True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 217 Nether Soul Calling Flag

The water-blue ripples on Luo Yu's sword edge were beating, and the water-attribute magic power contained in it was rolling like a stormy sea.

Almost at the same time, Yin Feng also activated the power of the true elixir.

The outer core of the true elixir in his body melted rapidly, and the magic power roared out like a violent wind, injected into the silver blade in his hand, and spit out from the blade.

In the blink of an eye, a black whirlwind the size of a bowl condensed at the tip of the sword. There seemed to be countless sharp blades hidden in the black whirlwind, and there were bursts of metallic buzzing sounds.

Luo Yu holds a sword in his right hand, and Yin Feng holds a sword in his left hand.

The two figures rely on each other, their eyes have the same fighting spirit, and even their breathing rhythms are surprisingly consistent. If you rely solely on your spiritual senses, you would mistakenly think that the two of them are one and the same.

I saw the silver blades in their hands coming together and suddenly thrusting out simultaneously.

"Combined Pill Killing Technique—Wind and Rain Dual Polar Transformation!"

The sword's will takes shape!

The sword lights they slashed out each created a black wind dragon and a clear blue water dragon.

The two dragons circling and turbulent moved forward together.

In an instant, the storm raged, and the blue water surged. The wind borrowed the power of the water, and the water borrowed the force of the wind, and became more and more violent.

The next moment, the wind dragon and the water dragon merged together, suddenly turning into an even more powerful blue-black storm dragon.

The dragon's horns, head, claws, body, tail, and scales are all extremely clear, just like the reappearance of a heavenly dragon.

The dragon shape of this sword intention was transformed by the release of the two people's true energy through the Dan Killing Technique, and it was also a condensed form of the two people's hearts and minds that matched their fighting intentions.

For sword cultivators, the transformation of sword intention is already a very high level. But it is extremely rare for two people like Yin Feng and Luo Yu to combine their sword intentions together.

The storm dragon roared crazily, with its angry mouth and sharp claws, swimming in the sky.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with fierce winds like blades and flying rain like spears.

Circles of blue-black ripples swayed above the mad sword dragon. Wherever it passed, the earth and rocks rolled and shattered, and the void trembled and gave way. Everyone was impressed by the dragon's power. It turned out to be the domain of the sword!

The Sword Domain, also known as the Sword Domain, can be said to be a special manifestation of the Soul Domain.

Under normal circumstances, only sword cultivators who have reached the Soul Realm can display the sword domain, which can also be said to be the exclusive soul domain for sword cultivators.

Soul Domain is a unique skill for Yuan Soul Realm monks. It releases powerful soul power and forms a large-scale soul power domain within a certain space around itself.

The caster's attack, defense, speed and other fighting abilities in this soul realm will be greatly increased. The stronger the soul realm, the greater the increase. At the same time, it limits the opponent's attack, defense, speed and other abilities in the soul realm.

When the Soul Realm sword cultivator uses Soul Domain, he injects more soul power and sword intent into the long sword. The sword domain is the soul domain, and the soul domain is the sword domain. The difference is that the sword realm emphasizes the offensive nature of the weapon more than the ordinary monk's soul realm.

Yin Feng and Luo Yu used the combined pill killing technique to imitate the sword realm that only Yuanhun realm swordsmen can perform, which was their trump card.

This "Wind and Rain Dual Transformation" is also a life-saving technique used by the two of them to defeat powerful enemies and turn danger into safety.

It’s a long story, it’s all just a flash of lightning.


The three-color chain formed by the flame spirit used by Xu Yang and the storm dragon used by Yin Feng and Luo Yu collided with each other.

Two realms of different natures overlapped and fought fiercely for control of space, making the void creak. The three-color chain and the stormy black dragon are like two fierce beasts fighting for territory, biting each other, evenly matched, giving way to each other every step of the way.

At the center of the collision of the two extreme moves, a dazzling straight light rose up, dividing the void into two.

In terms of the strength of their magical power, Luo Yu and Yin Feng combined are superior to Xu Yang. After all, Xu Yang's cultivation realm is only the Peiyuan realm, while Luo Yu and Luo Yu are both at the peak of the True Dan realm.

Even if Xu Yang has a fake elixir in his body, coupled with the mana bonus from the Haoran Heavenly Veins in his body, it is still slightly inferior to the combined mana of the two opposite men. Fortunately, Xu Yang's three flame spirits were all magical beings, which offset part of the opponent's mana, so the actual performance of both sides was evenly matched.

The huge sound made Hibiscus and Xiaohongzhu, who had just ran not far away, couldn't help but look back.

Seeing that Xu Yang had already used Flame Spirit Domain, he tied with the two people opposite him. Hibiscus couldn't help but feel worried. After all, Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Domain is barely used, which puts too much burden on the body and may cause disadvantages over time.

Elsewhere, Mo Ling was also struggling with Xing Hu and Xing Leopard.

Hibiscus paused, a look of worry and hesitation on her face.

Xiao Hongzhu is extremely smart, and of course she can see what Hibiscus is thinking.

"Sister Mujin, let's go back and help brother Xu Xiaoxian and Mo Ling."

"But the opponent is too strong. How can we help? Otherwise, we will only cause trouble." Mu Jin said, blaming herself for her own lack of strength.

In fact, Hibiscus's strength is already at the top among the cultivators in the Peiyuan Realm. It's just that compared with Xu Yang, a cultivator in the Peiyuan Realm who defies the will of heaven, he seems far behind.

Xiao Hongzhu's big eyes flickered at Hibiscus, as if she was thinking about something. He flipped his wrist and took out a palm-sized black triangular flag.

The style of the small flag is ordinary and unremarkable. It looks as rough as homespun cloth, but it exudes a simple and long-lasting charm. On one side of it is written the word "you" for the underworld, and on the other side is the word "ming" for the underworld.

"I see that my sister also practices ghost magic. This "Netherworld Summoning Treasure Flag" should come in handy. Consider it a gift from me. The attribute of this treasure is cathode, and only female cultivators can use it. So Sister, although your current cultivation level cannot activate its full power, you should be able to use it. I hope it can help Brother Xu Xiaoxian and the others."

With that said, Xiao Hongzhu handed the small black flag to Hibiscus.

Looking at Xiao Hongzhu's innocent eyes, Mu Jin believed that this flag could definitely help Xu Yang and the two get out of trouble.

"Really? I didn't expect you to have such a treasure." Mu Jin said, taking the black flag in his hand.

"This flag is called the "Netherworld Summoning Spirit Treasure Flag". Speaking of which, this flag has something to do with Emperor Fengdu, the incarnation of the black sun in the sky and the ruler of the underworld. Rumor has it that Emperor Hades left this thing in the underworld. This is the flag's You have to memorize the control technique." As she spoke, Xiao Hongzhu stretched out her slender fingers and tapped it.

A flash of blue light appeared on her spring-green fingertips, and the blue light flashed, revealing the control method of the treasure flag.

Hibiscus stared, memorizing the techniques one by one, and imprinted them on her mind.

After reading the instructions for the first time, Hibiscus couldn't help but feel surprised and happy.

This "Netherworld Spirit Summoning Treasure Flag" turned out to be a treasure that summoned the spirits of the underworld. In layman's terms, it means that powerful spirits can be summoned from the underworld to fight for the user.

Treasures can be divided into many types according to their uses, among which offensive, defensive, speed, etc. are all common. However, there are very few treasures that can summon foreign spirits, and treasures that can cross-border summoning of foreign spirits like the "Netherworld Spirit Summoning Treasure Flag" are even rarer. This treasure is probably unique in the Zhongyuan world. How could this not surprise Mu Jin?

Fortunately, this treasure can be used to help Xu Yang resolve the current crisis.

When I read the instructions again, the excitement in my heart cooled down a bit.

Because, with Mu Jin's current cultivation level in the Peiyuan realm, he might be able to summon the lowest level of the foreign spirits to fight for him.

"If sister is worried, you can try it first to see if it can be used." The little red candle on the side reminded.

"Okay, Little Red Candle. Thank you for giving me such a powerful treasure."

"Compared with my sister's intention to help me, this flag is nothing."

Hibiscus nodded.

Then he tried to activate the technique he had just learned, and the true energy was injected into his eyes.

I saw a flash of blue light above Hibiscus's eyes.

At this time, Hibiscus's gaze could actually see through the treasure flag and see the distant underworld.

In a place full of jagged and strange rocks, a strange spirit with a human face and a cat tail sat squatting.

She looks like a seven or eight-year-old girl, with a petite face and healthy and shiny bronze skin.

Her jet-black hair was tied into dense braids and hung on her shoulders. Her big blue-gray eyes shone like the sea, deep and bright. He has a straight nose, a small cherry mouth, and two fluffy cat ears that occasionally twitch. He looks cute and cute.

She only wore a tube top leopard print skirt, and a black furry tail swayed gently back and forth behind her.

At this time, she was looking at Hibiscus, her eyes showing kindness, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Under the original smile, two sharp tiger teeth were exposed, showing a slightly sinister look.

"Little clever ghost!" Hibiscus called softly.

The little clever ghost knew that Mu Jin was calling him and nodded.

"This little clever ghost doesn't look very powerful. Let's see if there are any other powerful spirits that can be summoned."

Thinking of this, Hibiscus mobilized all the soul power in her body, and the blue light in her eyes became more intense.

What she saw at this time was a grassy land covered with all kinds of weird and beautiful flowers. A long-haired beauty was lying on her side on a smooth boulder in the middle of the grass.

At this time, the beauty was facing away from Hibiscus' gaze.

Under the jade neck and fragrant shoulders is an extremely simple white gauze long skirt. The long skirt has a split between her thighs and waist, and the half-exposed long legs are like white jade carvings, with flowing light. The areas covered only by gauze show round and plump curves, just like the two petals of a peach. A pair of bare, slender jade feet were as spotless as hibiscus, and they were like a pair of obediently lying jade cats. They just stayed there quietly, but there was something inherently sultry about them.

I saw her shoulders swaying slightly, her long legs moving slightly, her slender waist gently twisting, her long hair flowing gently, her jade body turning slightly, and a very beautiful face turning to look at Hibiscus.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes are like a blue pool, and just a blink of an eye is enough to capture your soul. The forehead is full, neither big nor small, exuding an alluring charm like a piece of peerless jade. One look at it will make people have the urge to kiss it. The eyebrows are dark and slender as if drawn in ink, the nose is straight and small as if deliberately carved, and the vermilion lips are as plump as a beating flame.



Beautiful monster!

A monster so beautiful that it brings disaster to the country and the people!

Seeing this, Hibiscus, who is also a woman, couldn't help but blush and her heart beat, and her soul was shaken.

At this moment, the monster seemed to have seen Hibiscus. She raised an arm and lightly hooked her catkin-like fingers, as if to say hello to Hibiscus.

Suddenly, the monster's image turned into water waves and became blurry.

A ghostly cry of "Wow".

The monster turned into a fleshless skeleton, and the rattling of her teeth was horrifying.

After another wave of fluctuations, the fleshless skeleton transformed back into the beautiful monster.

"Pink Skull!"

Hibiscus called softly.

The pink skull ignored her and turned around again. All she could see was her black hair, beautiful back, long legs, and jade feet.

At this time, Hibiscus was panting. Obviously, her current level of cultivation was not enough to summon this pink skeleton. But Hibiscus had a vague feeling that this pink skull was at the level of the Soul Realm.

The next stronger supernatural spirit, now Hibiscus can't even see its shadow.

It is conceivable that if the power of this treasure is exerted to its limit, it is unknown what kind of supernatural spirit can be summoned.

"It seems that I can only summon that little clever ghost with cat ears and cat tail." Mu Jin thought in her heart.

I wonder if this little clever guy can help a few people get out of their current predicament.

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