At the critical moment, a black shadow blocked in front of Xiao Hongzhu like lightning.


Luo Yu's long sword stabbed firmly into this black shadow.

The black shadow condensed and turned out to be a person.

a man.

A man with an expressionless face.

A man with no spiritual power at all.

This man was tall, bare-handed, and dressed in linen black clothes. His hair was tied neatly behind his head. He had a gray complexion and an ordinary appearance. He looked to be in his thirties.

His cold eyes were like the deep night, empty and mysterious.

At this time, he was looking directly at Luo Yu. He didn't even look at the long sword that Luo Yu had just stabbed with all his strength on his right chest.

What was strange was that half of the sword had clearly penetrated his chest, but no trace of blood spilled out.

Luo Yu was stunned, and the smile that was close to success at the corner of his mouth suddenly turned into surprise. The right hand holding the long sword pulled back hard.

But at this time, the man's right hand was already tightly clenched on the half of the sword blade exposed outside his chest. His palms were wrapped with several circles of black cloth strips made of the same material as his clothes, as if to increase his grip strength.

Luo Yu's action of drawing the sword had no effect at all. The long sword seemed to grow on the man's body. But this man's body was as motionless as an old pine rooted in the mountain rocks.

"Seeking death!" Luo Yu squeezed out two words between his teeth, his eyes showing the ruthlessness and cruelty that a killer should have.

He gathered his magic power and poured it into the long sword in his hand. The blue light spinning on the sword body was like a turbulent wave, and he stabbed forward with all his strength.

Luo Yu's long sword only moved forward half an inch.

And just this half inch is enough to penetrate this man's chest. The ruthless sword tip was exposed half an inch from the man's back, but there was still no trace of blood.

At this time, the man's left hand was also holding half of the sword blade on his chest. His hands were clenched tightly, like two iron pliers locking the sword tightly.

And his body in front of Xiao Hongzhu still didn't move even half an inch.

At this time, Luo Yu's big eyes were wide open, extremely surprised.

This sword seems to be just a simple thrust, but it uses at least 80% of the skill. Not to mention people, even the iron tower will be shattered. At this time, the unknown man in front of him was locked with a pair of fleshy palms and pressed against his chest.

What worries her even more is that she can't see the cultivation level of the man in front of her at all, and she can't even sense a trace of spiritual power. And she clearly stabbed him in the chest, but not a trace of blood flowed out.

She only saw the coldness of death in this man's eyes.

There are only two possibilities, this man is a dead man, or this man's cultivation level is far higher than his own.

Because monks with lower cultivation levels cannot easily see through the realm of higher-level monks, while monks with higher cultivation levels can easily see through the realm of cultivation realms of lower-level monks. This is common sense in the world of cultivation.

Luo Yu, whose hair was already a little messy, loosened his grip on the sword, and his body turned into a ball of blue water. With a "swish", he escaped three feet away.

She knelt down on one knee, looking at the man opposite who was so cold that she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Who are you?" Luo Yu asked.

The man did not answer, but looked at the other side with a condescending gaze as cold as an iceberg.

I saw him using one arm to pull out the long sword inserted in his chest, holding it in his hand and swiping it. There was no trace of blood on the long sword.

Then he waved his hand and threw the long sword on the ground with a "clang". It was obvious that he didn't know how to use a sword, or he didn't even bother to use a sword.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Xiao Hongzhu, who was standing behind the man, asked softly.

At this time, Xiao Hongzhu was standing behind this man and could not see his face clearly. I just feel like a big mountain is blocking my body, and I feel an unprecedented sense of security.

"Dear young lady, I am your waiter. I'm sorry that I'm late. As long as I'm here, you won't be harmed at all." The man replied, his voice was hoarse, but sonorous and powerful.

"May I have your name?"


The man paused and continued: "I don't have a name, you can call me "Moth Ling", moth's moth, Lingding's Ling."

"Mo Ling, what a strange name, thank you. But I didn't know you before."

"I'm just an unknown servant. It's normal for the lady not to recognize me."

On the other side, Xu Yang and Yin Feng were fighting fiercely.

Both of them were injured and could not display their original strength.

But after just a few rounds, Yin Feng felt a huge chill in his heart.

The disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect in front of him, whose cultivation level was only at Peiyuan Realm, was not at all inferior to him in strength. And he is at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm.

There is only one reason to explain.


This man is a genius!

And it is impossible for him to get the slightest advantage from the other party in a one-on-one situation.

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't succeed, Yin Feng made a feint, jumped out of the ring and stood side by side with Luo Yu.

"She indeed has a hidden helper, let's go." Luo Yu said, waving his hand and taking the long sword that Mo Ling had thrown on the ground back into his own hand.

"Okay." Yin Feng replied simply.

"It's not that easy to leave." The man who called himself Mo Ling said loudly.

Seeing that the other party would not let the two of them go, Luo Yu sneered, raised one arm, and threw an aqua talisman into the sky.

There was a "pop" sound.

The blue talisman exploded in the wind, and in a cloud of water mist, a blue water bird soared into the sky with its wings spread out at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the waterfowl in the sky exploded again, flashing blue fireworks that filled the sky.

"Come on, don't think you are the only one with help. Others from the Three Palaces of Netherworld will be here soon. Who will win is yet to be determined." Luo Yu looked up at the signal he sent and said with confidence.

Although Luo Yu said this, he was suspected of bluffing. But as the other two palaces of the three palaces in the Nether Realm, the killers sent by Youxing Palace and Netherworld Palace are indeed within this evil ghost realm.

Moth Ling looked up at the fireworks scattered in the sky.

Then he said coldly: "So, you two must die here first."

After saying that, the figure disappeared from the place like a black ghost. The next moment, he was in front of Luo Yu. He stretched out his hand and opened his fingers like the fangs of an angry beast towards Luo Yu's throat.

Luo Yu didn't try to take advantage of Mo Ling because she didn't know the strength of the man in front of her.

Logically speaking, in the evil ghost realm, any monk whose cultivation reaches or exceeds the soul realm will be punished by the black sun in the sky, but the man who calls himself Mo Ling is not affected by the black sun at all. Therefore, she concluded that this man's cultivation must also be at the True Alchemy Realm, or at most the same as her own, at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. The most likely possibility is that this man has practiced some strange magic.

With a judgment in his mind, Luo Yu decided not to attack rashly before finding out the details of his opponent, and he would not let his opponent easily take away the sword in his hand.

For an assassin who wields a sword, it is very dangerous for the sword to be taken away from his hand.

I saw a flash of blue light all over Luo Yu's body, and his body turned into a blurry water shadow dodging left and right, like a fish swimming in the water, which no one could catch. At the same time, he kept using the long sword in his hand to block the attacks from the Moth Ling.

When Xu Yang saw this, of course he knew what Mo Ling meant.

If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles. If Yin Feng and Luo Yu were not killed, not only would their pursuit of Xiao Hongzhu be endless, but when everyone from the Three Palaces of Netherworld arrived, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

In a hurry, he turned around and said: "Hibiscus, protect the little red candle, I'll go help."

As he said that, he spread his fire wings and rushed forward with the four magic long sticks.

Hibiscus held a black short knife and stood vigilantly beside Xiao Hongzhu.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yang, Mo Ling, Yin Feng, and Luo Yu were fighting together.

Yin Feng practices wind-attributed skills, and his speed in terms of body skills is not even inferior to Luo Yu's. Luo Yu, on the other hand, practices water-based techniques and is good at transforming into evasive forms.

Although Mo Ling and Xu Yang seemed to have the upper hand, they were unable to inflict serious damage or fatal blows to their opponents in a short period of time.

At this time, as the power of the God-Jointing Pill in Xu Yang's body continued to develop, his magic power became more and more abundant. Coupled with his own super recovery ability, the pain caused by the black thunder thunder also quickly improved. The more you fight, the braver you become.

Although Yin Feng's cultivation far exceeds that of Xu Yang and is at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm, he does not have such a heaven-defying martial arts body as Xu Yang, and his recovery after injury is much slower than Xu Yang's.

As time passed, Yin Feng showed signs of decline.

Xu Yang saw the opportunity, a golden dragon swung its tail, and the four magic long sticks in his hands emitted a gorgeous golden flower. The phantom of a purple sacred mountain in the golden flower was solid and real, and the power of Mount Tai's golden essence was applied to it.

Taishan Fine Gold was originally the spirit of heaven and earth bred from Mount Tai, one of the three sacred mountains. It not only has the ability to change size, but also has the ability to increase weight. As Xu Yang's cultivation level improved, these two abilities became stronger and stronger. But every time it is cast, the mana consumed is also huge.

With a "bang" sound, the long stick hit the long sword held out by Yin Feng. The power of Mount Tai spread out a purple-gold ripple, and the void trembled.

Yin Feng's arms went numb, and he felt as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him. His chest felt tight, and he almost lost his sword, and staggered backwards.

Before he could stand firm, Xu Yang's second stick came chasing the wind.

With a "Woo" sound, the stick wind roared like a beast.

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Sihuan's long stick arrived just a few feet above Yin Feng's head. If this stick hits it, Yin Feng's head will bloom like an iron weight hitting a watermelon.

At the moment of crisis, Yin Feng opened his mouth and spit out a small silver ball.

The ball is only the size of a cherry, with detailed runes engraved on its surface.


The ball exploded instantly, and a silver whirlwind appeared out of thin air, blocking Yin Feng's body.

Four magic long sticks landed on the whirlwind.

The sound of "Ding Dangdang" was endless, and Mars was flying.

This silver whirlwind seemed to have the power of thousands of blades, and it actually held Xu Yang's four-illusion long stick in mid-air and struck a blow.

Xu Yang tightened his arms.

With a "bang" sound, the silver whirlwind was smashed into pieces by the Four Magic Long Sticks, scattering glittering gold and iron fragments all over the ground.

Yin Feng took the opportunity to tiptoe and flip back three feet away.

His large aquiline nose was seen sniffing the air, and a proud expression appeared on his originally nervous face.

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