True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 227 Mysterious Sisters

On a hillside near Youfeng Mountain, a young man wearing green brocade clothes stood facing the wind.

The young man's face is like a silver plate, his facial features are exquisite, and his temperament is refined. He can be called a jade tree facing the wind.

He has one hand on his back and an unfolded white folding fan in the other hand. This precious fan is as white as snow and as warm as jade.

As his arm holding the treasure fan gently shook, wisps of emerald green light flashed from time to time on the treasure fan. At first glance, this fan was not an ordinary thing.

While fanning the precious fan in his hand, the young man raised his eyes and looked at the towering Youfeng Mountain in front of him, rendered in splashes of ink, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was thinking. This young man is none other than Zhuge Yu, a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect who participated in this evil ghost trial.

The precious fan in Zhuge Yu's hand is called "Green Butterfly", which is a secret magic weapon passed down from the Zhuge family. Due to Zhuge Yu's genius in the family, this precious fan "Green Butterfly" was given to him by the ancestor of the Zhuge family. Gave it to Zhuge Yu.

Zhuge Yu participated in this evil ghost trial, bearing the expectations of the entire Zhuge family.

In order to help Zhuge Yu participate in this evil ghost trial, the elders of the Zhuge family specially took out a "Green Wood Ying Pill" for Zhuge Yu to take.

"Green Muying Pill" is a magic weapon of the wood system, and is a type of "fake pill" that is artificially refined. Activating this elixir can enable a caster with a cultivation level in the Peiyuan realm to perform techniques that are comparable to those in a true elixir realm, such as the Dan Killing Technique.

Zhuge Yu once used this elixir in the first stage of the evil ghost path competition.

The materials for refining this elixir are extremely precious, and the probability of becoming an elixir is very low, so it is extremely precious. And only cultivation geniuses with natural wood attribute spiritual veins can control this elixir. Zhuge Yu is one of the very few people who can control this elixir.

The Zhuge family that Zhuge Yu belongs to has always been famous for cultivating spiritual grass, precious flowers and other cultivation techniques. There are few cultivation geniuses who are good at martial arts. However, Zhuge Yu not only has seven wood attribute spiritual veins, but also a natural wood spirit body. .

His seven-spirited wood attribute can only be considered to be of superior aptitude, but compared with the disciples of the three major families who often use eight and nine spiritual veins, they are far behind.

But Zhuge Yu's natural wood spirit body is very rare. The body of the wood spirit is a special kind of wood-attribute cultivation physique. It is naturally able to communicate with all things of the wood-type. Practicing wood-attribute skills can get twice the result with half the effort, and the absorption of elixirs is much more effective than ordinary people.

Therefore, Zhuge Yu can be called a genius and has become an elite disciple that the Zhuge family has trained in recent years. The ancestors and elders of the Zhuge family have high hopes.

The reason why Zhuge Yu is unwilling to team up with others to participate in the Evil Ghost Path trial is also because he has the burden of being a genius in the Zhuge family. He wants to prove that he is no worse than the genius disciples of the three major families.

Zhuge Yu was quite confident in his own strength. He had previously rejected Xu Yang's invitation to form a team, and he did not even form a team with other trial disciples. He went deep into the Evil Ghost Path alone, and gradually found the vicinity of Youfeng Mountain.

Along the way, Zhuge Yu killed several ghost beasts alone, but he did not find a high-level ghost beast, nor did he get a high-level demon crystal, which was the Nine Nether Crystals.

"I just used a secret method to sense the aura of ghost beasts in the distance, and it showed that there are many high-level ghost beasts in the direction of the black mountain opposite. Before, I searched many places and found no high-level ghost beasts. I am afraid that there are many high-level ghost beasts on the opposite side. This tall black mountain is the home of high-level ghost beasts. If we continue to go deep alone, wouldn't it be difficult to encounter the siege of high-level ghost beasts? "

Zhuge Yu was thinking about it and hesitated.

As a genius of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Yu is two years younger than Xu Yang. He is a young genius who thinks highly of himself, but he is by no means reckless.

"It's better to cast a spell to test and then make a plan." Zhuge Yu said to himself.

He raised his wrist and the white treasure fan in his hand was thrown into the air in front of him.

The precious fan rotates slowly, hovering in the air like a white butterfly spreading its wings, which is really beautiful.

I saw him making secrets with one hand, and then hitting the treasure fan on the opposite side with a magic secret.

The precious fan that was originally as white as snow suddenly turned green and crystal clear. Then, streaks of green light continued to pour out from the opened surface of the precious fan, like green raindrops spilling into the ground beneath their feet.

As the magical power of the treasure fan was poured into it, circles of green spiritual patterns splashed on the ground. The spiritual patterns continued to spread in all directions, like ripples in a mirror lake, getting farther and farther.

After a while, Zhuge Yu's right hand was seen making a sword finger-like point between his eyebrows, activating the Zhuge family's secret method of perception.

A green light flashed between his eyebrows, and a green vertical line about an inch long appeared. As he recited the obscure spell in his mouth, the green vertical line in the center of his forehead gradually opened, revealing a strange emerald-like eye. If you look carefully, these eyes are not flesh and blood entities, but are formed by spiritual power.

As the treasure fan "Green Butterfly" rotating in mid-air on the opposite side continuously injects green light threads into the ground beneath its feet, the distance covered by its green spiritual patterns even reaches a radius of ten miles.

The information on the vegetation within a ten-mile radius was all collected by Zhuge Yu into the "eyes" between his eyebrows. "Within two hours, twenty-five low-level ghost beasts passed by, and two high-level ghost beasts passed by." The beast is passing by, and the direction is the black mountain...".

At this moment, Zhuge Yu used the "Green Field Spirit Trace" to transform his eyes and saw something that surprised him.

"Huh? Two people actually entered my search range. They look not like ghost beasts, but more like ordinary monks, but they are not trial disciples from Tiangui Sect, and they are two female cultivators. Could it be that there are still people here? Are there disciples from other sects entering? Or are there some indigenous cultivators here?"

Seeing this, Zhuge Yu quickly made a complicated hand seal with both hands, a green light flashed on his forehead, and the strange green eye disappeared.

Stop actuating the precious fan "Green Butterfly" on the opposite side, and the green light sprinkling from it stops abruptly. With a wave of his hand, he took back the precious fan "Green Butterfly" that turned back to snow-white color in his hand.

Zhuge Yu looked in the direction where he had just spotted the two unknown female cultivators and took a breath of air, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Because just now the two female cultivators seemed to have noticed his presence and were looking in the direction of Zhuge Yu. Moreover, Zhuge Yu clearly felt that the cultivation level of the other two was higher than his own, at least at the level of true elixir realm or above.

"If you meet a stranger in this Evil Ghost Path, you will most likely be an enemy. Against two monks who have cultivated in the True Alchemy Realm, you have no chance of winning. I turned around and quickly sent this news back to the person who presided over this Evil Ghost Path trial. Where is Hall Master Bai? Or should we hide and wait until we find out the other party’s details?”

Just when Zhuge Yu was hesitating, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook violently, and a burst of domineering Yuan Power was clearly transmitted from his feet.

"It's not good, they discovered my whereabouts so quickly."

At the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

Two young women with somewhat similar looks were standing together.

Both of them were wearing clothes cut from leopard-print animal skins. Although the cutting workmanship was not as exquisite as the clothes worn by Tiangui Sect disciples, it was not sloppy either. Their long black hair was neatly tied back like ponytails, looking neat and tidy.

They look young, and their big eyes and round faces reveal the childishness and cuteness that girls should have. But the skin on their exposed faces and arms is a healthy bronze color, shining with a healthy luster under the dark sun, revealing their primitive and wild beauty.

One of them wore a pair of snow-white wolf tooth earrings on his left and right earlobes. Another person wore a pearl-like animal bone necklace around his neck. Both of them wore a simple brass-colored bell around their waists.

It seems that they have no objection to the light released by the black sun in the sky, and even enjoy the sunbathing brought by the black sun. They chatted with each other on the tree-less hillside, with knowing smiles on their faces from time to time.

"Third sister, the disciples of the Tiangui Sect have entered here again for trials. Do we want to go and have a look?" asked the girl wearing wolf fang earrings.

"Fourth sister, I think what you care about is not the trial of the disciples of the Tiangui Sect, but the young and handsome guys in the Tiangui Sect, right?" The fourth sister wearing the animal bone necklace asked back, raising the corners of her eyes and showing her face. A teasing look.

"Why don't you tell the truth directly? The book says that women should be reserved. Apart from my father, there is no other man in Youfeng Mountain. By the way, there is also the little brother." Three The elder sister cast a wink at the fourth sister and replied cheerfully.

"Hahaha." After hearing this, the fourth sister burst into laughter, revealing her neat white teeth, exuding a sunny and healthy beauty.

"Why are you giggling?"

"I laughed at how you said the word "reserved". Did you read too much in the past two days? My father has long said that men should be married when they are older, and girls should be married when they are older. I am seventeen years old and you are eighteen. . She is already a grown-up girl, and there are no other men in Youfeng Mountain. Of course we have to go out and find men to be husbands. I heard that the male disciples of Tiangui Sect are not only handsome, but also have first-class skills. "


The two of them were talking to each other in whispers between girls, looking at each other knowingly and laughing.


At this moment, the brass-colored bells on their waists shook at the same time, making a clear and sweet sound.

Their laughter stopped abruptly when they heard the ringing of the bell.

"The bell finally rang. This is the first time it has rang since my father gave me this protective copper bell. It seems that someone from outside is using Kung Fu to explore our place." said the third sister.

After hearing this, the fourth sister showed a strange smile on her lips, and then said: "I think she is probably a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, but I don't know whether she is a boy or a girl. If she is a girl, we will kill her. What if she is a boy? Hehe." He said with a proud smile.

"Of course, grab it back." The third sister answered first.

Sister, wait a moment for me to cast a spell to track the location of the person just now.

As she spoke, the fourth sister bent down, spread one hand into a palm, and pressed it hard on the ground, and an unparalleled spiritual power was instantly injected into the ground beneath her feet.

There was a "buzz" sound.

The ground beneath my feet trembled.

After a while, the fourth sister stood up with a proud expression on her face. She pointed in a direction and said loudly: "I found it. The person who just cast the spell should be ten miles away to the south."

"Is he a man or a woman? Your approach is too rough, be careful to scare him away." The third sister looked in the direction of the fourth sister's finger and said with a somewhat complaining tone.

"It should be a man, he can't run away." As she said that, the fourth sister showed a proud smile on her face, and disappeared in a flash, leaving only a shadow in the place.

"Haha. My sister is really not slow when it comes to snatching men." The third sister said, and her body turned into a shadow and followed her away.


Ten miles away.

Zhuge Yu found that his whereabouts had been noticed by the other party. After identifying the direction, there was a flash of green light under his feet, and he used the grass-walking wind movement technique to head towards the route he came from, and ran back like a panicked hare.

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