True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 211 Meeting is fate

Yin Feng and Luo Yu hurriedly took "Little Red Candle" away, and the three figures quickly disappeared from sight.

Xu Yang and Mu Jin looked at each other and smiled.

"Come out." Hibiscus said softly.

I saw circles of green light emitting from an inconspicuous little poplar tree behind Xu Yang. After the light dissipated, the poplar tree turned into a small red candle.

"Oh, these two life-seeking ghosts from Youji Palace are leaving. It's so amazing that they didn't notice me so close. I can't even move, and it's really frustrating to have to hold my breath." Then, Xiao Hongzhu blinked her big eyes, patted her chest, and took a deep breath.

Half an hour ago.

Xu Yang patted the storage bag on his waist, and a golden stream of light flashed out.

In the blink of an eye, a ginseng baby wearing a red bellyband, with fair and fleshy limbs, a braid on top of her head, a big forehead, a round face, and a little cinnabar on her forehead appeared in front of the three of them.

"Wow, this little brother is so cute." Xiao Hongzhu said happily when she saw Shenwa's innocent look.

"Dudou, help me hide the little red candle."

Hong Dudou walked up to Xiao Hongzhu, stretched out his fleshy little hand, and touched her gently.

A little green light came from his fingertips. In the blink of an eye, Little Red Candle's whole body was dyed green. His body suddenly changed and turned into the shape of a poplar tree.

Next, Xu Yang took out the Phantom Mirror, flipped his wrist, and a ray of white light fell on Dudou's body.

In the colorful glow, the bellyband turned into another "little red candle".

This fake little red candle was tied up by Xu Yang with a soul-binding five-flowered chain, and then a forbidden talisman was affixed to her mouth.

"It's hard to distinguish between true and false." Hibiscus on the side praised.

There is an open space in the evil ghost road.

Yin Feng and Luo Yu surrounded the "little red candles" tied tightly.

"No one here should find out. Let's cut off her head and go back to do business." Yin Feng looked at the tied Xiao Hongzhu coldly, with no mercy in his eyes. After saying that, a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Wait a minute, I always feel that something is wrong. The two people from the Tiangui Sect were a little suspicious just now. Our success was a little too smooth."

Luo Yu said, casually putting one hand behind his back and walking forward.

I don't know what magic trick was used secretly, and a raindrop-shaped aqua rune flashed on the palm behind his back.

"Let me use the Soul Searching Technique first to see if you are the real person."

As he spoke, he placed the palm behind his back on the Tianling cover of "Little Red Candle".

Before Luo Yu's Yungong could search for his soul, he saw a golden light flashing all over "Little Red Candle", turning into a golden shadow and sinking into the ground at his feet like lightning.

Yin Feng was stunned by this sudden change and quickly inhaled hard with his aquiline nose.

He said with a disappointed expression: "I can't feel the breath at all. I didn't expect that we were actually hit."

Then his face became twisted and furious, his fists clenched loudly, and he said fiercely: "When I meet those two Tiangui Sect disciples again, I will make them know the consequences of deceiving you and me."

After saying that, he turned his clenched fist and turned into sword fingers to strike out.


A burst of energy shot through the air.

There was a "boom" and the soil flew up.

A deep ravine was left where the "little red candle" had just disappeared.

Luo Yu was not angry at all and looked at the place where the "little red candle" disappeared.

"Reckless, now all traces have been destroyed by you."

"What should we do next?" Yin Feng said with a frown.

"Don't panic, it seems that the one just now should be a clone of the wood spirit, but just now I planted a watermark talisman on it. Just wait for it to bring us to its owner, I want to see what happens. Who is causing trouble behind this?"

"Luo Yu, I really admire you more and more. How did you know that this was fake?" Yin Feng said with a flattering expression on his face.

"I didn't know she was fake, but the two Tiangui Sect disciples looked at her with no hostility at all, and they handed her over to us easily. So, I became suspicious. In order not to alert the snake, It's just a matter of taking advantage of the situation," Luo Yu explained.

After saying that, Luo Yu made a secret with one hand, and the water-blue light flashed on his fingertips.

I saw her waving her fingers gracefully, and a small transparent water sword appeared in the void. The water sword is only two feet long and extremely soft, swaying back and forth like a spiritual snake searching for food.

After a moment, he seemed to smell the scent of prey, and the tip of the sword pointed straight in one direction.

"The watermark talisman I put on that wood spirit looks like a drop of water, so it won't be easily discovered. This watermark talisman can last for half an hour, just follow it. They can't escape this time."


With a "swish", the water sword flew out across the air.

The two of them tapped their toes and turned into two groups of blue lights to follow them closely.


Xu Yang and three others were on the run.

"Huh? My ginseng spirit is back so soon." Xu Yang whispered.

Before they finished speaking, a golden thread suddenly appeared on the ground in front of the three people, and a plump red bellyband popped out of a brilliant golden flower.

The red bellyband shook his round face, clapped his hands, and then squeaked at Xu Yang and said something.

After hearing this, Xu Yang frowned slightly.

Then with one move of one hand, the red bellyband turned into a ray of yellow light and returned to the storage bag.

"The two people from Youji Palace are really difficult to deal with. They noticed something strange in such a short period of time. I'm afraid they will catch up soon."

"It seems that the only option is to use force." Mu Jin said with firm eyes, placing her palms on the golden cage around her waist.

Xu Yang turned to look at Xiao Hongzhu and said sternly: "Who are you? Why do these two people from Youji Palace have to hunt you down? Judging from the strength of these two people, they must be people with some status in Youji Palace. , you are probably not an ordinary prisoner. Mu Jin and I don't want to risk our lives for you, a person of unknown origin. Moreover, once you offend the other party, it will cause a war between the interfaces, which is not worth your life. "

Seeing Xu Yang's serious question to herself, Xiao Hongzhu immediately replied: "I was a maid serving the Emperor of the Netherworld in the Netherworld Palace. I overheard the conspiracy of the Three Palaces of Netherworld to murder the Emperor of the Netherworld. Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Netherworld was in retreat. I I couldn't inform the emperor of the news in time. When I told a close minister of the emperor, I didn't expect that this minister was the same as the people of the Three Palaces of Netherworld. Then, I was hunted down by people sent by the Three Palaces. I escaped here by accident and met you. Brother Xiaoxian and Sister Mujin, you two are good people. I don’t want to implicate you, let alone cause a conflict between the Netherworld and the Zhongyuan World. You go. Whether I live or die, it’s up to God.”

After listening to Xiao Hongzhu's words, Xu Yang did not answer immediately, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

It's not that Xu Yang is greedy for life and afraid of death, and refuses to save him. But the strength of the other two is too strong. Once they fight, it is difficult for me to protect the safety of Mu Jin and Xiao Hongzhu. To help others through dangerous situations, you must have sufficient abilities yourself.

"Xu Yang, let's help Xiao Hongzhu. Although what she just said has nothing to do with us, it is really disgraceful for the Three Palaces of the Netherworld to pursue and kill an unrelated little girl for the purpose of fighting for power. After all, she is Innocent." Hibiscus said.

Xu Yang did not answer immediately.

He reached out and took out the Moon Magic Dzi Bead from his arms, holding it in his hand.

The souls of Yingyue and others are still in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, so when something happens, you can't just act recklessly. One day, he will take the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to the demon spirit world to fulfill his promise to help Black Cat Ye Tu, Ying Yue and others complete the recasting of their bodies.

Thinking in his mind, his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it.

"Brother Ye Tu, how are you recovering from your injuries? Now that we are encountering a strong enemy, I would like to discuss countermeasures with you."

After a moment, a red, yellow and green spiritual light rolled out from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

The spiritual light dispersed, revealing a black cat with sharp ears and claws.

"My injuries are basically fine. The disciples of the Ghost Sect are really strong today. I didn't expect that I would be injured in their hands in the first battle here. Let me tell you what the situation is now." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

Although Black Cat Ye Tu was fine, Xu Yang still felt a little regretful. After all, the current black cat Ye Tu is just an ordinary civet, and his strength is greatly reduced. It is indeed difficult for him to ask him to help him deal with the powerful True Alchemy Realm monks every time.

Xu Yang informed Black Cat Yetu about Xiao Hongzhu's situation.

After hearing this, Black Cat Ye Tu shook his head helplessly.

"At the beginning, I was alone in the Xiaoxian world. I was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Fortunately, I met Wang Zhuoyun, the owner of the East Princess, who came to my rescue and accepted me as his disciple. He didn't mind that I was from another world, so he concealed my identity for me. I am still alive today. Thinking about it, this little girl named "Hongzhu" was in a similar situation to me at that time, and I am determined to help her through the current difficulties."

"That's right, meeting is fate." Mu Jin agreed, raising her beautiful eyes and looking at Xu Yang.

When the two first met and got to know each other, and slowly turned from rivals into lovers, wasn't it also due to Xu Yang's kind help?

"Thank you, Brother Cat." Xiao Hongzhu said obediently.

"The opponents are two cultivators of the True Alchemy Realm. If their strength is similar to or even stronger than that of the Tiangui Sect disciples we met before, they will indeed be a big trouble." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"That's what I'm worried about too."

"Therefore, I suggest that you directly use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to perform illusions and fight quickly to have a chance of winning."

"Okay, let's follow Brother Yetu's plan."



Not long after, in the golden bamboo cage around Little Red Candle's waist, the black earworm made a warning sound.

I saw two blue water shadows rolling in the sky in the distance, like thunder. In an instant, they were stopped in front of Xu Yang and others.

The blue water shadow condensed, and two people in blue, a man and a woman, were Yin Feng and Luo Yu.

Seeing this, Xu Yang and Mu Jin each took a step to block Xiao Hongzhu. The black cat Ye Tu squatted on Xu Yang's shoulder, waiting for the opportunity.

"Look where you are running, it is indeed you, a boy from the Tiangui Sect, who is behind this." Yin Feng gasped with anger from his big nostrils, and his eyes showed murderous intent.

"Why, do you still want to protect her? Hand her over obediently. For the sake of the founder of Tiangui Sect, we can spare your lives." Luo Yu threatened.

"Why do you two big shots in Youji Palace want to kill a child?" Xu Yang asked.

"Child? Hahaha." Luo Yu looked up to the sky and laughed.

Then his face turned cold and he said coldly: "The three palaces of the Nether Realm have already issued a kill order. If our Youji Palace doesn't kill her, the other Youxing Palace and Youhuan Palace will also take action. At this moment, the people sent by the other two palaces I'm afraid the killer has also arrived in this forgotten place. We are just following orders."

"You don't know how to live or die, and the consequences of meddling in your own business will be death!"

Yin Feng on the side couldn't hold it any longer.

With a sound of "Cang Cang", the long sword was unsheathed from behind, and the cold light was threatening, and he was holding it tightly in his hand.

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