel test of the Tiangui Sect. The instinct of evil spirits is that the winner will survive. And even if we don't hunt the ghost beasts, the ghost beasts themselves will fight and devour each other. Only in this way can they continue to evolve and become stronger, and their race will have a foothold in this world, and we may have to adapt. Only by passing this cruel test can we remain invincible in the world of cultivation."

The two of them chatted and seemed to feel a little heavy. It's not that they were disappointed that they didn't get the Nine Nether Crystals, but that the cruel reality of the world of cultivation was slowly eroding their cheerful and sunny personalities and good instincts.

"Look, there is a big river in the distance." Hibiscus said, extending her jade hand to point to the distance opposite the two of them.

A silver belt twists and turns between tall peaks.

"Let's go to the other side of the river and have a look." Hibiscus suggested.

The two stood side by side on the hillside across the river.

I saw the silver flowers rolling and flowing, the waves moving forward, thousands of layers of blue waves. Make the viewer feel uplifted and comfortable.

The two held hands, and time stood still at this moment. The white clothes and green clothes fluttering in the breeze stick together closely, which are green leaves and white flowers.

There are many beautiful things in the world that make people fascinated and admired. They are happy at this moment, and the world in their eyes is beautiful.

If the heart is beautiful, the world will be beautiful.

At this moment, a piece of floating dead wood surged down the river.

Xu Yang's eyes narrowed, as if he had discovered something?

"There is a person on that piece of dead wood." Xu Yang said in a quick voice.

Hibiscus looked for the sound, and there was indeed a black thing sitting on the dead wood. But the distance was too far for her to distinguish what it was.

After Xu Yang became the Fourth Spirit Vein, his consciousness and mental power had become unimaginably powerful. With just a glance, he concluded that there was a person on the dead wood, a woman in a coma.

I saw Xu Yang's wings of fire curling up behind him, and he rose into the air. Like a firebird flying across the river.

The whole person reached the top of the dead wood in the blink of an eye.

This dead tree has no bark and is as big as a small boat.

A girl in black lay quietly on her back. The girl's eyes were closed tightly, and her long black hair was messy. The girl's cheeks under the black hair were covered with thick sores, which did not match her small and fair cheeks.

Her whole body was soaked, and her black dress clung tightly to her torso, revealing the girl's unique concave and convex lines between her waist.

Not stopping for a moment.

Xu Yang held his hands, and the girl in black was already on his strong and strong arms.

The wings of fire curled up again behind him, and Xu Yang's handsome figure turned in a different direction on the river, leading the unconscious girl in black back to the original hillside.

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