True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 222 Little Raindrops

"The high-level ghost beasts are powerful and difficult to hunt. The barrier is partially damaged now, and over time it will inevitably attract many ghost beasts to invade. Not only do we need to hunt down the high-level ghost beasts, but we also need to protect this place. Therefore, we still need to discuss a feasible solution to this matter," suggested Lin Badi, the old village chief.

"What the village chief said makes sense, judging from our previous battles with high-level ghost beasts. The high-level ghost beasts have become half-orcs, and their intelligence is as smart as humans, and even more cunning. Their strength is no less than True Alchemy Realm monks, and they are very ferocious. It is indeed not easy to hunt them down," said Orion Dali.

"Let's settle these two injured girls first. Xu Yang and Mo Ling, two Taoist friends, should be very skilled. Now is the time for Wangyou Valley to hire people. If you are willing to help, all of us will naturally appreciate it." Lin Badi looked at Xu Yang and Mo Ling and said.

Although Lin Badi could clearly see that Xu Yang's cultivation was only at the Peiyuan realm, he also clearly felt that Xu Yang's strong spiritual power fluctuations were no less than those of a True Alchemy realm monk.

This is a situation where Xu Yang deliberately restrained his own spiritual power fluctuations. Otherwise, Xu Yang's spiritual performance, which far exceeded that of ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks, would probably surprise Lin Badi.

Afterwards, the village chief Lin Badi arranged two clean houses in the village for Hibiscus and Xiaohongzhu to rest.

Xu Yang, Mo Ling and Lin Badi, drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, Orion Dali, and butcher Lao Hen gathered together to discuss the next thing.

Wangyou Valley is not big to begin with, with only about three hundred people in the whole town. The only people who have reached the True Alchemy Realm are the village chief Lin Badi, the drunkard Xiao, the wine shop owner Bai, the hunter Dali, and the butcher Lao Rui.

These five people make their own livelihoods and live ordinary lives like other people. In fact, they are the core personnel of the entire Wangyou Valley.

Although there are many unique cultivation resources in the Evil Ghost Path, the risks outside Wangyou Valley are very high. The monks living in the Valley of Forgetting Worry will no longer regard cultivation as important and persistent as before. Here, living happily is cultivation.

Among the five people, the old village chief Lin Badi, the butcher Lao Hen and the Orion Dali were all subordinates of the general who turned himself into a blood soul monument. They were first exiled here together and were the elders of Wangyou Valley.

The drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai were later exiled here and joined Wangyou Valley. Among them, the drunkard Xiao was personally rescued by the old village chief Lin Badi. Boss Bai was rescued by the drunkard Xiao alone and returned to Wangyou Valley.

After discussion, it was decided that the drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai and Xu Yang would go out to hunt the high-level ghost beasts, and the departure time was set for the morning of the next day. Mo Ling stayed to take care of Hibiscus and Little Red Candle, while the others stayed in Wangyou Valley to prevent the ghost beast from attacking.

Ghost beasts are very sensitive to human scent and like to kill. Therefore, most residents of Wangyou Valley will not leave the valley easily.

Under the protection of a complete barrier, the ghost beast cannot easily find the Valley of Forgetfulness. In the past, if a ghost beast occasionally broke into the area, it would be eliminated by the guards of Forgetting Worry Valley.

In a liquor store in town.

Xiao, an alcoholic, was still sitting at the table by the window drinking. For an alcoholic like Xiao, maybe if he drinks enough, he will have more energy to go out the next day.

Although his handsome face still showed the habitual happy expression every time he had a drink, his eyes that looked out the window from time to time were flashing with worry and worry.

"Alcoholic Xiao, we are going out to hunt ghost beasts together tomorrow. Do you want me to have a drink with you?"

The person standing opposite and speaking was none other than Boss Bai of the wine shop.

This time, Boss Bai specially changed into an exquisite aqua blue low-cut dress, with long hair piled up in clouds and a touch of powder. But the makeup is not artificial. Not only does she look much younger, but her mature charm has not diminished at all.

Real MILFs know how to show off their beauty.

"Please sit down and put it in my account." Drunkard Xiao simply replied, and nodded sincerely with a welcoming smile.

A real drunkard likes to share his drinking with others and likes to treat others.

Boss Bai was not polite, he sat generously opposite the drunkard Xiao, and then took a wine cup himself.

She took the wine jar herself, and a strand of silver thread fell from the edge of the jar into the wine cup on the table.


The silver thread splashed in circles in the wine cup, emitting bursts of refreshing wine aroma, just like the way she peeked at the drunkard Xiao at this moment.




At this time, the drunkard Xiao's attention was not on Boss Bai. He was turning his head to look out the window at the street, as if he was waiting for someone or something else.


After putting the wine jar away, Boss Bai took a breath and deliberately coughed twice. It was to remind the person opposite, but it was very measured and would not disturb that person's thoughts.

This is also the charm of a real mature woman, she is sensible.

The drunkard Xiao turned his head when he heard the sound and smiled sheepishly.

Seeing the drunkard Xiao's eyes looking at her, Boss Bai's beautiful eyes were watery, and she smiled charmingly. She naturally adjusted the aqua jacquard satin tube top on her chest with her long white fingers, and deliberately moved it downwards. Moved a fraction.

The pair of fat, snow-white rabbits on her chest were ready to come out, just as spring water was rippling in her heart.

Drunkard Xiao's eyes were naturally attracted by the actions of the boss opposite him, and he couldn't help but glance at those gentle white things. Then he immediately took it back as if he was electrocuted. After all, apart from being an alcoholic, he is still a normal man.


Drunkard Xiao smiled stupidly.

Then he picked up the wine cup and said loudly: "Do it first as a courtesy, you can do whatever you want."

"Gudu, Gudu."

The full wine cup became empty.

A true drunkard always respects himself first and lets others do as he pleases. This is wine.

Boss Bai curled his lips slightly and whispered in a mosquito voice: "It's boring."

She couldn't remember how many times she had hinted at the drunkard Xiao, but the answer she got was always "hehe" or no answer.

She likes the drunkard Xiao.

Remember that year.

With her body covered with scars, she was thrown into this forgotten place by the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm on the charge of attacking the waiter of the Three Palaces.

Youji Palace, Youhuan Palace and Youxing Palace, as the spokespersons of the underworld in the underworld, have a high status in the underworld. They are absolute aristocrats, and their authority does not allow provocation. The Three Palaces of the Nether Realm have extra-legal jurisdiction in the Nether Realm, and this power is sometimes higher than the Nether Realm itself.

The two deacons in charge of deporting prisoners in the Nether Realm looked at her in the pit and talked to each other.

"What crime did this woman commit to be thrown into this "forgotten place" by the Three Palaces judgment?"

"I heard that an adult from the Three Palaces in the Nether Realm asked her to make a furnace. She didn't agree and even injured the adult's waiter."

"He was also a pitiful person. It is not easy to cultivate to the level of true elixir. I didn't expect that he would die like this."

"Shh, keep your voice down. Master Heiyang in the sky is watching. This is the outcome of fighting against the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. Her fate can only be to turn into an ugly Nether Beast, and finally die miserably in the mouths of other Nether Beasts."

The two young deacons dressed in black spoke with a look of fear in their eyes, and then they knelt down and worshiped the black sun in the sky devoutly.

"Lord Heiyang, we are all your people, please don't curse us."

"Supreme Black Sun, I wish you long live forever and everlasting existence."

The two of them spoke plausibly. After speaking, they got up from the ground. They didn't even have time to brush off the dust on their bodies. They didn't take another look at her who was lying in the pit, still half breathing, and ran away in despair.

One day, two days, three days... fifteen days.

Time passes day by day, and the only thing that remains unchanged is the lonely black sun in the sky.

She tried her best to look up at the black sun in the sky.

That ruthless black sun, which although it breathed fire but was extremely cold, had eyes full of unwillingness and resentment. But at this time, her meridians were blocked, her whole body was covered with scars from being whipped, and she was unable to stand up again.

She closed her eyes tightly and waited quietly for death. She would rather die in the dark sun than turn into a crazy ghost beast. To live, one must be a human being, not a heartless beast.

While she was desperately waiting for death, a figure appeared in front of her.

At this time, she was extremely weak, her vision was blurred, and she could not clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

Could it be that the people from the "Three Palaces of the Nether Realm" came back to torture me again? Even if he died here, he would never go back to make a furnace for that old guy. This is the only belief in her heart at this time. The belief that has not changed from the beginning is her dignity as a human being.

She is a stubborn woman, a woman who is not willing to bow to the evil forces, and a woman who deserves respect.

"I won't agree!"

She tried her best to scream hysterically at the visitor, but her voice was as thin as a thread.

When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw a man's face.

"Welcome to the Valley of Forgetfulness."

It was a clean and handsome face. Although the slight smell of alcohol on his body made her feel a little uncomfortable, the man's uninhibited smile was like the first ray of sunshine shining into the bedroom in the morning, making people feel Relaxed, cozy and warm.

From then on, she no longer disliked the taste of wine, and even learned to drink. She even ran a wine shop. Then she learned from that man to experience the aroma and pleasure of wine, and she always fell in love with that man's uninhibited smile. It's like drinking alcohol and falling deeply into it, unable to extricate yourself.

In a wine shop.

Boss Bai held up the wine cup with one hand, and at the same time covered it with the palm and sleeve of the other hand, as implicitly as if he was holding a pipa to half-cover his face. He raised his head and drank the wine in the cup. Both bold and confident, but also a little reserved as a woman, this is the charm of a mature woman.

The two drank and talked.

The content of the conversation was nothing more than about hunting high-level ghost beasts tomorrow.

"Master, I'm back."

A clear and hearty shout came from the other end of the street, the sound was like a swan goose flying into the liquor store.

Drunkard Xiao stood up from the table and leaned out of the open window at an angle.

The drunkard Xiao smiled, his uninhibited smile, brighter than usual.

"Little raindrops——."

he shouted.

"Master, I knew you were here."

On the street, a young man several years younger than Xu Yang was seen waving vigorously towards the drunkard Xiao.

He was wearing loose earth-colored clothes that seemed a bit ill-fitting on his thin figure, and he wore an ordinary cloth hat of the same color as the clothes on his head. Smiling happily, he quickly walked into the wine shop.

"Sit down, sit down, you must be exhausted these past few days. Recently, people from the Three Palaces of the Netherworld have entered here, and you are alone outside. Master, I am really worried. Just come back safely, um, look It’s still as energetic as ever.”

As the drunkard Xiao said this, he reached out and patted "Xiao Yudian" on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, master, I'm smart, and my fists are not vegetarian."

As he said that, Xiao Yudian deliberately stretched out his fist and clenched it.

Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai looked at each other, nodded, and said hello. It seemed that the relationship between them was very ordinary. His face is small, so his already big eyes look even more lively.

"Master, I'm not here, so you're drinking alone again. Come on, Xiaoyudi will drink with you."

With that said, Xiao Yudian stretched out a stool and sat at the table.

"Come, come, it's rare that Boss Bai is in the mood today. Let's drink together, the three of us."

Drunkard Xiao said happily, with a smile on his face.

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