True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 219 Forgetting Valley

In mid-air, the Star Soul Tower, which was originally as arrogant as a general, was now submissive as if seeing a king, and its whole body was shaking like chaff.

The ruthless thunder thunder roared, swearing on behalf of the aloof Black Sun that it was the insurmountable king in the evil ghost realm, the king who could not disobey, the king who could not be challenged, the only king.

At this time, the energy above the Tribulation Thunder is no longer something that ordinary monks can understand. The power of law, the power of prehistoric times, the power of interface, and the power of Hades are greater than the energy released when Xu Yang uses the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. Even more so.

This black calamity thunder is the incarnation of the scepter in the hand of Emperor Fengdu, the ruler of the underworld. The punishment scepter of the Underworld Emperor, which was so high up that only people could look up to it, was whipping hard on the body of the Star Soul Tower.

It seems to be saying: "Despicable slave, kneel down before this emperor!"

After a while, the cracks on the seven-story Star Soul Tower connected into a network, and thousands of golden lights pierced out from the network gaps. The forty-two tower bells on it hurriedly sang in unison, and the rapid and crisp "Dang Dang Dang" sounded. "The sound seems to be the last song of its life.


Collapse to pieces!

Collapse releasing unparalleled energy!

The void is torn apart!

A rapidly circling black hole suddenly appeared at the location where the Star Soul Tower had just exploded.

The black hole in space was several feet in size, faintly black and bottomless, like a big mouth from hell devouring everything in sight. Rocks, trees, air, and even light could not escape.

The energy emitted by the Star Soul Tower's crazy collapse was also sucked into the black hole. For a moment, the strong wind roared like a hundred beasts roaring together, which was extremely frightening.

The scary thing is that Hibiscus and Little Red Candle, who were fainting on the ground, had no ability to resist. They were lifted up by the strong wind. The two black figures were like helpless boats in the roaring waves, and were instantly sucked into the black hole.

Xu Yang in the distance saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart.

"Hibiscus, wait for me!"

A shout.

Without thinking too much, Xu Yang curled his fire wings behind his back and unleashed the rest of his magic power. The leaping figure turned into a stream of red light, and disappeared into the black hole in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same moment, Mo Ling, dressed in black, appeared together, leaving only a ghostly shadow and fell into the black hole.

Xing Bao, Xing Hu, Luo Yu and Yin Feng used various techniques to resist the sucking force of the black hole. For a moment, the sword light was like a net, and the crackling sounds continued. But it seemed to have little effect, and the four people's feet became unsteady.

At the next moment, the black sun flashed in the sky. An invisible energy fell on the black hole like a curse.

The black hole that was originally raging like a ferocious beast suddenly turned into a docile kitten, spinning rapidly, getting smaller and smaller, until it became the size of a needle tip, and finally disappeared.

Black sun! The incarnation of Hades! Always be the master of this interface.

The four Star Leopards looked at each other with extremely complicated expressions.

There is happiness in escaping the black hole, but also regret that the task cannot be completed for the time being, and even more admiration for Xu Yang and Mo Ling's willingness to sacrifice their lives.

"They were swallowed by the black hole." Yin Feng, who had returned to his original appearance, looked at the nothingness and said, then stretched out his large aquiline nose and sniffed back and forth, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I wonder where they were taken by the black hole in space? Maybe they will be lost in the black hole forever." Luo Yu said, habitually tying her messy hair back neatly with her hands.

"No matter where we go, as long as that person doesn't die, Sangong's pursuit will never stop." Xingbao said, and the Xinghui Sword in his hand returned to the scabbard behind him with a "Cang" sound, waiting for the next step. Pull out once.

"It's a pity that the Star Soul Tower is a very precious secret treasure owned by Youxing Palace. I didn't expect it to be burned down by the thunder. However, the energy of the explosion of the Star Soul Tower was sucked into the black hole in the space just now. As long as we can sense where the Star Soul Tower releases its energy, we may be able to find them." As he spoke, Xing Hu touched his mustache with his hands, and it was obvious that he was not at peace either.

"This method is feasible, but it is very troublesome to track down. It seems that there are only twenty days left before the deadline for hunting. If we can't find him before then, we will wait to go back to claim the crime." Xingbao said with a serious face.

"It seems that the man escaped into this forgotten land, and he has indeed prepared many means of response. We should contact the two people from the Fantasy Palace as soon as possible. We will work together. If we can really find that man, we will have a greater chance of winning. " Luo Yu regained her calm thinking and gave some advice.

After this battle, Xingbao and Xinghu no longer had the arrogance and vigor they had before. They all expressed their agreement with Luo Yu's suggestion.


In the path of evil spirits.

There is a place that is unknown, or rather hidden in a mysterious barrier.

This place is a village, a village located in a wide valley.

In the center of the valley, that is, in the center of the village, stands a blood-red monument that is more than ten feet tall.

The monument is cylindrical, and it is unknown what it was made of. Its bottom is like a huge tree root that is intertwined and inserted into the soil below. Blood-red veins extend upward from the bottom and wrap around the surface of the monument. And there seems to be blood flowing in the veins.

It is said to be a monument, but it is more like a huge alien spiritual tree.

The top of the monument sprays out countless light red lights, like a huge umbrella, holding out a huge barrier space.

Villages and towns are protected by this giant umbrella space. There are three big characters carved on a huge stone at the entrance of the village.

Forgetting Valley.

The amazing thing is that from outside the valley, no monuments or villages can be seen at all. The violent heat emitted by the black sun high in the sky becomes harmless and docile after being filtered by this barrier.

There is no barbaric and murderous atmosphere in other places in the Evil Ghost Path. Instead, the harmonious and quiet atmosphere of ordinary human villages is everywhere.

In an unnamed tavern in a village.

"I don't know who can drink mulberry wine this year. The color is more tender than cold syrup, and the fragrance is the same as nectar and eternal spring." A drinker chanted.

This drinker was sitting alone at a wine table. Apart from a plate of fried peanuts with a few eaten peanuts, there was only a large wine jar on the table.

The wine jar is a brown-glazed earthenware pot with a big belly, which looks like it can hold more than ten kilograms of white wine.

He was wearing a soap-colored coarse cloth that had been washed many times, and the original light color of the cloth was exposed at the cuffs. However, his appearance is upright and delicate, with starry eyebrows and sharp eyes, and his long black hair is simply tied behind his head.

At this time, he was holding an empty wine cup from which he had just finished drinking. After chanting a wine poem with an intoxicated look on his face, he raised his hand and grasped the rim of the wine jar on the table, ready to fill it up again. A bowl of wine.

But when he shook it with his hand, he found that the wine jar was empty.

His drunken eyes glanced at the wine shop counter, and an uninhibited smile appeared on the corners of his raised lips.

"Hey, Boss Bai, serve the wine."

Behind the counter stood a plump but not fat young woman in a blue dress. The young woman's long hair was tied into a simple bun on top of her head and tied with a simple silver hairpin. Although her appearance can only be regarded as average, the plump curves of her tube top reveal the mature charm of a young woman, which is enough to attract people's attention.

"Alcoholic Xiao, you already owe me thirty taels of wine money, why do you still want to continue paying on credit?"

The young woman said, turned around from behind the counter, bent down and picked out an unopened jar of wine from under the counter, twisted her waist, and arrived at the wine table in a few steps.

He gently placed the wine jar on the table, stretched out his hand to open the wine jar skillfully, then held the wine jar with both hands, and poured the white wine into the empty wine cup of Drunkard Xiao.

At this time, her body was leaning forward slightly, and her already plump breasts seemed even more substantial. They were so heavy that they seemed to burst out of her clothes. Maybe they were originally a pair of fat white rabbits that could jump.

But the drunkard Xiao's eyes always stayed on the silver line of wine flowing out of the mouth of the wine jar, never moving away half an inch or even for a moment.

It is said that wine can impair sex, but for real alcoholics, there is no room for a grain of sand in the eyes of fine wine. Drunkard Xiao is this kind of person, a complete drunkard.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, now it's thirty-three taels of wine money. Boss Bai, you know me, if you don't pay back the wine money you owe after drinking, the taste of the wine will change. At the end of the month, I promise to pay back the wine money." Xiao, the drunkard, said , picked up the wine cup, raised his head and drank it all.

Real drunkards don’t owe money for their drinks. It’s about the quality of their wine and their character.

"Good wine, this Sanluo wine brewed by ancient methods is really addictive." Drunkard Xiao said while clicking his lips.

"Alcoholic Xiao, why haven't you seen your inseparable little apprentice today?" Boss Bai asked.

"My good disciple? He went outside to collect medicine." Drunkard Xiao replied simply.

"Is it possible that your apprentice went to collect herbs again and sold them to the drugstore to exchange for your drink money?"

"Hehe." Xiao, the drunkard, did not answer, but smiled sheepishly.

"I don't know if you are lucky or if you, the apprentice, are unlucky. I have an alcoholic master like you and I will make money for you every day."


"Jingle, clang, clang."

The crisp sound of forging came from a blacksmith shop in the small town.

A half-shirted middle-aged man was striking a red iron ingot with the hammer in his hand.

There was a wet towel draped over his shoulders, and large drops of sweat splashed down as his strong arms swung down. His muscular chest seemed to be stronger and more powerful than an iron ingot, just like a man.

"Sledgehammer, what about the shovel you made for me?"

Standing outside the iron shop was an old man with white beard and hair. Although his face was covered with wrinkles, his breath was strong and his eyes showed shrewdness. As he spoke, he picked up the brass pipe pot in his hand, took a sip carefully, and spit out a puff of leisurely smoke.

"Village Chief, your shovel can be made in about a quarter of an hour. If you are not in a hurry, you can go to the town and pick it up when you come back." The blacksmith replied cheerfully.

"Okay, I'm going to take a walk first. Things have been peaceful in the town recently, and this has saved me a lot of effort." With that said, the old village chief turned and left.

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