True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 232 Two medicinal powers

Zhuge Yu just took the Zhuge family's secret pill "Ice Lotus Cold Fire Pill" to heal his injuries.

"Ice Lotus Cold Fire Pill" is a healing elixir with strong cold properties. It has an excellent effect in quickly relieving internal injuries. However, after taking this elixir, you must control its extremely cold power. Otherwise, not only will the injury not be cured, but the cold medicine will corrode it and aggravate the original injury.

In order to speed up recovery, Zhuge Yu forcibly activated the magic power to release the power of this pill even faster.

Although the wounds in his body caused by the combined blow of Hu San Niu and Hu Si Niu did not threaten his life, the injuries were serious. The meridians were like fire, and he was unable to display his original level of martial arts at all.

With the release of the "Ice Lotus Cold Fire Pill" medicinal power, it was like an icy spring rushing into the meridians. The icy medicinal power instantly suppressed the burning pain in the meridians.

As his physical strength gradually improved, Zhuge Yu could better control the "Green Butterfly", a treasure fan hovering three feet above his head, and release the invisibility method.

But the moment Zhuge Yu's mood was affected by the approaching Hu Siniu, his control of the treasure fan became unstable. The "green butterfly" of the precious fan that was originally rotating slowly trembled slightly, buzzing softly, and the green light it released flickered on and off.

It was this momentary fluctuation that was captured by the keen consciousness of Hu Siniu, who was only two meters away from Zhuge Yu.

"what is that?"

Hu Siniu, who was originally depressed, showed a nervous look on her face. She stared with her eyes and activated her secret method to stare at Zhuge Yu's location.

I saw a flash of red light in her eyes, and I could clearly see a wave of waves like a curtain of water. There is a shadow of a person behind the water screen. The figure is dressed in green and must be Zhuge Yu.

"Zhuge Yu! I found you!"

Hu Siniu blurted out, and she smiled.

A smile on his face is like a spring flower blooming, pure, beautiful, bright and enthusiastic.

She spread her arms, took a step forward, and hugged Zhuge Yu desperately. It was the enthusiasm of the first blooming flowers embracing spring. She couldn't help but couldn't resist.

Zhuge Yu was shocked when he saw this. Just like a child who was playing hide-and-seek and was suddenly discovered by his companions, he seemed caught off guard.

In a panic, he stopped and stood up. It was too late to avoid Hu Siniu's hug.

Hu Siniu spread out a pair of slender arms, like a pair of snakes tightly holding Zhuge Yu's neck, warm and smooth, making people feel comfortable and comfortable.

Her plump and firm, elastic breasts pressed tightly against Zhuge Yu's chest, filled with the warmth of a girl's youth. She could still feel the heat through her clothes, making her young heart flutter.

Zhuge Yu felt as if a ball of fire was rushing towards him. The passion was inescapable and he was almost ignited.

I shouted in my heart: "Crazy woman, what do you mean?"


Suddenly, Zhuge Yu screamed and his body was thrown to the ground by Hu Siniu. But Hu Siniu, who was pressing on him, still hugged him tightly.

"I won't let you run away again."

Hu Siniu said softly.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy woman! Let me go!" Zhuge Yu said intermittently.

At this time, Zhuge Yu only felt a strange coldness rushing up his meridians, and his whole body felt as if he was suddenly in a thousand-year ice cellar. It was Qihan's "Ice Lotus Cold Fire Pill". He was suddenly knocked down by Hu Siniu, and he suddenly lost control of the power of the medicine in his body.

A faint white arctic mist quickly overflowed from Zhuge Yu's body. A layer of transparent frost quickly formed on his exposed face and palms, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

This sudden change caught Hu Siniu a little off guard.

She quickly let go of her arm around Zhuge Yu and called anxiously: "Zhuge Yu, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Zhuge Yu's breathing was weak, his pulse was disordered, his eyes were closed tightly, and he had passed out.

Seeing this, Hu Siniu quickly stretched out her fingers to touch Zhuge Yu's wrist, and immediately felt a cold force running around Zhuge Yu's body like an out-of-control ice dragon. He couldn't help but frown, and his face looked solemn.

Zhuge Yu is now on the verge of going crazy.

Based on Zhuge Yu's usual situation, he was able to activate the medicinal power to heal his injuries while controlling the "Green Butterfly" treasure fan to perform the concealment technique with ease. But this time it was different. Zhuge Yu was seriously injured, and using two kinds of strength at the same time was already the limit. Suddenly being pounced by Hu Siniu, he hurriedly stopped and only took back the "Green Butterfly" treasure fan, which caused the cold medicine power of the "Ice Lotus Cold Fire Pill" in his body to go out of control.

Hu Siniu was a little panicked. She stood up and wanted to call someone for help, but she saw her four sisters fighting fiercely with Xu Yang and the others in the distance. If I go over and shout stop at this time, I'm afraid it's too late.

Suddenly, Hu Siniu's eyes lit up, as if she thought of something.

He flipped his wrist and took out a pill that was as black as ink.

This elixir is only about the size of a soybean. There are faint wisps of black fireworks jumping on the surface of the elixir, exuding powerful and incomparable heat.

"This "Youfeng Soul Resurrection Pill" was given by my father. Its medicinal properties are fiery and should be able to suppress the cold power in Master Zhuge's body."

Thinking of this, Hu Siniu gently lifted Zhuge Yu up from the ground, then opened his closed teeth with her hands, and put the "Youfeng Soul Rejuvenating Pill" into his mouth.

The "Ghost Wind Soul Resurrection Pill" melted in the mouth, and a strange heat quickly spread out, entering Zhuge Yu's meridians like a flaming tiger.

Instantly, Zhuge Yu's freezing body temperature began to rise, and the ice crystals on his face and palms began to melt and fade.

But Zhuge Yu still closed his eyes and remained silent, still falling into coma.

Seeing that Zhuge Yu's condition had improved, Hu Si Niu took a deep breath and looked at the fight between several people not far away. The smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger, and the residual power was getting bigger and bigger.

"This pill is indeed effective. It is better to send Mr. Zhuge Yu to a safer place to heal his injuries. There happens to be a cave nearby."

Hu Siniu carefully carried Zhuge Yu on her shoulders, determined the direction, and ran towards Youfeng Mountain in large strides.

A sunny cave in Youfeng Mountain was empty.

Hu Siniu hurried in with Zhuge Yu on her back.

During the turbulence, Zhuge Yu woke up and opened his eyes slightly, but his body was still weak. I just felt that my arm was being held tightly by someone.

He lowered his head and found himself being carried on Hu Siniu's shoulders, and exclaimed: "Crazy woman, what are you going to do?"

"Zhuge Yu, you're awake? It's great. The cold power in your body just broke out, and I gave you a fire elixir. It seems to be effective. There is no one to disturb you in this cave. I'm here to help. You heal."

With that said, Hu Siniu put Zhuge Yu on the ground.

"Thank you for the elixir. As for the healing, I won't bother you. I can do it myself."

Zhuge Yu was arrogant and didn't want to owe Hu Siniu anything anymore. He gritted his teeth and persisted, enduring the severe pain in his meridians and sitting cross-legged on the ground.

At this time, Zhuge Yu's two medicinal powers, one cold and one hot, had reached a delicate balance, and he could barely use his energy to heal his injuries.

"Okay, I'll protect you."

Hu Si Niu stood obediently not far from Zhuge Yu and kept silent.

Zhuge Yu, who was obviously still a little nervous, raised his head and glanced at Hu Siniu. He found that Hu Si Niu's beautiful eyes were looking at him intently.

When their eyes met, Hu Siniu nodded with a smile and took half a step back. There was no malice at all.


Zhuge Yu smiled awkwardly, unable to explain his feelings at this moment. Simply close your eyes and breathe out to heal your wounds.

"He smiled. He just smiled at me. This is the first time Mr. Zhuge has smiled at me. It's such a comfortable smile. He is indeed my favorite Mr. Zhuge." Hu Si Niu was filled with joy. Fingers clasped together excitedly.

Zhuge Yu tried to use his kung fu to guide the fusion of the two medicinal powers in his body. But these two medicinal powers, one yin and one yang, one cold and one hot, seem to be difficult to combine.

Just when Zhuge Yu was forcibly exercising his energy, the two medicinal powers burst out almost at the same time. A sudden ice dragon and a flaming tiger began to bite each other inside the body. Sometimes the ice dragon entangled the flame tiger, and sometimes the flame tiger trampled the ice dragon under its feet.

Zhuge Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, felt that the meridians in his body were suddenly like ice coming, and sometimes like a fiery purgatory. His body surface was covered with ice crystals for a while, and then the ice crystals melted, the mist rolled, and his skin was as red as hot iron.

Whether it was cold or hot, Zhuge Yu felt pain as if his soul was torn apart, and he was in excruciating pain.

At this time, Hu Siniu's eyes widened and she was shocked by Zhuge Yu's change.

She ignored Zhuge Yu's previous objections and rushed forward.

Sitting cross-legged opposite Zhuge Yu, he put his palms together with Zhuge Yu's. Magic power as strong as a tiger was continuously introduced into Zhuge Yu's body through his palms.

At first, Zhuge Yu wanted to break away because of his face. But at this time, Zhuge Yu was unable to get rid of the huge amount of power input by Hu Siniu, so he simply guided this magic power into his body to help him calm down the conflict between ice and fire in his body.

Zhuge Yu couldn't stop anything that "crazy woman" Hu Siniu wanted to do.

Unexpectedly, the power of ice and fire was too powerful, especially the power of flames. The power of the netherworld contained in it was so vast and mysterious that even with Zhuge Yu's own strength, he could not easily withstand it under normal circumstances.

Zhuge Yu didn't know that the "Youfeng Soul Resurrection Pill" that Hu Siniu had just given him was a secret pill made from three high-level demon crystals, namely the Nine Nether Crystals. . The Nine Nether Crystals can change the physique of ghost monks and make their meridian attributes more suitable for practicing ghost techniques.

The effect of this "Soul-Reviving Pill" is extremely powerful, and it has the miraculous effect of bringing back the soul of a dying person. But the premise is that the person taking it must practice the ghost method. Otherwise, the person who takes it will be turned into a ghost by the power of the netherworld and become an irrational evil ghost.

Gradually, Zhuge Yu's consciousness became blurred. His eyes turned emerald green, and the body of the wood spirit was fully activated under the infusion of the power of the netherworld. But this activation is violent and uncontrolled. It can be said that it is just a stone's throw away from going crazy.

Hu Siniu clearly felt the changes in Zhuge Yu.

"Zhuge Yu, I won't let you be hurt again." This thought flashed in Hu Siniu's mind.

Thinking of this, Hu Siniu turned her body in reverse direction, and through their close palms, she attracted the two violent medicinal powers from Zhuge Yu's body and introduced them into her own body.

What Hu Siniu didn't expect was that the violent medicinal power was mixed with Zhuge Yu's wood spirit consciousness, making it difficult to control. If she forcibly cuts off Zhuge Yu's wood spirit consciousness, Zhuge Yu's soul may be damaged.

She could only slowly control these two forces, and gradually lost control. The two medicinal powers of ice and fire began to clash with each other in Hu Siniu's body.

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