True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 210 The Art of Illusion

Xu Yang raised his hand, and two golden spiritual ginseng appeared on the ground in front of the three of them.

The roots on the two ginseng grasses are as strong as a net, and the surface is glowing with a faint golden halo. They are the high-quality spiritual ginseng that Xu Yang bought in the market.

Then, he took out a round ancient bronze mirror.

Activate the magic formula and shine the treasure mirror on the two spiritual ginsengs. Two white rays of light spill out from the treasure mirror.

Suddenly, the seemingly ordinary ginseng grass swirled with colorful brilliance, and the ginseng grass twisted and gradually transformed into a human form.

After a moment, two clones with the same appearance and clothing as Xiao Hongzhu appeared in front of them.

Being able to use the Phantom Mirror to create two clones at the same time shows that Xu Yang's mental power is much stronger than before.

With a curious look on her face, Xiao Hongzhu walked over and looked at the two clones carefully, stretched out her small jade hand and squeezed the clone's arm.

With disbelief in his eyes, he murmured to himself: "She is as beautiful as me."

"How about it, brother Xiaoxian, I still have something to do." Xu Yang said confidently.

"Are you going to use them to lure away the people who are chasing you?" Xiao Hongzhu's eyes showed pity and intolerance.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry. They are just lifeless prostheses, and their real bodies are just ordinary ginseng grass."

"The spiritual power fluctuations on this prosthetic clone are the same as those on Little Red Candle. It's really hard to tell the real thing from the fake one." After carefully examining it with his spiritual sense, Hibiscus was also surprised.

"It seems like there's something missing?" Xu Yang looked at the two clones and said thoughtfully.

"Is this it?" Hibiscus took out the blue sachet.

"Yes! Even with this thing, hibiscus is smarter." Xu Yang praised.

Next, Hibiscus sprinkled the fragrant powder in the sachet on the clothes of the two clones.

"You two split up and run away." Xu Yang pointed at the clone in front of him and ordered.

The two clones blinked, their expressions were very similar to that of Little Red Candle. Turn around and run away separately.

"Give me the sachet in your hand." Xu Yang looked at Hibiscus and said with a smile.


Hibiscus handed the sachet to Xu Yang's hand.

"These two clones must be controlled by my mental power before they can move. With my current mental power, I can control them within a range of ten miles at most. So, we still have to be careful next."

"Brother Xiaoxian, you really have a way."

The two ginseng clones disappeared in different directions in the distance, while the three of them continued to escape in another direction.

In the forest, two blue figures were flying at lightning speed.

It was Yin Feng and Luo Yu who were chasing Hongzhu from Youji Palace. Not long after, the two arrived at the place where Xu Yang and the others had just left.

"Wait, why are there three targets here? It's really difficult to deal with." Yin Feng touched his aquiline nose and stopped chasing.

"It would be surprising if we could catch her so easily. After all, she was a big shot before that we didn't even have the qualification to look up to. There must be some clever tricks." Luo Yu on the side disagreed.

"Ah sneeze!"

Yin Feng sneezed and said angrily: "It's that disgusting smell of inferior powder again."

"One of the targets is still accompanied by the two people from before, and the other two targets are acting alone. Which side should we pursue?"

Yin Feng said, shaking his head helplessly and looking at Luo Yu, hoping that Luo Yu could make a calmer judgment.

"Now the target has become three, and there are only two of us. Calculating the time, she is now in the worst state of ability, and her level of cultivation should be in the realm of transformation. She is facing this place alone in the realm of transformation. The ghost beast is also extremely dangerous. Therefore, it is normal to judge that she would be safer if she was with the two rescuers." Luo Yu, who was wearing a blue shirt, analyzed the current situation expressionlessly.

Yin Feng on the side nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, let's go after the three people's goals."

Luo Yu did not express his position immediately. He stretched out his hand and tucked a strand of long hair that was scattered on the side of his face behind his ears, and re-fixed the hairpin on the back of his head. Meticulous and neat, her beautiful eyes are as clear as a mirror lake, revealing a convincing calmness.

Then he continued: "But if there are more than just the two people in front of her here to help her. These two people are just a cover-up, with a false goal, and the real person to help her will appear later. It will be smarter. escape plan."

"What you say seems to make more sense. It is consistent with her previous identity. Do you mean that we ignore the goals of those three people and split up to pursue the two separate goals?"

"No, let's continue to pursue the three people's goals." Luo Yu gave a judgment that was completely opposite to his own analysis.

"Why is this?" Yin Feng looked confused.

"Great skill hides clumsiness. Surprise is her best choice. If it were me, I would choose to go with those two people." Luo Yu said confidently.

A breeze passed by, gently lifting the hem of her blue skirt, but it could not lift her neatly tied hair, let alone the confidence and calmness in her eyes.


Yin Feng looked at Luo Yu with wide eyes and gave a thumbs up.

"Lead the way."

Yin Feng twisted his nose and looked at the direction Xu Yang and the others left with a proud expression.

"follow me."

After saying that, it turned into a blue shadow and disappeared, followed closely by Luo Yu.

Xu Yang and three others escaped.


The cry of the black earworm came from the small bamboo cage around Hongzhu's waist again.

"Oh, these two people are catching up again." Xiao Hongzhu said.

"The two clones I released before have not disappeared. It seems that they must have a secret method to track them, or they may have made a bet in the right direction." Xu Yang said.

"What should we do?" Hibiscus said.

"It seems that the only solution is to use force." Xu Yang said.

"But their goal is to hunt down Xiao Hongzhu, not you and me. If the opponent is two monks in the True Alchemy Realm, during the fierce fight, it may be difficult for the two of us to ensure the safety of Xiao Hongzhu." Mu Jin. As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Hongzhu with a worried look in his eyes.

"Xiao Hongzhu, do you know the general situation of the two people chasing you behind you?" Xu Yang asked.

After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you make the best judgment.

"These two people were sent by Youji Palace. One is named Yin Feng and the other is Luo Yu. After I entered here, the two of them have been following me, waiting for the best time to take action. Their cultivation is really The pinnacle of the alchemy realm, he is also the best among the true alchemy realm monks in the Nether Realm, among them Yin Feng is good at catching the breath..." Xiao Hongzhu replied.

"In this case, it would really be disadvantageous for us to fight these two head-on. How about we do this..."

Yin Feng and Luo Yu are chasing.

"We are getting closer and closer to the target. For some reason, the three people including the target seem to have stopped moving?" Yin Feng said.

"Since those two people were arranged to be here to support them in advance, their cultivation must be at the True Alchemy Realm and they must be prepared to use force." Luo Yu said.

After a stick of incense.

From a distance, the two of them saw three people on the opposite side, and Yin Feng recognized Hongzhu among them at a glance.

"As you expected, she is here in person. But she seems to be tied up by the other two people. Could it be that these two people, seeing that they couldn't run away, turned to the seller for glory." Yin Feng said.

"Look, the two people next to her are not from the Nether World at all. The spiritual power fluctuations on their bodies are completely different from ours. It is said that this forgotten land is used as a trial space by the Tiangui Sect of the Zhongyuan Realm, and they enter this place Kill the ghost beast. These two people should be from the Tiangui Sect in the Zhongyuan Realm." Luo Yu said, his face turning red with embarrassment.

Her previous calm judgments were all wrong. The two people around Hongzhu were not from the Netherworld who had sneaked in to meet her in advance.

"People from the Tiangui Sect in the Zhongyuan Realm? Legend has it that this Forgotten Land was originally a space cut off from the underworld by the founder of the Tiangui Sect with a sword. In addition to exiling prisoners here and letting them fend for themselves, we in the Netherworld have never been there. I have no contact or friction with these people in the Zhongyuan world.”

"Let's go and have a look first. It seems that these two people are just cultivators of the Peiyuan realm. It would be better if there is no need to take action, so as not to cause misunderstandings between the two interfaces. If a war between the interfaces occurs, it is not in line with our It’s for the benefit of Youji Palace,” Luo Yu reminded calmly.

After a while, the two came to Xu Yang and the others.

At this time, Xiao Hongzhu's whole body was tightly bound by a black soul-binding chain, and a gag talisman was affixed to her mouth.

Looking at the two people opposite, they shook their heads repeatedly in a frightened manner, unable to make any sound.

"Why did you tie her up?" Yin Feng yelled loudly.

"Are you humans or ghost beasts?" Xu Yang asked.

When Yin Feng heard this, his face turned cold, he let out a cry, and unsheathed the long sword behind his back, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Have you ever seen a ghost beast using a sword?" Yin Feng said coldly.

"First time." Xu Yang replied.

"court death!"

Yin Feng was just about to have a fit, but Luo Yu on the side stretched out his hand to stop him.

With a cold snort, he put the long sword back into the scabbard behind his back.

"We are from the Youji Palace of the Netherworld. We are the agency responsible for arresting prisoners in the Netherworld. You two are disciples of the Tiangui Sect of the Zhongyuan Realm, right?" Luo Yu asked.

"It turns out that we are from the Nether Realm. We are disrespectful and disrespectful. The two of us are disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Under the order of the sect, we are trying in this evil ghost path." Xu Yang replied.

"Do you know who the kidnapped person is?" Luo Yu continued to ask.

"Is this a little girl looking like a person? She couldn't help but take action when she saw us. We thought she was the human form of a ghost beast, but we were not sure. So, we tied her up. We are going to send her back and obey the elders in the sect. Fa Luo." Xu Yang explained.

"She is not a ghost beast, but an important prisoner in the ghost world. After being exiled to this forgotten land, we must capture her and verify other cases related to her. Leave her to us."

"It turns out she is a prisoner from the Netherworld. Well, we thought she was a Netherworld beast. She is here. You can take her away and save us the trouble."

Xu Yang said, pushing Xiao Hongzhu over.

Luo Yu grabbed the tied little red candle.

Yin Feng and Luo Yu carefully identified each other and confirmed that it was Hong Zhu himself.

The two nodded with satisfaction, without even saying a word of thanks. He grabbed the small red candle, turned around and flew away.

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