True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 221 Blood Soul Monument

In the center of the village and town, the tall blood-colored monument, although its surface is scarred, still has its back straight, holding up the sky.

The first person to arrive here was the gray-haired old village chief.

Despite his thin stature, he is extremely fast. I saw him stepping on the void, drawing a stream of light in the air, and then his figure condensed in mid-air, and then landed steadily in the center of the square like a fallen leaf.

He looked at Xu Yang and the four people opposite him, his eyes as bright as lightning.

"Not a ghost beast?" he muttered to himself.

Then, they no longer paid attention to Xu Yang and the others. Instead, they looked up at the damaged barrier in the sky and shook their heads with a serious expression. Then he looked at the somewhat damaged blood-red monument on the opposite side.

His eyes turned red, and he put the brass pipe pot in his hand away from his waist. He took two quick steps to the blood-red monument, stretched out his rough old hands and gently patted the surface of the blood-red monument.

"General, it's all my fault, Brother Lin, for not taking good care of me."

As he said this, he knelt on his knees in front of the blood-red monument.

Lowering his head and closing his eyes, his chin and cheeks trembled slightly, a line of old tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, crawled through the wrinkles on his face, and stained his clothes. It seemed to be a painful memory for him, and he seemed to be deeply blaming himself.

After a while, the old village chief opened his eyes, wiped away the tears with his sleeve, and then stood up.

He turned around and came to the four of Xu Yang, looking up and down carefully. There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"How did the four of you get here? This young man and the girl in white next to you don't seem to be from the Netherworld. Did you destroy the barrier and the Blood Soul Monument above? To be honest , or I will smash your heads."

Old village chief Lin Badi's eyes widened. As he spoke, he held the brass pipe pot at his waist.

I saw that the pressure on his body was suddenly released, and his hair was as white as snow, like a lion approaching its twilight years, its majesty still lingering. People don't dare to despise easily.

When Xu Yang saw the old man asking him, he clasped his fists slightly and was about to answer, but stopped talking. Then, he just smiled kindly and did not immediately answer the old man's question.

Because he saw complete hostility in the old man's eyes, hostility towards outsiders.

He didn't want to start a fight because his answer made the other person unhappy. At the moment, Hibiscus is seriously injured and Xiao Hongzhu is asleep. I don’t know when the killers from the Three Palaces of Netherworld will track him down. At this time, you can no longer fight with others.

Xu Yang turned his head and looked at Mo Ling beside him.

Mo Ling shook his head and said with his spiritual consciousness: "I never knew there was a village here, and I'm afraid no one in the Netherworld knew about it either. It seems that this old man's cultivation level should be at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm, and he didn't know this "Who are the people in the village? It's better to be cautious before you know your enemies and friends."

"Village chief, what's going on?"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao, an alcoholic dressed in soap-colored coarse cloth clothes, fell from the sky.

The long hair is flowing, the clothes are flying, and the eyes are sharp. There is no drunkenness of a drunkard, but only the uninhibited and free spirit of a master of cultivation.

"I'm coming too."

With a loud shout, another figure floated over. The wine shop owner Bai, who was plump and exuded the temperament of a mature woman, came one after another.

"Drunkard Xiao, you run so fast every time we fight." Boss Bai glanced at Drunkard Xiao and said.

"The wine must be sipped slowly and the fight must be quick to have a good time." Drunkard Xiao replied simply.

After saying that, the two of them moved closer to the old village chief and stopped talking. Whether to fight or kill, the decision of the old village chief Lin Badi is waiting for him.

"And us."


Two more figures, the round and fat butcher Lao Hun and the black-faced Orion Dali, also came to the square.

Drunkard Xiao, Shopkeeper Bai, Lao Rui and Dali stood beside the old village chief Lin Badi, looking menacingly.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Not long after, two more groups of people lined up from both sides and ran towards the square, with as many as forty or fifty people. They were in neat formation, dressed in ordinary people's clothes, and each held long and short swords and guns. Then the four people from Xu Yang were surrounded in the middle.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he discovered that except for the five people who came first who should be at the True Alchemy Realm, most of the other people were at the Peiyuan Realm. This is definitely not an ordinary village, but rather the location of a cultivation sect.

"Everyone has misunderstood. It's not that we broke into your place intentionally, and we definitely didn't mean to offend you. It's just that we were attacked by the killers of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm just now. It happened that the black hole of time and space created by the explosion of the magic weapon involved us here." Xu Yangyi Five ten explained.

Now that things have come to a point, I can only tell the truth and show off at first sight.

Hearing the words "Three Palaces of the Nether Realm", almost everyone in the square showed angry expressions.

"Three Palaces of the Netherworld? The big man in black clothes and the little girl he is holding look like they are from the Netherworld, but you two are clearly not from the Netherworld. Why are the killers of the Three Palaces of the Netherworld chasing you two? "Old village chief Lin Badi continued to ask.

"To be honest, the two of us are disciples of the Tiangui Sect in the Zhongyuan Realm. We entered this place for a trial..." Xu Yang simply told the story of how he came here for a trial and then met Xiao Hongzhu.

"Are you from the Tiangui Sect in the Zhongyuan Realm? It is said that this forgotten place was originally the space where the founder of the Tiangui Sect fell from the underworld with a sword. And the disciples of the Tiangui Sect have always come here for trials. I’m used to it, but I haven’t seen anyone from the Tiangui Sect come here in recent years. I thought the Tiangui Sect had given up on this place?”

"Yes, we call this place the Evil Ghost Path. The sect has just decided to restart the trials of the Evil Ghost Path." Xu Yang explained.

Old village chief Lin Badi looked up at the damaged barrier in the sky, and then said: "Young man, it seems that you are not lying. There is a lot of star soul power left in the void. And those who are good at controlling the star soul power They should be from Youxing Palace." As he said that, the murderous look in Lin Badi's eyes gradually dissipated, and the pipe pot in his hand was put back on his waist.

"Senior has a keen eye, and among them is the killer of Youxing Palace."

"This forgotten place was originally used by the Netherworld Three Palaces to exile prisoners from the Netherworld. All prisoners thrown here will turn into ghost beasts under the curse of the black sun. But the Netherworld Three Palaces will never treat the prisoners exiled here. Hunting again. And this time he not only sent people to chase him, but also used such a powerful magic weapon. I am afraid he is going to hunt down some big shot. Could it be that the little girl in the big man's arms is a big shot? "

Hearing what Brother Lin said, Xu Yang also had doubts about Xiao Hongzhu's identity. If she was just an attendant of the Empress of the Netherworld, why did Mo Ling call her miss? Xu Yang turned to look at Mo Ling, hoping that Mo Ling would give an answer.

"The young lady comes from a big family in the Nether Realm, and was later selected by the Empress as a personal attendant. And I am just a retainer of the young lady. I don't know exactly why the three palaces in the Nether Realm are chasing the young lady. I just received the distress signal from the young lady and chased her all the way. This place." Mo Ling explained.

"It seems that you are not lying. This is called the Valley of Forgetting Worry. There is a rule in the Valley of Forgetting Worry. We will take in all the prisoners who have been exiled here by the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm, as long as they reform and are willing to join the Valley of Forgetting Worry and start a new life. You will also be surprised why there is this village and so many of us in this forgotten land," Lin Badi said.

"I would like to hear the details." Xu Yang said.

"A long time ago. There was a general from the Nether Realm who was framed by the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm and convicted of a serious crime of disobedience. As a result, more than a hundred of his close soldiers were exiled here. The mother of this general was originally from the underworld. Noble, his father is a famous military commander in the Netherworld. Therefore, he has half the blood of the Netherworld. In the Netherworld, anyone with the blood of the Netherworld is respected as a privileged noble. This is why the general was not executed immediately by the Netherworld Three Palaces. Precisely because the general possesses half of the bloodline of the underworld, the cursed power of the black sun in the sky has little impact on him. Coupled with the general's unpredictable skills, he can survive in this forgotten land for a hundred years. Not a problem either.

But once the soldiers exiled here with him exceed twenty days, they will turn into ghost beasts under the curse of the black sun. At that time, the general said that the crime of exile had nothing to do with these soldiers. He was willing to bear the punishment of the three palaces of the Nether Realm alone. He could not just watch his brother who had been with him through life and death being exiled here and turned into a Nether Beast because of his own sins. attacking each other. Therefore, the general chose this hidden valley. Then he used a secret method to turn his body into a monument of blood and soul, and spread out the barrier to block the curse of the black sun, allowing the soldiers to survive, and this was the Valley of Forgetting Worry. Since then, Wangyou Valley has taken in some prisoners who were exiled here and determined to start a new life. I was one of the general's subordinates at that time. "

As he said this, Lin Badi's eyes became moist again. Everyone behind him also looked sad, and some even sobbed faintly.

After all, it was the general who sacrificed his life in exchange for their living space, so that he could live a carefree life in Wangyou Valley until now.

"I didn't expect this great general to be so benevolent and righteous. He sacrificed his life for righteousness in exchange for the existence of Wangyou Valley. It's really admirable." After saying that, Xu Yang turned around and bowed deeply towards the Blood Soul Monument behind him.

"I want to ask senior to take us in for a few days. When my companion recovers from her injuries, I will take her away from here. We swear that we will never tell the secrets of this place to anyone else," Xu Yang said.

Mo Ling thought for a while and said, "I also ask the village chief to take the two of us in for a few days. As long as the young lady wakes up, I will take her away from here." Mo Ling said.

"Very good, it's not that Wangyou Valley doesn't want to take you in permanently. It's just that you are different from ordinary prisoners. You have been hunted by the people of the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. We don't want to have a large-scale conflict with the people of the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. Once this place is damaged, , everyone exposed to the black sun will eventually be cursed by the black sun and become a ghost beast. "

"Thank you, senior, for taking me in." Xu Yang and Hibiscus thanked them in unison.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Mo Ling also thanked her repeatedly.

"Before this lady wakes up, even if the people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm come to snatch you, we will not hand you over. This is the rule of Wangyou Valley, and there must be no less people than Wangyou Valley promises to take in." The old man was domineering. said.

"Forgetting the Valley's great kindness, Mo Ling will never forget it in this life."

"However, we are encountering a problem now. If the barrier is damaged, some power of the Black Sun will penetrate into the Valley of Forgetfulness. Over time, the residents here will be affected. If you want to repair the barrier, you need to hunt outside. Kill the high-level ghost beasts and use the demon crystals on them to repair the barrier."

"I'll go." The drunkard Xiao was the first to say.

"I'll go too." Butcher Lao Ren, Orion Dali and liquor shop owner Bai said in unison.

"I'm willing to go too." Xu Yang also expressed his stance.

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