True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 209 The Forgotten Land

Xiao Hongzhu cried with extreme sadness, as if the life experience she told before was true.

Somehow her sadness had a special contagiousness.

Xu Yang, who was a little suspicious of her at first, was actually infected by her sad mood at this time. His nose felt sore and he almost shed tears.

Xu Yang realized that he was a little out of his mind, and quickly activated the power of the flame spirit in his body. A touch of hot heat circled the temples on his head, and then his mind stabilized.

"A girl is not beautiful when she cries. A girl who likes to laugh is beautiful."

Xu Yang said loudly and seriously.


Xiao Hongzhu's raging tears stopped abruptly.

"In this way, am I more beautiful than Sister Hibiscus?" Xiao Hongzhu said, stretching out her skillful hand to cover the lower part of her cheek, and then smiled slightly.

The two big talking eyes narrowed into a pair of lovely crescent shapes.

It instantly gives people a warm feeling, like a cute little black cat, which attracts people.

"Little Hongzhu is very beautiful. Now Sister Hibiscus is not as beautiful as you." Xu Yang nodded and praised.

"Xu Yang, what did you say? Am I not beautiful?" said Mu Jin on the side.

Xu Yang dragged his chin with one hand and pretended to look at the two people in front of him carefully.

She was thinking in her heart, no matter whether what Xiao Hongzhu said was true or false, she must not let her cry again. Otherwise, she and Mu Jin would cry endlessly, which would not only damage their bodies from crying, but they might not be able to proceed smoothly in the next trial.

Staying calm and maintaining calm judgment without subjective emotions is the key to successfully completing the trial.

So he replied: "Hibiscus is certainly beautiful. However, the little red candle that smiles is cuter."

After hearing this, Xiao Hongzhu giggled, as if she had never cried before.

Laughter is like a spring song, flowers bloom, and everyone loves you.

This heart-warming laughter spread, Xu Yang's mood became more comfortable, and a knowing smile appeared on Mu Jin's face. It seemed that even the turbulent river below the three of them became much happier under the laughter.

"Your clothes are wet, let me help you dry them."

Saying that, Hibiscus took out a blue sachet.

Open the sachet, pour some white incense powder out of it, and then sprinkle it evenly on Little Red Candle's clothes.

After a while, the originally white scented powder turned blue and fell off Xiaohongzhu's clothes. The water on Xiaohongzhu's clothes was completely absorbed by the powder, making it extremely dry.

"Thank you sister, it feels much more comfortable this way."

As Xiao Hongzhu spoke, she quickly spun around in circles twice with joy. The dancing skirt, flying youth, and the unique beauty of a girl.

"What are your plans next?" Hibiscus asked.

"Of course I have to return to the Netherworld, but now is not the time. In twenty days, I can return to the Netherworld safely."

"This evil ghost path is full of ferocious ghost beasts. It is very dangerous for you to stay here alone for twenty days."

"Are you a ghost beast? You know that this Forgotten Land is a place where prisoners in the ghost world are exiled. Why don't you see a single prisoner?" Xiao Hongzhu asked.

Hearing what she said, Xu Yang and the two were really puzzled.

Since the Evil Ghost Path is a place where prisoners are exiled in the Nether Realm, there should be a large number of prisoners. But the past records of the Tiangui Sect’s Evil Ghost Path trials show that apart from ghost beasts, no other humans or strange beasts have ever been found in this Evil Ghost Path.

"Yes, where have all the prisoners gone?" Mu Jin asked.

"Because those ghost beasts are the prisoners of the ghost world who were exiled here."

Although Xu Yang vaguely thought of this answer, he was still surprised when he heard it.

"Because except for people in the underworld, no one else can survive safely under the black sun of the underworld. If they stay here for more than two months, the people there will turn into ghost beasts under the curse of the black sun of the underworld. . People who become ghost beasts will forget everything in the past, and then kill and devour each other."

"So, the three of us, including us, can't stay here for two months?" Xu Yang asked.

"Of course, I have been here for a month. Just because of this nasty black sun, I have thick sores on my face. I really don't know what it will look like in another month." Xiao Hongzhu said while while covering his cheeks with his hands.

Hibiscus looked at Xiao Hongzhu's face and said with a smile: "I have a way."

As he spoke, he took out a pearl the size of a child's fist.

The pearl is as white as jade, round and smooth, with a cold air exuding from the outside. It is the water pearl given to her by Taogui when she was in Xiaoxian Realm.

"This water droplet can treat thick sores on your face."

"Really? Thank you so much, sister." Xiao Hongzhu blinked, looking longingly at the water droplets in Hibiscus's hand.


Hibiscus placed the bloom bead on Little Red Candle's cheek, secretly using magic power to activate the power of bloom in the bloom bead.

A feeling of coldness passed over me, translucent but not freezing, cold but not biting, refreshing and refreshing.

Water is the source of all things, and the power of this bloom has the miraculous effect of nourishing and regenerating.

After a while, the thick sores on Xiao Hongzhu's face shriveled up and fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye. A pink, smooth, and radiant face appeared in front of their eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Yang on the side had an imperceptible look in his eyes. Turning his wrist, there was a simple round bronze mirror in his hand, which was the Phantom Mirror.

"Congratulations, the thick sore on your face has disappeared." Xu Yang said, handing the Phantom Mirror to Xiao Hongzhu.

Xiao Hongzhu timidly opened her eyes, fearing that she would see herself covered in sores.

The moment she looked at the Phantom Mirror, she smiled brightly.

Inside and outside the mirror, the peach blossoms on the human face reflect each other's red.

"Thank you so much, sister. I will definitely repay you Hongzhu."

"It's a small effort, no words of thanks."

"Sister Mujin, brother Xu Yang, you are all good people. You'd better leave quickly. Otherwise, the people who are chasing me will encounter you soon, and you will be hurt." Xiao Hongzhu suddenly said with a serious expression.

"Who wants to kill you? Sister will not let anyone bully you." Mu Jin comforted her.

"He is someone sent by Youjie. As for the reason? I can't explain it in a sentence or two. In short, he is a very powerful person."

"Your brother Xu Yang is also very powerful. He will protect you with me." After saying that, Mu Jin turned to look at Xu Yang.

Xu Yang nodded without saying a word, crossing his hands in front of his chest in a cold gesture. Experts generally don't like to talk.

"It seems that Brother Xu Yang is quite powerful."

"Of course, even high-level ghost beasts are no match for me." Xu Yang replied confidently.

"Let's talk as we walk." Hibiscus suggested.

Xu Yang carefully observed the surrounding terrain, and after choosing a direction, the three of them fled all the way.

After a stick of incense, the three of them had just settled on the hillside.

Two groups of blue light and shadow appeared out of thin air silently.

The light and shadow condensed, and two young men, a man and a woman, appeared.

The man was wearing a blue brocade robe, he was tall, and his tall aquiline nose showed a bit of masculinity.

The woman is wearing a blue brocade dress, with plump curves. Her long hair is coiled behind her head like a bud and fixed with a purple wooden hairpin. Her whole person looks neat and tidy.

Behind the two men each carried an ancient bronze sword of the same style.

There was no expression on their faces, only calmness in their eyes.

"Ah sneeze!"

The young man in blue sneezed.

He twisted his nose, and then said: "She sprinkled perfume on her body, which made me allergic. However, this is not a problem for me, Yin Feng."

After the man in blue who called himself Yin Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

After taking three deep breaths, he opened his eyes and said, "There should have been three people here just now. However, if I want to continue tracking the direction she left, I need to give my nose a rest. This low-quality powder is really disgusting."

"Ah sneeze!"

As he spoke, Yin Feng covered his aquiline nose with his hand and sneezed again.

After hearing this, the woman in blue frowned and said, "Weren't the four people who protected her before been killed by the people sent from above before entering this place? And there are still people helping her?" The woman in blue on the side said said.

"Maybe she has other helpers. Maybe they can sneak in here in advance and pick her up." Yin Feng said.

"I'm talking about how she came to die in the Forgotten Land. Even if we don't chase her, I'm afraid that over time, she will be turned into a ghost beast by this black sun."

As she spoke, the woman in blue covered her forehead with her hands and looked up at the black sun that was spitting fire in the sky.

"It's a shame that she managed to escape here."

"This is also her cleverness. In this forgotten land, people who are not in the underworld will be cursed by the black sun. Once their cultivation reaches the soul realm, they will be strangled by the power of the black sun. So, she ran here at least. Don’t worry that the elders of the three palaces will send monks above the Yuanhun realm to hunt her down. Otherwise, she will die faster.”

"Luo Yu, the two of us together are no worse than those Yuanhun realm monks." Yin Feng said with a proud look on his face.

"This is also the reason why Youji Palace sent us two. You have to know that in addition to our Youji Palace, people from Youhuan Palace and Youxing Palace are also chasing her. We have to kill her before the other two palaces. , otherwise just wait and accept the punishment from the elders of Youji Palace," said the woman in blue whom Yin Feng called Luo Yu.

Upon hearing the elder's words of punishment, Yin Feng frowned and became silent. It seems that it is something that makes people very scared when they hear it.

A quarter of an hour later, Yin Feng sniffed hard, then pointed in one direction with his hand, and said proudly: "I found it, the three of them went that way."

The direction he pointed was exactly where Xu Yang, Hibiscus, and Xiao Hongzhu left.

"What are you waiting for? Let's chase." Luo Yu said.

Their figures only left two balls of blue light in place before disappearing.

Xu Yang and three others were escaping quickly.

Suddenly, a crisp chirping of autumn insects came from a small bamboo cage hanging around Xiao Hongzhu's waist.

There is an autumn insect that looks very similar to a grasshopper in a small golden bamboo cage. This insect is completely black. If you look closely, you can see that there is a pattern of a big-eared devil on its hard head. At this time, it seemed a little restless, turning around in the bamboo cage and making calls.

Xiao Hongzhu stopped, her face condensed, and then said: "No, my black earworm issued a warning, and two people are catching up behind me."

"Don't worry, I, Xu Xiaoxian, have my own way." Xu Yang smiled slightly and replied confidently.

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