True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 215 Tiger and Leopard

At this moment, a large yellow firework suddenly exploded high in the sky, and the dazzling lights were like stars.

At the same time, the black earworm on Little Red Candle's waist also made a rapid "beep" warning sound.

In the sky, two golden tracks were seen rolling towards the direction of several people like meteors.

From far to near, it gradually became clear that they were two long golden swords about ten feet long.

On each of the swords stands a person flying with the sword, white clothes rustling and dancing, the sword body is swaying with golden starlight, and the momentum is extraordinary.

With a "boom", the long sword struck the ground not far from Xu Yang and the others, whipping up a gust of wind.

The strong wind dissipated, leaving two exploding sword marks on the originally smooth ground.

As soon as the golden flower was gathered, two men in white clothes holding golden swords appeared.

The visitors were two male cultivators, both wearing white robes embroidered with star patterns. One of them had a shallow scar on the left side of his face, and the other had two black silkworm-like mustaches on his mouth.

"So she is here." The mustache looked at the red candle behind Mo Ling, with a murderous look in his eyes, and said coldly.

"Yin Feng and Luo Yu, you two are quick to strike. It seems that you have met your opponent. If you can't defeat it, ask for help, which is in line with the style of your Youji Palace." The other Scarface saw the somewhat embarrassed Yin Feng and Luo Yu said happily.

"Xingbao, don't say sarcastic words. We are facing a powerful enemy, and I want to see how your Youxing Palace behaves." Yin Feng said unconvinced.

"Xing Hu, Xing Leopard, even if you two are very powerful, you must not be careless. The guys in black and green on the opposite side are not easy to mess with. Although, in the past, there has been little cooperation between the three palaces in the Netherworld. However, you should know the importance of this mission, and it is not the time to steal the limelight. If it fails, we will not be able to bear the responsibility," Luo Yu reminded in time.

"Oh, Beauty Luo Yu. It's the first time I see you caring so much about our brothers. These words really warm my heart, brother. You are a famous ice beauty in the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. There is a word for it, Yes, Leng Ruoshuang. However, I'm afraid you didn't think so before. The duck you got flew away, and then you remembered to send the signal. Fortunately, we are not far from here, otherwise, if your little face is messed up, brother, I will This hurts my heart." Xingbao, who had a scar on his face, said sarcastically.

"Huh!" Luo Yu snorted lightly and ignored it.

Yin Feng on the side glared at Xingbao angrily. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not get angry. Now is not the time to be competitive with the two of them.

"Xingbao, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's go together and take down a few of them first." Xinghu, who has a mustache, is very pragmatic.

Seeing two more helpers coming from the opposite side, Mo Ling, dressed in black, shouted coldly: "If the people from the Third Palace of Netherworld want to kill Miss, just step on my body." The hoarse voice was full of determination to fight.

After saying that, he took a step forward and stood in front of Xiao Hongzhu.

Then he said to Xu Yang and Mu Jin who were beside him: "The four of them are all killers in the Three Palaces of the Netherworld, and they all have cultivation levels at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. I'm afraid there are more than just the four of them coming to the Three Palaces this time, at least the Netherworld The people from the Huan Palace haven't shown up yet. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. You two should take the young lady and leave quickly. I'll resist them for a while."

After saying this, before the four people on the opposite side could take action, Mo Ling advanced instead of retreating. Tiptoeing, like a black roc with spread wings, it flew over.

Xu Yang didn't know Mo Ling's true strength. I just saw the situation where he and Luo Yu were fighting. Although it gave people an unfathomable feeling, it had not yet reached the level of easily defeating Luo Yu. If Mo Ling were to deal with the four True Alchemy Realm monks on the opposite side at the same time, it would be difficult to do so.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang turned around and said: "Hibiscus, take Xiao Hongzhu away from here quickly and go to the entrance of Tiangui Sect's trial. Leave this place to me and Mo Ling."

Hibiscus hesitated for a moment and replied: "Okay, I will take the little red candle and leave first. You must be careful."

Without Little Red Candle, Hibiscus would never have left Xu Yang here alone. If they leave without Little Red Candle, Mo Ling and Xu Yang will be distracted. The duel between masters is often just a matter of thoughts, and nothing can be done carelessly.

Hibiscus took Xiao Hongzhu's hand and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Hongzhu looked at the back of Mo Ling who rushed over, seemingly thoughtful, and then shook her head. I always feel that Mo Ling is a person I was familiar with before, but now he is very strange.

"None of you can leave! Leave the man in black to me, the boy in green to Xinghu, and the remaining two girls to be dealt with by Yin Feng and Luo Yu. You won't miss it again this time, right?" Scarface Star Leopard said loudly.

Saying that, Xingbao took out a golden talisman and stuck it on his long sword.

There was a "pop" sound.

After the talisman exploded, it turned into seven golden star points the size of walnuts and sank into the sword body.

The next moment, circles of golden ripples emanated from the sword from time to time. The length of the sword increased by half a foot, and the sword's power exploded.

The talisman that Xingbao just took out was the Star Soul Talisman secretly made by Youxing Palace, and a large amount of star soul power was sealed in it. Injecting the power of the star soul into the weapon can greatly enhance the weapon's attack capability. Everything has its pros and cons. Using a weapon blessed with the power of the Star Soul will consume a lot of the caster's mana.

Xing Hu on the side also took out a Star Soul Talisman and stuck it on his long sword.

Youxing Palace is famous for its ability to control the power of star souls.

When Xinghu and Xingbao saw the way Yin Feng and Luo Yu looked just now, they knew that the two people opposite them were by no means ordinary people. The opponent that can make Yin Feng and Luo Yu suffer is definitely not something they can easily deal with.

Although the two of them were aggressive, they were cautious in doing so.

As a killer, you must first ensure that you are not killed.

Star Leopard and Star Tiger, with their Xinghui Swords in hand, rushed out first. The long sword was waved, golden star spots shone, and the mysterious star soul power shook the void.

Luo Yu and Yin Feng turned to look at each other, knowing each other's intentions through their eyes.

The two of them did not rush out immediately, but followed Xinghu and Xingbao a little further behind, waiting for an opportunity.

After all, he was injured, and he knew how powerful Mo Ling and Xu Yang were, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"No one can get there!"

When Mo Ling saw the other four people coming to kill them, a hint of determination flashed in her deep eyes, and she shouted while charging forward.

He saw his true energy rising rapidly, and the coercion around him surged like a wave, leaving behind circles of turbulent air currents.

He was still using his bare hands, and quickly formed a strange seal with his hands. The gray light flickered on the seal, and the shadow of a three-eyed ghost head was vaguely visible.

Immediately afterwards, with Mo Ling's body as the center, circles of gray-white spiritual patterns rippled outward.

Everything he passed was dyed a monotonous gray-white color, just like the cold gray-white color of his stern face.

This gray-white color quickly formed a large area around him.

As soon as Star Tiger and Star Leopard stepped into this gray area, they felt their soles sink.

"Soul Realm?" Xingbao was startled, and a panicked look appeared on his face.

"The Soul Realm can only be used when the cultivation level is above the Yuan Soul Realm. Is this man in black a Yuan Soul Realm monk? No, although this gray area feels similar to the Soul Realm, it is not the same. This should be a kind of secret Technique." Xingbao was thinking quickly.

If Mo Ling is a real Yuanhun realm monk, although he cannot defeat the four of them immediately, he is still a complete threat. After all, the strength of Yuanhun Realm monks is unmatched by ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks.

"Watch your step!" Luo Yu, who was behind them, warned loudly.

By the time the two heard it, it was already too late.

I saw more than ten gray-white ghost hands suddenly rising from the ground in the gray area.

The ten fingers of the ghost hand are as sharp as blades, bending and scratching, like zombie arms emerging from the ground. And there is actually a gray ghost eye in the palm of each ghost hand, which looks terrifying.

Xingbao felt first a coldness in his ankle, then a tightness, and finally a stinging pain. It was like being entangled by a cold poisonous snake and then suddenly bitten.

Looking down, he saw that the sharp nails of a sinister ghost hand had sunk into the flesh of his ankle, which was horrifying. The situation of Star Tiger on the other side is similar.

In desperation, Xinghu and Xingbao quickly waved the golden swords in their hands and slashed at the ghost hands at their feet.

With a "swish" sound, the golden sword edge passed by.

"Wu-wu", with two whining sounds, the gray ghost hands wrapped around the ankles of the two men were cut in two by the golden sword light, and then each turned into a ball of gray mist and rolled away.

It seems that the power of the star souls on their swords has some restraint on the ghost hands.

But this gray ghost hand was not the real thing. The gray mist that rolled back condensed, and the ghost hand appeared again.

The one eye on the ghost's hand was like a cat's pupil searching for mice in the dark night. With a flash of green light, it once again locked onto the two people who invaded the gray area.

The two ghostly hands were like greedy hungry wolves and pounced on Xinghu and Xingbao again.

Although there are more than ten ghost hands in the gray ghost domain, each one seems to have its own sphere of influence. The ghost hands will not swarm, but will actively attack targets close to them.

For a moment, the two men's forward momentum was blocked, and they swung their swords repeatedly to deal with the entangled ghost hands.

"This is not a soul realm. It is probably a ghost realm unique to the ghost realm in the underworld." Star Leopard thought quickly in his mind and seemed to have found the answer, reminding him loudly.

After hearing this, Xinghu frowned and thought to himself: "Could this person be a ghost cultivator from the underworld? This is impossible. Our Third Palace in the Netherworld is the spokesperson of the underworld in the underworld. Moreover, this mission was issued by the underworld. This man is truly a mystery.”

In the gray ghost realm, Mo Ling exuded streaks of gray-white ghost energy, spinning like a spiritual snake. His already cold appearance was even more sinister, like a ghost from the underworld.

Xingbao and Xinghu are both killers from Youxing Palace. Although their names are similar, they are just pseudonyms for the killers. The two of them are not related by blood.

The two have worked together in Youxing Palace for many years and often perform assassination missions together. People gave Youxing Palace the nickname "Tiger and Leopard". Therefore, the two of them still have a tacit understanding in terms of cooperation in killing.

This time, the plan was for Xingbao to contain Mo Ling, while Xinghu was responsible for dealing with Xu Yang.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two people rushed over, they fell into the ghost realm released by Mo Ling.

It is obviously not an easy task to get rid of the entanglement of the ghost realm. A dozen or so ghosts could be killed with their hands and driven away without moving. Although it cannot cause a fatal attack to the two of them, it is enough to make their smooth movements become fragmented.

At this time, the two of them seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to extricate themselves.

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