True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 216 Flame Spirit Realm

After all, Xinghu and Xingbao are the top killers of Youxing Palace. They have rich experience in fighting enemies. After a few rounds, they found that every ghost hand in the ghost realm used by Mo Ling will only attack the target that is close. , instead of all taking the initiative.

This is because Mo Ling is not a real Yuan Soul Realm monk after all, and a large amount of his own soul power is used to release and control the space of the ghost realm. There is simply no extra soul power to control dozens of ghost hands in the ghost domain to attack at the same time. You can only control the destroyed ghost hand to resurrect again.

Each ghost hand is formed by condensing the mana released by Mo Ling. Every time a ghost hand is cut off by the opponent, it takes a lot of mana to re-condensate it. If it weren't for the fact that Mo Ling's magic power was much stronger than that of ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks, he wouldn't have been able to cast this technique for a long time.

After figuring out the attack pattern of the ghost hands in the ghost domain, the star leopard of the two is responsible for attacking with all his strength, and the remaining star tiger devotes half of his energy to destroy the approaching ghost hands. With the cooperation of the two, the attack became smoother and smoother, and the pace became more and more comfortable.

In the end, the two of them were able to exert the attack level of one and a half on Mo Ling's body.

Seeing the right moment, Xingbao thrust out the golden Xinghui Sword in his hand, and a golden python came out of the hole. The sword wind roared, and the sword light fluttered like flying gold silk. Underneath the shock, there was a ruthless murderous intent.

Mo Ling did not dodge, and thrust out her palm to meet the incoming sword blade.

With a "dang" sound, the long sword was like cutting on an iron ingot. The sound was clear and harsh, and sparks flew everywhere.

"What a hard palm." Xingbao said in surprise.

What surprised him even more next was that the moment Mo Ling's palm came into contact with the blade of his Star Sword, it turned into a claw.

One twist, one hook, one grab, and the Xinghui Sword was firmly grasped.

Mo Ling's palm is as indestructible as a magical weapon.

No matter how dexterous a weapon is, it cannot be used as freely as his hands. His hands are his magic weapons.

Three years ago, Mo Ling entered the underworld alone. He accidentally learned a set of boxing techniques called "Pulse-cutting Ghost Hands", which is specialized in restraining other people's weapons and is good at close combat.

At this time, Mo Ling was performing the unique skill of "Pulse-cutting Ghost Hands". He struck like a snake, was as precise as a scorpion's tail, and captured like a tiger's teeth.

The long sword was locked in Mo Ling's palm, and Star Leopard looked surprised. He quickly activated his magic power and injected it crazily into the Star Sword, igniting the power of the Star Soul on the long sword.

There was a "boom" explosion.

A ball of dazzling golden flames suddenly exploded on the sword body. The rolling golden flames were burning with strong star soul power, and the power contained in them was not comparable to that of the detonating talisman.

Mo Ling seemed to be on guard for a long time. The gray-white spiritual light flickered on the palm of her hand, and the shadow of cyan and red-armored ghost claws suddenly appeared, which was extremely scary.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The power of the Star Soul and the power of Kidao rubbed against each other, causing many dazzling silver arcs to pop out.

In the end, his fingers that were holding the sword were slightly loosened, and a wisp of residual black smoke emerged between the outstretched five fingers. However, only the black cloth strip wrapping the palm was somewhat damaged, and the palm itself was not damaged.

Without stopping for a moment, Mo Ling's outstretched arm reached forward, and the "Pulse-cutting Ghost Hand" came out again.

If it weren't for Xinghu on the side who made up for it with a sword in time, Xingbao's Xinghui Sword was almost caught by Mo Ling.

This kind of taking the sword with bare hands, more accurately speaking, should be taking the sword with bare hands, and taking it so domineeringly really surprised both Xing Hu and Xing Leopard.

For a time, the two were unable to execute their initial battle plan and could only adopt a two-on-one strategy to entangle Mo Ling. But Mo Ling no longer had the space to block Yin Feng and Luo Yu who came after them.

Seeing the ghost realm released by Mo Ling blocking Xing Hu and Xing Bao, Yin Feng and Luo Yu who were following them suddenly changed direction, bypassed Mo Ling, and headed towards the location of Xiao Hongzhu.

Luo Yu and Yin Feng turned to look at each other, nodded slightly to each other, and with their eyes facing each other, the next battle strategy had been reached.

A killer should have the IQ to kill.

As long as Luo Yu can entangle Xu Yang for a moment, Yin Feng will have the confidence to snatch the little red candle from Mu Jin's hand, and even kill it with a sword.

Suddenly, Luo Yu's figure sped up by three points, and their formation changed into one behind the other.

Luo Yu in front.

Using secret luck techniques, she used a unique water spirit technique. A pair of slender calves turned into transparent water waves. Her strange figure was like a blue snake leaving curved ripples on the ground, and the long sword in her hand was like The poisonous fangs of the snake attacked Xu Yang.

Yin Feng is behind.

Using the wind spirit technique, wind arose from the soles of his feet, following Luo Yu closely. At the moment when Luo Yu and Xu Yang were fighting, he was ready to leap over and directly chase Mu Jin and Xiao Hongzhu.

"With this little fairy here, don't even think about it!"

Hearing Xu Yang's loud shout, the pressure all over his body exploded, and the concentration of mana released had transformed, like red snakes dancing wildly, stirring the void.

"This is definitely not the kind of pressure that a cultivator in the Peiyuan Realm can unleash!" Luo Yu judged in his heart when he saw this.

I saw three colors of light "whooshing" coming out of the Tianling Cap above Xu Yang's head.

A flash of red turned into a fire bird with a golden crown and long tail, which was A'Zhu's true body, the Suzaku Flame Spirit.

A streak of golden color turned into a golden crow with golden feathers and three legs. It was the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

A streak of earth and gold transformed into a ghost baby with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and a golden scorpion tail. It was the Flame Wheel Spirit.

Three flame spirits connected end to end, hovering above Xu Yang's head, forming a three-color fireworks halo.

A powerful wave of soul power quickly spread out from the top of Xu Yang's head like a frenzy. This wave was composed of three interlaced colors of red, gold, and earth and gold. It was dazzling and connected the world.

Wherever it passes, it is like a painting painted by a magic pen, dyed with three colors.

Flame Spirit Realm!

The flame spirit domain he dominates!

Luo Yu, who was originally as powerful as a snake, had just stepped into the realm of the three-color flame spirit, and felt as if he was carrying a thousand pounds of power, and his steps as nimble as a snake suddenly became heavier.

Luo Yu, known for his calm heart and coldness as ice, no longer has the killer demeanor of the past. Her eyes suddenly became wandering, and her whole body trembled as she exclaimed: "Soul Realm! He is a Yuanhun Realm monk!"

Xu Yang knew that if he wanted to stop Yin Feng and Luo Yu at the same time, he would have to use thunderbolt methods by surprise.

In the last battle with Yaksha Ming, Xu Yang once tried to use the Flame Spirit Domain. Although he could not bring out the full strength of the Flame Spirit Domain, it was enough to frighten opponents with True Alchemy Realm cultivation in a short period of time, and then cast A fatal blow.

Seeing Luo Yu falling into his flame spirit domain, Xu Yang's pupils shrank and his murderous intention aroused.

Activating the magic formula, the three flame spirits above his head circled and twisted together. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a three-color chain and spread out with a "clatter".

The speeding chain rushed towards Luo Yu like a violent three-color dragon.

Luo Yu was shocked and repeated her old tricks.

He silently recited the Water Escape Technique in his heart, and flashed water-colored ripples all over his body, preparing to use the Water Escape Technique to escape.

But being trapped deep in the flame spirit realm caused her water escape technique to lose its original speed. Before the water escape technique was fully activated, the three-color chain had already reached about ten feet in front of her.

At the critical moment, Yin Feng behind Luo Yu shouted: "The wind is coming!"

The moment Luo Yu fell into the flame spirit field released by Xu Yang, Yin Feng behind him noticed it.

He took out a small blood-red talisman with his left hand and put it on his forehead, and then a scarlet jumping will-o'-the-wisp ignited on the talisman.

The will-o'-the-wisp flashed and drew a strange blood-red rune on its smooth forehead.

This rune is like a vivid red earthworm that keeps squirming, which is weird and disgusting. The next moment, a red ghost horn suddenly appeared in the center of his forehead, and his pupils turned blood red.

The coercion around Yin Feng suddenly became violent, even worse than the state before the injury.

Use the will-o'-the-wisp talisman to temporarily transform your body into a ghost to obtain powerful mana output. Yin Feng would not use this method lightly unless absolutely necessary. Because the ghost body will cause damage to the soul, excessive ghost transformation will make people go crazy.

Seeing Luo Yu in crisis, Yin Feng couldn't care less.

The two have been working together as a team for some years, and they have been on countless dangerous missions, which can be said to be life-and-death.

Over time, Yin Feng developed a good impression of Luo Yu. But Yin Feng has never expressed his love to Luo Yu directly.

It's not just Luo Yu's cold temperament that makes people stay away, but also because Yin Feng knows that most killers die in the process of assassinating others.

The love given by the killer often becomes a painful memory for the lover.

Therefore, Yin Feng just tried his best to protect Luo Yu during the mission, and his happiest time was when performing missions with Luo Yu.

As a killer, Yin Feng is ruthless when killing people, without joy or sorrow. He will not hate the person he kills, nor will he sympathize with the person he kills. He just enjoyed every moment he spent with Luo Yu, but most of the time they spent together was killing people or on the way to kill people. What a sad happiness.

The Three Palaces of the Nether Realm are extremely powerful and are one of the largest forces in the Nether Realm. As the killers of the three palaces of the Nether World, the Netherworld Palace, the Netherworld Palace, and the Netherworld Palace, they appear to have great glory on the surface, but in fact they are just killing tools.

Once you join the Netherworld Three Palaces and become a killer, you cannot quit at will. If you withdraw on your own, you will be regarded as a betrayal by Sangong. You will be endlessly hunted by killers sent by Sangong and be punished with the death penalty of evil ghosts and souls. The end will be terrible.

Yin Feng also tentatively asked Luo Yu if he had ever thought about withdrawing from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. But Luo Yu just shook his head and had no answer.

If the killer of the Netherworld Three Palaces wants to change his destiny, he must complete a major task before he has the opportunity to be promoted to the Secret History of the Netherworld Three Palaces, responsible for communicating between the Netherworld Three Palaces and the underworld.

The mission to assassinate Hongzhu this time is the highest-level mission issued by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. Once completed, the two of them will have the opportunity to be promoted to the Secret History of the Three Palaces, and they will no longer be the lowest-ranking assassins among the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. Only then can we have the opportunity to find our true emotions and no longer be overwhelmed by cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness.

After turning into a ghost, Yin Feng's figure was like a fierce ghost, and he came to Luo Yu's side in just one breath, completely ignoring the flame spirit field released by Xu Yang.

Luo Yu understood.

He used all his strength to activate the power of the true elixir in his body, and as the outer core of the true elixir melted rapidly, mana surged out as violently as a stormy wave.

The two of them are ready to fight to the death!

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