True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 226 Youfeng Mountain

Immediately, the Youbeast Yuan Power in the body of the Youbeast "Brother Xiaosha" boiled like boiling water, and his fighting spirit exploded. Black mist emitted from his body, creating a powerful pressure that was comparable to that of a cultivator at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm.

Immediately afterwards, countless needle-like fine black rays of light emitted from its right arm. These light filaments quickly wrapped around its arms, layer by layer, and instantly condensed into a pair of exquisite black crystal-like arm armor.

The protruding black crystal needles on the arm armor resembled sharp animal teeth, reflecting a bloodthirsty brilliance under the black sun.

I saw its body spinning rapidly on the spot, turning into a black whirlwind, whirring.

The next moment, it used the power of the whirlwind to violently wave its right arm.

The black spiritual light flashed on the right fist, and a huge amount of energy was churning in it, rumbling like thunder, which was extremely frightening.

Suddenly, the shadow of a two-headed black ape appeared above the iron fist he waved. The tall black ape's back was as high as a hill, and its roaring mouth revealed sharp, knife-like teeth.


The red-flame Suzaku presented by Xu Yang's "Suzaku's Wrath" collided with the two-headed black ape imagined by the ghost beast "Brother Xiaosa"'s "Chicago Strike".

In an instant, the red and black flames were entangled, rolling and devouring each other, and the torn red and black fire breath was flying all over the sky. Two huge energies are fighting hand-to-hand, a battle between light and darkness.

The ghost beast "Brother Xiaosha" had just been ambushed and was attacked by the drunkard Xiao, Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai one after another, and lost another foot. Under the heavy injuries, this hasty attack obviously could not exert its full power.

Xu Yang's well-timed move used at least 80% of his power.

The confrontation between the two only lasted a few breaths before the black flames were suppressed by the red flames. The red flames rolled, and the Suzaku with its sharp beak and claws was so powerful that it tore the body of the two-headed black ape into pieces.

The black ape's phantom exploded into rolling black air.


The black crystal on the right arm of the ghost beast "Brother Xiaosa" looked like a black crystal shattered by a hammer. It collapsed into countless fragments and then turned into traces of black mist floating in the void.


It screamed, and the body that had just risen fell down like a piece of scrap metal.

There was a "bang", and when it hit the ground, the soil splashed and the rocks shattered, creating a huge pit on the ground.

Seeing this, Xu Yang, who was high in the sky, spread his fire wings behind him and landed steadily. Holding the golden Sihuan long stick in his right hand, he walked step by step towards the ghost beast "Brother Xiaosha" in the pit with a cold expression.

At this time, the ghost beast "Brother Xiaosa" lost all the domineering power it had before. Its right arm, which was originally as strong as steel, was bloody and bloody and could no longer be lifted. The meridians in its body were in severe pain, and it was unable to resist.

Looking at Xu Yang's death-like footsteps, the ghost beast "Brother Xiaosha" didn't have the slightest fear, let alone begging for mercy. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled handsomely.

"Hehe! My "Brother Xiaosha" has gone through hundreds of battles, and today I finally won a defeat. I came in a fashionable manner, just as I left in a fashionable manner."

After saying that, he raised his left hand that could still move, and with a push of Yuan Li, a sharp black crystal stick appeared on his palm, stabbing towards his heart without hesitation.

With a "poof" sound, the Black Crystal Stick sank into its chest, and blood sprayed out, staining half of its body red.

Gradually, its eyes lost their luster, but the slightly raised corners of their mouth always retained the last chic smile.

When Xu Yang saw this, he couldn't help being startled and stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of black flames ignited from the body of "Brother Xiaosha".


As a triangle-shaped colorful demon crystal fell on the ground, "Brother Xiaosha" finally disappeared from this world.

Xu Yang stepped forward and bent down to pick up the colorful demon crystal, with no joy of success on his face.

Looking at the demon crystal in his hand, he said calmly: "This demon crystal will be used to repair the Blood Soul Monument in the Valley of Forgetfulness. It can prevent many people from becoming ghost beasts. Brother Xiaosha, have a good journey."

The ghost beasts here were originally transformed by the curse of the black sun by the prisoners of the ghost world thrown here by the three palaces of the ghost world, and "Brother Xiaosha" was naturally one of them. He was not lucky enough to hide in the Valley of Forgetting Worry. It took him an unknown number of years and countless fights with other ghost beasts before he evolved into a high-level ghost beast with human-like intelligence.

In the end, its life turned into a colorful demon crystal with a rainbow-like appearance. But from the moment it became a ghost beast, its life had only one color, the color of blood.

How can we talk about being unrestrained in a bloody life?


After putting away the demon crystal, Xu Yang and the four discussed the next action plan.

"There is a high-level ghost beast near Wangyou Valley. Because it rarely leaves this valley, it has never had any conflict with Wangyou Valley. It will probably not be easy to find a high-level ghost beast again." Xiaoyudiao explained.

"It is said that there are a large number of high-level ghost beasts gathered in Youfeng Mountain in the north, but due to the curse of the black sun, I have never explored the far north." Drunkard Xiao said.

"By chance, this high-level ghost beast just told me that there are more powerful ghost beasts on Youfeng Mountain in the north, and many high-level ghost beasts have surrendered and gathered there. It seems that this news is reliable, we might as well... Detective." Xu Yang said.

"How far is the distance?" Xiao, the drunkard, asked.

"It says two hundred miles."

"Two hundred miles? We must gather the strength of the four of us to eliminate two high-level ghost beasts. Ten days of round trip should be enough." Xiao Xiao, an alcoholic, said after calculating in his mind.

"It's really hard to find anything after wearing iron shoes, let's go to the direction of Youfeng Mountain." Shopkeeper Bai looked happy when he heard this.

"I heard from the old village chief that Youfeng Mountain is extremely risky and it is a taboo place in this forgotten land. Therefore, no one in Wangyou Valley will go to Youfeng Mountain easily." Xiao Yudian added.

"The restoration of the Blood Red Monument is urgent. This time, we can only take the risk." Drunkard Xiao said.

In the end, the four of them agreed and headed in the direction of Youfeng Mountain.

The closer one is to the Black Sun, the stronger the curse becomes. Therefore, it is taboo to use flying magic weapons in the Forgotten Land, so the four of them can only choose to walk on their own feet. The four of them are not weak in cultivation, and their leg strength is much faster than ordinary people. But in the Forgotten Land, the terrain is complex, with mountains and ravines everywhere, and there is no way to find it. After a whole day, the four of them came within the range of Youfeng Mountain.

On a higher hillside, four people stood with their heads raised.

Looking from a distance, a tall black mountain on the opposite side is like a huge dark sword thrust into the sky, sinking into the black clouds above, which is strange and mysterious.

"This high mountain is probably Youfeng Mountain." Xiaoyudidian pointed at the black mountain in front of him and said.

"Have you felt it? The power of the black sun here is stronger than the direction we came from, and the closer we get to Youfeng Mountain, the stronger it becomes." Drunkard Xiao reminded.

"Yes. Once we enter Youfeng Mountain, we need to hurry up." Boss Bai said with a slight frown.

"If it is true as the news we have received before, there are a large number of high-level ghost beasts gathered in Youfeng Mountain, and there are even more powerful ghost beasts, we must be careful in our actions." Xu Yang said.

"Yes. I'm afraid we can't set up an ambush in advance this time and lure out the ghost beasts in a big way. If we accidentally attract seven or eight of them, our situation will be embarrassing." Xiaoyudiao said.

"We must not disperse this time. If we encounter a more powerful target, we will have someone to take care of us. Let's find a way and sneak in slowly. If we encounter high-level ghost beasts, we must eliminate them in the shortest possible time and try to retrieve them. Jing." Xu Yang suggested.

The four of them discussed a countermeasure and carefully sneaked along the valley toward Youfeng Mountain on the opposite side.

Because they had to hide their bodies, the four of them moved very slowly.

It took half a day to reach a valley at the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

The passage in the valley is narrow, and strong winds blow from time to time, roaring like the roars of countless ghost beasts. It blows on the body, bringing waves of strange coolness.

The four people who were advancing stopped and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

"Going further, we will enter Youfeng Mountain. It should be a tough battle next. Everyone must be careful. Our strategy is to concentrate our efforts and attack effectively." Xiao, the drunkard, said.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao and I will assist in the main attack, while Xiao Yudian and Shopkeeper Bai will assist in the feint attack." Xu Yang suggested.


The four reached a consensus.

Drunkard Xiao took out a wine gourd, opened the cork, and a scent of wine wafted out. Then, he raised his head and drank a sip of wine, with a look of intoxication and satisfaction on his face.

Seeing the drunkard Xiao take out the wine gourd, Xu Yang's eyes never left the gourd in his hand. It's not that the wine gourd is special, but that Xu Yang is also half an alcoholic. Especially when he saw the drunkard Xiao drinking drunkenly, the alcohol bug in his belly started to get angry.

When an alcoholic sees someone else drinking happily, he always thinks that what the person just drank was jade liquid and fine wine. In fact, when the wine reaches the stomach, it is jade liquid and fine wine.


The drunkard Xiao Buji smiled and handed the wine gourd in his hand to Xu Yang.

"Xu Xiaoyou, why don't you take a sip too. The wind here is strong and the chill is strong. A sip of wine will help you warm up."

An alcoholic is always willing to find some excuse if he wants to drink. For example, celebrating the birthday of an unrelated person, celebrating an unknown festival, or just saying you haven't seen a friend for a few days when you meet a friend you just met two days ago, let's go to a pub and sit down.

Xiao You, an alcoholic with true elixir realm cultivation, cannot be chilled by the cold wind, and the same goes for Xu Yang. Drinking this time is actually a warm-up before the war. Fighting with others will be more enjoyable with the help of drinking power, and drinking will strengthen the hero's courage.

Xu Yang was not polite. He reached out to take the wine gourd and drank it in a big gulp. A ray of hot water slipped from his throat. Suddenly, his body and mind moved much more smoothly, as if he had taken a magical elixir.

For alcoholics, alcohol is a panacea.

“Good wine!”

After taking three big sips, Xu Yang praised loudly.

Xiao Yudian also took out a small wine bottle from his arms and took a sip imitating the drunkard Xiao. But it was far from the intoxicated expression of the drunkard Xiao.

"Boss Bai, drink from my wine." Xiao Yudian said and handed the wine bottle to Boss Bai.

Boss Bai smiled charmingly, took the wine bottle, poured it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

After drinking the wine, the four of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go." They said in unison.

At this time, the faces of the four people did not have the tension before the battle, only the joy and cheerfulness of having just finished drinking wine.

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