True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 220 The barrier is damaged

In the town, in front of a small butcher shop.

"Excellent, freshly slaughtered pork."

A plump butcher shouted loudly. His face is plump and smooth, and his lips are shiny. He looks like someone who likes to eat fat.

"Bring Aunt Li a pound of pork and go home to make dumplings for my grandson." A kind-looking old village woman said standing in front of the butcher shop.

"Okay, Aunt Li, what do you think of this piece of pork belly? It's 70% thin and 30% fat, perfect for making dumplings," said the fat butcher.

"Auntie trusts you, so this is it."

I saw the fat butcher skillfully slashing his knife, and a piece of pork belly was placed on the scale.

The aunt picked up the packaged pork and turned to leave with a satisfied look on her face.

"Old ruthless, is the business good?" As he said this, a man walked over to the butcher shop.

This man was dressed in a khaki bodysuit, tall and burly, in his twenties, with dark skin and ordinary appearance.

The black-faced young man carried a sika deer with its limbs tied on his shoulders. There were no wounds on the deer's body, and it was breathing weakly from its mouth and nose. It was unconscious.

The deer weighed less than 200 kilograms, but it was as easy as a lamb when he carried it on his shoulders.

"Hey, it's Dali. I haven't seen you for a few days." The fat butcher replied.

"Old ruthless, I just hunted a deer, and I can't eat it alone. Could you please kill it and sell it in exchange for some silver?" said the young man who was called Dali by the butcher, carrying the sika deer on his shoulders.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you out hunting game. Why are you so excited today?" said the butcher "Old Ruth".

"I was asked by the village chief to inspect the security around the town a few days ago. I just had some free time today, so I went to Dongshan for a walk and hunted a deer by the way." Orion Dali said.

"Let me put the deer here. The slaughtering fee is waived, the meat is sold, and you just treat me to a drink." The butcher Lao Ru said.

The hunter vigorously placed the deer on his shoulder on the ground in front of the shop, and casually dusted off his clothes.

"Thank you very much. It's true that I haven't been to Boss Bai's wine shop for a few days to drink. Why don't we go have a few drinks now? I'll treat you."

"Oh, why do you, a person who doesn't know how to drink, always go to the liquor store? Do you have a crush on Boss Bai?"

When the butcher said this, Dali's originally dark face secretly turned red.

"Don't talk about me, your drinking capacity isn't that good either. What you just said was probably your own thoughts, right?" Dali rolled his eyes and asked.

"Hahaha." The two looked at each other and laughed.


In the void above the valley where the town is located, there is a violent ripple of water. The fluctuations became larger and larger, and huge ripples rolled out. It was as if someone stirred the sky with a stick, followed by a violent shaking of the void.

I saw a huge golden light standing out from the center of the ripples. Like a world-shaking giant sword shining with bright golden light, it slashed straight down.

The golden light struck the barrier above the valley fiercely, and with a hiss, a large golden mist was set off, and the golden light penetrated the barrier.

Impartially, the golden light that continued to fall fell on the blood-red monument below the barrier.


The splashing golden light scattered like star souls, making the sky brighter.

The tall blood-red monument shook violently, and the base of the monument, which was originally deeply rooted, creaked and creaked. The soil rolled and cracks appeared.

Fortunately, this blood-red monument is strong enough, rooted deep enough, and stands as straight as a strong giant.

The dazzling golden light dissipated, the blood-red monument was scorched black, and a large amount of red liquid oozed from the originally red blood. And the interface on it had a big hole.

As they got closer, two figures, one black and one white, fell down from where the golden light fell. It was Xiao Hongzhu and Hibiscus.

At this time, Xiao Hongzhu and Hibiscus had their eyes closed tightly, their faces were as white as paper, and they were both in a coma.

The air flow stirred up and pulled his clothes, making a squeaking sound. In the blink of an eye, the two fallen people were only five or six feet away from the ground.

The situation is extremely urgent.

At this moment, two figures chased out from behind them.

One person has fire wings stretched out behind him, and the other person has a ghostly figure. It is Xu Yang and Mo Ling who are chasing closely.

The fire wings behind Xu Yang rolled up, and his body turned into a line of fire. The moment before Hibiscus fell to the ground, he hugged Hibiscus, turned his body beautifully, drew a steady arc in the air, and then landed on the ground. on the ground.

On the other side, Mo Ling's speed was obviously half a beat slower than Xu Yang's.

Mo Ling, who was high in the air, tried her best to reach down. His arms, shoulders and toes were stretched out in a straight line, and his fingertips tried hard to grab the small red candle below.

Although, the distance between the two seems to be getting closer and closer. However, the little red candle was already only three feet away from the ground, and it seemed that time was no longer enough.

At the critical moment, Mo Ling narrowed her eyes, and circles of gray ripples spread out all over her body. A dozen gray-white ghost hands suddenly appeared in the gray ripples. And there is actually a gray ghost eye in the palm of each ghost hand. It is the ghost domain skill that he is good at.

A dozen ghost hands connected together instantly and grabbed the little red candle.

There was a "pop".

A ghost hand at the front grasped Xiao Hongzhu's wrist. And almost at the same time, Mo Ling's outstretched palm grasped the last ghost hand. At this time, a dozen ghost hands formed a strange-shaped rope to closely connect the two.

Moth Ling's eyes flashed with anxiety as she urged her true energy. The ghost hand at the bottom rolled up, and then the upper one took the little red candle, then rolled it up again, took it, rolled it up, and rolled up the little red candle like a relay race. Zhu's body drew closer to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling stretched out her arms and hugged the little red candle close to her tightly.

At this time, the two were only two meters away from the ground.

A critical moment!

Mo Ling hugged Xiao Hongzhu's body and spun it in the air, with ghost hands supporting her body. After spinning twice in the air, she knelt down on one knee fairly smoothly, holding the little girl in his arms. Not a single hair of Hongzhu was hurt.

There was never a trace of smile on his cold face, and his eyes looking at Xiao Hongzhu showed relief and concern. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to feel the pulse on Xiao Hongzhu's wrist. After a moment, he exhaled a long breath.

At this time, the vibrations in the sky stopped, and the ripples and ripples disappeared.

Xu Yang, who was on the side, put his palms on Hibiscus's back, slowly injecting mana. After a moment, Hibiscus slowly opened a pair of beautiful eyes.

Xu Yang carefully helped Hibiscus stand up.


Hibiscus, who was still very weak, coughed violently.

"Where are we? How is Xiao Hongzhu? Where are the four killers from the Third Palace of Netherworld?" Mu Jin asked.

"After you were knocked unconscious by the man's magic weapon, you didn't expect to attract thunder again. After the explosion tore open a black hole in the void, you thought we were going to be swallowed up by the turbulent flow of space. Unexpectedly, the black hole in space suddenly disappeared and we were teleported. We are here. Look at the black sun in the sky, we are probably still within the Evil Ghost Path. But this place is obviously different from other places in the Evil Ghost Path. It seems to be a village, and there seems to be a strange little tree there. The red candle is over there, let's go take a look." Xu Yang said.

The two came to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling still held the little red candle.

"How is Little Red Candle?" Hibiscus asked with concern.

"Thank you for helping her. The injury is not serious, but she practiced a special technique and she has fallen into a deep sleep at this time."

"Someone is coming." Xu Yang reminded.

"A lot of people." Hibiscus said.

When the golden light struck the blood-red monument, the entire valley shook violently, and the earth rumbled.

Aunt Li, who had just bought pork from the butcher Laohen, looked at the sky in horror. The meat in her hand fell to the ground with a clatter, covered in dust.

"Did a ghost beast break in? Is my little grandson okay?"

He was muttering in his mouth, ignoring the pork that fell on the ground, and ran back home like crazy.

Inside the tavern.

The tables, chairs and benches creaked under the shaking of the earth.

Holding a cup filled with wine in one hand and about to bring it to his mouth, "Drunkard Xiao" stood up excitedly and held onto the shaking wine jar on the table.

Despite the shaking of the earth, not a drop of wine in his wine cup or jar was spilled.

"Grandma, is it a ghost beast? It's really disappointing to disturb my drinking." Xiao, an alcoholic, said angrily.

He was sitting close to the window. When he saw the panicked crowd outside the window, he raised his head and looked up at the sky. His face suddenly became serious, no longer angry, but anxious.

"The barrier is damaged."

As he spoke, he hurriedly put down the wine cup in his hand, and the remaining half of the wine in it swayed and splashed onto the wine table.

This alcoholic who never wastes a drop of wine can no longer care about so much.

I saw Drunkard Xiao tapping his toes on the ground, like a swift, and flew out of the open window with a swish.

Obviously, for Drunkard Xiao to be able to do this, he must be a cultivator, and he is also a good monk.

The plump female boss standing behind the counter turned around and nimbly emerged from behind the counter.

Ignoring the chair that had fallen down in the earthquake, I rushed out of the tavern. He glanced at the direction where the drunkard Xiao disappeared, jumped up, and chased after him like a big blue bird in the sky.

He shouted: "Wait for me!"


On the streets of the town.

The white-haired old village chief had one hand behind his back and the other hand holding his brass pipe pot. He clicked it from time to time and exhaled puffs of pleasant smoke from his mouth.

Walking at a leisurely pace, he occasionally greeted the residents he met and responded with his signature smile.

Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet shook violently.

The old village chief turned his head and looked towards the center of the village.

"It's a monument!"

The wrinkles on his face suddenly solidified, like iron knots in a blacksmith shop, and his expression was unusually serious.

Then, he quickly knocked the pipe pot against the sole of his shoe, and flew towards the monument in the center of the village like a gray crane.

In front of the butcher shop.

Butcher Lao Hen and Orion Dali were chatting happily.

There was a violent shaking under the feet.

The conversation between the two stopped suddenly, and they looked up in unison.

When they saw that the barrier in the sky was damaged, the two of them ran away in unison. Even if the sika deer, which was lying unconscious in front of the butcher shop, wakes up, it is impossible to untie its limbs faster than the speed of the two of them.

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